ACL Surgery... Who else?


Long Time Member
Well it is time for another ACL surgery. I had my right knee done about 7 years ago with parts from a dead guy. This time around my left knee has a complete rip and a damage to the meniscus.

Who else has had this issue? How long was your recovery?
Tore my ACL & MCL a couple years ago skiing moguls the same year I had A LE Boulder early rifle tag. Had the surgery that March and hunted the whole season in early Sep, mostly solo. It was a lot of work to get the strength and range of motion back close to normal and I didn't move around quite as well as I do now, but I got it done.
I have had ACL surgery in both knees now. Left knee about 8 years ago and right knee this march. My knee is still not back to full strength yet but I was able to hunt this year, although there was lots of pain after hiking and packing elk downhill. Best of luck and make sure to take rehab seriously in able to get full range of motion back. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Twice on left knee, once in the right knee. Total of 5 operations and a sixth coming up. If I could change one thing it would be to have healthy knees. Very rarely are they ever the same. DO your therapy 110%!!!!!! Don't cut corners! I've learned that the hard way and I'm paying for it the rest of my life. I'm 35 and I'm a knee replacement candidate but I'm too young to do it.

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-14 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]As i write this i am waiting to get my MRI results from my orthopedic surgeon.....i do not look forward to having surgery.
As soon as your Doc will let you, buy a pair of flippers go swim on your back. hopefully you live close to a indoor pool. If not the stationary bike makes the repaired knee feel much better.
Knees were not made to last, especially with contact sports, etc.
I had my left knee replaced when I was 41 due to a high school injury and resulting surgery. I will echo others about the recovery. It's painful but don't skip any of it.
Sixteen years later I had to have the same knee replaced again. I am now 8 years into the second knee replacement and so far so good.
My point is don't look back and you can still keep going.
Best of luck to you all!
My 17 yr old daughter tore her ACL and is having surgery on the 22nd. Merry Christmas! Good to hear some advice from guys that have gone through it.
Just had my consultation visit with the surgeon to get my left knee replaced. Knee has been worked on twice in the last 10 years now purely bone on bone.
I had my left knee replaced Oct. 2013 and it took about 3 months to really get back at it. I just had my left ankle fused 2 weeks ago and I can tell it's going to take longer than the knee. I've had both Hips replaced also one in 2000 and the other in 2005. The Hips were easy compared to any of the other work I've had done. Good luck to you on your recovery. My advice to anyone in pain, If it hurts, fix it. But do it after hunting season so that your ready for the next one.
Just got my MRI back and my Doctor is making a appointment with a Orthopedic Surgeon..... Torn Meniscus.................ugh.
Therapy didn't work. Not to sure about surgery.

Any recomendations? Thoughts?
Just had my ACL on my right knee done six weeks ago. It feels as good now as it did before the surgery so I am hopeful it will be fine by spring.
Due to having four surgeries on my left knee over the years, I had a total replacement on that knee three weeks ago! I've been going to therapy 3 times a week and am riding a bike at home about 45 minutes a day plus the other exercises they have lined up for me.
It all sucks but it is going well.
I'm not sure I would do it all this close together again just because i need a mental break from the pain but I will be glad to have it all done and back in shape for fishing come spring and hunting come Fall.
Meniscus is a cake walk! You can walk on it that day and run within about a month. Don't sweat that one.
Also, the pain pills sure help with pain but they do stop you up as well as make marital duties a bit tougher!
Blew mine out my junior year of high school wrestling. And continued to wrestle on it for two months. By the time I got surgery I had no ACL left and 60 something percent meniscus damage. Things never been the same since.

Right knee, ACL surgery. They used part of my Patella Tendon. That was in 2002. It's been my stronger knee ever since. Recovery took a few months. Had it back to athletic shape within the year, but I took it easy, not wanting to risk re-injury. I have played BBall and Soccer since the surgery, but not wanting to hurt my other knee, I have stopped with those sports.

Hiking the hills is good enough for me.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
L acl in about 1985, R acl in about 1995. Couple other basic cleanups since, did screw up some other stuff in each. Both from skiing. Had a recent L mri and dr doesn't really like the looks of the acl and some meniscus but said he know the crap I am doing and if I am doing that on it he wouldn't let anyone poke a hole in him. So at 45 I am sure there are many more surgires on them in my future. Wouldn't change a thing with my skiing.
Sent my surgeon this(I will just type it hear)

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, But rather to skid in sideways , totally worn out, shouting "Holy ##### what a ride!"
3 ACL surgeries. All sucked. Will probably have to have more down the road. Putting off knee replacement as long as possible. The curse of being overactive with bad knees and fat. I have to work out 5 days a week to keep my leg strength up and protect my knees. Good luck.
L acl w my patellar tendon, about 1998. Better than the R knee since rehab which I did slowly and thoroughly. I have never reinjured it. And I have used it a lot. Only weird leftover is occasional dreams in which I cannot run because my legs are wrapped around each other.

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