Antelope 2011


Active Member
Hey all, I'm looking for some advice for an antelope hunt in 2011. I am a resident but my old man is not and I need a unit that has good draw odds for res and non res and one with public access, I don't want to pay tresspass fees. My old man is 70 and killed his first buck antelope last year but it took three points to draw the unit that I have drawn every year. I live on the western side of the state and know the draw odds aren't very good around my parts without any points but I'd really like to get him a better buck than the one he killed last year without waiting several years because i know our time in the field is
getting numbered. I'm okay with traveling across the state but the closer the better. I love hunting antelope but I've got a lot of good hunting years ahead of me, so I want the next few to be successful for him. We don't need booner lopes, just want to see lots of animals and have a good time.
Thanks for your help. WBC
With no points,you can look at eastern Wyoming.Often have leftover tags there and the Walk In Areas have some good hunting.
I figured we would be kind of limited to the eastern side of the state. Do you know if G & F has maps for the walk in areas? Any personal recomendations/experience in any units? I would really love to get my father on another buck or two while I still have the opportunity.
Eastmans MRS just came out in the last issue, I'm just buying pts this year and hunting a different state.

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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

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