Antelope 64 or 67 for 2019


Active Member
It is time to use our antelope points in Wyoming. My brother and I have enough points to draw either unit 64 or unit 67 unless there is some significant point creep.

The two units look pretty similar on paper - both have 90%+ public land, nearly 90% success rates, relatively similar terrain, etc. I had been leaning towards unit 64 but I like the idea that unit 67 is also unit 90 for mule deer which I also have enough points to draw so I can use this to scout and see if I want to use my points there in 2020.

We will probably also make an early trip to chase them around with archery equipment. Is one unit better or worse for archery hunting? Is the terrain in one more conducive to archery stalks?

Was either unit impacted significantly by this past winter?

Are the roads similar or are they better in one unit? I also like that 67 is close enough to Riverton that we could stay in town if we wanted.

Will hunting pressure be about the same in both units?

Any other advice about which unit to select - could probably flip a coin I guess.

Open to other suggestions. I would enjoy hunting antelope in foot hills if that were an option somewhere.


64 is a really good hunt can't go wrong there.
Never hunted 67 so not sure how they compare but for the reasons you stated 67 sounds like a better option for you if the hunting is comparable.
Someone else will have to chime in regarding how the winter affected the areas.
I hunted 67 this past fall. Had a great hunt - my first every antelope hunt. Not the biggest one I saw, but tons of antelope. I went about 10 days after the season opened and pretty much had the
unit to myself.

Lars from Alaska

I have hunted all around that area. I would go 67, I think you will have a better chance at finding a giant there.

Both units have plenty of antelope and you would have little trouble bagging one, but it seems there are more big goats in 67.
My pick would be 67 & go for a big trophy buck. Nice you can hunt from Motel in Riverton too if weather us poor. Take plenty of time too, lots of antelope with with either unit. 64 is very remote & camp out only situation. No gasoline stations either !
Look for big long prngs first , lots of mass all the way up, then length. 67 has great genetics too. Huge amounts of country to look over-- I only drew 67 one time & got my wife an 80 " B/C class back. This in a big block of Walk In Only country, do not overlook those areas ! I hunted another week by myself but could not find another better buck than the 80", so I are tag soup that year. The breaks just did not fall into place. Most of the antelope were south of the main highway from Riverton east to the Gas Hills unit 74. No huge winter losses recently either.
Best of Luck !
Jerry Gold -- Ft Collins, Co
E M Best Contact: [email protected]
Text: 307-772-1623
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-19 AT 04:22PM (MST)[p]Archery: I can't even imagine archery hunting in 64. Generally, the more remote an area is the more wild the antelope. And that seems to hold true in 64.

Roads are similar

I've stayed in Rawlins to hunt 64 - it takes about a 1:15 to get to the southeast corner of 64. If the roads get messed up by weather it can be pretty dicey though. However, you could get a room in Jeffery City which is really close to 64. At least you could last season. But Jeffery City has almost nothing in it - maybe one gas pump and a small restaurant/bar.

Never hunted 64 on the opener so not sure on pressure then. Later in the season you won't see hardly anyone. Hunted 67 a couple times on the opener. Once we found a buck where no one else was. That was nice. The other time it was like the the scene in World War Z where the 1000's of zombies were trying to climb that fence!

For trophy size they're both very similar. We've guided on 9 bucks in 67 and 14 bucks in 64 and I feel like the size is very similar overall. You'll still have to wade through 100's and 100's of them to find a decent one like in all units in Wyoming. If size isn't a factor for you then I'd think 67 might be a better option. Unless you want to be more remote and possibly camp.

One other thing - cell service with Verizon is almost non-existent in 64. It's not great in 67, but a lot better. Not sure about the other cell carriers.

Good luck!
You have got some very good advice and intel on your request. You really can't go wrong on either hunt if you were camping and had good weather! Here are my thoughts:

1. 67 has better access if you get bad weather as 136 out of Riverton is paved across the middle of the unit.

2. 67 is closer to a hotel room, Riverton is right there or even Lander (my preference) while 64 is super remote....Jeffrey City is close in 64, but I would rather camp or drive further than stay there (your options are Rawlins, Lander or even Atlantic City on the northwest side of the unit). Atlantic City has a couple more options than Jeffrey City, but not many and they didn't have gas last time I was there. I would stay in Lander if I were not camping to hunt both units as I prefer it to Riverton or Rawlins.

3. Both are primarily public ground, with 64 being a slightly higher percent public.

4. 67 they give out 300 tags vs. 150 in 64, but 67 is 1.5 times larger of an area. I think the density of antelope is greater in 67 so it might be close to a wash on actual trophy quality.

5. 64 has some migration eastward so if hunting later in the season, 67 would be less risk to antelope migrating out.

6. This is my opinion, if you were not pre-scouting for the opener you would likely have a better chance to shoot a B&C lope in 64 than 67 due to it's remoteness. It takes more work to scout 64 and there are 150 less tags there. I think more of the bigger bucks get shot on the opener in 67 than 64 as they are pre-scouted.

If you are seriously considering Unit 90 deer, then there is an advantage to hunting 67 as you will be in 90 deer and can get up on the rim at first and last light to look around, but if you finish up a day or two early in 64 you could then go scout 90 as you are not far.

I would choose 64 if it were me, but 67 is a fine choice. Best of luck!
WOW - great information and it appears I cannot go wrong.

As it gets closer I may PM some of you and ask a few more questions.

I appreciate it, it is all very helpful.

Thank You.


You might not realize this, but post number 6 is from one of the premier antelope hunters in the world. His advice is from experience and I would listen to anything and everything he has told you.

He has been nice enough to chime in on some other posts about antelope over the past year. I have certainly seen some of the antelope his clients have taken! Lots of good advice and I am looking forward to a fun hunt for sure. We will have a full week to hunt so we should be able to find a couple quality animals to pursue. Again thank you for the input.

I was watching the G&F commission, like a few others on this website are doing i'm sure. But it appears that they approved the antelope regs as proposed. They did mention that they wanted to drop the numbers in 64 in addition to 60 and 61. Which 60 and 61 have been expressed in the proposed regs, but 64 really didn't have a change from last years numbers.
64 might have a significant drop in numbers, at least we will know before we put in.

Not trying to hijack, but OP may find responses useful too. How much of a disadvantage, if any, would waiting until Oct 1. to hunt 67 be?
We ended up drawing 67 primarily because our odds of drawing were 100% where with 64 there was a slim chance we would not draw in 2019 plus I am pretty sure I want to hunt Unit 90 for mule deer in 2020 or 2021. I think we are going to camp rather than stay in Riverton or Lander.

One question I have is what do you guys do with the meat when you harvest one - dry ice, is there a locker close that will freeze the meat for us, some other option? Since we have two tags we will need to deal with the first while we hunt for the second.

Any suggestions on an area to set up camp? I prefer to hunt an area where the antelope and mule deer cross paths if possible.

We plan to go bow hunt/scout the unit in late August for a few days just to get a little bonus hunting in. We do not really expect to kill anything on the trip. Any advice on bow hunting antelope - that is new to me - cow or antelope decoys for sneaking, sit water, drive around and jump out of the truck, wear antelope suits - we are not too proud for that :)
A good sized cooler with ice works fine as long as you keep it drained and keep the meat from getting wet. Dry ice would work also. If you get some cold nights it helps to lay the meat out in the back of the truck to get nice and cold. I like a 120 qt cooler to leave plenty of room for ice and it'll fit a few quartered antelope no problem.
Me and my iowa buddy hunted it and stayed in lander. Where we stayed had a walk in cooler we killed two days apart without any meat worries. Scouted the rim for deer as well.....we were sitting on max points and didn't cash em in on 90.
Let me know if I can help.
67 is a great antelope unit. Spend time looking over as many bucks as possible. For the record, I would listen to what Eli has to say. He knows antelope. Good luck
The hunt is almost finally here. I had my PET scan last week and it showed no signs of any remaining cancer (after three surgeries, 7 weeks of chemo, and 35 radiation treatments) so that certainly added some positive energy to all of this. We are not going out for the opener because my daughter is taking hunter safety on Saturday and we have a really nice buck sort of patterned for the youth deer opener here which is also Saturday so those are higher priority.

We will drive out Sunday night and Monday morning.

Looking forward to seeing lots of antelope and having fun.

Thanks for all the help and hopefully we will have some good photos to post in two weeks.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-19 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]Good luck on the WY hunt and hunters safety for your daughter! Knowing the bucks you have on your place I'm sure a big ol whitetail is in trouble Saturday or Sunday.
Hope you find a giant WY buck and have a great hunt. Great to hear your health is coming back! Have fun and make some memories!
Well we are back home from our week in Wyoming. We had a blast hunting antelope and scouting for possible deer and elk hunts in the coming years. We saw so many antelope it was silly. We obviously spent a lot of time in our unit but we also spent some time in neighboring units that require half the points to draw and frankly the difference in numbers and to some degree quality was hardly noticeable. Of course one significant difference was the amount of accessible public land but we saw plenty of goats and some nice ones on the accessible public land. So my first piece of advice would be to hunt more often and not accumulate lots of points. I would say once you have 4-6 points use them.

We arrived in Cheyenne on Sunday morning early and met up with my niece who is a teacher in Cheyenne. She is getting married next weekend in Omaha and it was really nice to visit with her and we are looking forward to her wedding this weekend. We left there and arrived in our unit about 1:00 p.m. Sunday.

The first photo is of my brother and his antelope. It is a really nice goat except for I did not notice that one of his cutters was broken off before I told him I thought it was a shooter. Still a really pretty goat and we snuck within 90 yards.

Mine was not the biggest antelope but it was a fun stalk and fun shooting situation. The antelope had been feeding on a bench and once they dumped off the side we climbed up to the top and peaked over to find them feeding about 160 yards out. Watched them for a while before I decided I liked the set up and was happy enough with his size. We only hunted two days but covered a lot of ground in the area and saw so many antelope. One thing I love about antelope hunting is that you can hunt them from sunrise to sunset.



We then spent a day looking over the local mule deer and I simply would not burn my 10 points in Unit 90 for mule deer. We saw plenty of mule deer but the size was far from impressive. I am sure there are some good ones running around but it just is not an area I will hunt.

Then we were off to Yellowstone for what we thought would be a few days. I will keep this short too. I did not realize how crowded and commercial Yellowstone was. We did enjoy hiking and finding some of the geysers that were off the beaten path a little. Even though they are almost tame I enjoyed watching the bison too.

So we then headed out to scout the Big Horns for a possible elk hunt in 2020. We spent most of our time in Unit 45 but also spent a little time in Unit 38. I really liked both of them. We saw more elk in 45 but saw a really nice bull in 38. I personally liked the terrain in 45 better than 38. We talked to some hunters, cowboys, and campers and everyone was so nice and helpful. We did not see anyone with a harvested elk. We found some really good glassing spots and just planted ourselves. We saw a total of 15 bulls in three days. The biggest was in 38 - 330" and most were under 300". We now at least know the lay of the land a little and have three or four starting places in both units. We also talked to a nice young man at Irma's in Cody and he was pleading with us to hunt unit 54 so we will research that a little. He offered some information to get us started. I am a point short of being able to draw 54 Type 1.

We covered a lot of ground and saw lots of area. I was pleased with how well I did hiking. The only challenge I had was that due to my health issues recently I was not able to carry more than about 20 lbs for day long hikes because it made my shoulders hurt - my legs were fine (although I did carry my boned out antelope about one mile). I lost so much weight that I was struggling to get my pack tight enough around my waist to get my weight on my hips rather than my shoulders.

All in all we had a lot of fun, talked to many nice people, and are looking forward to returning next year to hunt elk.

I have also been able to hunt whitetails during the youth season here with my 13 year old daughter and we saw what I believe to be the biggest deer I have ever seen Saturday evening. It was at last light and he stayed over a little rise at 90 yards so in a seated position my daughter could only see his head and back. I saw this deer in velvet and knew he was really good but I did not know how good until we saw him Saturday. Hopefully in the coming weeks I will be able to post a photo with her and this buck.

Thanks for the advice and guidance many of you provided.


Thank you for sharing your hunt, great reading for sure and I hope your health stays strong.

Take care.
Glad you had a fun and successful hunt congrats.
I love hunting Wyoming and like you I have found the people to be extremely friendly and helpful especially to us non residents.
I'm no expert but as far as Antelope hunting but I think in general the higher point units get you more public and less tags ( less pressure ). Lower points less public more tags but great Bucks are shot in those units every year.
Congrats on 2 great bucks and thank you for sharing! Good luck on the deer hunt! I'm sure you guys will make it happen on a stud buck.
RE: Antelope 64 or 67 for 2019 (and a deer pic)

I guess I am turning this thread into my HAC for 2019. The cold front that hit us this weekend had the deer moving, especially on Sunday when the wind died down a bit in the morning. I have been trying to take my daughter (the muzzle loader season is open also)but she always has things like sports, church, school, etc.

I have not recovered fully from my cancer surgeries and treatments so I had to get a permit to use a cross bow. I am highly confident I could have killed this buck with my vertical bow - 30 yards broadside making a scrape with no clue I was there). That said the cross bow is sure fun to use and really easy.

He only went about 50 yards and died. I tried to clean some of the blood off but as you can see there was just too much to get off.

I have the set of sheds from this deer in 2018 and saw him multiple times in 2018. He was only a 120" buck last year - he clearly exploded.

RE: Antelope 64 or 67 for 2019 (and a deer pic)

Congratulations ! I'd say you're having a pretty decent fall so far :)

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J & J Outfitters

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