Antler growth


Active Member
Now that the elk draw is complete and my son has his first elk tag coming, what can we expect for antler growth this year?

Depends on unit? Some units are at 5 percent of average and some at 100%+. We just got some good rain and snow last night through most of the state so that should help.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-16 AT 03:46PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-01-16 AT 03:03?PM (MST)

Yeah every unit will be a little different. I just looked at percent of average precipitation and 5b is doing better this winter compared to a lot of other units. Sagebrush, thanks for posting that image. I remember that one guy once had a map of the state showing the units winter precipitation by color, but I'm not sure where he got it. Flagstaff was like around 1.28 inches of precipitation below average before this current storm but that has changed after this storm. This storm seemed decent, and came at a good time to green things up which will help. They're also saying maybe another storm next weekend.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-16 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]After looking at a percent of normal precipitation from October 1st to after this last storm here is how the units are doing.
Unit 1: North 3/4's 75-100 percent of normal, south 1/4:50-90 percent.
Unit 3A: 90-125 percent of normal
Unit 3C: 90-125 percent of normal
Unit 4A :North half 100-150 percent, South half 75-100 percent
Unit 4B: 90-125 percent of normal
Unit 5A: North half 100-125 percent of normal, South half 75-100 percent
Unit 5B North: 100-125 percent of normal
Unit 5B South: 50-90 percent of normal
Unit 6A: North half 75-125 percent of normal, South half 50-90 percent
Unit 6B: 90-125 percent of normal
Unit 7 East: 75-100 percent of normal
Unit 7 West: 50-90 percent of normal
Unit 8: Northeast half 50-90 percent, Southwest corner 100 percent of normal
Unit 9: West half 50-90 percent of normal, east half 75-100 percent
Unit 10: East half 50-90 percent, West half 75-100 percent of normal
Unit 11M: East side 90-125 percent of normal, West side 50-90 percent
Unit 22: 50-90 percent
Unit 23: 50-75 percent
Unit 27: North half 50-90 percent, South half 75-125 percent.
brian390, thanks for the detailed response, he's actually holding a 5BS early rifle tag.
I think we are in for an average year for most of the AZ elk country. I do watch the rain averages for my areas pretty close, but no matter the rain/antler conditions, I'm always happy to have a tag and not be sitting out!

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