Anyone get snake bit?

Mojave rattlesnakes are beautifully colored and the pattern is very intricate. People mess with them WAY too much!!! This one lost a fight with my Kawasaki tire!

My crazy friend in Pennsylvania just can't wait for Timber rattlesnake season to open every July



Just about run a 3 footer over on Friday last week he was stretched out across the path I was riding my bike on. First one of the season for me
Me and rattlesnakes are of the same mind on people these days. Don’t f with me and you won’t get bit.

I don’t kill them anymore unless they are around the house or have a bad attitude.
My commercial fishing partner back in the day was a rattlesnake hunter. He said that rattlesnakes can feel vibrations so you have to walk softly but they are almost deaf so you can talk as loud as you want and not scare them. I never personally tested it.

This a local news story.

I have never been bitten. Had a couple of strikes hit my boots. My sister was bitten a couple of years ago. But she wasn't a kid playing with snakes. She's a 70 year grandmother that was picking blueberries at a commercial blueberry farm. She got bit on the hand when she reached into a blueberry bush. She went to emergency room and I think they gave her a cortisone shot, monitored her for a while an sent her home.

A friend of one of my neighbors died a couple of years ago from complications from a bite. They thought maybe it was a reaction to the anti-venom.

I think it's pretty rare for people to get treated with anti-venom. Emergency rooms mostly give cortisone and antibiotics.

Most of the bites here are from copperheads which usually aren't as bad as rattle snakes which are usually bigger and able to inject more venom.
When I was a kid my uncle lived in a rural area where he let his dogs run loose. He had a redbone hound that got bit two or three times a year. It's head would swell up to double normal size. That dog hated snakes and no doubt it got bit while it was killing them.
By the way, after the election all of those campaign signs beside the road make good rifle/pistol targets. Just watch for snakes when you are getting them.
Stepped into 3 rattlers once when I was around 12. 2 of them were in the process of pushing out their birthing sacs for lack of a better description. They weren't aggressive. The one that was a little assed up coiled back. I hopped right the hell outta there. Close call. My young son got a scratch from the fang of a dead one (long story). His arm from the elbow down swelled up. We were about 100 miles from any medical. Kept him calm and kept the arm low and cool. Never got sick or anything. Swelling went down after about 1.5 hours. He was fine.
I aggressively kill everyone I see. My bird dog appreciates it. Met 2 folks,one with a withered hand, the other with a messed up foot from RS bites.

If you have dogs that hunt where the buzztails live the above link is something you should talk about with your vet. Dog still gotta go to the vet after a bite but you have a lot more time to get there and the effects (and vet bills) are generally substantially reduced. My setters made me a believer when a bite resulted in a quick checkup instead of a week in doggy ICU. Shyt gets expensive real quick
I’ve caught a lot of them ,with my daughter, she loves snakes. I respect them, move them out of the road and let them go

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