Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?


Long Time Member
Settle a "discussion" between me an Oneye.

Do your kids have furries in their schools? Mostly curious about Utah, but I'm guessing it's elsewhere

Yes, mine do. Davis County School District
Used to. My kid is older now.

The dude is OK and has no other oddities I am aware of. Polite , respectful and on time.

He and my
Not in school nor do I have kids, but I've heard about some furries in local schools and the kids requesting for "litter boxes" to be placed in the bathrooms for them to go in.......I know or one child whom I see walk past the house to the school in the mornings who wears a collar and tail and that crap....makes me sick.
A Couple Weeks Ago I Seen This Gal In The Grocery Store!

Must Of Been A Furrie?

I'm Telling You Her Tail Was Of B&C!

I'm With Shadow!

At Least Hossy Is In To This Weird Sshit Enough To SPLAIN It To Us!

Not in school nor do I have kids, but I've heard about some furries in local schools and the kids requesting for "litter boxes" to be placed in the bathrooms for them to go in.......I know or one child whom I see walk past the house to the school in the mornings who wears a collar and tail and that crap....makes me sick.
WOW....I just asked my kids if they knew what furries were and they both giggled.....which made me nervous. My 22yo son said there was one when he was in high school that wore a tail and ears....he said they need to bring back bullying to put an end to that 17 year old daughter said there was one last year but he gave it up...

I asked here if she knew any trannies or furries and she laughed and said no....said they aren't in the AP classes....god bless her
WOW....I just asked my kids if they knew what furries were and they both giggled.....which made me nervous. My 22yo son said there was one when he was in high school that wore a tail and ears....he said they need to bring back bullying to put an end to that 17 year old daughter said there was one last year but he gave it up...

I asked here HER
Sorry Homer!

It Ain't Often I Can School You!:D

if she knew any trannies or furries and she laughed and said no....said they aren't in the AP classes....god bless her
Kids had one in HS last year here in IL. Teacher was also practicing this as well but ended up losing their job over touching a kid inappropriately. You could fix this crap by feeding them what their choice of animal eats. Betting if ya crack open a can of 9 lives they won’t be digging into it with a spoon. This country is full of idiots that’s for sure.

Furries in this "discussion" are kids that generally identify as a cat or dog. Mostly they wear ears, collars, tails. Most hiss, or bark. A couple were known to wear full fur costumes, but locally that ended when a girl challenged the district saying it was discrimination that she couldn't be bare midriff because of distractions, but kids were full animal costume.

Oneyes Google is broke or "what is a furry" would bury him with a gazillion pages of what they are.
Yeah, there are furries in both my kids schools in Davis.

One of my sales guys says they have them in slc too.

It's common enough I didn't think it was a secret
My boys in high school last year in Orem Utah had a few furries in their school. Said it got to be a joke in class. Huge distraction. And in one of the local Jr highs, had litter boxes for a few of them. I thought the kids were joking until I asked a few kids at church and they confirmed they had seen them. So pathetic!
My son said the same as another already posted, bring back bullying and that would go away real fast.
Furries in this "discussion" are kids that generally identify as a cat or dog. Mostly they wear ears, collars, tails. Most hiss, or bark. A couple were known to wear full fur costumes, but locally that ended when a girl challenged the district saying it was discrimination that she couldn't be bare midriff because of distractions, but kids were full animal costume.

Oneyes Google is broke or "what is a furry" would bury him with a gazillion pages of what they are.
Oneye cannot possibly believe furries do not exist. Hell, there are entire articles on CNN covering the culture of furries, including those of children and how much bullying they get.

(BTW- I don't normally read CNN, but they cover furries pretty heavily :)
Oneye cannot possibly believe furries do not exist. Hell, there are entire articles on CNN covering the culture of furries, including those of children and how much bullying they get.

(BTW- I don't normally read CNN, but they cover furries pretty heavily :)

Notice he hasn't responded.

When he does he'll spin
I think it's a societal problem in the U.S. Too many parents affirm stupid ideas and "feelings" that their kids have because they're afraid they might look bad if they don't. Also, it seems like a lot of dads are spineless cucks. If one thing can make kids go down the wrong path, it's a cowardly or non-existent father.

Hard part for some parents any more is you can get into SERIOUS trouble anymore for physically punishing your child. If they go to school and say their mom or dad spanked them, CPS can be called.
Hard part for some parents any more is you can get into SERIOUS trouble anymore for physically punishing your child. If they go to school and say their mom or dad spanked them, CPS can be called.
Problem with CPS is that they try to keep families together through counseling.....counseling doesn't work for douchebag parents. Had to call CPS for my gkids and they put the parents through a counseling plan. The plan was 4-5 weeks of counseling/courses that changed them in no way shape or form.

Kids need to be put in check and slapped in the face with reality these days. I am glad I don't have to parent these days. I'd have spent time in jail.

On that note....I have really good, respectful kids who are doing things with their lives....and it ain't working at Starbs, Ulta or Petsmart.
Reality is, kids need boundaries and standards.

There is the swath of our population that is willing to sacrifice a generation for the feelings of individuals.

Virtue signaling is much more important to the parents, than raising good citizens.

On top of that, the apologists follow.

I started the thread because I was repeatedly told something most know exists, doesn't, because facing it also requires looking at the causes of it, and their is a common cause.

The kids are the victims of bad parenting. That bad parenting is supported by a philosophy, that looks past the generation, to not deal with individuals who need help, not a stump speech about all the wrongs of the past

2 days in and @Oneye hasn't chimed in. I was looking forward to him telling all you guys that your just conspiracy theorists cuz furries aren't real.

2 days in and @Oneye hasn't chimed in. I was looking forward to him telling all you guys that your just conspiracy theorists cuz furries aren't real.
I honestly didn't even notice you'd started another thread. I don't have all day to look through every post you tag me in. Also @hossblur plenty of people don't even know what they are. And you think heresay or "I heard" is proving anything? My lord dude. Go work on something. This entire thread of posts kinda proves this isn't a thing. Heresay, conspiracy? Yeah. But not real. When the first replies are always. "Wtf is a furry" it kinda proves the point.
I honestly didn't even notice you'd started another thread. I don't have all day to look through every post you tag me in. Also @hossblur plenty of people don't even know what they are. And you think heresay or "I heard" is proving anything? My lord dude. Go work on something. This entire thread of posts kinda proves this isn't a thing. Heresay, conspiracy? Yeah. But not real. When the first replies are always. "Wtf is a furry" it kinda proves the point.
It's been proven there's furries in school, so not sure what you're whining about here because someone's calling you out lol.
I do love @hossblur how you'll go out of your way to take isolated hearsay on an internet forum to prove a few kids have issues, but I would guess you haven't asked too many black individuals or kids how much racism they've dealt with or if they feel comfortable in this state a lot of the time. You sure love to deflect on that issue but boy you prove my point you obsess over the nonsense out there.
It's been proven there's furries in school, so not sure what you're whining about here because someone's calling you out lol.
Proven? Yes. A few isolated incidents of kids being in a mentally bad way is true. Litter boxes in your local high school IS NOT. There's plenty of mentally disturbed individuals out there and there always will be. You do not have litter boxes in high schools so really can we grow up?

Because let me tell you, when you really get to know someone who’s a minority in the state they’ll have a blunt response. “Utah is racist as ****” but you don’t want to hear that reality. You wanna obsess over furries like it’s some rampant issue.
Proven? Yes. A few isolated incidents of kids being in a mentally bad way is true. Litter boxes in your local high school IS NOT. There's plenty of mentally disturbed individuals out there and there always will be. You do not have litter boxes in high schools so really can we grow up?
Are you in high-school? Pretty sure ya ain't. I'm far past high-school, but I'll bet my left testy that I'm a heck of a lot closer to that age than you lol. And I know for a fact that there has been letterboxes placed at school for these mentally unstables. Why do you think that there has been an astronomical increase in homeschooling lol, because that type of crap is being accepted.
Proven? Yes. A few isolated incidents of kids being in a mentally bad way is true. Litter boxes in your local high school IS NOT. There's plenty of mentally disturbed individuals out there and there always will be. You do not have litter boxes in high schools so really can we grow up?

Because let me tell you, when you really get to know someone who’s a minority in the state they’ll have a blunt response. “Utah is racist as ****” but you don’t want to hear that reality. You wanna obsess over furries like it’s some rampant issue.

Careful there Oneye. You're not allowed to call them mentally disturbed. The left does not allow such things
I think it's a societal problem in the U.S. Too many parents affirm stupid ideas and "feelings" that their kids have because they're afraid they might look bad if they don't. Also, it seems like a lot of dads are spineless cucks. If one thing can make kids go down the wrong path, it's a cowardly or non-existent father.

Can the same thing be said about same sex attraction?
Can the same thing be said about same sex attraction?
Honestly, I'd say that's a possibility in our current state of the union. However, the few homosexual people that I know, they are pretty conservative. They mind their business and want nothing to do with the current movement. They're nothing like the "look at me" types we see currently. It seems like being and/or doing the exact opposite of what is natural, is the cool thing to do now days. If you're not doing something "radical", you're a boring, racist, ultra maga gringo. God forbid anybody have modest morals and solid principles.

Honestly, I'd say that's a possibility in our current state of the union. However, the few homosexual people that I know, they are pretty conservative. They mind their business and want nothing to do with the current movement. They're nothing like the "look at me" types we see currently. It seems like being and/or doing the exact opposite of what is natural, is the cool thing to do now days. If you're not doing something "radical", you're a boring, racist, ultra maga gringo. God forbid anybody have modest morals and solid principles.

You mean real life people aren't what you see in viral TikTok posts or ridiculous Facebook posts?
Careful there Oneye. You're not allowed to call them mentally disturbed. The left does not allow such things
See hoss, my problem isn't that you think these kids/adults need help. My problem is it's just not a legitimate problem and you wanna be outraged over it, while actual problems exist.
Maybe. But stats and data say there's been an explosion of both homosexuality, and transsexuality. Seems social media might play a facto
See hoss, my problem isn't that you think these kids/adults need help. My problem is it's just not a legitimate problem and you wanna be outraged over it, while actual problems exist.

Your problem is you **** off your mouth claiming something didn't exist, and now, you know it does but admitting you misspoke just kills you, so you spin somewhere else.

You said furries aren't a thing. You were demonstrably wrong.

That's your "problem".
And I'm "outraged" that folks like yourself, live in a fantasy world and not the real world.

And proof of their fantasy is exhibited in their voting results.

Crime, school issues, anti Americansl chit, isn't a accident, it's a plan.

So guys like me who are pissed about selling off public land for instance, and would love to primary Mike Lee, have to shut up, because leftist idiots are busy burning down the country.

That's my outrage
And I'm "outraged" that folks like yourself, live in a fantasy world and not the real world.

And proof of their fantasy is exhibited in their voting results.

Crime, school issues, anti Americansl chit, isn't a accident, it's a plan.

So guys like me who are pissed about selling off public land for instance, and would love to primary Mike Lee, have to shut up, because leftist idiots are busy burning down the country.

That's my outrage
At some point we can expect Biden to appoint a Furry to a high Cabinet position to secure the Furry vote.
The US Presidential envoy for climate looks like a horse. Just sayin'

Maybe. But stats and data say there's been an explosion of both homosexuality, and transsexuality. Seems social media might play a facto
Maybe people feel more comfortable saying it today than they did 50 years ago? People have always been this way, they just don't have to be scared their whole lives to say who they are, although clearly there's still people who have many issues with what other adults do with their life and who they're attracted to.

Your problem is you **** off your mouth claiming something didn't exist, and now, you know it does but admitting you misspoke just kills you, so you spin somewhere else.

You said furries aren't a thing. You were demonstrably wrong.

That's your "problem".
Litter boxes in your school ARE NOT a thing no matter how much you wish they were so you can be outraged.

And I'm "outraged" that folks like yourself, live in a fantasy world and not the real world.
Like you?
And proof of their fantasy is exhibited in their voting results.

Crime, school issues, anti Americansl chit, isn't a accident, it's a plan.
So guys like me who are pissed about selling off public land for instance, and would love to primary Mike Lee, have to shut up, because leftist idiots are busy burning down the country.

That's my outrage
The country is ending every year it seems like to people like you. Yet, still just keeps going. It's like listening to someone like Ben Shapiro swear for 4 years now an economic collapse is literally right in front of us. He just keeps kicking the can down the road until one day there is an economic turndown, but it hasn't happened yet, even though he's been swearing it for 4 years now. I think my favorite part was listening to Republicans frustration that the US economy grew MORE than expected in the last quarter and hearing them say "well wait that's fake". I promise the country isn't ending Hoss, it'll be okay. I know you wish it was, but America although divided is not falling anytime soon. Seems like America failing is conservatives wet dream, but we shall continue whether Trump or Biden is President and beyond.
Kids in a schools aren't adults. So yes, both parents and society as a whole has an interest in issues kids have.

9th time now. I did not say there were litter boxes in schools. I said there was a push.

Aren't you the guy screaming about the end of democracy if Trump is elected🙄
Kids in a schools aren't adults. So yes, both parents and society as a whole has an interest in issues kids have.
Didn't say they didn't.
9th time now. I did not say there were litter boxes in schools. I said there was a push.
Mmmmm....glad we've made the point for the 9th time here it didn't happen.
Aren't you the guy screaming about the end of democracy if Trump is elected🙄
The system will hold, but if Trump could be dictator, he would. Yes. You know what Biden will do if he loses? Leave the White House and not cause a riot at its doorsteps.
Didn't say they didn't.

Mmmmm....glad we've made the point for the 9th time here it didn't happen.

The system will hold, but if Trump could be dictator, he would. Yes. You know what Biden will do if he loses? Leave the White House and not cause a riot at its doorsteps.

although clearly there's still people who have many issues with what other adults do with their life and who they're attracted to.

Ya, ya you did
Didn't say they didn't.

Mmmmm....glad we've made the point for the 9th time here it didn't happen.

The system will hold, but if Trump could be dictator, he would. Yes. You know what Biden will do if he loses? Leave the White House and not cause a riot at its doorsteps.

I'm old enough to remember most major cities boarding up windows on election day in case trump won.

Biden signed more executive orders to begin his presidency than anyone. Who's the want to be dictator
I'm old enough to remember most major cities boarding up windows on election day in case trump won.

Biden signed more executive orders to begin his presidency than anyone. Who's the want to be dictator
Donald Trump signed around the exact same number of executive orders while he was President Hoss. It's what the office does at this point. Biden will accept election results if he loses and leave the white House. I would guess he'd even attend Trumps inauguration. I love how you swear it's one sided but then reality slaps you in the face that orange man used his pen just as much.
How can yall even compare sleepy Joe and trump? It's like comparing a retarded baby with dementia, to a business man who ran a country like a business. Sure he fought when he didn't get elected....BECAUSE OF ALL THE PROVEN ELECTION FRAUD THERE WAS.
Donald Trump signed around the exact same number of executive orders while he was President Hoss. It's what the office does at this point. Biden will accept election results if he loses and leave the white House. I would guess he'd even attend Trumps inauguration. I love how you swear it's one sided but then reality slaps you in the face that orange man used his pen just as much.

Biden doesn't know where he is most of the time. I mean he was talking about Britney Spears concerts
I’m lost….are you implying that being a furry is a gateway to a cush goobermint job? With sex-change insurance coverage.

Regardless, that picture says so much about the current state of affairs.

I'll admit. I'm not sure a sex change is part of the culture. Guess it depends on which furry friend?

Why are you judging the picture? Perfectly normal behavior. Common place where Oneye lives.
How can yall even compare sleepy Joe and trump? It's like comparing a retarded baby with dementia, to a business man who ran a country like a business. Sure he fought when he didn't get elected....BECAUSE OF ALL THE PROVEN ELECTION FRAUD THERE WAS.
Crazy the delusional world people live in where they swear their moron is great.

And if anybody was worried about the mental health of our children the entire Biden administration would be in jail for child abuse over the lies about climate change.
Climate change is real. So there's that.
Biden doesn't know where he is most of the time. I mean he was talking about Britney Spears concerts
You're the one talking about his executive orders. Do you not like that I pointed out the orange God had just as many? Sorry. And I agree, Dems should dump Biden not prop him up as their puppet. I've said multiple times Biden should not be the nominee for Dems.
Crazy the delusional world people live in where they swear their moron is great.

Climate change is real. So there's that.

You're the one talking about his executive orders. Do you not like that I pointed out the orange God had just as many? Sorry. And I agree, Dems should dump Biden not prop him up as their puppet. I've said multiple times Biden should not be the nominee for Dems.

So Trumps a dictator, or Hitler. So your defense is "about as many" as orange Hitler?

Hell of a defense
Crazy the delusional world people live in where they swear their moron is great.

Climate change is real. So there's that.

You're the one talking about his executive orders. Do you not like that I pointed out the orange God had just as many? Sorry. And I agree, Dems should dump Biden not prop him up as their puppet. I've said multiple times Biden should not be the nominee for Dems.
How is that delusional? There is mountains of proof that the left rigged the election...yet your side is better because they said nice words. Go back to scrubbing toilets, please.
So Trumps a dictator, or Hitler. So your defense is "about as many" as orange Hitler?

Hell of a defense
So Hoss, you're the one who made the assertion that executive orders were what made a dictator. So it's actually you saying he's orange Hitler because of that.

My point of view that he's a wanna-be dictator is that he tried every way to actually steal an election, claimed he won an election he lost, called someone to find him votes in a state he lost, asked Pence to overturn the election, etc. It's the whole trying to say you won an election you lost and stay in power that starts to ride on the edge of that dictator stuff. President's sign executive orders now, of both parties. Again, it's you make the argument that is what makes them both dictators, not me.
How is that delusional? There is mountains of proof that the left rigged the election...yet your side is better because they said nice words. Go back to scrubbing toilets, please.
No there's not, but you've been told that's what happened in your bubble. Lost every court case, lost the election, Biden's President. Even right leaning courts say you're wrong, but you believe what you heard at the coffee shop and on Facebook so that's reality these days. Go back to reading your Facebook feed as a news site and swearing you know you're right while simultaneously being proven wrong by reality and courts that are politically aligned with you. He. Lost. The. Election. Deal with it. It has been 3 f****** years.
So Hoss, you're the one who made the assertion that executive orders were what made a dictator. So it's actually you saying he's orange Hitler because of that.

My point of view that he's a wanna-be dictator is that he tried every way to actually steal an election, claimed he won an election he lost, called someone to find him votes in a state he lost, asked Pence to overturn the election, etc. It's the whole trying to say you won an election you lost and stay in power that starts to ride on the edge of that dictator stuff. President's sign executive orders now, of both parties. Again, it's you make the argument that is what makes them both dictators, not me.

Luckily, no one ever did that before

*Cough* right Al Gore? Right Hillary.

You nailed it. Trump did use the word vermin.
No there's not, but you've been told that's what happened in your bubble. Lost every court case, lost the election, Biden's President. Even right leaning courts say you're wrong, but you believe what you heard at the coffee shop and on Facebook so that's reality these days. Go back to reading your Facebook feed as a news site and swearing you know you're right while simultaneously being proven wrong by reality and courts that are politically aligned with you. He. Lost. The. Election. Deal with it. It has been 3 f****** years.


I googled that while taking a dump. Imagine if I spent a min
Luckily, no one ever did that before

*Cough* right Al Gore? Right Hillary.

You nailed it. Trump did use the word vermin.
Yep they did. So is this defense for Trump doing it to and admitting he’s also lying? At least Hillary could point and actually say she got more actual votes. But yes you’re right. All 3 of them LOST their elections. See how easy it is to just admit losers lost?
Yep they did. So is this defense for Trump doing it to and admitting he’s also lying? At least Hillary could point and actually say she got more actual votes. But yes you’re right. All 3 of them LOST their elections. See how easy it is to just admit losers lost?

I've yet to claim otherwise.

What charges did they face?
I’m not sure what your point is here lol. Hillary lost. Trump lost. See how easy this is?

The point is pretty simple.

If your a D, there is no penalty for election denial. Whether your a Clinton, or Hakeem Jefferies.

There's no penalty, because R doesn't believe in weaponizing the DOJ.

Hillary WAS NOT locked up.
I've yet to claim otherwise.

What charges did they face?
Did Hillary call Georgia and ask them to find him votes? Did Hillary ask the VP and say he had the power to deny the election results and instill her as President? Idk, like I said, Trump may be a target, but he makes himself an easy one. Hillary did not actually try to overturn the election and neither did Obama. Trump actively did. They may have both said they didn’t lose, but Trump did go a bit further than that.
The point is pretty simple.

If your a D, there is no penalty for election denial. Whether your a Clinton, or Hakeem Jefferies.

There's no penalty, because R doesn't believe in weaponizing the DOJ.

Hillary WAS NOT locked up.
Trump has also not been locked up. And again, Hillary didn’t do the exact things that Trump did. Saying you didn’t lose isn’t the same as telling the VP to overturn or deny results and asking state officials to find you 11,000 votes. I’m not saying he isn’t targeted, he is. He’s still a moron and makes himself an even bigger target to hit.
Did Hillary call Georgia and ask them to find him votes? Did Hillary ask the VP and say he had the power to deny the election results and instill her as President? Idk, like I said, Trump may be a target, but he makes himself an easy one. Hillary did not actually try to overturn the election and neither did Obama. Trump actively did. They may have both said they didn’t lose, but Trump did go a bit further than that.

Hillary, started Russiagate. It was started from a Fusion GOS story her campaign bought, then had put into the public.

Call Russiagate whatever you want, but it damn sure was an attempt to deny the votes of Americans.
Trump has also not been locked up. And again, Hillary didn’t do the exact things that Trump did. Saying you didn’t lose isn’t the same as telling the VP to overturn or deny results and asking state officials to find you 11,000 votes. I’m not saying he isn’t targeted, he is. He’s still a moron and makes himself an even bigger target to hit.

Well hell.

Seems we agree.

He is targeted.

I agree totally.
Trump has also not been locked up. And again, Hillary didn’t do the exact things that Trump did. Saying you didn’t lose isn’t the same as telling the VP to overturn or deny results and asking state officials to find you 11,000 votes. I’m not saying he isn’t targeted, he is. He’s still a moron and makes himself an even bigger target to hit.
Hillary said she Wiped her server... "like with a cloth?"
Destruction of evidence? Smashing phones, bleach bit?

The Clintons are trash. Bill took advantage of a young Monica Lewinsky. If it wasn't for Linda Tripp saving that famous BLUE DRESS. Bill and Hillary would have gotten away with lying and smearing her reputation just like they did with ALL the other women.

Aug 19, 2015
Aug 19 -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke to the press after a town hall meeting today in Las Vegas on Tuesday. No surprise, the topic on everyone’s mind was the controversy surrounding her e-mails. When pressed by Fox’s Ed Henry as to whether she wiped the server clean, Clinton replied, “What, like with a cloth or something?” She went on to admit, “I don't know how it works digitally at all.”

Back to the original thread. I don't know if they have Furries in Canada but they did have this shop teacher! 🤮

Either way public schools are infested with left wing radical DEMOCRATIC ideals and values.


The Canadian teacher who sparked controversy after photos showed her in class wearing Z-size prosthetic breasts last year has landed a new teaching gig — prompting the school to enact additional security measures for safety.

Parents of high schoolers at Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario, have been warned by the school’s principal there may be “protests” and “disruptions” over Kayla Lemieux’s hiring, in a memo obtained by the Toronto Sun.

“We are writing to you today because we anticipate the school your child is attending this year, Nora Frances Henderson, may receive some level of public attention, and we want to communicate what this means for you, your children, and our school,” Principal Tom Fisher wrote in the memo.
Back to the original thread. I don't know if they have Furries in Canada but they did have this shop teacher! 🤮

Either way public schools are infested with left wing radical DEMOCRATIC ideals and values.

View attachment 127043

The Canadian teacher who sparked controversy after photos showed her in class wearing Z-size prosthetic breasts last year has landed a new teaching gig — prompting the school to enact additional security measures for safety.

Parents of high schoolers at Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario, have been warned by the school’s principal there may be “protests” and “disruptions” over Kayla Lemieux’s hiring, in a memo obtained by the Toronto Sun.

“We are writing to you today because we anticipate the school your child is attending this year, Nora Frances Henderson, may receive some level of public attention, and we want to communicate what this means for you, your children, and our school,” Principal Tom Fisher wrote in the memo.
You know why this is news? Because it happened in one place. One time. Exceptions and weirdos aren’t the rule no matter how much your conspiracy ridden minds want to act like isolated weirdos are a widespread problem. Guess what? There will always be weirdos.

Hillary said she Wiped her server... "like with a cloth?"
Destruction of evidence? Smashing phones, bleach bit?

The Clintons are trash. Bill took advantage of a young Monica Lewinsky. If it wasn't for Linda Tripp saving that famous BLUE DRESS. Bill and Hillary would have gotten away with lying and smearing her reputation just like they did with ALL the other women.

Aug 19, 2015
Aug 19 -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke to the press after a town hall meeting today in Las Vegas on Tuesday. No surprise, the topic on everyone’s mind was the controversy surrounding her e-mails. When pressed by Fox’s Ed Henry as to whether she wiped the server clean, Clinton replied, “What, like with a cloth or something?” She went on to admit, “I don't know how it works digitally at all.”

Yes most politicians are criminals I agree. So is Donald Trump. He is also….trash. You just defend your trash like the other side defends there’s.

Well hell.

Seems we agree.

He is targeted.

I agree totally.
He makes himself a really really really easy target.
You know why this is news? Because it happened in one place. One time. Exceptions and weirdos aren’t the rule no matter how much your conspiracy ridden minds want to act like isolated weirdos are a widespread problem. Guess what? There will always be weirdos.

Yes most politicians are criminals I agree. So is Donald Trump. He is also….trash. You just defend your trash like the other side defends there’s.

He makes himself a really really really easy target.

I know.

If your a leftist, you find the target then make up the crime.

China, Russia, Iran, etc.
Just glad @hossblur is worried about the important issues, litter boxes on schools that have never been a thing…..meanwhile Utah is in the headlines at least a couple times a month for this kinda thing:

Conservatives…..they’ll throw a fit over a fake litter box, but will ignore the rampant racism that exists within our community. Even if it stares them in the face over…and over….and over….and over. But diversity is a swear word to the right at this point. Anyway, back to the pressing issues. Furries and litter boxes.

Oh PS the woman yelling racial slurs here is a former prosecutor. I’m sure she was fair to every minority she interacted with, no such thing as systematic racism though ofc. I’m sure all the minority cases she prosecuted got a totally fair shake. She doesn’t seem like a racist POS who held a real position of power or anything.

Hey Hoss, this is what video proof looks like.
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Just glad @hossblur is worried about the important issues, litter boxes on schools that have never been a thing…..meanwhile Utah is in the headlines at least a couple times a month for this kinda thing:

Conservatives…..they’ll throw a fit over a fake litter box, but will ignore the rampant racism that exists within our community. Even if it stares them in the face over…and over….and over….and over. But diversity is a swear word to the right at this point. Anyway, back to the pressing issues. Furries and litter boxes.

Oh PS the woman yelling racial slurs here is a former prosecutor. I’m sure she was fair to every minority she interacted with, no such thing as systematic racism though ofc. I’m sure all the minority cases she prosecuted got a totally fair shake. She doesn’t seem like a racist POS who held a real position of power or anything.

Hey Hoss, this is what video proof looks like.
You still beating that ol gay horse? Sorry....dead horse???
You still beating that ol gay horse? Sorry....dead horse???
Oh an old gay horse when it's racism you can see right? See all the excuses when something real happens, but not so much about litter boxes and conservative fantasy land. Then it's an outrage. Put someones picture on a Bud Light light can? LETS THROW A FIT!!!!...... Another racist incident in Utah? Let's just turn the other way guys.

A women that is bat **** crazy is your proof of systematic racism
She is a retired PROSECUTOR so yes. I'm sure she treated minorities fairly and objectively didn't she during her career? Again, it's always excuses with racism for conservatives even when it's staring them dead in the face. A family having racial slurs thrown at them for 6 months with no one doing anything? Totally okay, I know, this is Utah and as long as you're the right religion, political affiliation, and race, you're good.

I'd rather live between the batshit crazy woman and the family she is targeting than next to oneye......
There's the truth telling.
Oh an old gay horse when it's racism you can see right? See all the excuses when something real happens, but not so much about litter boxes and conservative fantasy land. Then it's an outrage. Put someones picture on a Bud Light light can? LETS THROW A FIT!!!!...... Another racist incident in Utah? Let's just turn the other way guys.

She is a retired PROSECUTOR so yes. I'm sure she treated minorities fairly and objectively didn't she during her career? Again, it's always excuses with racism for conservatives even when it's staring them dead in the face. A family having racial slurs thrown at them for 6 months with no one doing anything? Totally okay, I know, this is Utah and as long as you're the right religion, political affiliation, and race, you're good.

There's the truth telling.
Ill bite.

About the lady prosecutor. Do you know for sure how she treated minorities? Or are you just assuming since she is retired and bat SHIZZZ crazy? I honestly dont know, that is why I ask.

About the "right religion, political affiliation and race, you're good" comment. You must not be from Utah. Now days, Mormons, Republicans and whites are the minorities in Salt Lake Valley. And if not, it is pretty dang close.

And I know there was an up roar about the litter boxes in the local Jr High and my kids go there. I will ask them if they are still there. I know last year it was a problem. All the kids who wear the cat ears and dog tail, I have seen 1st hand going to the school and seeing that stuff. One kid had his name legally changed to Sledge Hammer. Some pretty weird stuff going on!
Oh an old gay horse when it's racism you can see right? See all the excuses when something real happens, but not so much about litter boxes and conservative fantasy land. Then it's an outrage. Put someones picture on a Bud Light light can? LETS THROW A FIT!!!!...... Another racist incident in Utah? Let's just turn the other way guys.

She is a retired PROSECUTOR so yes. I'm sure she treated minorities fairly and objectively didn't she during her career? Again, it's always excuses with racism for conservatives even when it's staring them dead in the face. A family having racial slurs thrown at them for 6 months with no one doing anything? Totally okay, I know, this is Utah and as long as you're the right religion, political affiliation, and race, you're good.

There's the truth telling.
It is called free speech, maybe you liberals need to look up the meaning.
You have no proof that while she was a prosecutor that she applied any racist decisions.
That is a you problem
Oh an old gay horse when it's racism you can see right? See all the excuses when something real happens, but not so much about litter boxes and conservative fantasy land. Then it's an outrage. Put someones picture on a Bud Light light can? LETS THROW A FIT!!!!...... Another racist incident in Utah?
You strike me as the type of guy to say that George Floyd was a great guy and was not a hazard to society at all.

You also strike me as the type to defend bud light for putting a person with a mental disorder on their can and forcing people to support it. No thank you, I don't support that type of thinking and never will.

You cry about "you see the litter box crap, but not the racism going on all around you??" Becuaee that's how I'm taking your comment. Is it racist to make the claim that like 80% more crime is committed by the black community? Is it racist to claim that I think it was 70% more women in the black community's are raising their kids alone because the man bailed? All you people scream is racist this and racist that. Yet you scream CRACKER in our faces while we show you facts.
You strike me as the type of guy to say that George Floyd was a great guy and was not a hazard to society at all.

You also strike me as the type to defend bud light for putting a person with a mental disorder on their can and forcing people to support it. No thank you, I don't support that type of thinking and never will.

You cry about "you see the litter box crap, but not the racism going on all around you??" Becuaee that's how I'm taking your comment. Is it racist to make the claim that like 80% more crime is committed by the black community? Is it racist to claim that I think it was 70% more women in the black community's are raising their kids alone because the man bailed? All you people scream is racist this and racist that. Yet you scream CRACKER in our faces while we show you facts.
A different (broader) perspective on the Bud Light thingy:

BTW, I didn't know anyone was being 'forced' to support it.... Where did that happen? ;)
A different (broader) perspective on the Bud Light thingy:

BTW, I didn't know anyone was being 'forced' to support it.... Where did that happen? ;)
If ya don't support it, guys like one eye throw it back in your face call ya all sorts of ****, Yada Yada. There's been documented lawsuits of people Suing others because they "miss gendered" or even "socially profiled them" because they didn't "accept" it. So that to me is we the people being forced to accept this type of thinking.

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