Anyone used GoAhead Tours for Europe?


Long Time Member
Helping my wife and daughter book a tour of Germany, Switzerland and North Italy this spring, for 14 days.

Has anyone traveled with the GoAhead Tours group?

Thanks for any assistance or recimmendations.
Us and another couple went to Italy 2 years ago and did Rick Steves Italy my way. They booked all the hotels and transportation between them. We booked all our own excursions and then it was just the 4 of us. Saved us a lot of planning on how to get travel between cities and store luggage until check in times. We hit 6 different cities and was gone for 16 days. I believe they have tours that cover the areas you’re looking at. We didn’t have to worry about driving and didn’t have to go around with the whole tour group when we arrived.
Us and another couple went to Italy 2 years ago and did Rick Steves Italy my way. They booked all the hotels and transportation between them. We booked all our own excursions and then it was just the 4 of us. Saved us a lot of planning on how to get travel between cities and store luggage until check in times. We hit 6 different cities and was gone for 16 days. I believe they have tours that cover the areas you’re looking at. We didn’t have to worry about driving and didn’t have to go around with the whole tour group when we arrived.
Good approach to touring. I appreciate the recommendation.

Would still like to hear from anyone that’s toured with Go Ahead Tours. Tks again.
I can't imagine going to all that trouble and expense and not hunting something! But that's just me.

I take it, DC, that you're staying home? Lucky dog!

Hi Zeke. Twenty five year ago I would have loved to have gone, I love seeing historic places, almost as much as hunting but I’m not able to handle the riggers of touring or hunting anymore. My wife lives history and has rather silly attraction to the European fairy tail castles with all their glamor and gore. Her health is still good but her strength for long hikes is fading and I’ve been pushing her to go for the last few years.

Ya, it’s always nice to have the place to myself, she feels the same when ever I take off somewhere but by the time a week has passed I’ll be ready for her to get home and wash the dishes, take out the trash, vacuum the house, and mow the lawn.
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Thanks 2lumpy. This gave me a really good idea. I told the wife she could go anywhere she wanted on a two week vacation. I hung a world map on the wall and gave her a dart to throw. It looks like she'll be spending 2 weeks behind the refrigerator.

You’re a riot, man !
eel, If we were 40 years younger, I’d become an talent agent and you’d have a contract writing for Comedy Central, Saturday Night Live, and the Grand Ole Opry
This is a true story. One year we had a Company wide meeting at the sawmill and the owner drew 10 employees names out of a hat. Those 10 employees got to throw a dart at a world map and the employee who got the closest to Hawaii got a paid vacation there for two.
This is a true story. One year we had a Company wide meeting at the sawmill and the owner drew 10 employees names out of a hat. Those 10 employees got to throw a dart at a world map and the employee who got the closest to Hawaii got a paid vacation there for two.
Let me guess you nailed Hawaii on the dot and then you went fishing 😁

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