
Long Time Member
If They Don't Get Somebody WORTH Voting For I Say F'It!

I'll Do A Write-In But That's Like Staying Home & Not Voting!

I Will Not Be Blamed For The Current JACK-ASSES In Or Trying To Get In!

This Country Is In More Trouble Than It's Ever Been In!

Just like usual, we agree Bobcatbess!

In the presidential election it will be neither. I can’t imagine casting a vote for either of these dudes and sleeping at night afterward. Don’t blame me for what’s coming! I would say I don’t know how we got here, but we are getting exactly what we deserve.

That said, there are many elections you’ll be casting a vote for come November, and those ones are important too. So don’t stay home just because the top of the ticket is (insert whatever pejorative vulgarity you prefer here).
My Grand-Mother & My Grand-Father Use To Vote Just Like That!

Grand-Father STAUNCH Democrat No Matter What!

Grand-Mother STAUNCH Republican No Matter What!

My Dad Use To Say:Why Don't You Two Just Stay Home?
Write-in for me. Probably Romney.

I've written in Huntsman in the past, but his endorsement of Mike Lee proscribes him from ever earning my vote. Land Grabbers (and their backers) get no quarter from me. Ever.

I live in Utah so I have the luxury of casting a protest vote. Some states that may not be such a good idea.
I'll be voting but it's too early to decide who for. I think Biden might make a big come back this summer. A chicken in every pot and an EV in every garage. (if you remember the campaigns of the 60's).

When Biden wins, I'll probably do like I did when Eisenhower won. Do a lot of hunting and/or fishing.
I'll be voting for ABB. I don't think this country can survive four more years of radical liberal left wing politics.

Use to be some middle of the road Dems but the only one close to that now is Joe Manchin and he's leaving.
BuzzH said
Admitting you're a lazy, uniformed voter, without saying it.
No buzz, I search the candidate's voting record and I will not vote Democrat for several reasons. CA. was the state to move too in the 50's to 60's for a good job and great place to live. The Democrats took the majority in our state around 1972 and everything went down hill since then. The reason why we have thousands of citizens pulling up roots and moving to Red states and a lot of business companies going also.
There is no such thing as a "moderate" Democrat as they are forced to toe the line by the radicals in that party. If they do not vote the party line, the DNC makes sure they lack funding at re-election time. Just ask that female member of Congress in Miss. that went against Obama on the pipe line to her state that would generate thousands of jobs for her people. She could not get campaign funds from the DNC and lost her re-election bid.
If this was 1776 the Democrats would be on the boats with the Tories that were sent back with the British to England.
BuzzH said
Admitting you're a lazy, uniformed voter, without saying it.
No buzz, I search the candidate's voting record and I will not vote Democrat for several reasons. CA. was the state to move too in the 50's to 60's for a good job and great place to live. The Democrats took the majority in our state around 1972 and everything went down hill since then. The reason why we have thousands of citizens pulling up roots and moving to Red states and a lot of business companies going also.
There is no such thing as a "moderate" Democrat as they are forced to toe the line by the radicals in that party. If they do not vote the party line, the DNC makes sure they lack funding at re-election time. Just ask that female member of Congress in Miss. that went against Obama on the pipe line to her state that would generate thousands of jobs for her people. She could not get campaign funds from the DNC and lost her re-election bid.
If this was 1776 the Democrats would be on the boats with the Tories that were sent back with the British to England.
If you weren't a low information, lazy voter there wouldn't be a reason for the essay you just wrote.
Buzz you are nothing but a low life liberal voting Democrat that can not handle the truth about your party and the idiots that run it and vote for it. Have a good day Adam Henry.:ROFLMAO:
Buzz you are nothing but a low life liberal voting Democrat that can not handle the truth about your party and the idiots that run it and vote for it. Have a good day Adam Henry.:ROFLMAO:
You outed yourself as a low IQ voter, deal with it.
Don't feel bad Buzz, anyone that doesn't enjoy feathering Fed beds is a low IQ voter.....
Talking about I.Q. Mine is 130, I bet Buzz barely makes average on his I.Q. His common sense is that of a toadstool.
Homer when my youngest son was 14 he told me that he was smarter then I am. He explained that since it had been a long time since I was in school that I had forgotten most things that was taught to me in school. Since he was still in school everything was fresh in his mind. How do you argue with that logic.
He was right, on his I.Q. test he scored 135.
Homer when my youngest son was 14 he told me that he was smarter then I am. He explained that since it had been a long time since I was in school that I had forgotten most things that was taught to me in school. Since he was still in school everything was fresh in his mind. How do you argue with that logic.
He was right, on his I.Q. test he scored 135.
Geez. Didn’t think this political back and forth would morph into bragging about the family IQ scores.
I’ve never found a really intelligent person that felt the need to brag about how smart they were. It should be obvious enough that it doesn’t need to be said.
320,000 illegal aliens flown secretly from unknown foreign airports to unknown US cities by the Biden administration. Multi millions across the border are not enough so now we find out what Biden has been doing. Can any of the liberals on this site explain how they support this or how in any way this is good for the country? In know you all hate Trump, but how can you support this?
It's official... just what 70% of the country didn't want.
Screen Shot 2024-01-16 at 3.21.05 PM.png
320,000 illegal aliens flown secretly from unknown foreign airports to unknown US cities by the Biden administration. Multi millions across the border are not enough so now we find out what Biden has been doing. Can any of the liberals on this site explain how they support this or how in any way this is good for the country? In know you all hate Trump, but how can you support this?
Well, ya got no bites. I'll take a swing at their answer- 2 parts:

1. The "altruistic" liberal. I honestly believe there are liberals who believe it's the United States responsibility- no- moral obligation to solve the worlds ills. We have far more than most and must bring in all the poor or troubled that can possibly come. Sadly, they would also be for a "world government"- and are the first to deplore patriotism since that is nationalistic vs worldly. I at least understand these motives, but don't agree with them.

2. The "political" liberal. I think there are more of these than the former. They know that the aliens will 80-90% become democrats. These liberals will always promise the world to get votes and thus consolidate their power. The more "victims" who need government guidance and money the better. And many of these are the same ones caught being racist or sexist sometime down the line. Not too cool.

BTW- I think conservatives fall into a couple classes too. The altruistic ones believe capitalism and moral values drive excellence and prosperity that can then spread- internally and around the world. This leads to a better life for everyone. Then there's a few in a class who are not very welcoming of anyone different from them. Let's pull for the altruistic ones!!
320,000 illegal aliens flown secretly from unknown foreign airports to unknown US cities by the Biden administration. Multi millions across the border are not enough so now we find out what Biden has been doing. Can any of the liberals on this site explain how they support this or how in any way this is good for the country? In know you all hate Trump, but how can you support this?
In their minds if they don’t talk about it it doesn’t really happen. Lie, ignore, and keep pushing the narrative forward. Rinse and repeat.
That Tells Me They Are Of That Other Kind That I've Been Telling Everybody About For Years & How Quickly We Are Getting Out-Numbered By Them Other Types!

Gonna Take A Civil War Once Again!

After everything that has happened over the last 3 years and the direction this country is headed….what does that tell you about the people who are voting to continue down this path?

Dem senator blocks bill to detain illegal immigrants charged with violent crime

This is what we are dealing with when ti comes to the Democrat party. They just do not care about the safety of the American citizen, only their agenda is important to them.
Now you know why I quit voting for any Democrat over 25 years ago. We need to turn every Dem. out that we can in Nov.


Officials fume after suspects in body parts case allowed to walk free due to bail reforms

I guess it never stops with our liberal Democrats and they way they support the criminal over law abiding citizens.
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The mistake some make is thinking the 30-40% of conservatives who won't vote for Trump (for reasons that don't need to be rehashed here) are somehow "liberals" or support Biden.

What blows me away is the GOP is rolling the dice with Trump, who is the only President to never break 50% approval rating while in office, against such a week incumbent that a decent candidate (read: Haley) would win by double figures.

I think the odds are in Trump's favor, because of how bad Biden is, but I think any decent Republican would win in a landslide and probably take the House and Senate with them.

Trump is the only President in US history to lose the White House, Senate, and House in four years. He underperformed badly in the last mid-cycle election as well. It's indisputable that the GOP hasn't had a good showing since 2016.

Maybe, just maybe, Biden is a bad enough candidate that Trump can pull it off. But I'm not sure.

We're Back To Lesser Of F'N Evils For The UMPTEENTH Time?

The mistake some make is thinking the 30-40% of conservatives who won't vote for Trump (for reasons that don't need to be rehashed here) are somehow "liberals" or support Biden.

What blows me away is the GOP is rolling the dice with Trump, who is the only President to never break 50% approval rating while in office, against such a week incumbent that a decent candidate (read: Haley) would win by double figures.

I think the odds are in Trump's favor, because of how bad Biden is, but I think any decent Republican would win in a landslide and probably take the House and Senate with them.

Trump is the only President in US history to lose the White House, Senate, and House in four years. He underperformed badly in the last mid-cycle election as well. It's indisputable that the GOP hasn't had a good showing since 2016.

Maybe, just maybe, Biden is a bad enough candidate that Trump can pull it off. But I'm not sure.
Grizzy you are correct. Trump should have had a better record. Also you have to take into consideration how the Democrats fought him every inch of the way. Even to the point of making false allegations that was shouted out to the country by a liberal press that promoted a bad impression on many voters.
If Trump gets elected, he better have a GOP majority in both houses of Congress or he will face the same problems from the Democrats who will continue to fight him on getting things done.
The Democrats are the masters of when you do not have a record of good bills to point too, you instead point the finger at someone else and blame them for not getting things done to please the majority of voters.
If Trump is smart enough to let his ego go by the wayside and just point to the things he plans to do to help the average citizen, I think he will win by a good margin. I have had several die hard Democrat friends tell me that they will not vote for Biden. Some will vote for Trump and some will leave that box for president unchecked
The mistake some make is thinking the 30-40% of conservatives who won't vote for Trump...
Ya, I know there are quite a few- but I'm certain it's nowhere near 30-40%. If that were true, it would be impossible for Trump to lead Biden in every single poll that comes out. Honestly, I'm shocked he's leading all those polls, but he is, over and over again.

I do believe 30% are not Trump fans (include me in that group)- but 90% of those will vote with their wallets...
Ya, I know there are quite a few- but I'm certain it's nowhere near 30-40%. If that were true, it would be impossible for Trump to lead Biden in every single poll that comes out. Honestly, I'm shocked he's leading all those polls, but he is, over and over again.

I do believe 30% are not Trump fans (include me in that group)- but 90% of those will vote with their wallets...
Republican strategists widely consider 1/3 of conservatives that don't currently support Trump reliable to vote for him in November. They consider 1/3 to be Never-Trumpers, and 1/3 to be persuadable. It's the final 1/3 that could decide the election if they live in a few choice states.

Just remember that it's very possible that the next President is ultimately chosen by less people, in a few swing states, than attended the last Taylor Swift concert. It could literally come down to ten or twenty thousand people in two or three states.

Currently only 14% of Americans feel good about the direction of the country. This election should be a slam dunk for anybody running against an 80 year old with Biden's economy and an ongoing war in Ukraine.

If you look at Biden's talking points, they're not talking up Biden, they're reminding America of what Trump is like. And Trump isn't running on how good he is, he's pointing out how bad Biden is.

The fact that the polls are even close should terrify the GOP talking heads.
The last time I put any faith in polls was when just about all of them predicted that Hillary Clinton would win. Hillary herself believed those polls to the tune she cut short hard line campaigning and it bit her in her fat butt.
It is too easy to stack the results in a poll for the poll takers. A lot depend on who you question and what area you conducted the poll in.
The last time I put any faith in polls was when just about all of them predicted that Hillary Clinton would win. Hillary herself believed those polls to the tune she cut short hard line campaigning and it bit her in her fat butt.
It is too easy to stack the results in a poll for the poll takers. A lot depend on who you question and what area you conducted the poll in.
You realize that Hillary got 2.9MM more votes than Trump, right? And that a total of 74k votes go differently in PA, WI, and MI and it's President Hillary Clinton (it's really half that if they switched their votes, so only 37,000 people). Trump's margin of victory was .057% of all votes cast. The polls weren't as wrong as people think.

That's my point about this year... it could literally be decided by less people than attend a Taylor Swift concert.

The GOP could've sealed it up with just about any other nominee in the country, except maybe Vivek, but they're rolling the dice 🎲

I still think odds are in Trump's favor, however the incumbent has power that challengers don't have. That's what cost Romney against Obama, IMO.
The mistake some make is thinking the 30-40% of conservatives who won't vote for Trump (for reasons that don't need to be rehashed here) are somehow "liberals" or support Biden.

What blows me away is the GOP is rolling the dice with Trump, who is the only President to never break 50% approval rating while in office, against such a week incumbent that a decent candidate (read: Haley) would win by double figures.

I think the odds are in Trump's favor, because of how bad Biden is, but I think any decent Republican would win in a landslide and probably take the House and Senate with them.

Trump is the only President in US history to lose the White House, Senate, and House in four years. He underperformed badly in the last mid-cycle election as well. It's indisputable that the GOP hasn't had a good showing since 2016.

Maybe, just maybe, Biden is a bad enough candidate that Trump can pull it off. But I'm not sure.

A great example of this exact thing happened in the AZ governor race during the last election. Karrin Taylor Robson would have beat Katie Hobbs running away, but crazy Kari Lake won the primary and then lost to Hobbs by a small margin. Now we're stuck with a veto happy dem governor.....


A great example of this exact thing happened in the AZ governor race during the last election. Karrin Taylor Robson would have beat Katie Hobbs running away, but crazy Kari Lake won the primary and then lost to Hobbs by a small margin. Now we're stuck with a veto happy dem governor.....

We're also gonna be stuck with a far left progressive in the Senate. Lake is toxic in AZ... so toxic that we're gonna get the bonafide leftist Gallego. All she had to do was not be crazy. She turned into mini-me female ranting Trump and she is still insulting & alienating voters. Isn't one Trump enough? It's about addition not subtraction. She's down by 7-10 points and has no money and the Republican party here is in the tatters. Once reliable Red AZ is now screwed Blue. Pissed.

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