AZ Bans Game Cams...Are We Next?


Active Member
Just curious if you've seen AZ recently banned Game Cams for aid in the take of game. Enforcing that is going to be a whole other can of worms, but rules like these tend to spread to neighboring states.

While I personally think it's stupid to put your camera on a waterhole where there are already a dozen or more (never actually seen that myself) I believe the crux of the matter is it's just another way to divide hunters. Let's fight amongst ourselves and let cameras get banned. Fight and let dogs for lions or bears get banned. Fight and let lion hunting get banned. Fight and let spring bear season get banned. Fight fight fight. Cameras are so much lower of a concern on my radar than many other issues it's not even funny.

I don't think cams make much difference in the success of a hunt. I've used cams a fair amount so I do have a good feel for them. The MAIN reason I've heard for banning cams is it is unsightly for a dozen (or more) to be aimed at a water source. While I tend to agree, if that defines what to ban, people are going to say it's unsightly for hunters to camp at trailheads, it's unsightly to see a hunter walking along a public trail, etc. etc. At the end of the day I don't believe cams increase the success rate so why would Game & Fish care? I think the ban is mainly appeasing anti hunters and dividing hunters along the way.

Just tossing out for discussion to get ahead of this because at some point it's probably going to be proposed here in NM. Thoughts?
It won't surprise me the way these liberal loons are ruining our State. I have been running trail cameras for years and they have never made any difference on a hunt. I love to see what's on the winter range. Also I got more pics of trespassers sneaking through my land this year than ever before.....
SS, in general published success rates haven't changed in decades. Certainly no tremendous spike due to game cams. We're all entitled to opinions and I'm not arguing with you, just offering counter points.

Has anyone personally experienced game-changing success by using cameras? Or been detrimentally impacted by others using game cameras? Just seeking input as to pros/cons of their use and why the need to create another law that simply cannot be adequately enforced. As an example look at off-road driving laws and yet the rampant off-road use here in NM.
The ban did not happen because 12 cameras on a tree is ugly. The ban happened because 12 guys checking those cameras is disruptive to the wildlife.

I like running cameras but the only thing they have done for me is ruin my mid day naps once I realized how often elk go to water in the middle of the day
SS, in general published success rates haven't changed in decades. Certainly no tremendous spike due to game cams. We're all entitled to opinions and I'm not arguing with you, just offering counter points.

Has anyone personally experienced game-changing success by using cameras? Or been detrimentally impacted by others using game cameras? Just seeking input as to pros/cons of their use and why the need to create another law that simply cannot be adequately enforced. As an example look at off-road driving laws and yet the rampant off-road use here in NM.
No off road use in NM is a sign to drive over the sign and hunt there. Just like seasons closed during the rut, the 'Bros" say that the best time to hunt, and if you go at night you just shine a light in their eyes and they just stand right there. Happens every year in northern NM. The culture of teaching the next generation that this is acceptable is the problem , NOT CAMERAS !
Has anyone personally experienced game-changing success by using cameras?
I don't know anything about bear hunting or their habits. This year I was kicking around the idea of getting me a bear. Anyway during my quest for elk I got my first game camera and put it on a spring I found in the woods. In 3 weeks I have seen 3 bears maybe a 4th that frequently visit the water. So I do believe the camera brought me from Zero to Hero as far as bear is concerned and I do believe I stand a great chance of getting a bear if I choose too.

Still looking for the bull elk.
Now at my house I have a deer problem. My wife calls them her pets and they are off limits.

Deer - Copy.png
Once Karen equates a trail cam to the increase of killing, legislation will be presented for the ban or when she realizes she's been caught on camera to answer the "call of nature", legislation will be presented for the ban.

The outfitters assoc in NM will curb that ban.

Just need to keep Karen in the dark and everything is good.
I always laugh at people that think the cameras don’t help but use a lot of them. Those that don’t think the cameras help and you only want to see the animals, answer this…. If you see a record buck using the same two or three areas and waters every other day, are you going to stay away from those areas? Will you pass up lesser bucks in thone areas? BTW, I use cameras so dont think I’m a softie.
Captain Coues. While I suppose it happens, I've never gotten enough pictures of any animals to be such a set pattern that sitting at a location is any guarantee. Often I only get a particular animal once or once every week or two. I have no doubt that cameras CAN help, it's just that my experience it hasn't really helped me. Probably the main thing I've learned from cams is "waste of time to sit here", which I suppose is valuable and if it steers me to sit somewhere else it did help. But not "game changing" help, and in fact just looking at footprints pretty much tells the same story as cameras.
Most of the deer in my pictures drink at night so I wouldn’t sit water at that time. the big ones I’ve seen water only once during the day in the few months of pictures. The pics were still useful because I knew the few square miles to look for them and definitely helped me stay away from other areas.
If you think game cameras do not help target a particular buck than I have some ocean front property for sale in AZ for you….now game camera free
I think its ridiculous, while I have never been to AZ but iv seen pictures of water holes in the Kiabab with an absurd amount of cameras on them and can def see how this might affect game habits and patterns. I do not agree with the bans but I bet it will happen in New Mexico eventually especially with groups like the wildlife federation and BHA having such a strong following of sheep behind them actively pushing their extreme ideology.

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