Az Draw


Active Member
I just received an e-mail from Arizona. We all know they have had some problems with their internet application service. The e-mail said our credit cards would NOT be charged if we were successful in the draw so my initial concern was the e-mail indicated successful applicants would have until July 27 to submit their payment. PANIC! since the indicated posting date was July 28. The nice lady (younger sounding) said they would run the draw and post about July 10-14 and also use the contact info we entered in our applications to notify us.

Good luck all,

Come on strip tag!
I am one of those guys that applied online, and, at this point i am not feeling to good about it.

They are a state beaurocracy and i know how lazy they can be. My fear is that the online applicants will not get a fair shake. Maybe its just my application/drawing season paranoia.

aka paulc
"They are a state beaurocracy and i know how lazy they can be. My fear is that the online applicants will not get a fair shake. Maybe its just my application/drawing season paranoia"

Is it G&F or the company who they are using? Laziness has nothing to do with it. Get the facts before throwing around crap like that.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Take a deep breath. Game and fish depts are state beaurocracies and the way i see it they just eliminated the company that was to do the online draws for them. Why? I have no clue.
Now they have a more comlicated task because as of few weeks ago they were handling it a different way.
My experience with state beaurocracies is that they are lazy, slow and inneficient. And if they get to many curve balls they cant perform.

Is that all happening. I have no clue. Its an opinion and a concern i could be wrong.
Chill out its only a comment on a website.
I used the website for my application and I am worried about it also. I don't have a lot of faith that the state agency can do this after they have been subcontracting it out for so long. Last year, the private company charged my credit card for 4 non-resident hunting licenses at $145 each and it took me months to get it sorted out. Game and fish told me to call the subcontractor and the subcontractor told me to call the game and fish.

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