Bashing on MM


Long Time Member
Now it could get really dirty so hang on to your hats!

I hate to continue the bleeding on the previous post so thought it would be good to start a different post this morning to hash things out and release some frustration. Those that want to read or add constructive comments are welcome and those that don't want to be included can totally avoid reading this post. With that said, please stick to the subject topic and refrain from name calling and rash statements!

It's obvious that all of us share the same passion for hunting and the outdoors but at times we disagree on specific topics. At the end of the day we're all on the same team and should be supporting each other. I think most of us agree that there often is a point on this website where things are taken over the top with negativity and bashing.

Unfortunately, several of my good hunting buddies have shifted away from the MM website due to all the bashing, name calling, rude comments, and negativity. I hate to point fingers but the same guys tend to bash others. It gets old hearing the same negative comments from the same MM members. I admit that I'm responsible for some of the bleeding and posts that tend to drag on and on with negativity so I sincerely apologize.

I know Founder is caught in the middle of all of this. There is a pretty simple solution to all of this....banning those that create extreme negativity and conflict that bleed on through post after post. It's often a breath of fresh air when negative posts are removed or a member is banned for a length of time. A lot of us probably wonder how many chances do some members get? It's obvious from the recent post that nothing has changed. What is the solution?

There comes a point where it's time to say adios to the negativity. I'm not sure if banning one person will do this but it sure would be great if it was gone! I'm sure a pair of boxing gloves or meeting and discussing things face to face may work but it's sometimes a struggle when apposing sides drag things on hiding behind computers punching the key board.

If anyone has any solutions, please provide positive comments that may benefit the MM website! Again, I apologize for some of the posts I'm responsible for interrupting and dragging on and on.
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As i said in the cops kicking ass forum. I think we are all depressed that hunting season is over so everyone is a little bit on the cranky side. Have met some great people on this website and also had some incredible hunts with those people.
The solution is not banning, the solution is to ignore. For example, SS is always trying to ruffle feathers, he can be funny at times. He will often make comments to me and I simply ignore him unless he is being constructive and respectful. He could very well come on here and say something to this post, watch I will just ignore him. He is not the only one that tries to ruffle feathers. You are giving way too much power to these MM members. It is not up to Founder or anyone else to stop them from bothering you, it is up to you to not let them bother you. I am surprised that people PM Founder telling him to ban people. Just ignore them and move on, it's in your hands, nobody elses. It is your job to handle the situation properly, not Founders. This site has a few difficult members, but so what. There is tons of knowledgeable hunters. You can't choose their actions but you can't use the way you respond. Who cares if they come on trying to bash, just smile and laugh and move on.
Now it could get really dirty so hang on to your hats!

I hate to continue the bleeding on the previous post so thought it would be good to start a different post this morning to hash things out and release some frustration. Those that want to read or add constructive comments are welcome and those that don't want to be included can totally avoid reading this post. With that said, please stick to the subject topic and refrain from name calling and rash statements!

It's obvious that all of us share the same passion for hunting and the outdoors but at times we disagree on specific topics. At the end of the day we're all on the same team and should be supporting each other. I think most of us agree that there often is a point on this website where things are taken over the top with negativity and bashing.

Unfortunately, several of my good hunting buddies have shifted away from the MM website due to all the bashing, name calling, rude comments, and negativity. I hate to point fingers but the same guys tend to bash others. It gets old hearing the same negative comments from the same MM members. I admit that I'm responsible for some of the bleeding and posts that tend to drag on and on with negativity so I sincerely apologize.

I know Founder is caught in the middle of all of this. There is a pretty simple solution to all of this....banning those that create extreme negativity and conflict that bleed on through post after post. It's often a breath of fresh air when negative posts are removed or a member is banned for a length of time. A lot of us probably wonder how many chances do some members get? It's obvious from the recent post that nothing has changed. What is the solution?

There comes a point where it's time to say otiose to the negativity. I'm not sure if banning one person will do this but it sure would be great if it was gone! I'm sure a pair of boxing gloves or meeting and discussing things face to face may work but it's sometimes a struggle when apposing sides drag things on hiding behind computers punching the key board.

If anyone has any solutions, please provide positive comments that may benefit the MM website! Again, I apologize for some of the posts I'm responsible for interrupting and dragging on and on.
If I had falsely accused another hunter, or in this case 3 other hunters, that you claim are "on the same team", of say...illegally outfitting, accepting clothing, binoculars, etc for same, I would man up and apologize to those hunters.

I wouldn't have made those false accusations to start with, in particular with absolutely no proof that any of those accusations had a shred of merit.

When confronted with proof that the accusations were entirely false and that I was dead wrong...I would have 100% apologized and set the record straight.

Differing on opinions regarding tag allocations, regulations, and other wildlife policy is one thing. Even having passionate and lively disagreements isn't a bad thing. I would argue it's a good thing.

But the line is crossed when allegations of illegal activity are leveled against "others of the same team".

What I wouldn't do is play victim for falsely accusing and slandering another "member of the same team" when I were called out for my inappropriate actions that were proven false.

Obviously your mileage varies as you've never admitted you were wrong, never apologized publicly, via PM, phone call, email, etc. to any of the 3 "members of the same team" you slandered and falsely accused. Speaks to character, or lack- there-of as it were, and that's been clearly established.

Per @Founders request, his site and rules, my last post on Jim Sebastian falsely accusing 3 hunters of illegal outfitting and illegal renumeration for same.
If you can't read posts in a forum and not get your panties on a wad, perhaps YOU should take up knitting?

It's a forum for hells sake. Nice place to view pics, read stories, get info, and talk chit.

Ignore works, but honestly, if you truly can't handle it, unsubscribe works better.

Best advice ever. Remember when your pointing that finger, 3point back at you
On these forums there can be many a-holes that make your blood boil.

We all keep coming back because on these forums there are also many great (and often comedic) personalities with information and experience to share.

Sometimes they are the same people.

While drawing the line at blatant personal attacks and accusations is desirable, its hard to police, and usually subject to one’s own judgement.

I agree with jiims premise that at least as far as we are all hunters with significant overlap in interests, we should not kneecap each other so much, generally. And specifically, if jiims or others have crossed the line with members personally, professionally, or legally, well all I can say is they should try to resolve it as grudges played out on social media are not a good use of anyones time.
One of the greatest skills for success in life is to be able to survive and thrive amid a myriad of different personalities and even some really bad people. It's the same at work, in society, and even on internet hunting forums. Figure out a way to make it work for you. Invest yourself at an appropriate level, and learn how to navigate around the human trash that you will encounter anywhere you go. I just spent the better part of two weeks with a fellow hunter that I met on this forum and I am grateful for that. Well worth having to put up with a few pieces of crap and some ignorant comments along the way.----SS
This Sshiitt Happens Every Year & Usually Right After Most Big Game Hunts are Over/Done!

Fewer Nice/Trophy Animals Harvested Each Year!

Quality Game Units Becoming JUNK Units More By The Year!

More PISS POOR Management By The Year!

Takes About 10-11 Months For This To Wear Off & Do The Same STUPID SSHHITT Nerxt Year!

Stick Around!

It'll Get Worse!

We've Seen & Heard Of Many Sshhitt Shows This Year!

Next Year There Will Be More!
Not a jab just using jims profile as reference. Notice the red circled area. It works!!! Don't like someone, you can ignore them too with this MM feature. Pretty simple.

FWIW, banter is part of social media as is debate all being part of discussion. If this causes you strife then learn to move along or ignore.

If you can't read posts in a forum and not get your panties on a wad, perhaps YOU should take up knitting?

It's a forum for hells sake. Nice place to view pics, read stories, get info, and talk chit.

Ignore works, but honestly, if you truly can't handle it, unsubscribe works better.

Best advice ever. Remember when your pointing that finger, 3point back at you
By ignoring I don't mean hitting the ignore button. It is a nice feature but not always a possibility in real life. I mean just let it roll off your back and not get butt hurt. Just laugh and move on. For me, that is the best way to "handle" it.
Fortunately a much better hunt forum, that is better managed and moderated than this one is available for guys focused on love of hunting and talking about hunting—so MM guys blowing each up and treating this place like a dumping ground is a nonevent and just serves to push the activity levels lower and lower on here. Shameful behavior, but a non event all the same given we have a much better place to spend time talking hunting. Look forward to seeing more MM refugees over there. Seems to be a pretty stream of that happening.

I appreciate the great insights and engagement I receive and provide here on occasion, which is why i do check in here some, but have mostly as many others have, relocated to a different forum for the bulk of my hunt talking time where I post piles of hunting photos, stories and content rather than here.

Easier to say ‘otiose’, LOL, to MM as a whole than to expect longstanding acceptance of piss poor behaviors to change.
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Not sure I care much what someone who spells adios as ‘otiose’ has to say. Especially if that person makes a regular habit negativity posts and dialog.

Fortunately a much better hunt forum, that is better managed and moderated than this one is available for guys focued on love of hunting and talking about hunting—so MM guys blowing each up and treating this place like a dumping ground is a nonevent and just serves to push the activity levels lower and lower on here. Shameful behavior, but a non event all the same given we have a much better place to spend time talking hunting. Look forward to seeing more MM refugees over there. Seems to be a pretty stream of that happening.

I appreciate the great insights and engagement I receive and provide here on occasion, which is why i do check in here some, but have mostly as many others have, relocated to a different forum for the bulk of my hunt talking time where I post piles of hunting photos, stories and content rather than here.
I didn’t much care for your story of killing two moose in idaho with one tag in your pocket. Im glad you didn’t post it here. Good luck in the draws!

*for the record I didn’t read it but heard about it from a few people and saw a screenshot*
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it’s our choice if we get offended or not. not taking things personally goes a long way. if you give them the reaction someone is looking for you give them the power.

personally MM seems like a rough dive bar. love it or hate it and after a few drinks you might make some friends or get beat up. all depends on attitude.

can be a rough place if you have soft hands or are sensitive about being from the east coast or california.
I’m a fan of using forums to learn and chat with like minded individuals. I follow more than a dozen, a few hunting/shooting, few fishing/rod building ect. This conversation has been had in all of them. I choose MM and one other over the rest because I have been treated with the utmost kindness. Willingness to share information has been unmatched. I enjoy the banter and some of you are funny as hell. Plus IMO I enjoy an active forum which I feel this is the more than the rest.
Nope. Not my style. I don't post hunting pics anywhere. I have posted a couple here and there, but don't feel the need. mtmuley
so what do you come to hunting forums for? You like to read other peoples stories and see their pics? Or to ask questions? Or to just complain?
How about you post a hunting story and get positive vibes going?
shot an my first bull elk this year. 5 point rag horn 50-70 yards away. double lunged him with the 30-06 walked 20 yards and died. in a snow storm, cold as viking hell. only cutting him up kept my hands warm. i fell over, slipped skidded got drenched from the snow on the tree limbs. the soul crushing pack didn’t help. i was freezing and getting cold in a bad way. then i turned the corner almost to the car and my wife and kid were sledding having the time of their lives. then i wasn’t so cold any more, happy to be there. it was the time of my life.

my wife and kid got to watch me take that monster record breaking “wyoming. “ mule deer too. was a good hunting season.
it’s would be funny if founder added a “ positive affirmation quotes” function to the ignore button.

like say you ignore someone, instead of not seeing what they post the only thing you see is “ you are kind and everyone likes you”. or “ your smiles bring happiness” or “ it’s nice on the east coast, it’s nice on the east coast”
so what do you come to hunting forums for? You like to read other peoples stories and see their pics? Or to ask questions? Or to just complain?
I don't complain. I don't bash. I've helped guys out, but mostly on another forum. I just dont like my life on display on the internet. I like the classifieds. I enjoy the guns and shooting stuff. And yeah, I enjoy some of the stories. All the crap with outfitters and world records and guides I could give a rip less. I have been a member here for 20 years. I spend most of my social media time elsewhere these days. And, I've been helped out by a few members, most if them gone now. So I don't take that for granted. mtmuley
It’s a reality check when a narcissist bowhunter will not post his stories of glory here. I didn’t think we had a problem here until that comment. Yes he is the only one to actually suffer from such a forum in disarray. As there is one less forum for him to get his glory hole plugged!

Let him be our leader on how to turn this forum around. We all are thirsty for his stories of glory. Let us know lord of bow hunters what we can do to be in your ever presence!

? I think it’s time I post a hunting story…
Well I would love to help you guys through your feelings but breakfast is done:

Snow needs shoveled and I have to wash the cuber from helping process a moose last night.

If ever I hurt your feelings send me a PM and I will honestly adjust what I say or type to accommodate you. I don’t want you to be offended. Seriously. Send that PM and I will do everything in my power to make this the happy warm place you need in your life.
Well I would love to help you guys through your feelings but breakfast is done:View attachment 97091

Snow needs shoveled and I have to wash the cuber from helping process a moose last night.

If ever I hurt your feelings send me a PM and I will honestly adjust what I say or type to accommodate you. I don’t want you to be offended. Seriously. Send that PM and I will do everything in my power to make this the happy warm place you need in your life.
I smell a trap ;) (y)
Perhaps some could "go 'woke' themselves" enjoying their own slurp while impressing their own modernism upon everyone else.
My favorite is when an MM member called me 'moron' (see signature line below) for disagreeing with him.

I have some MM members on the 'Ignore' feature and I'm sure some have me on theirs, and that's fine.

Arguing, or being "passionate" about a viewpoint brings the worse out in me, something I have to remind myself to work on.

However, a few days ago was the first time I was actually threatened with physical contact (said tongue in cheek). When that happens, I will come out swinging.

I once asked Founder to permanently delete and lock my account because of some exchanges, but reconsidered after a few days. I'm sure some may be thinking Darn! we had our chance and he ruined it for us!
My favorite is when an MM member called me 'moron' (see signature line below) for disagreeing with him.

I have some MM members on the 'Ignore' feature and I'm sure some have me on theirs, and that's fine.

Arguing, or being "passionate" about a viewpoint brings the worse out in me, something I have to remind myself to work on.

However, a few days ago was the first time I was actually threatened with physical contact (said tongue in cheek). When that happens, I will come out swinging.

I once asked Founder to permanently delete and lock my account because of some exchanges, but reconsidered after a few days. I'm sure some may be thinking Darn! we had our chance and he ruined it for us!
OMG that is very disturbing you being threatened with violence. Did you actually get your man bun hurt? You should really lock your account. Many would love it.
My favorite is when an MM member called me 'moron' (see signature line below) for disagreeing with him.

I have some MM members on the 'Ignore' feature and I'm sure some have me on theirs, and that's fine.

Arguing, or being "passionate" about a viewpoint brings the worse out in me, something I have to remind myself to work on.

However, a few days ago was the first time I was actually threatened with physical contact (said tongue in cheek). When that happens, I will come out swinging.

I once asked Founder to permanently delete and lock my account because of some exchanges, but reconsidered after a few days. I'm sure some may be thinking Darn! we had our chance and he ruined it for us!
Did you put me on ignore? Ignore this if you did. mtmuley
Hey SS!

I Think You've Got Your Daily Meals Planner F'D Up!

Breakfast Was At 4:00 AM This Morning!

Well I would love to help you guys through your feelings but breakfast is done:View attachment 97091

Snow needs shoveled and I have to wash the cuber from helping process a moose last night.

If ever I hurt your feelings send me a PM and I will honestly adjust what I say or type to accommodate you. I don’t want you to be offended. Seriously. Send that PM and I will do everything in my power to make this the happy warm place you need in your life.
This post started out with some great constructive comments that benefits everyone that could strengthen the MM website. It’s great to hear views from different viewpoints and sides. Thank you to those that have contributed respectful information. Could we please return to the original topic?
Well I would love to help you guys through your feelings but breakfast is done:View attachment 97091

Snow needs shoveled and I have to wash the cuber from helping process a moose last night.

If ever I hurt your feelings send me a PM and I will honestly adjust what I say or type to accommodate you. I don’t want you to be offended. Seriously. Send that PM and I will do everything in my power to make this the happy warm place you need in your life.
**** that avacado
I work in the high end construction business, I have been noticing that quite a few of the tradesmen have been getting their feelings hurt lately, kind of what some are saying about this site. I think founder has done a great job with his site and managing his investment. I’ve been over to the other sites, really quite boring. Good luck over there Khunter.
I want to that many of you for letting me "vent" once in a while. I can't do it at work without the risk of loosing employees or customers, so it's nice to let off a little steam on this forum, by letting people know what my opinion is on different subjects. So thank you for understanding and being civil with me on a personal basis. The only time I really get worked up is when someone calls me out as being dishonest because that has never been my intention on this site, ever.
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Well I would love to help you guys through your feelings but breakfast is done:View attachment 97091

Snow needs shoveled and I have to wash the cuber from helping process a moose last night.

If ever I hurt your feelings send me a PM and I will honestly adjust what I say or type to accommodate you. I don’t want you to be offended. Seriously. Send that PM and I will do everything in my power to make this the happy warm place you need in your life.
Speaking of avocados....Just to try something different I ordered a 10 pound box of avocados from this place for Thanksgiving. All we get here are little girly man Haas Avocados.

The 10-pound box arrived, and it had 4 avocados in it. A little over 2 pounds each. They were Choquette variety. We pigged out on avocados for a week. I don't think they ship to Alaska.

Sorry if I didn't hurt anybody'd feelings. :ROFLMAO:
I work in the high end construction business, I have been noticing that quite a few of the tradesmen have been getting their feelings hurt lately, kind of what some are saying about this site. I think founder has done a great job with his site and managing his investment. I’ve been over to the other sites, really quite boring. Good luck over there Khunter.
How high end? Residential or Commercial? mtmuley
This post started out with some great constructive comments that benefits everyone that could strengthen the MM website. It’s great to hear views from different viewpoints and sides. Thank you to those that have contributed respectful information. Could we please return to the original topic?
Releasing frustration? Kyhunter?
shot an my first bull elk this year. 5 point rag horn 50-70 yards away. double lunged him with the 30-06 walked 20 yards and died. in a snow storm, cold as viking hell. only cutting him up kept my hands warm. i fell over, slipped skidded got drenched from the snow on the tree limbs. the soul crushing pack didn’t help. i was freezing and getting cold in a bad way. then i turned the corner almost to the car and my wife and kid were sledding having the time of their lives. then i wasn’t so cold any more, happy to be there. it was the time of my life.

my wife and kid got to watch me take that monster record breaking “wyoming. “ mule deer too. was a good hunting season.
Kinda romantic. Good for you having a great hunt.
Well I would love to help you guys through your feelings but breakfast is done:

I Sure Hope You Gave That Plate of Food To The Dog!

Looks Like He Could Use A Meal More Than You!:D

View attachment 97091

Snow needs shoveled and I have to wash the cuber from helping process a moose last night.

If ever I hurt your feelings send me a PM and I will honestly adjust what I say or type to accommodate you. I don’t want you to be offended. Seriously. Send that PM and I will do everything in my power to make this the happy warm place you need in your life.
Wow, no way im reading all the posts in this thread. Just read the OP. What’s most amazing to me is there are people that actually think the inter web is the real world.

If it weren’t for trolling it wouldn’t even be worth logging on
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Wow, no way im reading all the posts in this thread. Just read the OP. What’s most amazing to me is there are people that actually think the inter web is the real world.

If it weren’t for trolling it wouldn’t even be worth logging on
You read the original post? #notallheroeswearcapes
How about you post a hunting story and get positive vibes going?
Nope. Not my style. I don't post hunting pics anywhere. I have posted a couple here and there, but don't feel the need. mtmuley

What? mtmuley posted the best hunting photo and story in years just recently.
I personally think banning people is ridiculous unless it goes way further than anything I have seen on here.

As to the original intent of this thread, I think 2 men need to meet to squash this one way or the other. Life is too short to let things fester...
When we try to slug it out on the internet, it's an exercise in futility. EVERYONE should get over it and place constraints on their egos. "Should" but it won't happen!

I've had "words" with a few on here and yet I figure we'd do just fine in hunting camp if ever the chance presented.

I cannot be bothered by anyone that I don't know, especially on the internet. I just picture the turds in their dirty T-shirts in their mom's basement....which is probably pretty accurate.

No one is right 100% of the time...except me, of course.

I don't go to SLC because it's a hole and I hate it.

I don't frequent the redneck bars late night because I don't like fighting

I avoid Cali at all costs, because.......

But I don't spend my time trying to change them.

I've never understood the desire to mandate, control, other folks ventures.

I especially don't understand telling someone else who owns a business, home, etc, how they should do things.

I paid exactly $0to be a member here. Founder owes me $0 in return.

If you want niceties and fakeness, try NPR.

If you have a need to be the Alpha male, this ain't the place. Cuz here's the truth. The dude that runs the place, forgot more about hunting yesterday than anyone else in here ever knew. Your not the Alpha.

But also realize, folks do pay attention to what's said in here. Be they from the DWR, $fw, guides, buisness owners.

Like others, I know of other forums. They become pretty much group think and hero worship, and places where there are untouchable groups(BHA), or untouchable subjects(outfitter malfeasance).

Don't try to change what ain't broken, especially since it's not yours to start with.
don't know where this came from but i like it:

"Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies"

This one too:

"Breaking someone's trust is like crumpling up a perfect piece of paper.

You can smooth it over, but it's never going to be the same again."

Sometimes it's not a grudge. You just need to move on and sever all ties...
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I cannot be bothered by anyone that I don't know, especially on the internet. I just picture the turds in their dirty T-shirts in their mom's basement....which is probably pretty accurate.

No one is right 100% of the time...except me, of course.

This is not in reference to any member. That disclaimer should be sufficient to not offend anyone
I need to do a better job of reading the threads more closely and getting rid of those who cause trouble and bring nothing of value to the site.
I don’t like to ban people, but it may be needed.
You just posted this on a thread with a bunch of guys saying how much they liked your site because it isn’t like all the rest out there. No need to fix what isn’t broke. Seems like you got a good thing going through way it is…
Anyone else noticed that the last several threads started with the intention of getting people banned were started by the same person?
Go ahead and ban me. You'll basically ban a dozen other people who won't know what to do once I'm gone.

I don't even post on threads and some how end up being the topic of discussion on them. Just like this one. It's crazy.

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