Bucks that survived?!


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Looking forward to next year. Share your pics

I saw a handful of really good bucks tonight that didn't appear to be thinkin' with their heads - and took some of the sh&ttiest video ever recorded. Gonna go try and get it right tomorrow.

I also saw a herd of about 30 does with one nice 6x6, I guess herd bull, and what appeared to be a jealous raghorn satellite...wth kinda woke shiz is that?? :LOL:
I saw a handful of really good bucks tonight that didn't appear to be thinkin' with their heads - and took some of the sh&ttiest video ever recorded. Gonna go try and get it right tomorrow.

I also saw a herd of about 30 does with one nice 6x6, I guess herd bull, and what appeared to be a jealous raghorn satellite...wth kinda woke shiz is that?? :LOL: The Bucks Must Really Be Scarce In Tat Area!
We just got back from the Gunnison Basin and in 7 days of grinding it hunting we only saw a handful of up and coming bucks. Lots of little guys but I think second season hunters killed most of the bucks that are going to amount to much next year.
Kinda sad in my eyes. We were too busy hunting to take pictures so my thoughts are my only contribution.

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