building points


Very Active Member
How many of you out there are currently banking preference points in the western states in hopes of drawing a good tag a few years down the road? What states do you build points in and what are some of the fees associated with building points? How many states have a "point only option" that you can get without having to front the full license fee?
You won't find a shortage of people on this site buying points to hunt!!!!. I bet it's as high as 80%, if not higher!! It can get expensive. I spend around $1000 every year for points and licenses in 5 Western states.

It's always an adventure!!!
Hunt NM- No points! If you crunch the numbers with the ol supercomputer, you more likely to draw your dream tag here (over time)than in a lot of places with preference points, and your darn sure more likely to draw it "This" year, because you've got as much chance as everyone else. Plus we only charge you $6 an application if you don't draw.

Dont bother with points. :)

Seriously though, points are a long and expensive process depending on what hunts you want.

I decided almost 10 years ago that I wanted to go on some quality hunts in the west while i still could.

I have been putting in myself, my wife and my kids as they have been old enough for almost all of the western states. The last few years it has really paid off. This year i myself drew almost nothing , but, my wife drew 3 top quality tags (she almost never draws anything), My daughter drew a top quality tag, and a good youth hunt here in NM, and my youngest drew a javelina hunt here in NM.

I will be going on 4-5 top quality hunts this year.

There is also an argument for buying land owner tags.

Gotta decide what your goals, expectations and finances are and then utilize the programs out there.
I dont apply just for points, I always go for the license, even in pure PP states like colorado, and states like Idaho and nevada where you may not even have a Non-resident tag for the area you apply for ( they dont set tag # till after the app period)

You always here about the person who drew a premium tag with no points or just 2 or 3 when someone with 7-8pp dosn't draw...

go for the tag, not just points
I agree with nochawk. Somone always has to draw a tag. Why can't it have your name on it? Always go for the license, and make sure you understand which states use preference points and which states use bonus points. It can be argued that it is a waste to build points in a bonus point state. As mentioned, people with 0 points can/do draw in those states while others with 10 points don't.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Well I have 17 points in one state and I applied in other states before that so I have messed with it a while.

I play the draw in most/all states and hope to continue as long as I can scrape up the money to put in. It is getting more expensive every year.

Does 17 points mean 17 years worth? I'm just not very smart and I get confused as all of the bonus/preference systems in these different states all jumble together here on MM.

I'd say any point system that takes more than 10 years to get a guy the tag is a failure and needs to be tossed right out the window for either a system that works or the old fashioned "you pays your money, you takes your chances"

LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-07 AT 05:56PM (MST)[p]"I'd say any point system that takes more than 10 years to get a guy the tag is a failure and needs to be tossed right out the window for either a system that works or the old fashioned "you pays your money, you takes your chances"

I agree!

I've been on Nevadas bonus point system for deer and antelope.(as a non-resident). I finally drew both tags, and I don't think I have the endurance to go through all that again.

I did get in on the ground floor in Wyoming for deer. I have no idea when or where I will try for a tag at this point. But hey Babe! I got MAX. POINTS!!:) I do expect the price of a point to go up though. Once they get you hooked.......

It's a lonely, expensive journey sometimes!

How do you mean "try for a tag"? How do you get points- just flat-out buying it? Can you buy as many points as you want every year? I thought you had to try for the tag to get a point.

Am I wrong in thinking these points systems is just a way for states to charge non-residents 10 times what they claim the license costs on a "lay-away plan"? Actually it's more of a rent-to-own because you pay more than you would by going to the real store and just buying it and if you drop out early you dont get to keep what you've been paying on.

All I have to say is my 10 years of bonus points this year, $1,000 worth, sure paid off with a AZ Strip tag! I look at buying points as a down payment for a good hunt someday. I should draw an elk tag in the next few years also with those bonus points. I buy them, put in for hunts in Nev, Utah, AZ, started with Wyoming when they went to points, and sometimes put in for N.M. depending on what we think we will draw in other states. It takes awhile, especially for the best hunts, but if you don't play the game, you don't hunt those states.
I'm building in Arizona (home) and Utah. I also apply for New Mexico every year, but haven't drawn anything other than a cow tag in 2002.
For me, i do not want to rely on hope and luck to get a good tag.

Timberline, i do not believe any state sells points. Most states you can only get one point a year.

NV squares your points every year giving those in the system longest the best chance.

AZ has done some goofy things with loyalty points for those applying for more than 5 years and then also an extra point if you go to their hunter safety class.

Gathering points is not something you do randomly. It requires thougt, goals, finances unfortunately, and patience.
I'm a believer in building points wherever possible. I've been gathering bonus and preference points for my son and I in all the western states, for nearly every hunt that offers them. I began building points for my son as soon as he was old enough, and as a result he's one point ahead of that big glut of applicants for moose and sheep in Wyoming. My strategy with my son has been to put him in for very tough to draw tags to get him the point, but if he beats the odds and draws, he'll have a great tag. He's only 19 and already has 11 sheep and antelope points in AZ, and he drew a late Kaibab deer last year and muzzy elk in 2005. Took a very nice 6 pt bull at 16 years old, and an outstanding buck last year. Most of the points he's building will get used after he graduates from college, which is still 4 yearss off. When the time comes, he'll have 13 or 14 moose points in WY, and will pretty much be able to decide when to take a great shiras hunt. He'll probably draw his WY sheep tag by the time he's in his early 30s. Here's what we each have points for:

Oregon, deer, elk, antelope
California, deer, elk, antelope, sheep
Arizona, deer, elk, antelope, sheep
Nevada, deer, elk, antelope, desert,CA and Rocky sheep, goat
Utah, elk, rocky Mtn. sheep
Montana, combo license, sheep, moose, goat
Wyoming, deer, elk, antelope, sheep, moose
Colorado, deer, elk,antelope, sheep, moose

That's a big commmitment each year to pay for all those applications, but we usually draw a good tag or two. This year was the first time in a while that neither of us drew anything special. We'll have some outstanding hunts over the next twenty years or so.
I became frustrated with Oregon's quality and had to go to other states. It seems to me that if you are committed to quality hunts and that means representitive animals without the crowds you have to play the game. It is expensive, takes discipline and patience but there is not much the average guy can do to get around it. I see it as a vacation for me doing what I love. Guys I know always are joking about what I spend to hunt out of state as they drive their motorhomes, play golf, go on cruises, mexico and Hawaii. I'll go to Mexico but it won't be unarmed and without a muley tag. This is what I love and live to do so I enjoy playing the application game. I expect that it will continue to get more expensive and with limited opportunity as time goes by.

Lostinoregon & CAelknuts that is exactly what I think.

I have never bought a new car and am very thrifty with my money.

See a lot of guys wondering how i can go out of state to hunt and them and their wife are driving new cars with payments, and they spend money on things i would not.

We all make our choices and i cant think of anything better than sitting on top of a mountain before daylight with the oppurtunity to shoot a big mature buck, or bull. I have limited time so i want to hunt quality when and if i can.
"How do you mean "try for a tag"? How do you get points- just flat-out buying it? Can you buy as many points as you want every year? I thought you had to try for the tag to get a point."

Yes you can pretty much buy a point. Some states have a code dedicated to just purchasing a point rather than putting a hunt code on the application. You can only buy one point per species per year. However, when buying a point, you forego any chance at a tag, you cannot participate in the draw. As I've mentioned before, in states such as AZ where they have bonus points, its not very practical to only buy the points and not try for the tag. Unless of course there is something that will prevent you from going on the hunt and you still want the point for the year. But, if you can go on the hunt, why not apply for the tag?

It's Bush's fault!!!
I too build points in many states. The scary thing for me is there is no regulation on the states to change any application fee, point fee or tag fee at any time. What will stop Nevada or Arizona (and now Utah) from making it $10,000 to hunt a muley after I have spent hundreds of dollars buying licenses, stacking up points. I fear that I'm on a long term plan that I'll only be able to hang for the short term.
"What will stop Nevada or Arizona (and now Utah) from making it $10,000 to hunt a muley after I have spent hundreds of dollars buying licenses, stacking up points."

Well for one, AZ has a state law that sets the cap on what they can charge for tags.

It's Bush's fault!!!

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