Busted up antlers



As usual my buck busted a tine when he fell. Lost about 9 inches off his back fork. Any input as to the best way to repair? Its a clean break.
My uncle had the same problem on a buck close to 40 inches. It wouldnt score worth a hoot, but man was it wide! I would use some epoxy to glue the tine back on. Then i would sand it down really smooth then put a stain over it to match the antler.

later, M_P
Rather than the stain mentioned above, I had a moose with a broken tine and once it was glued back on I used some willow and rubbed the color back onto it. You can use whatever he would have been rubbing on to get the most natural look.
Good Luck!

Contact this taxidermist hell know what to do. (719)547-3404
(Valentine taxidermy) ask for Stewart
Drill a hole in both sides of the antler the size of a coat hanger. fill holes with a product called Epoxy Sculpt add a chunk of coathangar the right size to go into both sides. Put both sides together and fill in around crack with the Epoxy Sculpt and blend into the surrounding antler, let dry. The Epoxy Sculpt will not shrink, dries hard as a rock and can be stained to match the antler. You can get it at taxidermy supply places or through Van Dykes or McKenzies. I have used it to sculpt missing points before. It works well.


I agree with those who said to use epoxy. That coat hanger trick sounds good. If you get a tight fit, I'd rub the area with dirt, wood or whatever, get some grimy stuff on there and polish it up with a small, smooth, round river rock.
Superglue won't work, I thought it would but the marrow is too porous and it just soaks it up. Looks funky though, It smokes when the superglue hits it. Here is what I did, Drilled a hole in both sides just bigger than a grabber screw, put a pilot hole in one end and put the screw in leaving an inch to go into the busted tine. Cut the head off the screw. Filled up both holes with fiberglass rosin (all I had laying around but pretty much the same as epoxy/bondo). Held it til it set up and left overnight. Its like a rock now. Tonight I'm gunna go swipe a branch off the neibors quakie and rub the seam. Then I'll nail it up over the dining room table to torque the better half. By the way if anyone knows where I can get ahold of a pink spotting scope let me know. I have been telling my wife for years she is getting a spotting scope for christmas. She says thats fine as long as its pink, and has to come from the manufacturer pink, I can't paint it.
As long as you have the animal caped out,and you have have the knowledge to do so it will be cheaper. If not it will cost you incrediabley more money for the taxidermist to do it for you.Pretaining to the broken antler ,just mention it to the taxidermist that you want this particular service ,such as the antler fixed.You will be happy,they have knowledge to do anything you request as long as you have the $$$$, Have benn hunting for 37yrs. Don't know everything but have been around awhile. Have caped out my own animals and did some tavidermy. So I hope this will help you out a friend in the sport buck buster.

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