Carcass Tags


Active Member
Has anybody or they know of somebody that has been ticketed for attaching the tag to the detached antlers or head of your game and not the carcass? Or is this something the CPW just give warnings too. I know I have been putting it on the antlers in Utah since I have been hunting and that's ok in Utah. I don't want to get fined in Colorado if I forget and put it on the antlers like I have been doing for years. :D
Yes I have seen others get tickets! It is pretty clear between that and evidence of sex to largest 1/4. Why risk it, if you know the law states on the meat and not on the antlers then do it!
I failed to read the regs properly one time and attached the tag to the head and being a nice buck I kept the head locked in the back of the truck under the canopy and I was concerned about driving around with a deer head in back with no tag on it.

One day while we were in camp a warden came through and stopped and talked and checked licenses and tags and my deer, he knew exactly what I had done and asked to see the head (and tag) I got it out and that is when he explained the law.

I explained my concern with driving around with a head in back and no tag on it, he said it would be legal to do.

Didn't even really give a warning just explained the law and said he sees it often with nonresident hunters. But he was a REALLY nice guy so I wouldn't take the chance. Just follow the law.


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Back in 1976 I went to Craig, CO for my first NR hunt. Got my buck, a 4x4 on a ranch there outside of town. On the 2nd morning got the buck, took it back to barn and hung it up in the shed. Two days later I met the owner of ranch at his house in town and we went out to barn to get my buck and the owners son had already caped it out and left the antlers attached to the skull. CWD was not know then I guess.
Anyway, after we loaded the gutted buck into my truck I headed back to town to get dry ice for the cavity and then covered up the whole deer with canvas's and headed for CA.
Got over close to Utah border and there was a check point so I pulled in behind about 4 other rigs all waiting on the lead truck to unload ALL of his gear to get to their game.
A GW came walking back to my rig to see if I had game which I said yes, a Mulie buck.
Asked me to open the back of campershell so he could look.
I got out and saw some of the other hunters walking back to see what I had and that GW looked at my buck and said congrats. Then he told me "to take my license off the antler and put the TAG on the antler" and hurry before those other guys see you make the switch.
after the guys looked and then left, he said is this your first time here to CO at which I said YES. Wanted to know where I hunted and told him the name of the ranch and he said have a good trip home and I drove off while the others were waiting their turn to be checked.
Hunted for 10 years straight after that and never had a problem after that one lesson of not reading the Rules close enough.

I have a hard time understanding this law. I hunt in the backcountry and bone my deer out before packing. When I get out, I have a sack full of meat, a cape and a skull with antlers attached. I understood in such a case, I am to put the tag on the antlers as the meat is already processed. Am I wrong?

"You can fly a helicopter to the top of Everest and say you've been there. The problem with that is you were an a$$hole when you started and you're still an a$$hole when you get back.
Its the climb that makes you a different person". - Yvon Chouinard

Yes you are wrong. You still need to attach the carcass tag to a piece of meat preferably the piece of meat that also has the evidence of sex attached. A carcass tag is never to be put on an antler.
Put the carcass tag (which is what it is, not an antler tag) on the meat that contains the "evidence of sex". Now be careful and insure that that portion of meat is on top in the cooler so that you can easily verify it to the game officer.

Yes, there are the occasional officers that will give you guidance, and then there are those that will enforce the law. Whether you agree or disagree is your option, but the regulation is clearly stated, abide with it.
We were checked last year and had the tag attached to the head. Officer explained that we had it wrong and asked that we move it from the head to a hind quarter. We moved it right then. They didn't make a big deal about but this year we made sure to do it right.
Does it have to be attached to the quarter that has evidence of sex?

This year, I accidentally had it attached to the rear quarter without evidence of sex as I was quartering and putting the quarters in game bags and thought I chose the right one. I didn't realize until I unpacked my game bags that it was attached to the opposite quarter.
Thanks, that's what I thought and that was my intention...I just thought I had the correct quarter and didn't pull it out of the game bag to confrim.
Yes, they do check and ticket for an improperly tagged carcass, and also that the sex organs are attached. In fact, a CPW officer once told me that The majority of tickets given at checkpoints were for just that. It's not difficult to do it right, and worth the effort to remember. While some states may not require it, I find myself keeping sex organs attached to all carcasses. Not a bad habit to get in to.
Good point there...I also try to leave evidence of sex attached to both quarters.

Another odd point of the law...unless it is attached to the carcass, the head is not evidence of sex.
John 14:6
Back in the day we attached to antlers like we do in Arizona and when the game warden checked us one time he was cool about it and we now make sure to put carcass tag in one of the game bags with a rear 1/4.
What's freakin retarded is keeping the proof of sex attached...when you debone the meat it's a pain in the butt to keep attached and hairy ##### and balls is the last thing I want in with my meat.
I make sure to have a ziplock to put the sack in but still think it's kinda silly...I wish other states just had the sticky tags like we have in Arizona that you just slap on your antlers and call it good!
All that being said as long as u make an attempt to do the right thing the Colorado game wardens I've had check us have always been very reasonable!
Yup, skin them out, split them apart, put them in zip bags, and leave a nut on each hind quarter. That way if one gets accidentally pulled off (it won't) you still are covered.

It's not a big deal to comply with the regulation.
I always leave evidence of sex on both hind quarters also...but i do not agree with having to put your tag on the carcass immediately after kill. Reason being. Once we attached the tag to the lower leg at the tendon at the kill site. We were a mile or so back in and by the time we got the animal to the tag left on the leg. Spent most of the day back tracking and looking for the tag in the bushes. Ever since then I fill out the tag at the kill site and wait until we get the animal to the jeep or wheeler to attach to the carcass.

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