Cashing in deer points.


I have 9 points for deer and will never draw a late Strip or Kaibab tag in the next 20 years so I'm ready to cash in. I can draw a 12A West early or a 23 late Coues hunt this year. I am close to being able to draw a 33 late Coues or a 23 late Muley hunt. What would you do? I am just looking for a fun hunt with a good chance of taking a mature deer. I have never been Coues hunting before and I want to go DIY.
23 late coues is an awesome hunt - lots of great areas to hunt - open hilly/desert type areas just north of Roosevelt lake or hunt below the rim country in and around Young - both can produce very nice bucks.

there are good areas all thru unit 23 - good luck
Of those choices, I would agree with the 23 late coues tag. You might consider 3A/C rifle mule deer as well. Took 7 points in the 1-2 pass last year and some big deer get killed in there every year. Or 7 late rifle mule deer. 50% odds with 9 points last year.
The only problem I see with the Coues hunt is the dates I would hunt would be early 12/13-12/18. It sounds like the end of December may be better. It seems nobody likes the 12A west early hunt. It appears to have decent success with a chance at a real nice buck.
I don't rifle deer hunt, but if I did, and maybe I should as you will read: I would go 12A west early and nail one of the suckers that I keep missing on during the recent archery hunts:)
Yes, as long as the current system of 20% to the first max points round, combined with the 10% nonresident cap and heavily nonresident and getting heavier top pool system stays in place, there is no point in holding for strip deer tags. I'm hoping to draw the strip before they change the system as I am in the good ol' boys club. But realistically, I realize they can change the system at any time.... Your points are worth something WHEN they do.
If all you can hunt is the first week of the dec. 23 coues hunt, i wouldn't plan on seeing much rutting activity. There is very little rut in the first week of any of the dec coues hunts. 23 is a great unit though. Good luck regardless.
If you want to stick with Mule Deer I would do 12A East early. A much better hunt that West Early. The reduction in tags this year will make it a better hunt with less people. If you are looking for a fun hunt, it is hard to beat.

Kevin Call
High Point Outfitters

You must have some really "secret spots" in 12A East to make that kind of recommendation!

Personally I wouldn't recommend to anyone that particular hunt.

12A West early if a buck 20-24" in what you'd be happy with.

Otherwise I think he'd be better off with a late Coues tag.

Course application period is over, so this is a mute point and just my opinion though..

Don Martin
I blew my max points on a 12AE late tag in 2008. We even got 6 -8 inches of snow on top of the plateau during the hunt. I hunted to the last minute and never saw anything bigger than a 150 inch 4x4. I went home empty handed and lost all my points. Dumb move on my part. I wouldn't waste any points on 12AE early or late. I'd take a Dec coues hunt any day!
Don, I hear similar stories about the Kaibab every year. I have been hunting the Kaibab for 40 years and we take 170-190? bucks on the early hunts. I actually had the early east side tag myself four years ago. The warm fire has made this hunt. It is not a late hunt but if you don't have max points for the late hunt or the strip this is your next best option for a mule deer hunt in Arizona. Get the tag and then hunt with someone that knows the area to give you the best chance at a great Mule deer.

Kevin Call
High Point Outfitters
I didn't put in for anything that I will draw this year. May go OTC archery in January to check out some Coues units before I burn my points. Thanks for all the info guys.
It just depends on if you want a coues deer or mule deer. If you have never coues deer hunted, I would suggest you get a guide or someone that knows the unit if you are going to cash in 9 years of points. Coues deer hunting isn't easy. Now if you shoot a 100 inch coues deer, at least for me, it is no where near as impressive as killing a 170 inch mule deer. Can you kill a 170 inch buck on the early kaibab hunts definitely. Is it easy? No, but very doeable with experience. Again with 9 years of your life going into a draw, get someone with experience in 12 a west or East and you may just kill one of the bigger bucks in your life on the early hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-13 AT 07:48AM (MST)[p]I feel your pain. I will have 9 total points with loyalty and hunter ed but I have no idea what to do with those points...I don't have in interest in Coues deer.

The January OTC hunts that I've done with Big Chino are a blast with great opportunities every time but I almost wonder why I buy points...

Thank you for posting this up and hopefully more ideas will filter out.

Hey Bill.

If you are hunting with Big Chino, just ask them...

I'm sure they would have some suggestions on how to burn those points...

Don Martin
Early kiabab is s good choice. This year they changed the rule on the buffalo. Now you can shoot a bull with the OTC tag. Have a chance at a good buck and a buffalo. I know a couple guides that kill good bucks on the early hunt every year.
Same boat here. Will have 12 deer points after this years appilication cycle. Mabey one day will figure out what to do with them.

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