Colorado Elk Area Unit 61


Active Member
I am a Resident from Ft Collins, have accumulated 14 Pref Points, wanting to use them for the 2 nd rifle season, Mid Oct hunt, seems to be enough points to get a license for a bull tag. I have over the years heard that 61 is a good elk/trophy area, but I have never been there to scout it out so I will go there well ahead of time to recon it as much as possible before hunting. My question: Has anyone that hunted it fairly recently who would be willing to share information about the unit & what to expect there from their hunting ? I will get good maps of course & study them well, I am 70 years "young", just old but still able to walk/climb fairly well, I have a younger stronger man along to assist me, we will camp in a Camping Trailer up on top of the area, not below, any ideas on a spot to camp also would help-- again I am starting from zero knowledge. Anything & / or everything re information would be helpful & appreciated very much--- only 1 chance to get this right, if weather cooperates naturally. I have a 4 W D Dodge Truck also & a supply trailer attached on the Trailer, enough to go 14 days total , water & everything needed. Thanks very much in advance ! Jerry Good. E Mail: [email protected]
Hey Jerry,

We hunted 2nd and 4th season last year for cows, and I should be there for 1st and 2nd this year cow hunting with friends as well. Just a thought, you have more than enough points to draw 1st rifle season, which may be a better choice for bulls, as there should be some bugling activity, if it isn't super hot. I live close, and spend a decent amount of time around the south side of the unit. Would be more than happy to help you guys out, as I'll be in there scouting, and looking for Elk and Bears. It's a fantastic Elk unit, and you can literally find Elk from the top to the bottom of the unit.

PM me if you want to chat about it, and let me know when you pull a tag. Good luck

Thanks very much Chris !!! Based on your advice, I have just now changed that 1 st elk pick to the 1 st elk hunt in 61 for this years entry & will see if I get lucky, if not just try again next year until I connect. Only going to get one chance there, by the time I would get that many elk p p 's again I will be too darn old ! Or croaked out. Really appreciate your advice & offers of help on that unit, must be great elk country & good numbers as well as some big bulls if one is also lucky -- right place & right time luck. I will be in contact again if I draw & after the draws. Thanks again so much ! Jerry Gold in Ft Collins, E M: [email protected] Cell # : 307--772--1623 ( I once was a resident in Wyoming) -- Good luck to you too on the draws !!
I hunted 61 - 1st rifle in 2013. I was in the same boat as you and had never been to the area before either. I had a lot of great help from guys on this site. With 14 res points you should have been able to draw 1st season bull.
I came into the unit from the north on the divide road.It is a good road and can easily pull a big trailer down. I runs the length of the entire unit and is the dividing line between 61 and 62. As soon as you get on top of the plateau there is camping all along the road. We hunted from cambell point down to windy point. all the drainages to the west. It is nasty, thick oak brush canyons. I camped about 1 mile north of windy point. It was the greatest elk hunt I have ever been on. There were bulls bugling all night long. I got my bull on the second day. Check out Dominguez pack service (Austin Massey) he runs a packing service on is a great help if you get a animal down in a canyon and need horses. He was busy and I used Jody Weimer of Weimer ranches to pack my bull out. He set myself and my 11 year old son up with horses as well and we had a great time packing my bull out. Best money I ever spent.
Hunted archery there a couple years ago and can share my info if needed. Plenty of bugling so I'm sure 1st rifle would be great!
LAST EDITED ON May-04-17 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]Have hunted cow elk in 61 for many years. If you draw it, hit me up. Have a cousin that lives in Montrose also and I know a guy that lives in Nucla.
I should be there this year but I put in for 3rd season.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
My dad and several friends have used Weimer hunt camps in 61 before. I have only hunted deer in 61, but will hunt it one day for elk. I've personally seen several bulls over 350 while hunting deer or helping others. My dad killed a nice 5x6 that was in the 335 range. Had 52 inch main beams and would be a 350 class bull if it was a 6x6. Great unit
Thank you for your note & information about Weimar for elk. I am still waiting on the draw results like most hunters. I just put in for. P P for deer this year--- I have 9 now-- the winter kill made me hold back. Sounds like 61 is still a good one for elk as I have heard in the past years. I have eaten a lot of tag soups over the years on elk, so many things can & do go wrong. I have never been to that area but it must be really good for both elk & deer too. Thanks again-- if I draw I would like to contact you again. Best Wishes, Jerry Gold in Ft Collins, Co 307-772-1623--I used to live in Cheyenne , Wy.
I had an unsuccessful archery hunt in 2012. If you draw, send me a PM and I will offer my perspective. I am a 61 year old NR with some health issues. I was in good shape in 2012 but failed to hunt hard enough to get it done. No one's fault but my own.

I was glad to see others got some good help when they drew a tag in this unit. That was not the case when I did my research. Forest service was unwilling or unable to help me at all. I did not find Jody Weimer's contact info until it was too late to be of any help. Everyone in Nucla knew of him. Not the slugs at the Forest Service it seems, would not return calls, no maps, zero help. One MM member went as far as to PM me the message: "Hell no I won't help you, your a NR and once before a NR failed to thank me". As a resident, you should not have such a problem. Best of luck Sir!

Thanks so much for your E Mail & information on your hunt--you had a rough time with people that could have helped, especially the forest service personnel. I have hunted a lot of states in the West & never encountered that sort of poor attitude from Forest service personnel. Sorry for your bad experiences ! My bad experiences over the years have mainly involved crooked, incompetent, or dumb outfitters/alleged guides, but I have had some excellent ones too, you never know until you use them & then it's too late, $$ & tag gone, as well as travel & time gone. No help either from anyone on state levels. A true no mans land of "you are screwed dude !". Getting Jody Weimars contact information would be very helpful indeed.

If I draw that tag or when I draw it, I will contact you, would appreciate your advice/experience from that area. I will visit the area before hunting it, no previous hunting there or even a visit either.
Best Regards, Jerry Gold--Ft Collins, Colorado. 307--772--1623--cell--used to live in Cheyenne, Wy. E M: [email protected]
> I had an unsuccessful
>archery hunt in 2012. If
>you draw, send me a
>PM and I will offer
>my perspective. I am a
>61 year old NR with
>some health issues. I was
>in good shape in 2012
>but failed to hunt hard
>enough to get it done.
>No one's fault but my
>I was glad to see others
>got some good help when
>they drew a tag in
>this unit. That was not
>the case when I did
>my research. Forest service was
>unwilling or unable to help
>me at all. I did
>not find Jody Weimer's contact
>info until it was too
>late to be of any
>help. Everyone in Nucla knew
>of him. Not the slugs
>at the Forest Service it
>seems, would not return calls,
>no maps, zero help. One
>MM member went as far
>as to PM me the
>message: "Hell no I won't
>help you, your a NR
>and once before a NR
>failed to thank me". As
>a resident, you should not
>have such a problem. Best
>of luck Sir!
> LaGriz
I don't understand this mentality at all, especially considering even as residents, we won't hunt this unit any more than once a decade ourselves. Sorry you had that experience, I can tell you that's not the attitude of everyone on here.
I don't know jack about 61 but ill say this. Seems like you have a few good guys willing to help out with some info. Its nice to see that its not all bitching and radio silence that you see in some of these posts. Been on here for over 15 years and its pretty sad what its turned into. I make it a point to help someone out when I see a unit I'm familiar with or someone hits me up, as I've had some good general info passed to me over the years its called karma. Good luck on your tag if you pull it, hope you tip over a monster.
Thanks so much ! Well said about info & people /hunters on units. I am always glad to help whenever possible---pay it forward & help someone that needs it. I have gotten lots of help over the years from others--- no one does it all alone very often. Also, not like giving up a honey hole you can hunt every year ---you cannot get these tags except once every few years, maybe !!!
Best Wishes, Jerry Gold-- Ft Collins, Co
Hi Jerry, I am willing to help you as much as I can. We have done well in unit 61. I do have two friends that drew that unit for 1st and 2nd season this year that i will be helping. Also a friend of mine's wife drew an archery tag for 61. Do you have good maps for 61. National Geographic has some really nice maps. If you get the ones for North and South Uncompahgre it will help. I can call you or you can call me at 970-379-7154 and we can talk about it some more.

Vince ( Frijoles )
Hello Vince--- Thank you for your offer -- very appreciated ! You know a lot about that unit--great news! As I said, I have never even been there, but I heard it can/is very good if the weather is not too hot. I am waiting on the draw results like most everyone else. I tried going back door but system bogged down when I tried to enter it, so try tomorrow ! If I draw that tag, I will be in contact for sure to t discuss it. I am for certain starting from ground zero there. Thanks again Vince ! Jerry Gold-- Ft Collins 307--772--1623-- I used to live in Cheyenne. [email protected]
No luck this year --- struck out on everything in Colorado. Have to just try again next year. It happens--- been there before. I still have an entry in Wyoming for antelope & deer in Arizona, but odds are very very long for a hit either place. Did you have any luck in Colorado ? Or elsewhere ? Jerry Gold in Ft Collins, Colorado
>No luck this year --- struck
>out on everything in Colorado.
>Have to just try again
>next year. It happens---
>been there before. I still
>have an entry in Wyoming
>for antelope & deer in
>Arizona, but odds are very
>very long for a hit
>either place. Did you
>have any luck in Colorado
>? Or elsewhere ? Jerry
>Gold in Ft Collins, Colorado

Major league bummer! You should have drawn 1st rifle hunt with 12 or more points. Did you apply for Early rifle, by chance?
I drew a good 3rd Rifle deer tag, an Archery cow Moose and a Bear tag, so I'm gonna be pretty busy.
Thanks for your Message Gringo --- Good for you--- congratulations ! You will be busy indeed & hope the weather co-operates every season ! I managed to miss with 14 points for elk-- stuff happens with those draws, never know, try again next year. Just a roll of the dice. Guess I will see what's leftover & what the returned tags may have, but sounds like that is a moon shot, just my guess, never looked before, did not know they even existed until this year. I just put in for a deer point this time around-- have 9 now-- & clueless as to where any really good units are or if they exist after last winters losses. I used to think 21 was good, but now it too seems in the dumper like most deer units, so it seems anyway. Thanks again so much ! Really appreciate your help & advice ! Jerry Gold-- Ft Collins-- [email protected]
307--772--1623--Used to live in Cheyenne-- My cell number-- my only number now!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-17 AT 10:54AM (MST)[p]I wouldn't give up yet on your unit 61 tag, people turn tags in and with the new next in line for returned tags in premium units rules you might get a phone call. Unfortunately your scouting time might be short. If you do get a tag on short notice send me a PM, I'm starting to know parts of the unit pretty well. Best of luck.
I'd assume he applied for EE061E1R. He stated above "the first elk hunt in 61", which is the early rifle season. There was never a remote chance to draw that with 14 points, because it's not in the Hybrid Draw. It took 19 points to guarantee draw this year, same as last year.
I feel like a heel for confusing the issue initially.....

Hoped he would pull a tag, and have a great hunt.
If he is trying for the early rifle instead of the regular first rifle he will never catch it due to point creep unfortunately
My brother was one of the lucky ones to a draw 1st rifle bull tag in 61. I know some of the south end of the unit, but if anyone has some general pointers to share please send me a PM. I'll be tagging along as sherpa and camp cook. Hopefully he doesn't knock one down in some nasty canyon like BigFin did!
RE: Taxidermist in Reno, Nevada, To Expertly Cape out an Antelope--on Short Notice

I need to locate a very good Taxidermist in area of Reno, Nevada, that can expertly cape out an antelope on short notice for air trip home to Colorado. My caping skills are just so so average-- no awards for me ! I will welcome any & all recommendations from fellow hunters in Reno area.

The best Taxidermist I know of currently for antelope & deer is Clay Goldman in Payson, Arizona----does a super job--incredibly realistic mounts. Another one is Steve Marrou in Cheyenne, Wyoming, he did an amazing job on my sons Wyoming Mountain Goat in 2010. Both very fine honest men & great taxidermists. Please contact me at:
E Mail : [email protected]
Text/Cell Phone: 307-772-1623
Thanks very much !!
Jerry Gold
Fort Collins, Colorado
If you guys get one down on the mid to north end of the unit I would be happy to help you with the packing. I am based in the part of the unit and will have mules and a guy on available with a delorme inreach texting device so he is easy to reach.
Give me a call for further details.

JT Robbins
Allout Guiding & Outfitting LLC
I spent the weekend scouting the south end of 61 with my brother. We saw more bears than elk (2 - 0). We were in Sanborn and Hanks Valley, didn't see a single elk and almost no sign. Is this normal for August? Are they still up on top?
>Seriously, I think ray Charles could
>see elk in 61. I
>was down by hanks valley
>and saw a ton of

Orion, i'm guessing that you hunt the mid to northern part of the unit :) . To answer Waygoner's question, from my limited experience, more elk show up once unit 62 starts seeing some pressure. I certainly don't know as much as others about the unit and the guys that spend all summer enjoying 61 know where the resident herds are.

You'll be surprised the difference between summer scouting and hunting season.
He said Hanks Valley and I was saying it is impossible to drive from the cattle guard to Big Red and not see one elk I don't care what time of the year. I've seen them in May, June, July, August, September, October, and November.
Thanks Elkhunter96 for your response last May about 61. I missed out on the elk draw this year. So I will try again next year. I have enough Points for elk & deer as does my son in law. It seems like the elk hunting there is better than the deer hunting, would that be right based on what you know ? We are considering the Weimar Hunting Camps that you mentioned. Any insight you would like to give me on the elk/deer hunting quality versus quantity would be very appreciated ! You spoke about the Weimar Hunting Camps too-- are they good with a good reputation ?
Thanks so much !
Jerry Gold
Ft Collins, Colorado
E Mail: [email protected]
Cell 307--772--1623

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

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Frazier Outfitting

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CJ Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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Hunters Domain

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Flat Tops Elk Hunting

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