Confused about Nevada draw


Very Active Member
I also posted this in the Nevada forum. Here is the question.
So I understand the squaring of the points. What I don't understand is how the first through fifth choices work. For example in Utah, you will almost never draw your second choice because all those tags are gone after first choice, let alone third fourth or fifth. The way I understand it, is you have a decent shot of drawing your second third fourth and fifth options in Nevada, correct? Are your points still gone if you draw something beside your first choice? Should you put the hunts you want to draw the most as your first or second choice? I'm guessing so. Anybody that could explain this to me I'd appreciate it, thanks.
If your name is drawn the first unfilled hunt on your list is given to you. Your points are gone.

All names are in the same hat. I have one if this is the first year I put in. You have 101 if you have 10 points. 10 squared plus one for this year.

The first through fifth choice on each application are considered before moving on to the next application. My strategy is to put a highly sought after hunt as first choice and then easier to draw hunts after in descending order. If my random number is really low, I may draw my first choice. If my random number is higher, I may draw my 5th choice.
First of all thank you, let me see if I have this right . So it's just one big pool with no hunt or anything associated with it right? They just throw everyone's name in the Hat and pull out the thousands of names to fill the tags. Then they just go through your list to see if they have any open spots that match any of your hunt choices, if you do they give you a tag?
You bet.

My strategy has been not to put any hunt number on my app that I dont wanna draw.

The result is I've not hunted NV....haha. I have quite a few deer points.

I think Nevada has the best draw system of any Western state. It's pretty simple.
The more points you have gives you a better chance of getting a lower computer generated number. Nevada squares Bonus Points.

Lets say you got lucky and have drawn a really low computer generated number like 46. If your first choice is available you get that. It works all the way down to your 5th choice if you have selected one.

After they go through your application you either get a tag or you are rejected if there are no tags left for your hunt choices.
After that they move on to Computer generated number 47 and so on until the draw is complete.

Squaring points gives those with allot of points or years invested a mathematically better choice of drawing.

If you look at the tags that were drawn for hunts you will see that those with the most points do not automatically draw their desired hunts. They only have a better chance at getting a lower draw number.
The only challenging part of Nevada's draw system is, theoretically you may never draw. I know a resident who has put in for Nevada desert sheep every year since they started the point system, ( 27 years) and he has never drawn. Yet, there are some residents of Nevada who are putting in for their third desert sheep tag.
Statistically my friend has a better chance, but Lady Luck always seems to wear a frown. Kinda sucks for him.
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I think Nevada has the best draw system of any Western state. It's pretty simple.
The more points you have gives you a better chance of getting a lower computer generated number. Nevada squares Bonus Points.

Lets say you got lucky and have drawn a really low computer generated number like 46. If your first choice is available you get that. It works all the way down to your 5th choice if you have selected one.

After they go through your application you either get a tag or you are rejected if there are no tags left for your hunt choices.
After that they move on to Computer generated number 47 and so on until the draw is complete.

Squaring points gives those with allot of points or years invested a mathematically better choice of drawing.

If you look at the tags that were drawn for hunts you will see that those with the most points do not automatically draw their desired hunts. They only have a better chance at getting a lower draw number.

This is probably the most complete explanation.
If you understand New Mexico's system, it's the same thing just with point squaring. Swing for the fences with choice #1, #2, #3, put in something you'd hunt but wouldn't be pissed about burning your points for #4 and #5.
If you understand New Mexico's system, it's the same thing just with point squaring. Swing for the fences with choice #1, #2, #3, put in something you'd hunt but wouldn't be pissed about burning your points for #4 and #5.
I didn’t know New Mexico has a point system I thought it was totally luck of the draw?
I didn’t know New Mexico has a point system I thought it was totally luck of the draw?
Reading comprehension. He didn’t say NM has a points system. He said NV is similar on how they conduct the draw except for the fact that NV does have points.

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