

Active Member
Well, like most of the west, it's been hotter than a fresh f****d fox in a forest fire around our place lately. So rather that cook in the house I set up the camp stove on the patio and fried up some Halibut my Pop brought home from AK in June. This turned into some pretty mean fish tacos. 8" flour tortillas with, salted cabbage & green onions, garden tomatoes, cotija cheese, avocado and special sauce (mayo, greek yogurt, chipotle peppers, and lemon juice).
My youngest son Brady (11) was helping me do some prep and turned up his nose when I said we were prepping for fish tacos instead of the usual, beef/elk/antelope. He told me he's "not a big fish guy". I replied boy, "don't knock it till you try it, this might be your new favorite thing". This brought an eye roll!
After eating two tacos, and 2 or three single pieces on the side he begrudgingly admitted that although he is still not a "big fish guy", he is definitely a "Halibut Taco" guy! Shabammm......... Converted!!!





I’m not a fish guy either……… I don’t know what halibut is but it can’t be fish…..

Well done Dad!

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