Could You and Would You Take the Shot?


Founder Since 1999
You spent 4 hours crawling in on this buck bedded in the sage, not certain just how big he is, just that he was pretty good. At 62 yards he catches movement or something and stands. He's ready to get out of there. You've got about 12 seconds to draw and let one go. There quite likely will be no second opportunity at this one.

Is he big enough?
Can you get your bow drawn and a pin settled on him?
Do you take the shot?


Brian Latturner
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Only if he turns a little more sideways at least quartering away.
At 62 yards and the angle he's in the pic I'm afraid I would hit him in the butt or glance off his shoulder and just wound him and he would get away.
He is kind of funky looking but is a pretty big buck.
That range is right at the edge of my comfort level. Like buckhorn, I'd prefer that it turn broadside a bit more. That angle is pretty steep and unless I can get it to turn with a well-timed fart or doe bleet, then I'm afraid I'll have to let it pass then cry myself to sleep later at base camp.
>That range is right at the
>edge of my comfort level.
>Like buckhorn, I'd prefer that
>it turn broadside a bit
>more. That angle is pretty
>steep and unless I can
>get it to turn with
>a well-timed fart or doe
>bleet, then I'm afraid I'll
>have to let it pass
>then cry myself to sleep
>later at base camp.


I like that angle, but it would be out of my range. I practice and am confident out to 50, but past that I just won't shoot. I have seen many archers hit the targets out to 100, but I am not one of them. Beautiful buck.
Too far for me and too steep of an angle at that distance. Definately a shooter but not an ideal shot opportunity.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-19 AT 08:19AM (MST)[p]If it's my last day hunting and my only opportunity then 100%.

Ideal shot, absolutely not but thats why I like long range practice, good broadheads, and beefy arrows.

With that angle to you'd have a fair shot at puncturing the diaphragm and, hopefully, a lung. With that kind of shot you'd most likely harvest that buck.

... plus, it's your last day and only opp.
>Too far for me and too
>steep of an angle at
>that distance. Definately a shooter
>but not an ideal shot

LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-19 AT 03:37PM (MST)[p]If I got the range dialed and arrow nocked, I can can make that shot.

I prefer a quartering away shot, just put it thru the opposite shoulder...although at this angle it'll likely be going thru the front of the opposite shoulder.

Oh, and he's big enough for me with a bow.
Full send.

60 yards is probably my favorite shot (obviously no complaints if they are closer) but I practice for that scenario daily. In my experience 60 is where things tend to go sideways on a stalk so I try to be comfortable out to 80.

Only concern would be him dropping at the sound of the shot. It’s difficult to say just how much they will drop or if they will at all. But he’s still close enough that he wouldn’t be getting out of there without an arrow tucked up behind those ribs given that quartering-away angle
The Scenario you set up mentioned basically him being alerted to possible danger! Nervous deer will likely jump string maybe not at 62 yards I dunno but I’ve had elk jump string at 20 yards so I might pass and put another stalk on him once he settles down
I’d be way excited to be in that situation with that deer, but I have shot enough 3-D targets to know it is a risky shot for me, and I know that it is even tougher on real animals. I’m sure that some people can make the shot, but I’d probably hesitate waiting for deer to turn and end up eating my tag.
Shooter? For sure. But no ethical shot for me. When they are broadside and you miss by 2” you are still golden. But at that severe angle, 2” would make a big difference. Especially if he moves at all

And, that would hold true the first minute or last minute of my hunt.
Definitely a shooter buck, but I max myself at 50 yards, simply because I feel as a hunter If I can't get within 50 yards of an animal then lm doing something wrong.
No shot for me!
1) Distance is too far.
2) Angle is not good at any distance!
3) Animal is alert and likely to jump string.
Just sayin, , , , !
No shot for me!
1) Distance is too far.
2) Angle is not good at any distance!
3) Animal is alert and likely to jump string.
Just sayin, , , , !
Not too far for accurate shot.
Angle ok for the distance.
Agree with #3 - no arrow is that fast that a buck or bull takes a half step and - no bueno!
Maybe 75% chance of a dead buck. But 25% chance of a gory wound and a lost animal. Just too far with a narrow margin of error, steep angle and an already alert deer.
When I see these posts, I like to think thru my answer before I read the replies.
Anyway, I didn't realize the original post date was 3 years ago. As I scrolled through the answers, I see a familiar picture. I already replied! Same answer this time! :D
Big enough? Yes.
12 seconds? Yes.
62 yards? Beyond my comfort zone.
Angle? Not enough quartering.
I agree with some and disagree with others.

Time is fine unless I'm gassed and know I cannot hold the bow steady.
Shot distance is on my edge of comfort but not beyond.
Shot angle is fine IF a guy can settle the pin and shoots well ...which is (should be) the case with EVERY archery shot.
The thing that bugs me is knowing that he could blow out of there at any moment. That would make me hesitate beyond the 12 seconds so I guess that means no shot for me but I'll enjoy the encounter.
Even the quietest bows make some noise.

I agree with some and disagree with others.

Time is fine unless I'm gassed and know I cannot hold the bow steady.
Shot distance is on my edge of comfort but not beyond.
Shot angle is fine IF a guy can settle the pin and shoots well ...which is (should be) the case with EVERY archery shot.
The thing that bugs me is knowing that he could blow out of there at any moment. That would make me hesitate beyond the 12 seconds so I guess that means no shot for me but I'll enjoy the encounter.
Even the quietest bows make some noise.

Well said
I wouldn't hesitate to take the shot, as long as I knew the range for sure. I would aim at the far left shoulder, straight up the far leg.

Haven't missed a shot on any big game animal, since I wounded and lost one in the early 90s. I swore that would never happen again and practiced like a man possessed. It bothered me a lot, but it was the best thing that ever happened for my shooting.
I'd be taking the shot... He'd "duck the string" and my arrow would sail over his back by a few inches. And I'd have a cool but sad story to tell.
Definite NO for me! I grew up bow hunting whitetail & have experienced pretty much every scenario that can go wrong. 30-40 yards… yes!
After this year's hunt I think I would needed some lighted Knocks to follow my arrow a little easier

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