COVID=Cancelled years' Hunts?


Active Member
Anyone have to cancel their hunt this year because of this virus? I feel for you if you did, but was wondering. If you did, I hope.everything works out next year.
Yep. Idaho spring bear for me. Season open, but would not se non resident tags until it was to late for our yearly spring hunt
Had a Osceolla Turkey hunt cancelled as airline cancelled my flight from Phoenix to Orlando on Thursday for a flight the next day and weekend hunt.. Piss Me off cause it was for my Royal Slam. Already have 4 Species and not going for Osscilated in Central America. And I am 64 and want it done . Have em all mounted too!
Lost an Africa trip.. And a couple fishing trips to Mex. Stayed home and hunted more turkey and fished all my local spots.
I work as a civilian DOD employee. We must get high level leave approval to go outside our local area bounds. Upon return home, we must shelter at home for 14 days, telework if we can, or take more leave if we can't. Certainly makes it tough to do more than one out of bounds hunt. I don't expect things to get better anytime soon. Our work required restrictions are more stringent than any given by the Governors people are complaining about.

Funny thing is that there are hotter hotspots of Covid-19 inside my local area boundaries than anywhere I would pass through back and forth to my hunt.
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Wondering why all the Alaska fishing trips were cancelled?

Did you guys just decide not to go?
Or was there something else at play?
Canceled 25th Anniversary Namibia trip....was going 25 days for 25 years (hunting then touring). Was taking wife and daughter. Rescheduled for next year...we will have to see how that pans out. Stay healthy folks!
I had to postpone 2 trips to Africa. A central barrenground caribou hunt in Canada. also a roe deer hunt in England. There in no telling when we will all be able to resume hunting out of the country.
Four trips canceled, but all delayed til next year. april, snow goose hunt in Sascatewan(sp?), May- botsmwana hunt, June- alaska fish trip, August - Sturgeon fishing trip in BC. Still hoping for Oct waterfowl hunt in Alberta...LOL.

Alaska- outfitter did not open lodge or fish camp since he could not meet social distancing or 14 day quareente requirements.

"Up against the wall redneck mother"
Holy crap fellow hunters. Here i was pissed when some local restruants closed then i here you guys have to cancel these hunts. I wont complain about the local restraunts anymore.?
Rescheduled Red Stag, Fallow and Tahr in New Zealand until 2021. It might not happen then as New Zealand and Australia really have strict quarantine restrictions.
A Canada trip and Alaska down for me. Still wondering if we will see fall cancellation of some nonresident hunting in different western states. Still a small price compared to whats been lost at the hands of Covid.
Cancelled a Nebraska Merriam's hunt in the spring, and an Iowa whitetail hunt. But the Wyoming Muley hunt is hopefully still a go - the tag came in the mail last week. Picked up an archery OTC tag as well. So not nearly as bad as some of the above posts.
I’m on a construction project in New Zealand right now and they have very strict border requirements right now. I have went back to the US every fall I’ve been here for a mule deer hunt. Because NZ won’t let me back in if I leave I’ll likely miss my hunt this year and not be able to travel again until my project is over.
Nothing missed for me. And I hope nothing changes between now and December. Didn't draw much this year, but plan to hunt at home in WY, then in CO and also in Kansas.
DWR cancelled my dads over the counter elk hunt in Utah!

Got in with 653 permits remaining, clicked on tag to purchase and it Kicked him into a 320,000 virtual waiting line AFTER he already waited for 3.5 hours!
Had a trip/hunt to Paraguay get cancelled. Probably never be able to book that one again. Also lost all the money on the flights for 4 people so that makes it twice as bad- it wasn't cheap. Colorado better not close it's boarders come Nov.......

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