Crazy Question


Active Member
I'll make it brief.

What do you think of a pre-death memorial service before the said person has passed? And once they pass, no funeral will be given?
I don't know the circumstances but two words come to mind.........weird and backwards.

I thought my ex wanted attention....

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
They do it on TV all the time. They call it a Roast! :)

Remember when ol Pete tried to be a car Salesman? That was the worst career move since Mel Gibson bought his girlfriend that tape recorder. :)


No big deal, people tell me what they think of me EVERYDAY.....!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
That's one Hell of an Idea there!

That way You could see who you're real friends were before You died!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>That's one Hell of an Idea
>That way You could see who
>you're real friends were before
>You died!:D
>I don't care if they're big
>or small!
>If they throw lead I like
>em all!

Ain't that the truth!! LMAO!![/IMG] ~Z~
Here's some more info..... the person is an 80 yr old grandma that is in a coma, unresponsive, and will pass anyday. To me, this is sick.Why not wait until she is gone?
>Here's some more info..... the person
>is an 80 yr old
>grandma that is in a
>coma, unresponsive, and will pass
>anyday. To me, this is
>sick.Why not wait until she
>is gone?

If it was like a week before opening day of deer season, I say let's have the service now!:)

I say whatever makes the family happy and gives them the most peace with the loss of their grandmother is best, whether it is before or after. My dad who is near wants no service at all just a scattering of his ashes on his favorite fishing lake. That is what I will do.
>If it was like a week
>before opening day of deer
>season, I say let's have
>the service now!:)

+1 - No point in missing the opener of deer season if you could get the final party taken care of ahead of time..

If it were me and I knew I was very close to cashing in my chips I would not want my hunting buddies to miss a day as important as the opener of deer season so I would say lets get together for big send off and the guys would be still be able to go hunt the opener.. Makes sense perfect sense to me
I have been to several goodbye parties for people who were dying. Its just a big family/community get together were everyone can say goodbye and share stories of the person. They still had funerals though. This stuff sounds weird though.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-11 AT 07:41PM (MST)[p]Depends on how close to death the person is. I know a few people a surprise party would be great to attend:) SURPRISE!!! Hey guess what!!! What a classic line that would be!

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