Damn poachers


Active Member
Had to go to a warehouse just out of town and found this! Some asshat decided to poach a buck and take only the back straps and dump the rest. Pisses me off!!!
Violations like this should have severe consequences, I know this would be very difficult to track down the poachers, but would love to see them caught.


uh....how do you know it wasn't hit by a car and the backstraps were salvaged????.....
Probably just feeding their family.

Why is that bad? UDWR issued tags to kill the kings deer and one was killed.

Ya cause when my family is hungry I only take the back straps. Ya ok.
No it wasn't hit by a car. The bullet hole in the shoulder proves that.
That ticks me off.

I'm assuming the above posts were making fun of one person in particular (hence the smiley face).

Ya one antler missing, some meat from the neck and back straps. All else was still there. Legs were cut off. Looks like they were going to process it then stopped or got scared and decided to dump it. Pics not very good.
You Sure that Ain't a RoadKill?

That Missing Antler looks to be Ripped/Knocked out of the Scull,Not Cut?

We Do Have Locals here that Feed on RoadKills!

Freshest Meat You'll ever eat!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Respectfully, Bighorn, theft is theft. If one cannot raise a family without stealing from others to do it, he should keep it in his pants. I hear the "feeding my family" argument from guys driving built-up pickup trucks with $20,000 worth of accessories. I don't buy it, and would rather encourage them to get a job.
No evidence of theft here Bullskin. By the way I live in an area full of one time oil field workers. They used to make 150k a year when oil was $140 a barrel. I am sure some of them felt secure enough to have kids. Now %70 of them don't have a job. I guess they should of thought of that before they had sex.

Don't be such a hardass. One day it could be you down at the pawn shop hocking your TV so you can feed some kids, or worse.
Bullskin, I assure you I was speaking in jest. That excuse has been used here before and I knew Tristate would jump in with a justification of his own for poaching. I just threw out a couple he may use and apparently I hit the bullseye.

This also pisses me off.

At no point did I justify this. I just explained that only a fool would attack people who had children and then fell on hard times.
I say kill a deer if you need to eat. Way better than robbing someone. God gave me the animals to eat. Men put laws on the books telling me when I can kill one. For sure looks like a road kill salvage to me....and it's not one of the highly coveted trophy bucks everyone gets so pissed about.
If the deer was poached, then it was stolen. Game belongs to the State, which means it belongs to the people, and laws exist to ensure that property held in common is fairly distributed and not consumed on a first come, first serve basis. I will assume that history speaks for itself in regard to the necessity of such regulation. To steal game in this fashion is no different from stealing minerals, water or artifacts, and cannot be justified on the basis of need any more easily than stealing from the grocery store.

This is not to say that most of us would refuse to do so if we were desperate, but we should at least acknowledge the true nature of our behavior.

And so the question becomes, what does one do when one faces hard times (assuming that to be the case here)? Are we justified in taking the property of others if we lose our jobs, or ought we take a more difficult, disciplined approach?
That could be a trophy in California some years.....they might have broke an antler off dragging that brute.

Where are the legs?
The legs are cut off. There is a bullet hole in the shoulder. It wasn't road kill. If it had been or looked like road kill then I would not have posted. As far as feeding your family, well then process the whole damn deer not just a little neck meat and back straps.
It was there Monday morning and was fairly fresh. I reported it to CADFW. I had to go back out on Tuesday and it was still there. That's when pics were taken, so it looks a little dark and beat up and stinky by then in the 70 degree California heat.
Sneak: Men put laws on the books so that you could have the CHANCE to kill one. They would all be dead by now, and you would not kill any, if not for the laws that prevent folks from killing them at will.
There's definitely a lot fishy about this. At first glance, it looks like someone used the "Gutless Method" and took the front and hind quarters, cut out the backstraps (and probably the tenderloin) and some of the good meat off the neck, and left the rest. Lest mine eyes deceive me...

I think what's fishy is killing a nice 3-point Blacktail, and cutting one antler off, and leaving the rest of the head and cape..?? That starts to throw more suspicion on the rest of the scene...

Did the Fish and Game ever make it out or contact you further..??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Is there anything more comical then watching every poaching thread to see how long it will take for tristate to dive in head first and lecture the rest of us about being judgmental and jumping to conclusions. He is a class act!

>Is there anything more comical then
>watching every poaching thread to
>see how long it will
>take for tristate to dive
>in head first and lecture
>the rest of us about
>being judgmental and jumping to
>conclusions. He is a
>class act!

Yes there is. Seeing how long it will take for you to feed him. Admit it, you love the never-ending back-and-forth as much as he does.
Yes received a call from them earlier today. Not much evidence to go on. Was shot in the shoulder, yes they used the gutless method. Quarters are intact the deer is kinda waded up so it looks deceiving.
Gutless method?

It looks more like the blind man chainsaw method to me! He even managed to whack off one(1) antler from that monster with his masterful meat extraction skill.

I'm going to make a guess here (since that's all any of us can do): The deer was hit by a car, shot in the shoulders to finish it off and some meat was salvage by someone who doesn't have much of a clue where the good cuts of meat are located.

There, go back to your chatting and accusations to make sure everyone knows how much you hate poachers. I do too but this seems too weird to jump on the bandwagon with the rest of you guys... so I made up my own story about this deer.... like the rest of you did.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-16 AT 04:57PM (MST)[p]I think Zeke is correct, but in Ut BOTH antlers would of been hacked off.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-16 AT 05:08PM (MST)[p]>uh....how do you know it wasn't
>hit by a car and
>the backstraps were salvaged????.....


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