Democrats don't care.


Long Time Member
I find it appalling that a large portion of Democrat voters would be willing to vote for Hillary if a criminal indictment takes place. Makes me wonder how many liberals on this forum share the same view that it is ok to elect a possible criminal.



Poll finds 50 percent still back Clinton even if indicted

A strong majority of Democratic voters think Hillary Clinton should keep running for president even if she is charged with a felony in connection with her private email use while secretary of state, according to a new poll.

Clinton was strongly criticized in a State Department inspector general report last week about her email use.

The report found repeated warnings about cyber security were ignored and staffers who expressed concerns were told ?never to speak of the Secretary?s personal email system again.?

Yet, this seems not to be a big issue among Democrats. The Rasmussen poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of Democratic voters believe she should keep running even if indicted, a view shared by only 30 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of unaffiliated voters. Overall, 50 percent of those polled said she should keep running.

The FBI investigation into her email practices is still ongoing. Democratic primary rival Bernie Sanders has avoided commenting specifically on that probe, but campaign manager Jeff Weaver on Wednesday questioned whether she could keep going if an indictment comes down.

"That would be difficult to continue running a race," Weaver told Fox News on Wednesday, when asked about the poll.

The email scandal could still be problematic for Clinton's general election hopes, with 40 percent of all voters saying they are less likely to vote for Clinton because of it -- though 48 percent of voters said it would have no impact on their vote.

The Democratic primary frontrunner?s argument that she did nothing illegal with her email use is also apparently failing to sway many voters. According to the poll, 65 percent of voters consider it likely that Clinton broke the law with her email use, with 47 percent saying it's very likely.

The poll of 1,000 likely voters was conducted May 29-30. It had a margin of error of 3 percentage points.
I don't give a FF. an indictment is a verdict now? what kind of cop were you a Walmart greeter?

Bill Crystal is lining up a 3rd party candidate as we speak. he won't have a chance in hell and I don't know anything about him but I'll probably vote for him. what is there to lose .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RELH, not that big a deal these days. Gang leaders run the gangs from prison all the time. Hillary would do the same.
I guess most voters are in the frame of mind that Dude is. Our country has gone to the dogs and worse.

Eh. "Conservatives" are perfectly OK with voting for Trump, and he has an actual trial going on against him.

Sauce for goose is also sauce for the gander.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-16 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-16 AT 07:59?PM (MST)

I learned this lesson when the public re-elected Bill Clinton. It was re-endorsed twice more when they elected President Obama. Been grumpy since 1986.

Truth is RELH, I believe a huge portion of Americans believe they would be voting to starve to death, to vote against her. Regardless of her action, past or present, they are all in, no matter what, so long as she is the Democrat candidate for President. I actually think a full fledged Communiist could win, if she/he carried the Democratic leadership's endorsement. They can't afford not to. It's been that way for many years now and getting more that way, with each election, new entitlement cycle.

Trump has a slim chance to break the trend and T is right, in spite of what you and I and some others want, it's a very slim chance. T may well be right, as horrific as it sounds, that too many of our countrymen have traded their freedom, for a easy meal ticket and what they believe is a secure future. They are wrong but I fear they are too far down the rabbit hole to know how to every get away.

Vote Trump...............he's going to needs every fricken vote, if we have any chance to slow this decline down, much less completely fix it.

>Eh. "Conservatives" are perfectly OK with
>voting for Trump, and he
>has an actual trial going
>on against him.
>Sauce for goose is also sauce
>for the gander.

it aint Benghazi!
>>Eh. "Conservatives" are perfectly OK with
>>voting for Trump, and he
>>has an actual trial going
>>on against him.
>>Sauce for goose is also sauce
>>for the gander.
>it aint Benghazi!

She hasn't been brought up on charges on anything having to do with that. Or anything else for that matter. There's a lot of attention as to how she mishandled classified information, but I doubt Congress gives a whit that 4 Americans died in Libya.
>>>Eh. "Conservatives" are perfectly OK with
>>>voting for Trump, and he
>>>has an actual trial going
>>>on against him.
>>>Sauce for goose is also sauce
>>>for the gander.
>>it aint Benghazi!
>She hasn't been brought up on
>charges on anything having to
>do with that. Or anything
>else for that matter. There's
>a lot of attention as
>to how she mishandled classified
>information, but I doubt Congress
>gives a whit that 4
>Americans died in Libya.
The jig is up for both sides.
>11bravo, which one do you plan
>to vote for?

Neither of them as neither of them deserve my vote.

I always vote my conscience. This year I will be voting third party.
It's okay, Trump says he's innocent and the only reason this is a thing is because the federal judge on the case is a Mexican. Bubba will buy that. damn Mexicans anyway.

I think I'll write in Ron Paul again.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You two might as well not go to the polls to vote. Talk about voting for a non winner.

One of the companies Trump owns gets sued and some of you are horrified. The Obama administration gets sued about 3 times a week, and you guys are fine with that.

2Lumpy is right.
>You two might as well not
>go to the polls to
>vote. Talk about voting for
>a non winner.

It's not about voting for a winner. Perhaps you should stay home as well, you clearly don't understand what voting is about.
You'll have to provide specific facts about Obama being "sued 3 times a week", especially in light that the President has executive immunity from any lawsuit.
Executive immunity extends to his Administration.

Look over what happened when Holder refused to produce documents to Congress in relation to Fast and Furious, the White House asserted that Holder couldn't be held in contempt due to executive privilege.

W asserted executive privilege at least 6 times during his tenure, to shield everyone from Janet Reno and ##### Cheney, to Karl Rove and assorted White House staffers.
The point is Trump ran a scam. even if it was legitimate it was a piss poor business. if you take nothing away from it but that if you have any sense at all you'll see Trump is not the business genius you believe he is.

And then there is the veterans debacle. if he can't cover his azz on a charity bluff how will he smack down world leaders as promised? if they put the heat on him he'll cough it up and deflect for cover. again, doubt should be rampant.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
We manufacture high end custom furniture for wealthy people. I have had 3 customers that made their fortune with the seminar deal. One was the guy who wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad. Trump's deal would have been great if it wasn't based on real estate speculation during a massive crash. He got caught in the crash so the idiots who pay a bunch of cash to go to a seminar that is worthless are whining. Been going on for thousands of years. I get 4-5 calls a week from marketing/business consultants who are people who got their asses canned at real companies claiming they can make me a fortune. Click is the answer.
>You two might as well not
>go to the polls to
>vote. Talk about voting for
>a non winner.

So, who are you voting for?
The Trumpeteers wouldn't care if Trump screwed their grandmother out of her life savings. he hates the same people they do therefore he's great.

The more Trump talks the dumber and more childish he presents himself. never in the history of politics has there been such a juvenile candidate. he will be his own undoing.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
FW you are a bigger fool then I first thought if you think Sanders represents 90% of the people. He represents the lower 47% that wants a free handout and they do not care if it bankrupts this country. You must not care yourself or you are blind as a bat.

>FW you are a bigger fool
>then I first thought if
>you think Sanders represents 90%
>of the people. He represents
>the lower 47% that wants
>a free handout and they
>do not care if it
>bankrupts this country. You must
>not care yourself or you
>are blind as a bat.
You don't think Obamacare wasn't a lie and a scam? A hell of a lot more people were hurt by Obamacare than Trump University. A lot of people who were happy with their health care were forced into Obamacare and lost their policy and their doctor.
If that's true then why haven't the republicans made an honest effort to replace it? the democrats had a bad solution and the republicans have no solution.

Who's worse?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude you are one dumb idiot. How many times do you have to be told that it can not be replaced or major changes made until Obama is out of office. He will veto any bill that replaces his Obamacare or makes major changes. It takes a 2/3 vote by congress to override a veto. Not enough Republicans in Congress for a 2/3 vote to override and the Democrats would not support any attempt to override.
Damn, are you that darn stupid or just hardheaded with rocks for a brain.

>Dude you are one dumb idiot.
>How many times do you
>have to be told that
>it can not be replaced
>or major changes made until
>Obama is out of office.
>He will veto any bill
>that replaces his Obamacare or
>makes major changes. It takes
>a 2/3 vote by congress
>to override a veto. Not
>enough Republicans in Congress for
>a 2/3 vote to override
>and the Democrats would not
>support any attempt to override.
> Damn, are you
>that darn stupid or just
>hardheaded with rocks for a

Irrelevant. A bill to cut Obamacare can't even pass Congressional approval 43 times, to even make it to Obama's desk.
Exactly. the republicans have admitted they have no plan and that's the reason they're content to sit back with their finders up their butt and whine. if they tried something and it didn't work it would be on them.

Dipchits like RELH ask nothing of them and that's just what he gets.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude it is stupid Adam Henrys like you that protect and support the liberal progressives that gave us the p!ss poor Congress we got today. You must be mixing a little kool aid with your crown.

You really think the republicans would repeal Obamacare today " if they only could " do you? you never miss a chance to remind us how senile you are.

Here is a republican god over a year ago telling it like it is. did Rupert not let you see it? I wonder if Newt will change his tune to play to you mouthbreathers if he ends up Trump's running mate?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
They don't need to repeal it they just need to provide an alternative or fix when the right time comes. Not a single GOP vote passed this damn mess and when Americans figure out what happened to them by their beloved left wingers the rage will be felt for many terms into the future. They wrecked the system on purpose and there'll be a price and the GOP won't bear the blame even though they'll try.... Bush was absent when this was passed it's all on Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the dems.

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