Exec Orders... The List

Oddly enough there was really nothing in there about guns.... better reporting and records, sharing for background checks, and some mental health restrictions. Looks as if the Pres listened to both sides on this one. The men in "Black" should not be knocking at the door asking for our guns anytime soon.
From the list I found on cnn's website I had no problems. I actually agreed with many of the points. Giving schools federal money to put officers in schools is an awesome idea. I second that one. Have more extensive background checks to ensure that the mentally f'd up don't get guns or that felons are checked better are all great ideas. Im just wondering how were suppose to classify someone as mentally "unfit" in this day and age of political correctness. I don't see any of his exec orders as doing anyting to help, other than the order about police in the schools none of his exec orders will do much.
Obummer is all smoke and mirrors and this has more to do with payback on all the what he labled as to those who do not support him and the libs or that kling to their guns and bibles.

There are so many laws out there already and as said none of his proposals would have stopped the tragedies that happened lateley or will stop the gangs. There are too many guns already out there and his rants have put 100,000's more in the past week. SWH has no pistols left andrestricions on ammo.

These people in CO and CT were just evil and crazy and got access to guns. Taking away inocent, law abiding citizens rights to guns and being able to defend themselves is what gun grabs will do. Look at Mexico if you need proof.

My rant is over but it sucks for us that like to shoot and understand what the second amendment is about and it isn't deer rifles!

Keepup the good fight!
Just saw on Hannity that the list includes restictions on quanity and type of ammo you can have! I don't remember that one when I read it earlier today but I will check.
Its not there, he must have been referring to another proposal. Even so, you can bet they will come after ammo also. That has always been one of their goals to restrict or tax the thunder out of ammo.
I guess my website is blocked.. oh well... Exec Powers only give him certain abilities.. His AWB will need to go thru congress. Some people are getting worked up over some of the Mental Health stuff but for the most post healthcare professionals already have the ability to ask certain questions. For US, I dont' see any real impact as long as you are not POCO LOCO..

I am waiting for their angle to be no lead on any state or Federal land and making ammo so expensive (paranoya it is working)most cannot afford to buy it. Keep up the good fight!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-13 AT 04:49PM (MST)[p]http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/556943/white-house-now-is-the-time.pdf

This looks like the real plan.

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