First time Wyoming hunt


New Member
I recently had a successful drawing for unit 22, I realize now that’s there is a reason I was successful on my first draw but that’s besides the point. Can anyone clear up whether or not you need a guide to legally hunt in Wyoming as a non-resident. And if so how do people usually coordinate booking a guide knowing that the chances of having a successful drawing isn’t 100 percent?
Check your map levels, or something like that. I've found Onx maps to be pretty good. I've used them in WY, CO, IA, and TN.

Let me check, I may have hunted 22 several years ago. If I did, and if anything stirs my memory, I'll give you a shout.
It’s a type 1 deer tag, are there any maps that go into more detail than onX?
Any particular reason you applied in Unit 22? Alot of private land to navigate around. A guide, if you can find one, will probably unlock a lot of area you otherwise would not be able to hunt. It doesn’t sound like you are super prepared for this hunt, but there is still plenty if time. Guides are very expensive and figuring it out yourself will be a good learning experience.
To be honest, I applied for 22 out of sheer ignorance. Was just looking at draw odds. But I still thought I would have at least a year or two to become more educated on the region. And so I figured I’d consult people more experienced with the area. Can’t let a perfectly good tag go to waste.
To be honest, I applied for 22 out of sheer ignorance. Was just looking at draw odds. But I still thought I would have at least a year or two to become more educated on the region. And so I figured I’d consult people more experienced with the area. Can’t let a perfectly good tag go to waste.
No you should not let it go to waste! OnX, Wyoming hunt atlas, BLM online and printed resources, and County road maps will provide you with most of what you need to know as far as access. After that, it’s on you to stick with it, stay motivated and if at first you don’t suceed, try try again.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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