

Long Time Member
The stock market is showing some signs of life?

What do you think, man?

Maybe I need that "open water" speech again! LOL!

The market is showing signs of life, what type of life I'm not sure. There have been some plays out there that I wish I had made a few weeks ago. I just don't like the volatility with a couple of months left in the trading season. I would like to see a minimum 100 day positive rolling average, let alone a 200 day average.

I think if you are looking to make nominal individual plays now might be the time. Just remember we are coming into the 3rd quarter and the market will soon discount the summer swoon. We are in such uncharted waters Eel, even currency trading has gone flat.

I don't think gold is the answer at this time and I maybe inclined to get into a couple individual plays. I see the recent rise in the market coming from foreign investors looking for protection in hopes our markets stabilize first.

By June there should be a pretty good handle on where the economy is going as the market factors-in the balance of the year. This last week was big on the global economic scene so it will be interesting to see how the financial pundits spin it.

Let the big flocks settle down and look for birds in the coves.
Dang the first post on here in a long time that actually might have made me smarter instead of dumber. Thanks FTW.
FTW, OK then, I'll play it safe. I just thought that I might be able to work the boat around, ride the wind, and catch them off guard, especially since the sun would be at my back.


>Dang the first post on here
>in a long time that
>actually might have made me
>smarter instead of dumber.
>Thanks FTW.

...for you that isn't possible...but thanks for the compliment

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-09 AT 10:18PM (MST)[p]I here ya, I could kick myself for not buying WF at 8-9..dumb, dumb, dumb. (love the sign)

Ya know, if I were planning a dinner for 4 and had 6 greenheads in the boat. I would probably take a swig of Crown Royal, light up a cigar and head into the launch. Rather than taking the 1 out of 20 chance that today would be the one sunny day I could fool the birds on a downwind scull.

Hey, if you have some discretionary money than by all means dabble, but if you are looking to hold on to everything than be absolutely uber-conservative for the next couple of months. If you are going to dabble, only dabble with top quality.

Remember the key here is market stability, hopefully all the markets can stabilize in the next 12-15 months. (I don't think it will happen)

On a another note the ducks and honkers here are prolific. Like Pidgeons and Gulls in S.F., there is no time you can't look up and see or hear waterfowl.

Wood Ducks & Honkers are Good! All other taste like mixture of bay mud and liver...yuck. This year was my first outing as a blind hunter in 2 decades since there isn't alot of sculling water around here. My first outing I killed a great limit of greenheads, their gizzards packed with corn they looked like great birds.

They tasted like a late season Spoony, let me rephrase that a late season, orange skinned, crippled, feeding in a salt pond Spoony. I miss sculling I'm not used to breast meat with holes in it.

They proudly kill em all up here Reds, Bluebill, Golden Eye, Buffs, Mergansers, and Ruddys. Ugh..yuck!!! Personally its Mallards, Sprig, Canvasback, Teal, and Woodies for me. I like to think of Gadwalls and Widgeon as back up birds when all else fails.

My pm is not working I will have Brian look into it I've been trying to send you a pm for weeks now.
Ransom, if the market rises people will jump back in too. A catch-22?

Thanks FTW! You know how it is. From shore, all those pintails out in the middle look like they have 9" pins!:)



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