Founder's 2020 Hunting Adventures


Founder Since 1999
My 2020 hunting season didn't begin until May. I didn't even get out to do any winter scouting as I typically do. So, May 1st was really the first day I got out to do some "hunting" ..... antler hunting. (Pics below)

What do I have as for hunts in 2020? At this point, I know I'll have a Utah deer tag. I'm in for Wyoming and hoping for luck there and then I'm hoping something in the lines of a leftover tag or landowner voucher in Colorado comes about. CoronaVirus effects most of us and so the leftover thing is probably my only hope.
My son will also have a Utah deer tag and I'll be helping him for sure.

My excitement for summer scouting is really building. I've been dropping extra fat and trying to keep the legs strong so all my backcountry adventures are easy and enjoyable. More to come in July..............






I scored myself a Wyoming deer tag! Pretty excited. Went up there this past weekend to do some kayaking and there's still a lot of snow in the high country. Scouting is still a few weeks off.

My plan at this point is to put in 15-20 days of scouting in Wyoming and a few in Colorado and a few more in Utah.

Need to get to shooting my bow too.
Finally got into the high country and found a few bucks. 37 in total, with just two having enough size to get even a little excited.
The one below in the top photo had small cheaters on each side. Good width too, as did the 3x4.




Put in another couple days of scouting in the high country and looked at 48 different bucks. A couple pretty good ones, but still no real beast located.

My shoulder has been bothering me after a rock climbing fall and I haven't yet shot my bow. I'm hoping things feel better soon and I can get to it.


A few more days in the backcountry. Found some wide bucks and a cheater buck and more. Atleast 82 different bucks in total. Good area....I like it, but it could leave one thirsty.

I need to get to shooting my bow though!!!!

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Another couple days in the high country. The mosquitoes were bad!! And the heat!!! Blahhh. It wasn’t all that much fun. Hopefully future trips are better.
Saw 28 bucks.....less than expected, but they just weren’t moving much.

Got into the hills once again for a few days. Found 59 bucks and a big bull. Much more enjoyable trip than the last one where the heat and bugs were so bad.
I've also been shooting my bow and that's coming along very nicely. Hopefully I can put it together and get a chance to send an arrow towards a big buck with extra stuff.
Haven't shot my rifle yet, so I do need to get on to that.

Didn’t see a lot of bucks on this trip, but did see a stud buck. He’s got some long tines! He may quite likely have this trophy hunter trying to put him on the wall and in the freezer.
My archery shooting has been good. I’m ready to hunt. Still have more scouting planned, but I’m ready to hunt.




My scouting is complete. This last trip I looked at 30 or 31 bucks. Not a big number for 3 mornings and 2 evenings. I was a bit disappointed in that area. It's been good in years past, but nothing real great this year.
I did see one buck that I've seen in the past. Believe me when I tell you, they don't all keep getting better with age. In fact, the vast majority don't change much after they reach about 4 years old. In my opinion, I see many old bucks......6-7 year old bucks that just never become real slugs.
All in all, this year in Wyoming I found about 5 bucks that I think were, or will be, in that 180+ ball park, along with a couple more that were close to 180 or had special width. The best two are probably 185ish and maybe 190ish. I put in a total of 17 days in Wyoming and 5 in Colorado. In Colorado I found one buck that I think is in the 180's......maybe upper 180's.
The really big ones are so few and far between, at least I think so. Some would just say that I suck at finding bucks. Maybe that's it. I know I hear every year about all these 190 and 200 inchers running around, but I ain't been seeing them.

Hunting should be interesting. I've seen more evidence of people activity in the backcountry than ever before. I've even heard from people who will be hunting nearly all of the best bucks I found. It'll be something else. I expect more hunters in the hills this year than ever before. But it is what it is. I'll go hunting, give it all that I've got and hope to be the one who gets lucky.

Here's the video from the most recent outing.
The hunting has begun and I got my butt kicked by the big buck on my first 4 days of archery hunting. I never even got a look at him!!!! No doubt, he’s in a tough spot, but I really thought I’d at least see him, and hit it hard. Hopefully I haven’t sent him 2 miles to the west or south.
I’m planning to put in more archery time and then with my gun.
Sometimes hard work and time invested on the mountain aren’t the main ingredients in success. Sometimes luck is that main ingredient.
I believe in karma and live my life in a manner to create it and this year I believe it brought to me a landslide of good luck on opening morning of my Wyoming deer hunt.
I had a target buck in mind and put in a total of 6 days trying to get him with my bow, but had no luck in even seeing that buck. But 30 minutes into opening morning luck shined down on me and put in front of me just 80 yards a super buck that I had never seen in my 9 previous days in the area.
I’ll take that luck any day!! What a sweet score for me!! This buck here is a heavy hawg unlike any other I’ve killed in Wyoming. In addition to that, he’s got some long tines and kickers too. And, the hanging velvet just adds to the package.

In total this year I spent 18 days scouting, found several great areas for myself and hunting buddy and several clients to hunt. I had some tough decisions on where I wanted to hunt because I had a few great bucks located, but also had to hunt where it worked for my hunting buddy and horses. I settled on a particular area and it worked out well.....very well.

Thanks to Yellowstone Horse Rentals for setting me up with a couple good horses and a trailer. My hunting buddy and I were happy to have them pack ou gear in and our gear and bucks out.

A good time was had in the high country. Watch my video if you want to see an old man excited like he was 30+ years ago when he killed his first Monster Muley.

BTW, this was one of the biggest body bucks I have ever killed!!!







Well, I wasn't so lucky in Colorado. Of course, that's how big buck hunting goes. You give your best shot and hope things work out. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
I had a pretty good hunt though. I was in a good area, I got some weather that helped with deer activity, my scones in the mornings were great tasting and I returned home safely. Pretty good.
Here's my hunting adventure on video.

I forgot to share my wife's bull elk here in my Hunt Adventure thread. We found this bull during Colorado's 4th season and she got it done. It was a fun hunt. The pack out was some work though! She hauled her half, so I was sure impressed. :)
Good times!!


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