Ghost Pepper Jerky


Long Time Member
So I bought some Mr Ghosteez Ghost Pepper seasoning to make some HOT jerky. It wasn't very hot. So I put a pinch in my Palm and ate it. Still not very hot. I looked at the ingredients and there is sugar, garlic, salt etc..
Then I happened to see something in the little container as I rotated it. Hmmmm
So I took the top off of the shaker and found two little dried peppers inside. I thought if I take a piece about the size of two match heads I will be safe trying it to see what the heat level is.
Ok, wow,it tasted mild and sweet for 15 seconds then the heat began. Burning and stinging pain like hell..Milk was consumed then I tried some Tums and that helped slightly. The heat kept getting stronger and my mouth became an inferno.
Don't try this at home folks. I didn't think such a tiny chunk could do that. Now my guts are burning too. Lol
I don't how or why my kids (ages 5, 7 & 10) decided to do this, but recently they've wanted to go online a few times with me to look up videos of people consuming hot peppers (Ghost, Carolina Reaper, etc...). Pretty funny stuff! Too bad you didn't video this event! :)
Ghost peppers are bad news. I grew some in my garden this year and added a little bit to some Jalapeno jelly that I made. I ended up throwing it out. Way too hot. Nobody could eat the stuff.

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