Give him a chance!



How about we give the guy a chance! How many of you chose your birth names? How many of you chose the color of your skin? How many of you graduated from Harvard? How many of you were elected by a wild margin of the populace?

I was willing to give GWB the benefit of doubt for 8 years and look where that ended up.

Let's have this debate in a couple of years. Give the guy a chance or at least respect the office.

God bless our judgment. God bless America.

We may have to give him a chance even if we choose to not like it. I am willing to wait 4 years and hope he will keep some of his promises, but I really think that some of his "changes" are going to be a very hard pill to swallow for a lot of people.
If he does good, he will get re-elected after 4 years, if he preforms like Jimmy Carter, he will be out on his butt. Just a wait and see game now.

Good idea as he is our president whether you voted for him or not.
give him a chance. Look what he is inheriting, the worst economy since the depression, a never ending war taking 10 billion a month over 4,000 soldiers killed, thousands disabled for life. Sky high food and energy prices
>Sky high
>food and energy prices

Yeah, we need to talk about some "price points" to lower those down, looks like the right man for the job!
Did the sheriff ride into Rock Ridge or what?

I think he'll do fine, he's intelligent and diplomatic so that alone is change.
Huntindude - I hope to hell you are right! He sure talks the talk now lets see if he can walk the walk. I sure hope you like ALL of the decisions he makes. If you don't, too damn bad! He's got the Senate and the house majority so he'll get passed whatever he wants. Doesn't matter what the public wants now because the American people just handed over the country. If he keeps all of his promises good for us. If he doesn't, we deserve everything we get. I sure did't vote for him!

It's always an adventure!!!
AWLB, I don't think i've ever disagreed with anything you have ever said on here and i'm sure the hell not going to start are 100% right the American people just handed over the country!! 1 of 2 things will happen...lets hope for the best and prepare for the worst, that way we won't be disappointed either way!!

Yep we just handed her over! Hope all the Obama voters can proud of themselves in a few years! He sure as heck didn't get my vote either.

IMO he's not much more than a glorified speech maker.
welcome the anti Christ.
in 4 years the Mayans and Nostradamus will be proven right.
welcome Satan
we just rejected God and guns.
we just let a politician loose another war.
this is a country full of pussies
I know it wasn't a factor in this election but damn I hate the whole electoral college system.....Dig in boys it's going to be a long tough 4 years.....On the up side I believe there's going to be plenty of opportunity to dig up old posts by the "huntnxxxx" clan to remind them of their infinite wisdom and political insight.......Terry
ChlorideRUS is right. Time to move on. I voted for Bush twice and now McCain but it is what it is. Bush sucked in my opinion and left Obama with a big mess to fix. Gun rights issues are way down the list now as President Obama's got more pressing issues to deal with. Perhaps now that he represents a nation he'll have to look at gun rights issues from a different perspective.
Stickman dig up my old post and you'll see I never said Obama was THE MAN, I said he was the man who was going to win because Bush sucked so bad and McSame wasn't much better.

Do I expect wonders out of Obama? hell no he's going to be lucky to even begin to dig his way out of the crapper he's jumping into but he has a brain and that's where I do see hope.

You guys took a butt kicking and you asked for it, get over it and grow up. Obama does suck you're correct it's just that you sucked worse, how sad is that.
All of us that are crying can thank GWB for this....what a POS he's been. The ONLY thing he has done that I like is Roberts and Alito....period.

D13er I would add to that list
1. Winning in Iraq
2. Protecting us from terrorist attack for 8 freaking years
3. Killing a gob of terrorist
I will give the guy a chance but it is pretty hard to follow a guy that doesn't put his hand over his heart during the star spangled banner. The leader of our country doesn't solute the flag. What have we done?
Define " win " in Iraq, when and who will we turn the county over to? all we've done is reduce violence to a few bombings a day and give Iran a buddy back.

The worst terror attack in history was on Bush's watch so how can you prove anything Bush did prevented another? do I need to remind you Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11 one more time? no I'm not kidding.

He did kill some terrorist and he created a few, remember Bin Laden? where is he? you do realize our own pentagon says terrorist groups are gaining strength and the ablity to strike from within Pakistan? who is now shooting at us by the way. Afghanistan is a war we're losing ground on , yes it's all going well.

No doubt Bush has done some good, with trillions of dollars in 8 years a chimp would. Iraq is where he made the mistake that will leave him as the most unpopular president in history, I say if we had stayed after Bin Laden and forgot the side show we'd be MUCH better off in MANY ways than we are today. go ahead and candy coat it to make yourself feel good but now it's up to Obama tio fix it, I hope he does better.
That was one picture, google it there are lots of pictures and videos of Obama even leading the pledge. you can't use just one bit of propagands to judge a man.
Obamas dream Cabinet

Secretary of Agriculture ? U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin would be the logical choice here. Harkin, a far-left Iowa Democrat who has served as chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, has never met an ag subsidy he didn't love.

Attorney General ? If Obama thought he could get away with it, he probably would place his wife, Michelle in this position, just as President John F. Kennedy did with his brother, Bobby. However, U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy of the Peoples? Republic of Vermont would be equally vigilant on behalf of the rights of criminals and would therefore be a suitable second choice.

Secretary of Defense ? How about U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, who, while running for president himself, once proposed a ?Department of Peace?? (What Dennis the Menace has never understood is that the funny-looking five-sided building across the Potomac is our department of peace.)

Secretary of Education ? The obvious choice for this post is Professor William Ayers from the University of Illinois. This man is considered to be an expert in the field of education. He has written 17 books and is highly respected within the academic community. He is well known to Barack Obama, having served on at least two boards with him. He is also a self-proclaimed Marxist, anarchist and domestic terrorist who brags about having set off bombs at the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol building and at New York City police headquarters. He and Barack Obama share a desire to pollute young American minds with leftist propaganda.

Secretary of Energy ? Perhaps President Obama could get former Vice President Al Gore to fill this important post. Gore could just shut down what's left of our refineries and grind the nation to a halt. Of course, it's going to be hard to blame that on the Republicans if they are not in power. Oh well, they'll think of something.

Secretary of Health and Human Services ? Is Jack Kevorkian still alive? Old Jack really would be perfect to carry out Obama?s creepy anti-life policies.

Secretary of Homeland Security ? As long as we have Bill Ayers in the cabinet, why not include his lovely wife, Bernadine Dohrn? Another domestic terrorist, Dohrn actually did prison time for her crimes.

Secretary of State ? Without question, the state department is the most visible cabinet post in any administration, and no one personifies Barack Obama?s view of American foreign policy better than Noam Chomsky, professor emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chomsky is widely known as a political dissident, anarchist and socialist intellectual. Beginning with his opposition to the Vietnam War, Chomsky has established himself as a harsh critic of American foreign policy. He would be the perfect secretary of state to carry out Barack Obama?s feeble foreign policy initiatives.

Secretary of the Treasury ? Although Obama has mentioned Warren Buffet as a potential treasury secretary, why go with George Soros light when you can have the real deal? Given the opportunity, why wouldn't Obama offer the job to the crazy, Hungarian-born billionaire who has invested so much in getting him elected?

For White House Budget Director, Prez Obama might have a tough choice between two highly qualified members of the U.S. House of Representatives, namely Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank. Rangel, of course, is the black congressman from Harlem and current chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. He once equated tax cuts with racism. His appointment would fill a race quota. Then there's Frank, of Massachusetts, who was at the heart of the debacle with sub-prime mortgages that eventually brought down Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. His presence in an Obama administration would fill a gay quota. (Appearances are everything to Dems, you know.)

"If it moves shoot it again"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-08 AT 05:23PM (MST)[p]>How about we give the guy a chance!

Everyone says we need to get behind who ever gets voted into office and I believe we should to some extent but how do you get behind some one who has fundamentally different beliefs than you.

>I was willing to give GWB the benefit of doubt for 8 years and >look where that ended up.

Where did it end up? Our country has been safe from terroist attacks since 9/11 and my business experienced more growth during the bush administration than under any other presidency. Yes, it has been a rough road the last eight years for the stupid and the lazy ( I can elaborate if you like).I think times are about to get better for these two classes.

>Give the guy a chance or at least respect the office.

America has no other choice but to get behind him. One things for sure, he just stepped into the biggest steaming pile of $hit this country has ever seen.

President Elect Obama does put his hand over his chest , he does say the words as well , the "picture" has made it's rounds and as mentioned above , the picture was taken seconds before ANY words were recited, meaning not a single person on that stage had even muttered a word. If the picture taken seconds later was put on as a follow up you would see it was nothing more than a second rate piece of propaganda to question Obamas loyalty. He also was sworn in as a Senator with his hand over the Holy Bible , so these idiotic little jabbs don't cut it any more....
I will give the guy a chance he has alot on his plate though. One thing he better not pull out of Iraq until it is finished. We started a mess in Iraq and we need to finish it. Now for Afghanistan we really need to up our troops and beat the dog out of those rag heads and stick to it until it is done. I'm not an Obama supporter but I will give the man a chance ohh where is my tax break already???
PSALM 2008-2012

















I'm willing to give 4 years of radical politics a chance. We didn't get squat from Bush. The repubs controlled congress and the presidency for the first 6 years of the decade and they didn't do crappola but get us in a war we didn't need. They had a great opportunity to fix social security, health care, immigration, including relaxing some of the EPA reg's to encourage the building of more nuclear reactors, refineries and wind farms in order to lessen foreign energy dependance. They could've revamped the endangered species act to promote some of our minerals and forestery industries as well as do something about these damn wolves. I wrote numerous letters/emails to my congressional reps back then(and still do) and all I ever got were thank you's for writing and BS replies. I've often wondered why I ever bothered to register as a repub. I was a registered independent for years and probably outta switch back. So hell ya, I'll take 4 years of Bama and his promises. I ain't got schit, so they ain't gonna be taking much from me...
Obama was not my choice either, but I figure it can get no worse. GWB must feel like crap? Sits home and lisyens to everyone hate his policy. His tough guy act was nice weeks after 9/11, but that sure got us no where fast.

If McCain had won I would fear 4 more years of hell. It was more of the same.

I hope Obama can deliver. I have rarely seen a nation as excited as right now. I am pulling for him.

I think our guns and hunting are safe. Maybe not assault rifles, but our 700's and Wingmasters are fine.
Doesnt have a damn thing to do with his birth name or the color of his skin. Fact he is a junior senator, had previous ties with a known terriost. His campaign financial advisor Raines was the former head of Fannie Mae and he left with 90 million dollar bonus after bankrupting the country. His ties with Rev Wright, whom is a racist!!! The fact he will not give up whom paid for his Ivy league education. Fact that he voted against being able to defend your home with violent force. Fact he stated he would bankrupt the coal industry. Fact that he has the most liberal voting record in Wash D.C. oops sorry the second most liberal, Bidden is the most liberal.
The fact states that the financial ruin going on in this country right now was a direct result of Democrats, Carter and Clinton adminastrations, forcing loan instituitions to lower there credit requirments on people wanting loans and now re-niggin on them.
All this is True, all this you can look up... Give me a break, i dont need to give a guy a chance that is going to raise taxes on AMMO, attack are 2nd amendment rights, is total believer in global warming bullshit...... Anyone that is a sportmen or is pro life and voted the Democratic ticket needs to look at facts, and learn what the truth is out there, and shame on them!!!!
>D13er I would add to that
>1. Winning in Iraq
>2. Protecting us from terrorist attack
>for 8 freaking years
>3. Killing a gob of terrorist
Exactly!! We have not been attacked since 9/11 why is everyone's memory so short on that. I didnt like B that much either, was not conservative enough!!! but he damn sure protected the country, and the financial mess we are in, is directly tied to Carter/Clinton adminastration and screwed up loans..... was not Bush's fault.. in 2004, McCain said we need to look at this, you can look up all that on youtube.. ##### socialist Dems got us in the financial mess.. Not to say im that proud of GOP either. They have spent there ass off also.. time to get some Regan Conservatism going again. We have to get off our ass, as the silent majority and do what we can. Me included... BW
Frankly did'nt like McCain that much either, but id rather have a cold then cancer. Id rather vote for someone, whom with out a doubt loved his country and would die for it. As to vote for some socialist whom has never showed one bit of love for this country, has no record of any kind of worthy accomplishments, and hangs out with known racists... ya, i want him to have my vote..... idiots!!
Nice pick!! This is exactly the crap that is going to rain down on us. I have'nt noticed and remarks from Huntindude on ur cabinet pick.. cause he knows this is likely to happen... God save us..
What was Bush & Cheney's military history? since when was being a POW a requirement for being president? I'm not discounting McCain's service he's remarkable man but the people don't desire him as their leader so that's that.

If you just can't accept it too bad.
>Iraq will never be finished, we
>just have to be finished
>with Iraq.
I beg to differ with you there dude. I have lost some friends over there and in no way will I ever as an American say that sh$t! My friends did not die for nothing we need to make sure that place is stablized before we just pack up and leave plain and simple.
I never said anywhere that a POW was a requirment. It was simply to show, he has love of country. Plus 26 years serving Washington to Obama's 1 yr as a junior senator. He has NO experience in anything!!!! He has not so much as ran a Taco Bell. He knows nothing of what it takes to make a small business work. He was not qualified. The masses voted in Hitler also because of depressing times and the changes he was going to make. Did that make the people right because they were the majority..... Good grief, if you were going to start a company and you wanted a CEO. Would you get someone with experience that you knew had loyality, or someone that you knew was best buds with your competition and new nothing of running a business. His ideals are not what this country was based on, or why it grew into the country it is now. Pretty simple, your correct the people choose someone else, but because it was the majority does not make it right. Read your history!
OK, Obama has had the biggest stock market drop of any newly elected president in our history. He has had his chance. If the market dumps again tomorrow you will begin to understand the consequenses of your actions and get ready to suffer more than most people can remember. The market is a pretty good indicator of the worlds real opinion of our choice.
gleninaz, good point. Of course the media won't see it that way.

Obama gets his chance. The govermnent solved the affordable housing problem with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I'm positive the government will help us out of this mess too!

I'm sure they will do just as good a job with health care too.

Most of the time government is the problem, not the solution. Obama is all about big government.

95% of us will see our taxes lowered! In his acceptance speech, Obama said he wouldn't lie to us! so I believe him.
Hmmm! I thought GWB was still our president. Some f'n steward he's been!

I can't take it anymore. I've been a spectator here for quite some time, and learned a lot about hunting mule deer. But I'm a little surprised at the views of some of my fellow outdoorsmen here. Are there really guys out there that are great at spotting game, but can't see the truth?

For those of you with your heads in the sand, take a look at these videos and tell me you can't see a problem.

People, the signs are all around us. Why can't people see it. Does he have magic pixy dust that he sprinkles over the fawning crowds? I don't get it. I won't bother with the extensive list of 'why we should not's. Frankly, they don't matter now. But at some point in the future, we all will ask ourselves if we could have this one back. As mentioned above, we ALL lost this election, just that some of us don't know it yet.

I excercised my patriotic duty and voted for the other guy (I'm not crazy about McCain, but that 'lesser of two evils' thing applies here). Now, all I can do is give Obama the chance the lefties wouldn't have given McCain if he had won.

Wyoming Joe
Did you see the loss reports and unemployment levels Wall Street got the last 2 days? nothing is Bush's fault but the last 2 days are Obama's, you guys are a riot.
We get it already Dud,you hate Bush. The stock market drops are the traders selling now to avoid the capital gains tax increase promised by your boy. Not to mention that retailers are reporting sales figures down 20-50% going into their best time of the year. If you didn't see this coming your frickin blind. Until real people (the middle class) feel confident enough to spend money again,responsibly,we ain't going nowhere fast.
In this market how many people are selling to avoid a possible gains tax increase a year from now? brilliant

Then you say sales figures are down 20-50% , bingo you got something right now, so how is this Obama's fault in the last 2 days?

This will turn around when the middle class starts spending money, problem is they've already spent too much money they didn't have , question is when will they have money to spend? Obama has his work cut out for him but he didn't cause it.
I didn't say he did dumb-ass.Just like Bush ain't responsible for everything either. As for spending money,that's my point exactly. Unemployment comes when companies ain't making any money. Do some research on the market drop and i bet that is part of the reason. God your a smartass, i bet you got the $h!t beat out of you when you were a kid.
Everyone in the free world knows that the real cause of the economic crisis was Carter, Clinton, Dodd and Franks along with people like Obama who sued the banks to force them to cease and desist on requiring proof of income for a home loan. Plenty of republicans jumped on the band wagon of greed as well but the whole deal of stated income for mortgages was done by the democrats. We will see a lot worse before this economy improves. 48% of ALL mortgages in Nevada are higher than the value of the homes, 30% in Arizona and on and on. You think that those millions of people aren't considering walking out? We are all screwed and we better get beyond the Rob Emmanuel partisan politics and get to work on a fix.
You're too dumb to even comprehend your own post it seems, you said the market was falling because people were selling to avoid the gains tax increase promised by Obama. now anyone smarter than you which is everyone would therefore place some measure of blame on Obama for that wouldn't you say? a simple " duh " will suffice.
I believe they were talking about the 30 year process of the mortgage/bank collapse and i was talking about the 2-day knee-jerk reaction of the market to several things. So who is the dumb one? Go do some research "Two dogs f**king"!
The reaction in the market had nothing to do with Obama's gains tax that may happen a year or more down the road, just admit it and move on .

We just had to get a war whoop stab in there didn't we? pretty weak but actually my grandfather ( indian side of the family ) nicknamed me Has No Horse when I was about 10. he watched my gelding unload me when I tried a trick I wasn't up to, when I walked back to the house he gave me that name. your folks named you Tard, we already know the story of how that came to be.
buckslayer real people will start spending money again when they have some to spend that they don't have to borrow, it all goes for fuel,housing, food, health care ect, did you ever think that might be a big part of whats going on? oh and my ex is a Shoshone, maybe you have a name for me?
Ok,for those of you still comprehending at the first grade level,try this. Once upon a time there was a middle class buckslayer who had a wife and three boys. They both worked and owned a house and many other things. There were millions of other red blooded americans just like them. They were not stupid enough to think they could afford an expensive house just because they were handing them out left and right. When the economy got bad they still had jobs and their home but were still uneasy about the situation. Instead of buying everything we wanted at the grocery store,we skimped to save a few bucks. Instead of driving to grandma's house to hang out they just e-mailed to save on the fuel bill. Instead of taking the boys hunting or quad riding for entertainment,he was reduced to arguing with a couple liberal dillrods on the computer. Oh he had more money to spend on things but was just scared to turn loose with any more. You see boys and girls if millions of americans just like buckslayer hold on to two,three,four hundred a month in fear,thats a lot of money taken out of the economy on a monthly basis. That is why these people are a important part of the recovery of the economy. Until that happens business' will cut back and fold.This boys and girls is called UNEMPLOYMENT. For your homework this weekend go home and ask mommy and daddy what SOCIALISM means. P.S. I got lots of indian freinds and a buddy who has an adopted black son. We just call him trey not african american. I just like to piss ya off,it's cheap.
Please tell,I'm dying to know the whole story from someone who knows it.Hows this horror story gonna end? By the way, my name for you would be "peace piper".
we have already started to see the beginning of the end of the horror story, we have a smart president who can speak and will listen to the best advice and make good decisions, we will tackle the big issues head on, the radical right will go the way of the dodo bird, I liked being called a tepee creeper better
Warren Buffet endorsed Obama and while I doubt very much he'll have a position in the administration it is being counted on he'll be an advisor. if Obama gets a few more guys like that and actually listens to them we might fix this thing, problem is we're just part of a world economy anymore so everyone else is going to have to get their game together as well. it will get better and Obama has the natrural abilty to get people organized, but I doubt it will improve much for a year or two.
That's all fine and dandy, but since Obama didn't give any specifics during the campaign, the people are still looking for answers. The stock market largly reacts to consumer confidence and fears. When Obama won I think the first reaction was fear, because we still don't know who Obama is.

Greed and stupidity have put the hurt on our economy, and everyone is pretty gun shy now. Who knows what's next?

I got to admit piper,you are a $h*ty author. That's the worst and most vague ending to a story ever. Even h-dud was more convincing. I think i'll skip this movie anyway, it looks to be a repeat of the clinton years with the same cast playing different parts. As much as everyone would like to believe he can bring everyone together,he has 800 million dollars of favors to take care of. Politics come first boys.
hey...did you guys know Obama isn't a natural born citizen and can't be president ?...........LOL

Wow opbuckie, you are almost as wound up and pissed off as you were a month ago when we were lost in the dark and my $500 gps couldn't help us out of the hole we were in cause I didn't mark the truck!! Guys give it up , he gets a little crazy and you just have to walk away. THis Obama thing obviously has him a little shook up. I don't get into the politics talk so I aint gettin in on your guys little rant here but I have enjoyed the read and how well you get along. THe name calling and nicknames are good to. Ask opbuckie if he thinks Obama can swim or not.nwhunter
I honestley cannot believe that anyone that owns a gun would vote for this man. By 2010 They are going to sponsor a education bill in that will be a firearm tax, It will raise the tax on ammo and guns 190% Within 6 months all guns will have to be regiatered if not they will be illegal and you can be jailed. Not to long after that they will have a by back plan where everyone who has a unregistered gun can sell it and no questions asked. This is just guns he does not like the flag the natl anthem or the pledge of alligance. I hope we can pay for all the tax hikes we are fixing to have! I bet that there will be gun bans probabaly with more guns on it.


Please forgive any spelling errors
"Greed and stupidity have put the hurt on our economy, and everyone is pretty gun shy now. Who knows what's next?"

The above quote by Eel is exactly why we are in this situation.

Refinancing, bankruptcy, credit card debt, borrowing more than one can afford and then blame everyone else for your problems.

We could all do well and take a financial lesson from our grandparents.

I wasn't a fan of either candidate. I voted for McCain because he seemed more of a support of our second amendment. I actually hope Dude is right and the Obama does get the economy back on track.

Regardless of what happens, both parties will lay claim to any successes and blame the other for any and all failures.
>we have already started to see
>the beginning of the end
>of the horror story, we
>have a smart president who
>can speak and will listen
>to the best advice and
>make good decisions, we will
>tackle the big issues head
>on, the radical right will
>go the way of the
>dodo bird, I liked being
>called a tepee creeper better

Radical Right, ya, the very people that made the USA what it is or rather was today. Conservatism, Under Reagan had the longest peace time economic growth in history you dumb ass!! How did he do it? By lowering taxes on the top 78%. You dont make wealth by bankrupting an industry COAL, by taxing yourself into Prosperity, if that was true, why not tax us at 90% instead of 50%. Go take a fricking Economics class and study your history you dumb ass.
Ya, Obama will listen to good advice, lets see: You mean like Franklin Raines former head of the now financially ruined Fannie Mae, same man that took, 90 million dollars as a bonus when he left it in near bankruptcy. This man whom rumour has it, is one of Obama's financial advisor's. You mean that kind of good advice.. Why do you people on the left spout nothing but feelings yet you cannot give any examples of what the man is going to do. Give me one good proven idea of his that will work.
You bet, this country is a real horror story. Thats why people die everyday trying to immigrant or sneak into this country. I am truly sorry the left is so Ignorant of facts, your a dumb ass!!!
>Warren Buffet endorsed Obama and while
>I doubt very much he'll
>have a position in the
>administration it is being counted
>on he'll be an advisor.
>if Obama gets a few
>more guys like that and
>actually listens to them we
>might fix this thing, problem
>is we're just part of
>a world economy anymore so
>everyone else is going to
>have to get their game
>together as well. it will
>get better and Obama has
>the natrural abilty to get
>people organized, but I doubt
>it will improve much for
>a year or two.

If Warren Buffet is an Advisor, I will give you that, that would be an awesome choice. Someone that has actually held a job.
>hey...did you guys know Obama isn't
>a natural born citizen and
>can't be president ?...........LOL

Hey!! Actually there checking into that!! ha ha ha
So you'd get Biden for president and probably Hillary or pelosi for VP, whoopie. when it comes down to this if the if the right wingers don't feel like losers they should.
Anybody got pictures of Sarah naked? That was the whole point of the original post!






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