Going to be a busy fun fall.


Very Active Member
So my wife got lucky and drew a desert sheep tag. She is going to mentor the tag to my 15 year old son, he will find out on his birthday that this will be the plan. Then we found out that my mother in law drew a San Juan elkridge muzzeloader elk tag. Both of these tags were luck, and this tag will also be mentored to my 12 year old daughter. I cant wait for fall to get here.
Definitely will be a great fall for your family!! Can’t wait for the report of the two hunts.
Nice cantkillathing!!!

I can’t wait to see the big bull you all find and kill on a unit some on here keep telling us there are no big bulls left.

That’s a great fall you all have lined up.
Great tags and awesome that they are being mentored to your kids! Hope you will share the details of those hunts with us here. Best of luck!!
So can't,
Will you adopt me so I can get in line for the next "mentoring tag"? ;)
Those are awesome opportunities for the youngsters. Kudos to your family for involving the kids. What unit did your wife draw her sheep tag in? Most are no cake walk, but it will be a wild adventure for sure! Keep us posted and congrats to everyone.
But only for residents I believe?
The youth has to be a Utah resident still I think, but the mentor can be a resident or nonresident
I believe they are in the process of changing that rule or have already changed it. But don't quote me on it. I know it was being discussed, and may have come up in the Wildlife board meeting that happened today I believe.
I thought I had remembered something like that being in the works, JakeH but I couldn't find anything when I looked before posting.
So my wife got lucky and drew a desert sheep tag. She is going to mentor the tag to my 15 year old son, he will find out on his birthday that this will be the plan. Then we found out that my mother in law drew a San Juan elkridge muzzeloader elk tag. Both of these tags were luck, and this tag will also be mentored to my 12 year old daughter. I cant wait for fall to get here.
Awesome Travis. Todd sent me a screen shot of that San Juan tag a week ago. Going to be a great fall making some awesome memories of a lifetime.
I thought I had remembered something like that being in the works, JakeH but I couldn't find anything when I looked before posting.
I just found this in the RAC packet for the WB meeting that happened today. I am watching the WB meeting now and they did not discuss this directly I believe they passed it all without changing anything.

"R657-67-2. Definitions.
(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23-13-2 and this Subsection.
(2) "Hunting Mentor" means a Resident or Nonresident individual possessing a valid permit issued by the Division to take protected wildlife in Utah and who is 21 years of age or older at the time of application for the Mentor Program.
(3) "Qualifying Minor" means a Utah Resident or Nonresident who is under 18 at the time of application for the Mentor Program and who is otherwise eligible to lawfully hunt.
(4) "Wildlife document" means a permit to hunt protected wildlife or Division-issued authorization to share such a permit."
So can't,
Will you adopt me so I can get in line for the next "mentoring tag"? ;)
Those are awesome opportunities for the youngsters. Kudos to your family for involving the kids. What unit did your wife draw her sheep tag in? Most are no cake walk, but it will be a wild adventure for sure! Keep us posted and congrats to everyone.
San Juan South for the sheep.
Well you guys remember this post, well it has been a fun fall so far, I posted my daughters picture of her elk, she shot a dandy for being her first hunt.
I havent shared the more recent activity of the sheep hunt. Sheep hunting is tough, lots of glassing and hiking in some nasty county, but beautiful all at the same time.
You gain a huge appreciation for these animals for living in such country and surviving. We spent several days glassing until my eye balls couldn't handle it anymore. After 4 days of no sheep I called one of my friends and asked if he could come help, he made some arrangements to move his work schedule around and came and helped us, and boy did he help us, the needle in the hay stack to find sheep is tough enough, but to find a freaking tank of a ram is even harder. I wont go into alot of details, I am debating on a full story, but atleast I wanted to let you all in on it, and because pictures are being passed around already...
Here you go





This is a great update! That is an awesome sheep for sure! I just managed to get my first desert sheep a couple of days ago and I can echo the appreciation of these animals and where they live. Congrats to both hunters and looks like some wonderful hunting memories were made.
Incredible old classic SJ ram!
I'd say that's the best kind of busy fall anyone could wish for. Your kids are very lucky to have such outstanding mentors.
Well done indeed!
That bull dwarfs the girl. Big-bodied SOB. That ram is a doozy as well. I mean, other than that weird growth around it's neck.
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Well we gave it a go. We kept hunting for monster but never seen one. We decided we would shoot this one because things started to pile up against us. It snowed and my wipers decided they would stop working during blizzard. So if weather was going to keep up we might not make it back to hunt another day. This is a good first Buck and the memories are worth it.


Congratulations……. You and your family made the most out of some great animals this year. It’s great when plans come together. Great outdoor memories provided for your family.

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