Great Superbowl

Ya did you see the ref get into the pile up I think the Seahawks got confused by the Sleelers logo on the ref's uniform.
The ref's missed another one!!!. Just wait, It will be in the papers how the ref's blew another call. That was one of the worst officiated games I have ever seen. Jeremy Stevens should try catching with is big mouth. To bad Seattle was defentley the better team. To many crucial penelties at the wrong time.
Seahawks beat themselfs with dropped balls and penalties. The refs helped the Stealers to.
The real superbowl was in the AFC when Pitt beat the Broncs and Colts. Seattle was way overrated all season. The steelers played terrible and still won because they were playing a JV squad.
Yea, when Roethlisberger makes a game saving tackle in the playoffs he's a hero. When Hasselbeck does it in the Superbowl, it's a penalty!

FFFFin you know what!!! Holmgren is the best. I wouldn't shake hands either!!!! worst superbowl I've ever witnesswesd!!!!! How can the steelers I mean stealers be proud of that!!!!!!! absolutely, fffffin bulllllllllll shananagans!!!!!!!!!!! Mvp goes to the non american refs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To some it up this season I still beleive the worst AFC playoff
team was better than any in the NFC!
Just an weird year altogether! NOW we all need some luck and
drew some tags this year so we all can scout and watch the
SF Giants kick some Dodger A$$ all spring,summer,fall!
Tough game for the hawks. How can anybody call them JV's? Outgained the steelers 2-1? Held Rothlisberger to 120 yards through the air? Come on, they did lose, but they are not anything to be that critical of. After that weak penalty against Jackson, I knew they were in for a long afternoon.
You Seahawk fans can cry into your beer all you want about the blown or missed calls, but it all comes down to one thing....SCOREBOARD!

Maybe if your big mouthed tightend could catch a pass things would have turned out a little differently?

Enjoy your tainted victory.

and congrats to Bill Coward and the Stealers!
I had no dog in that fight, only wanted to see a good game, and I think we were all denied that opportunity because of bad officiating. Seahawks were not a J.V. team, they played well but were stopped every time they got going because of bad, even made up calls. I do not know what the outcome would have been without those bad calls but I bet it would have been a hell of sa close game. You tell me the last time a team out rushed, passed, had more turnovers,and won the time of posession and yet lost by more than 10 points. I think officials had too much influence in the game.
JV team? CUTTHROAT is just mad his Bucs got beat in the first round. :) They wouldn't have made it past the best team in the NFL!!! Too bad the refs had to win the game for the Steelers. The Hawks clearly outplayed them.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-06 AT 09:20AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-06 AT 09:10?AM (MST)

Wow, what a bunch of whiners! If the Seahawks were that great, why couldn't they over come the bad calls? I didn't see any of the refs blocking for Parker when he ran untouched for 76 yards?? I also didn't see the ref interfer with the safety on the fake reverse half back pass?? Maybe I should watch the game one more time and see how the Steelers cheated on those plays.

Also, check your stats, the Steelers were not out rushed by the Hawks. Maybe if they could have converted some of those 3rd downs.......

I am a little sore about the Buccs. If I was a Hawks fan I have to say I would be a little peeved about calls. But since I'm not I have to rub it in.
As much as I hate to say it...Congrats to the Steelers, Cowher, Bettis and all their faithful fans on their big win.

As a Hawks fan, that sucked to see the game dictated by the calls as it was. There is no question who came to play yesterday. I know all Steeler fans will just look at the scoreboard and claim they were the better team. I guess all Steeler fans can run around pounding their chest today due to that but they all know.....

No shame in being a Seahawks fan today (or any other day for that matter)!

Saw the second half of the game. (baseball kind of guy)
Did see some pretty shady calls highlighted.

Felt happy for the old Steelers owner. Five rings now huh?
Now he can sell the team and retire?!

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-06 AT 09:26AM (MST)[p]I'll admit I was rooting for the Seahwaks but..

You can blame the refs all you want, good teams overcome. The refs didn't mismanage the clock. The refs didn't call running plays when conservation of time was necessary. The refs didn't get toasted on a trick play.

The Seahawks sh!t the bed. Plain and simple.
What would the score have been if seattle got both the Jackson touch downs that were called back=Seattle 24 Pitt 21
We'll never know.

What if they managed the clock properly? What if they would've connected on that field goal? Could've been a blowout.

It's spilt milk.

Like I said, I wanted the Seahawks to win. For a lot of reasons, they didn't.

Go get 'em next year
>What would the score have been
>if seattle got both the
>Jackson touch downs that were
>called back=Seattle 24 Pitt 21

They kicked a field goal on the first one that was called back, check your math.

>>What would the score have been
>>if seattle got both the
>>Jackson touch downs that were
>>called back=Seattle 24 Pitt 21

>They kicked a field goal on
>the first one that was
>called back, check your math.

Checked my math and the Seahawks still aren't losing>
Like I said Rutt, pound your chest really really hard. I've gotta hand it to ya, the Steelers played an excellent game. Perfect precision on every pass by big Ben, excellent execution on every run play, their defense wouldn't allow Seattle a first down for anything, they controlled the line of scrimage on both the defensive and offensive side of the ball, they overcame all the calls that went in the Seahawks favor, Hasslebeck looked dazed and confused by all the blitzes that Seattle just couldn't figure out how to pick up. Just a beautiful win by the Steelers. Perfectly executed coaching game and hard work by the players. I can't believe the Seahawks even stayed in the game as long as they did with the Steelers playing as well as they did all game like that.
>Like I said Rutt, pound your
>chest really really hard. I've
>gotta hand it to ya,
>the Steelers played an excellent
>game. Perfect precision on every
>pass by big Ben, excellent
>execution on every run play,
>their defense wouldn't allow Seattle
>a first down for anything,
>they controlled the line of
>scrimage on both the defensive
>and offensive side of the
>ball, they overcame all the
>calls that went in the
>Seahawks favor, Hasslebeck looked dazed
>and confused by all the
>blitzes that Seattle just couldn't
>figure out how to pick
>up. Just a beautiful win
>by the Steelers. Perfectly executed
>coaching game and hard work
>by the players. I can't
>believe the Seahawks even stayed
>in the game as long
>as they did with the
>Steelers playing as well as
>they did all game like

I can forgive a lot of things, but when a guy gets the opportunity to look at a call on a replay and still makes a rediculous call like that it's inexcuseable. That being said, statistically Seattle was the better team, even with Pittsburg's "home field advantage". How is it fair to have a superbowl within driving distance of one team and then allowing air fare and accomodation fares to be in the thousands, pricing the other team's fans out of the game?? That really needs to change. If any team should get the home field advantage it should be the higher seed, without question.......
Seahawks -396 yds. offense, 7 penalties for 68 yards in blowout win over Carolina and scored 34 points.

Seahawks -396 yds. offense, 7 penatlties for 70 yards in loss to Steelers with only one less takeaway then vs. Carolina. Manage only 10 points.

Something stinks with this one.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-06 AT 01:31PM (MST)[p]here's some stat's so you all can fuss some more :D

Team Record Standing Total Yds Pass Rush 3rdD% To
Seattle 13-3 1st NFC West 396 259 137 29.4% 1
Pittsburgh 11-5 2nd AFC North 339 158 181 53.3% 2

Team Record Standing Total Yds Pass Rush 3rdD% To
Seattle 13-3 1st NFC West 396 259 137 29.4% 1
Pittsburgh 11-5 2nd AFC North 339 158 181 53.3% 2

columns match better ?
I WON $500.00 with second quarter scores , hah , I loved it !!! Congrats to all STEELER FANS FROM A BRONCO FAN ! When a team has the most devistating runner in the game and ____DOESNOT USE HIM______________ , OH FREAKIN WELL , HE SUCKED AS COACH IN GREEN BAY , NOW HES SUCKIN IN SEATTLE.......Refs sucked too , but it happens , the only thing that matters is who is CHAMPION , as for ALL the other teams , the season is a failure , period !
guess not ,,,

Seattle , Total yds 396 Pass 259 Rushing 137 3rdD% 29.4%To 1

Pitt, Total yds 339 Pass 158 Rushing 181 #rdD% 53.3%To 2

there is a little easier to read ,,,, 3rd down % ,,,,,
Not sure your point Tyler, Pitt may have got more 3rd down conversions, but Seattle had six more first downs..... LOL, Rothlesburger's rating was 22%!!!! Worst in the history of the Superbowl for a winning team....
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-06 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]Roethlisberger may not have a good Superbowl rating, but I know he has a great record as a starting QB. Am unsure as the Steelers aren't my team, but I think he's something like 27-4 including playoffs. That is the only rating anybody needs to know.

Congrats to the Steelers, they are the champs. I feel bad for the Hawk fans but don't hang your hat on the refs, THAT is JV. The Hawk players said it best, "the other team made the plays, we didn't". Don't leave it close enough for the refs to decide it. The Hawks should have scored a bunch more rather than just winning the field position the first half. They had a great season, just not good enough.

By the way, my team stunk this year.

What team was deemed "great" going in to the playoffs? Indy, beaten by both Seattle and Pitt, only Seattle didn't need the calls to go their way to beat Indy and beat Indy by 15, when Pitt lost to Indy by three touchdowns just two weeks prior. It could have been two teams I care nothing about in the big game this year and I would have the same thought. They need to make some changes to the big game. I can remember when the underdog 'Skins under Doug Williams lit it up for record points in a quarter, now that was a great Superbowl. I can't remember a recent Superbowl that wasn't marred in some kind of controversy, or many playoff games for that matter.
;Seattle 3-1 vs. AFC this season, losing only to Jacksonvile who -had a better record than Pitt, in the AFC..............

Are you saying Holmgren sucks? He only coached in 3 Superbowls for two different teams. I'm assuming he's worth millions because of it. What have you done?
The opening ceremony sucked. If that wasn't Racist. Pretty sad when the croud don't even hardly aplaud the National Anthem! What little they did was out of respect. The Refs suck and so did the Steelers. But they won. So what! If I were to win I would at least want to hold my head high for a job well done. I am not a Steelers or a hawk fan! That was a disgrace to the NFL, Hawks and Steeler Fans a like. The Clydesdale Filly was fun to watch and so were some of the commercials. It is pretty bad when the Announcers badmouth the refs. Congrats Steelers,
I guess I am just sore that the seachickens lost. My boss summed it up best at work today. He is a native of Minnesota, and he said, "wait until you suffer through four losses, and them come talk crap to me"!! Can't argue with that. In closing, Hey, Stevens, catch a pass!!! Good grief!
I am a neutral observer, not a fan of either team.
I thought that there were many questionable and momentum changing calls that went the Steelers way.
Thats what I'm saying . He screwed Alexander last year too . In sundays game , every time SA touched the ball he got positive yardage . Why not make the defense have to stop the run ? The steelers never really did ,yet the Seahawks continued with the pass even after all the dropped balls . Now the passing game isn't really producing and the defense doesn't have to worry about the shutting Alexander down , why , because they were not giving it to him ! Whos decision was that , hello , the coach ???
As for what I've done , come on , this isn't a sticks and stones thread so don't try to turn it in to one , we are simply disagreeing , doesn't mean your a jerk or I'm a bad guy , I just stated my opinion about Holmgren , maybe shouldnn't have used the word sucks as to not offend his fans , but I did ....If he was really that great of a coach , he'd still be in Green Bay , he was booted when Favre still had a tank full and Ahman was hammering lines....NMHUNTNUTT
Not picking sides here, Hawk fans need to stick together anyways. On that, when a quarterback is accurate, which Hasselbeck generally was you should keep going to the well. I don't think anyone expected Stevens to drop several consecutive passes, you can't predict that. I don't feel Holmgren's a magician (Packers beat us in playoffs and this year), but he is a good coach. I thought playing Hasselbeck over Dilfer was a mistake and I was wrong, he made a good call on that one. I've either played or coached competetively my whole life (and been an umpire) and I can honestly say, the officials really had our number in this one. I've not seen a display of one sided officiating this bad maybe ever. I think where we will do better next year is now that we have more playoff experience with THIS TEAM, we will have less jitters and not drop balls........
Latest ESPN poll of 70,000 people nation wide, 80% feel that the refs. unfairly flagged Seattle and determined the outcome of the game. The NFL is currently reviewing all of the calls and will make a statement after review.
I am not a Seahawk or Steeler fan,

The geriatric anthem and halftime show was a disgrace.
Heinz Ward pushed off more on 3rd and 28, than Jackson did in the end zone.
Jeremy Stevens really blew it.
What was that call on Hasselbeck for blocking???? Terrible
Where was the hold on the punt?????
Why did the ref run in to Big Ben with one arm in the air to spot Big Ben down, then change his mind while standing over Big Ben???
Shame on Holmgren and Hasselbeck on their clock management.
Why was Pitt not flagged for offsides, when Seattle was flagged for holding? That was terrible.
Why was Big Ben not flagged for Delay of Game?
It was a disappointment.
What you didn't see on the 75 yard run by Parker was the hidden blocker behind the grassy knoll!!
What is the NFL going to do if they decide that there were bad calls, make them replay the game?? Give it a rest already.


BTW: Real classy comments from the Seahawks head coach!
Sorry, we're not in the habit of rolling over and taking it in the tailpipe in the PNW, Holmgren only made one comment, should have stormed the league office. You wouldn't even understand if you haven't lived here since the Hawks were born, so we won't waste time explaining it to you. Everyone put it upon the Hawks to earn the right to be there after they had already done that, including the refs. The National media is not biased, look at both Fox and ESPN and you will see the same thing's written; that this was the most shameful Superbowl in history due to the officiating. To insinuate the Hawks fans should shut up about it two days after the game might be the dumbest damn thing I've ever heard. Like I said, people make choices in life, our way of evening it out is bitching about it all year and making the officials/NFL hopefully tired of it. Maybe they'll at least fire a synapse before they fling BS laundry around next year and making a mockery of a once great game. Rothlesberger even admitted last night on Leno he didn't think he scored on that play and neither did his coach, who had already called the next play, get a clue. I don't care about the win/ loss as much as I care about an honest, hard fought game both teams can be proud of win or lose.
Nicely said Dman!! seahawks, fans and just about everyone else knows who the best team was.
I dont get it. With so much at stake, why in the hell would they not review any play or call in question and make a fair and honest determination by a panel of officials instead of leaving it up to an individual to decide. What this proves is that not always does the best party win. It falls more upon luck of the draw and circumstance than fact of the matter.


Anybody else notice that the head "official" at the game has only been in the NFL for five (yes 5) years and this was his first superbowl? I wonder how many death threats he's had delivered to him? Pretty sure this was his first and LAST (hopefully) superbowl.

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.








Wow, you guys crack me up! The world is definately out to get you. I'm a Steeler fan and I will admit the refs blew it big time for the Seahawks, but at the same time, what did they Seahawks do to actually win that game?? The league MVP and leading rusher had 20 rushes for less than 100 yards? Jackson had 5 catches? Stevens dropped half a dozen passes? Your coach let the clock run while you were down by 11??
Go ahead and blame the refs all you want, but at the same time man up and accept the fact that your team and coach didn't do anything to help themselves. I will admit the refs blew it, but at the same time you need to admit that your team did too!

To me The National Anthem is not a song that an individual can add their own "creative" liberties to. It should be sang the way it was written. I don't care if your white, black, red or green, that sucked. Whitney Houston sang a great Anthem a few years ago. I remember Steve Tyler from Aerosmith at the Indy 500 a couple years ago. He sucked too. I feel that it is disrepectful to add a personal twist to OUR national song. Sorry about the rant.

BTW....The refs sucked.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-06 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p] Rutt- You don't get it do you?
First of all after 30 years of rooting for our team, we have people like you telling us how we are supposed to act and feel after a game where we got shafted (admittedly by you) on more than one occasion.
I have nothing against the Pitt Steelers (the team) except for two tackles and a horse collar Porter who in my opinion is a POS!
The Hawks out played the steelers in every stat except for the run where Pitt picked up 60% of it's total rushing on one play a 75 yard run by Fast Willie Parker also 3 down conversions but those were taken away by the officials.
SA had 95yards on 20 carries 4.75 yds per carry and we had to abandon the run in the first half as we were some how at a deficit to Pitt.
Big Bens QB rating was the worst in SB history.
Pitts defense couldn't stop Seattle only the refs could. Seattle had 396 yards of offense and came away with 10 points
Seattle had 395 against carolina and came away with 34 points
Now I will give you the Big Ben TD(inconclusive) The Jackson PI was not enough to take away a TD in the super bowl TICKY TACK ok 10 to 7 at the half seattle, Fast Willie TD start of 2nd half 14 to 10 Pitt. The Locklear no hold on Stevens catch at the 1 yd ( by the way Pitt was offsides on this play it should have been a freebie) line History says SA with 27 rushing TD's scores,17 to 14 Seattle. The Stevens TD makes it 24 to 14 Seattle. The trick play would have never happened if Seattle Didn't get the BS holding call on Locklear and after losing momentum Hasselback throws a int and gets called for a chop block when his team doesn't even have the ball. Final SEA 24 PITT 14
For you to tell us to roll over after getting jobbed is BS. Untill the hurt is gone we will feel however we want we dont need some Steeler fan telling us $%it!
Would of, could of, should of..... All I am saying is all the Seahawk fans are great at pointing out all the things Pittsburgh and the refs did to screw them, but they are not willing to look at anything they did wrong! Man up and own the loss!! If they were that great of a team it wouldn't come down to this!

Would someone please post a pic of Ben in the endzone showing the football cross the goal line.....before he was down? You would think that if the ref saw Ben score then it would be visible for all of us to see. The refs blew it bigtime. Show us some indisputable evidence please!
Give it a rest Rutt, everybody in the nation that watched that game saw the Hawks completely dominate that game from start to finish. They overpowered the Steelers, they outplayed them and should have come out on top. They didn't. Oh well. That sucks for them and all their fans. Look at the stats. Look at the replays. Sure, if you are a Steeler fan then it was pass interference on D-Jack, but if Hines Ward gave that much of a "push-off" (if you as a Steeler fan want to consider that a push-of) it certainly wouldn't have been called. The Big-Ben TD was going to be called down at the 2 inch line by the ref until he saw, after he was already down, the ball cross the line. That ref never saw the ball cross the line any more than the ref that looked at it through instant replay could say it did or didn't. For some reason nobody saw it cross the line, yet it was called a TD. Whatever. Even with that, and the few dropped balls and true penalties, the Hawks should have been able to come out with a victory, yet they didn't. Bottom line, Seattle can feel good about what they did in the Superbowl and can be proud to say they were the better team that day on the field, the Steelers and their fans just have to be happy the scoreboard showed what it did at the end of the game but have to know in the back of their minds they were not the better team that day.

And for the 32nd pick in this years NFL draft, the Pittsburgh Steelers select:
From Pittsburgh, PN Referee, Bill Leavy and crew
Rutt, sounds like your in the minority on this one. There's too ways of looking at it. There's your idea, that we should just forget the fact that statistically the Hawks put up numbers that are in the same category as many "great" superbowl teams, yet got hosed. Or, as I tend to believe, the NFL has a big responsibility here as an "entertainment business" to keep itself legit to the people who spend millions to watch their teams. It's really their choice, if they want to lose credibility with the fans, then they are definitely on the right track. With today's technology, there is just no way a review of a play should result in an "inconclusive" ruling based on the review. That is essentially why Rothlesberger was awarded the TD. And I'll remind you the Hawk's did stop the Steelers many times for no gain, so YES it was definitely a factor. As a former umpire I know, as a general rule, you always expect a higher level of play in the playoff's, superbowl included. You therefore are supposed to let the teams play at that level and common sense and good judgement dictate that you don't throw flags on players that had no effect on the play, for "physical" play -Ex. Jackson's interference call. I don't think there's a doubt in anyones mind Jackson had beaten his man, regardless of the exchange of contact prior to the catch by both players. For the NFL to defend the "illegal block" call on Hasselbeck that was laughable and never heard of before to other former NFL players contributes further to their loss of credibility in this game right now......
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-06 AT 11:46AM (MST)[p]OK, OK, you guys have beaten me into submission! Having played sports for the better part of my life, I have been on the recieving end of bad calls, some of which have determined the outcome of the game, and rather than dwell on their mistakes I always found it better to look at what I could have done differently instead. Human error is always going to have an impact whether good or bad, until we get robotic refs and umpires.
Apparently the NFL is standing behind their refs:

The more I think about the more I realize had I been on the other end, I would feel the same way as you. I am sorry to keep stirring the pot, and I will now let you mourn in peace.

Thanks Rut, appreciated. You are right, as a player it's best to view what you could have done better and try to learn from it. As a fan though, we have to do what all fan's do and be vocal for our team.










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