hey alwayzbhuntin.....



Nate, Sorry to call your attention out like this but you need to hear this story of what my wife and I went through back in 98 with my youngest son..

My son was 13 at the time, he had a tooth growing in the roof of his mouth so we had it surgically remove 2 weeks later he developed a runny nose as we thought, but the removal of the tooth cause a hole to develop in his sinus cavity which led into his brain so what was coming out through his nose was cranial fluid, about a week later he went into a coma, we had no idea what in the heck was going on we thought he had a cold, we just happened to be in Sacramento at the time for a wedding so we had him taken by ambulance to UC Davis, one of the best...

Anyways they told us he had neural meningitis, an infection in his brain (cranial) fluid... his brain swelled up and he was having all kinds of trouble, they had to put a hole in his skull to relive some of the pressure on the brain and to monitor the swelling...well by now I was feeling hopeless but I called for my whole family to start praying and I called from my pastor to lay hands on him and pray for a complete healing...long story short on the third day he awoke, he was little confused and didn't recognize my wife for a few hours...none of us that matter....the swelling went down & as he got more clear every Doctor in the hospital just had to come and see the miracle boy, on the 7th floor...why because all the docs told us IF he come's out of this, because of the infection he'll be deaf dumb & blind well he was none, he left the hospital a week later but had to have his face lifted up in a surgical procedure to close the hole in his sinus cavity and that was over 6 years ago he's playing basketball and has a normal life oh he's 20 now...

I just want to encourage you not to settle for the worst...and believe that God still performs miracle's today, I don't know if you saw the movie "passion of the Christ" but it couldn't hurt see if God will speak to your heart...thanks for reading this...Manny'
I forgot to mention that happened in August of 98 by November of 98 he took his first muzzle laoder buck...God is kool 'eh...
Manny....thank you for the encouraging words. Yes it is tough to go through, but you are correct about God performing miracles and I will not settle for anything but that.
Your words mean a lot to me and I thank you, and am truly happy to hear that your son has pulled through all these years and proved everyone wrong.
Through this all God has spoken to everyone's heart in my family, mine especially. I truly believe my son will pull through this. Thanks again Manny, words of encouragement are always welcome.
Most of the time I don't read your posts...but this time I did. That was kind of you to share.
The other night I was getting ready for prayers with my just-turned 3 year old daughter, I started "Now I lay me Down to sleep..." and she cut me off. She took my hands and folded hers around them and said, "Daddy, let's say the Kyle one first tonight."
Hope things look up soon for the little guy.
>Most of the time I don't
>read your posts...but this time
>I did. That was
>kind of you to share.
>The other night I was getting
>ready for prayers with my
>just-turned 3 year old daughter,
>I started "Now I lay
>me Down to sleep..." and
>she cut me off.
>She took my hands and
>folded hers around them and
>said, "Daddy, let's say the
>Kyle one first tonight."
>Hope things look up soon for
>the little guy.

HB' gee thanks,,,I think....?
Sincerely, that was a kind gesture to share that dark chapter of your family's life, and shine some light on little Kyle's future.

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