Hillary Will Be Indicted


Long Time Member
Going on the record folks, Hillsy is going down. We will see multiple indictments announced before July 25th.

When Bernie announced his candidacy and was trailing Hillsy by 100 pts, I supported Bernie. I stated multiple times that Hillary will lose the nomination and I still believe that today.

Many here himmed and hawed at first but as time progressed we have all witnessed his popularity grow. He is still running and I still believe he will be our next President. I think we will see a Sanders/Warren ticket.

Bernie has not conceded, Biden does not want the job, and Trump will either drop out or lose by a massive landslide. I have danced around this for some time always leaving a little room to not fully commit, not anymore she's going down.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-16 AT 05:05AM (MST)[p]Cornhole will be along shortly to call you an idiot.
I really doubt it and I hope not, I had made up my mind not to vote for Trump but if it was him or Bernie I'd have to go orange.

Even if she were indicted she could stay in the race and turn it over to VP Warren if convicted. which wouldn't be until after the inauguration.

That said if it comes down to the wonder jew vs the orange man Sanders will win.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
None have talked much about the 20 trillion,but at least Trump is a business man and loves his Country.
You don't honestly think Trump will reduce the debt do you? wait while I get the deed to the London Bridge I'm willing to deal today only.

Trump's business plan is file bankruptcy and don't pay your bills. I'd say it works but we don't know since his campaign is about broke and he won't show us his tax returns.

What proves he loves his country anymore than anyone else? is it the orange hair or the white skin?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>None have talked much
>about the 20 trillion,but at
>least Trump is a business
>man and loves his Country.

Have you researched Trump's plans regarding how much more debt he wants to pile up? Another $10 Trillion just through his announced tax plans.

I can't see where anything Trump has done show love of country. He sure loves himself which is okay but he has done zero to show he loves America any more or less than any politician.

Doesn't matter. If the Brits can vote Brexit by letting the bottom 50% who work take a vote it says something about the world economy and the one world order. People have figured out that the global economy has hurt them and they are pissed off. I think the Brexit vote will help Trump.
FTW, common sense says you're right, and it would be an easy switch for Clinton supporters to get behind Sanders. Here in northern California, Sanders won 2-1 over Hillary in the primary.

The only way Tog gets off is if Hillary gets booted.
The Brexit vote will help Trump. a little bit and not for long.

If Hillary gets the boot you get Bernie or Warren for president. be careful what you wish for.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You've had more smoking guns than the Taliban and what has it got you? what the little boy shot at.

There's still time for Bernie if that's what you're excited about.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
He took the 5th. on deposition questions asked of him on a "freedom of Information" filing. Has nothing to do with the FBI investigation where he was given immunity. It is normal when the FBI does grant immunity in consideration of getting information on a bigger fish, they have a clause that the person given immunity must be fully truthful or the immunity deal is voided and he takes his chances on going to prison.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-16 AT 11:59PM (MST)[p]After 2012 I thought Hillary would be a shoe in as long as the economy held up. Kinda made sense on the surface, we get it "Bill & Hillary" a 2 for 1. One cannot argue that she was Secretary of State, former First Lady, former Senator and the #2 candidate from 2008. The Dems could crown the history books as the party that propelled a woman as the POTUS.

After 16 years I have completed brushed off the noise from the right. The Gowdy hearings were Gowdy damn awful. Accusation while SOS on the subject of Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Iran were all predicted if we sent ground troops into Iraq. So again, she has gotten a partial pass for inheriting a completely destabilized ME.

So Benghazi was just another day, another witch hunt yet again, what's new? Mentally filed away as more partisanship. I had become resilient after the right had gone to the well one too many times. In the end nothing sticks.

So before Bernie announced I started delving into Hillsy since she had a high probability to "lead" our nation in 2016. I thought there maybe more to this e-mail thing and that it would trip flags on other areas through discovery on issues of abuse of power. The treasures of life are serendipitous indeed.

The MSM is devoid/complete absent of the subject, like Manny on a MENSA roll call sheet, not a word nor whisper spoken. They get their script and feed the masses as revealed by the DNC hack. A sad day when we have to rely on hackers to do real journalism.

From the IG report, she is already done for and a 2nd indictment will be added. There is no way the DNC can go can forward with her after this happens. These will be criminal indictments and now it has been revealed that her calendar is missing the names of 75 meetings with campaign donors.

No bueno, against the rules, shows even more intent to avoid FOIA, and intent is not even needed for prosecution. Her staff has done everything but cooperate, they are complicit including Cheryl Mills. She cannot hide under attorney client privilege if she is involved with her client in the commission of a crime. 4 of her Super delegates have been found guilty or are being criminally investigated by the F.B.I.

She has gone 200 days without a press conference, why? Her interaction with the outside is meticulously scripted as to not implicate herself even deeper on camera. This is not Powell or Rice, not even close and neither went as far as having their own server. The Media's fallback mantra

I think the FBI started down a wormhole and what they uncovered though e-mails, given, wiped and revived or not, is a 1000 times worse than we can imagine. This is the cause for the delay, one layer is exposing another layer and so on. There is already enough in the public domain alone to not only justify but demand indictments.

So many have been punished for a mere fraction of breaching national security protocol.

Forget Benghazi! And don't be gettin all selectively butt hurt people die in war. But an indirect result is a shocking reveal of global corruption, influence, and dark societies that run the world. Except this time Hillary like her own accusers she went to the well one too many times and it's scrapped off her teflon...now she is screwed.

Damn...I knew this was gonna be a one giant crazy-azz election. Historical doesn't even give it the magnitude it deserves. 2 famous sociopaths, one facing multiple federal criminal indictments and the other in civil court for Fraud inclusive of charges for elder abuse. Our country has lost its fricken mind.

The Donald in the meantime is cashing in from his campaign which is legal. Whether it got paid for at fair value market rates maybe another question. His campaign after $63 mill, 20 of it his own on a loan is all but tapped out. Will he tarnish his chitty brand name even further and toss money at a lost cause? Or did he just leave room the other day to drop out blaming the RNC and the establishment Rs?

Hillsy lost in 08 because she couldn't be trusted and carried too much baggage. In 16 I believe she will not make it due to 2 criminal indictments that will go to a Grand Jury. Her sentence will probably in the end be commuted. Welcome to the Scooter Libby Club.

Obama had to by duty endorse the presumptive nominee. He knows Hillary started all that birth certificate/muslim crap. I think he also suspected the CFF was involved in shady deals. But thinking and proving are 2 different things. Obama has to look confident in his support such is politics. He must appear removed from the process, after the announcement he'll claim saddened dismayed shock when it is announced.

After leaving office there will be 2 polarizing Dem ex-presidents and the Dem masses cannot serve 2 masters.

Welcome the new masters. It scares me to even type this chit.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-16 AT 10:01AM (MST)[p]Politics are just like anywhere else. it's always nicer looking form the outside than behind the scenes. it's always been that way and it always will be.

Sometimes you don't want to see how the sausage was made you just enjoy the end result. the reason top republicans economists and CEO's are endorsing Clinton is they know what they'll get is a known commodity that will work.

The orange bigot and the wonderjew represent people who feel sorry for themselves and harbor a desire to screw someone out of something they don't deserve. the orange man wants to screw the poor, the wonderjew wants to screw the rich. Hillary wants to screw everyone a little, the way it's always been.

Unless you're a white Christian male America never been greater. if I prayed my prayer for this 4th of July would be this, Don't change a phuking thing America I love you just the way you are.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
FW, I am not that sure she will be indicted. I do believe the FBI will finish their investigation and recommend that she be indicted on several felony charges.
I think Attorney General Lynch, at Obama's bidding, will not indict and come up with the excuse that there may have been errors done on Hillary's part, but there is insufficient evidence to be able to get a conviction in court on a criminal violation.
Hillary has already indicated to Obama that she will drag him into the whole mess if she is indicted. That statement about him sending her emails and him knowing she was using a private server.
If AG lynch convenes a grand jury for indictment, she would have to call Obama as a possible witness and place him under oath. I do not think Obama wants to be in that position of being dragged down with Hillary. Crap let's admit it, Hillary is a vindictive lying b!tch and would lie under oath to hang anyone out to get her including the President. I think Obama would prefer to cover the violations up and move on to the next project of making sure that Trump is not elected.

If there were time what I think would be hillaryous is for her to be convicted and for Obama to pardon her on her inauguration day. like having a parking ticket excused on your birthday. and just as serious.

I guess we'll just have to settle for nothing coming from it at all.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Mort with a cape! The wonderjew,I luv it! There is no "convincing" of anyone...especially here. I get the commuting or wrist slapping but the indictments are coming. The IG's report in no way vindicates Hillsy, if anything it will support the case for indictments. It's the first of many ducks so to speak.

Can the DNC really go forward with a "presumtive" nominee with 2 indictments? If so, we are in new territory my friends...so you got me?

Its much ado about nothing for Bernie. She can by law continue, nothing states she cannot run, she could withdraw yet still be on the ballot. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Bernie's buddy by rule will then decide who receives Hillsy's delegates...so yeah, good luck there.
Actually Biden is the most likely to replace her if it came to that. the delegates want an establishment figure. which he would easily beat Trump as well.

The odds of an indictment are low and the odds of a conviction if one were handed down is even lower. but hell anything can happen, who would have guessed a year ago an orange reality star bigot could destroy the GOP and become it's hopeless nominee? sure as hell not me.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
We may get to see a massive coverup by the Obama regime that will make Tricky D!ck Nixon and Watergate appear to be nothing. The worse part of it all is that the Democrats and liberals will accept it and rejoice about it. Sad state of affairs.

As high profile as this case is, and considering how much time it's taking, one thing is painfully obvious to me. More investigative time is being spent trying to figure out a way to not indict her and save face, than the other way around.

Anybody else would be into their second year of a five year prison sentence.
Who gets 5 years for using the wrong email ? we all know if Hillary wasn't running for president there would have been no 13th Benghazi report and no email investigation.

This is 100% partisan politics and it deserves as much importance as the democrats give it. hopefully none.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>It can't possibly be worse than
>the Iraq war scam.
>so you still win.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
a good Democrat liberal Nam job didn't turn so very well either.
Dude being a "good soldier" insults everyone that wore the uniform. Dude is not a good soldier, he is the "parrot" for the Democrats and liberals in office.

The losers have nothing to add so they talk about me. it doesn't bother me , after working most my life with minimum wage wetbacks I know where you're coming from.

I guess we've accepted who will be president so would you like to discuss control of the senate ? you know you're going to lose seats but it's not hopeless at least.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I tried to research Gen. Bergquist for an updated statement but I could not find one. Hillsy's criminal probes have been very fluid as each new layer has been uncovered. (Article Ca 9/2015)

Each day seem to bring with it a new revelation, DNC bias for Hillsy, Election Fraud, Perjury, Abuse of Power SOS-CFF- Funneled donations, Violation of the Espionage Act, Violations of the 2009 Federal Records Act, Violations of the FOIA and the list just keeps growing.

If a pay for play existed and she was soliciting donations to the CFF while SOS, then one could assume that a RICO charge might also be in play. Another revelation just came out about a donations being funneled though a third party to keep donors anonymous.

The IG report, her public statements, her staff's actions have all been damning. I do not hear anyone at State or the Clinton team refuting that the leaked hacked e-mails are not real. If they are indeed real, ipso facto she put National Security at risk which comes with penalties.

After some digging what I found was so arrogant, egregious, and inept that it cannot go unpunished. Trying to establish motives is moot, no motive or intent need be established for to be found guilty. Stupidity is not a defense, any Army Brat will tell you "Think OPSEC", a throwback for anyone held hostage to only watchting AFTV.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-16 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p] Show me someone who's never made a mistake or used bad judgement and I'll show you someone who's never done much. such as Bernie .

if we scrutinized every ex secretary of state as we have Clinton I bet we could find plenty. what she's accused of is meaningless to me and the polls show I'm not alone.

I think there are at least a million americans who's make a better president. but most of them will have made mistakes we may also find unforgivable. but they're not on the ballot these three clowns are, so you work with what you have and Hillary is the best choice. with or without some parking tickets.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
There is a rather big difference between making a mistake and committing multiple acts that need to be investigated. It is hardly a parking ticket to have an email server in your house and conducting not only official state business on it but also fund raising and running you campaign. There is good evidence that not only was she aware this set up was incorrect at best but also that it was not secure.

Not Colin Powell didn't use his own server, neither did Condi Rice. Now had HRC simply said, "Oh I made a mistake", then she would have been forgiven. Instead she and her staff make statements that have been proven to be lies, she and her staff stonewalled the IG, Stonewalled the FBI and every time something is uncovered it opens up a new way in which her actions were more toward illegal then simply a mistake.

Funneling money through third parties while on official business is hardly a mistake, it could be criminal.

Mistakes can be easily explained and forgiven. Criminal acts are hidden and lied about. Which does it appear to be in regards to this case. Last I check polls don't decide what is and is not considered a criminal matter.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-16 AT 02:26PM (MST)[p] Accusations are not indictments and indictments are not convictions.

Obama would not have endorsed her if he had any intention of letting her go to jail. and even if she does her VP can take over. welcome to politics American style. at least here there is no proof whatsoever anything she did had any negative impacts. wouldn't the Bush administration lies and cover ups love to say the same. so WTF ever is my attitude.

It's not how you play the game it's if you win or lose. and while the polls do not decide what is illegal or not they do reflect if anyone cares about some parking tickets. and they all suggest they do not. or maybe it's just because a liar is still their choice over a lying orange bigot. who knows but this is where we are.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
>AT 02:26?PM (MST)

> Accusations are not indictments and
>indictments are not convictions.
> Obama would not have endorsed
>her if he had any
>intention of letting her go
>to jail. and even if
>she does her VP can
>take over. welcome to politics
>American style. at least
>here there is no proof
>whatsoever anything she did had
> any negative impacts.
>wouldn't the Bush administration lies
>and cover ups love to
>say the same. so WTF
>ever is my attitude.
> It's not how you play
>the game it's if you
>win or lose. and
>while the polls do not
>decide what is illegal or
>not they do reflect if
>anyone cares about some parking
>tickets. and they all suggest
>they do not. or
>maybe it's just because a
>liar is still their choice
>over a lying orange bigot.
> who knows but
>this is where we are.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
This is where we are because there are to many sheep.
I agree. the sheeple of the GOP should have nominated someone who could beat an old lying politician they've been tearing down with public money for years. wouldn't you think?

But they did not. they nominated a blow hard racist TV reality star.

Proof you can't fix stupid. but you can only take advantage of those afflicted.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>I agree. the sheeple of the
>GOP should have nominated someone
>who could beat an old
>lying politician they've been tearing
>down with public money for
>years. wouldn't you think?
>But they did not. they nominated
>a blow hard racist TV
>reality star.
>Proof you can't fix stupid. but
>you can only take advantage
>of those afflicted.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
NO!I was talking about the sheep that will be voting for Hillary.
It's true the RNC failed to produce a strong candidate and chose a reality TV star. The DNC unexpectedly has 2 viable candidates late in the game. Clinton has been the out of gate favorite and Bernie has been the contender. Hillsy meets with the FBI tomorrow :(

Will the DNC go forward with Hillsy if the FBI recommends multiple indictments?

Bill appointed Loretta Lynch as a Federal Prosecutor. He is not an idiot why would he stroll over to her plane? I think the Clintons are very nervous and Bill wanted to get a read on Loretta.

The FBI will conclude their criminal investigation with the target. All of Hillsy's aides have been interviewed and the IG report has confirmed the violations. The CFF has been served a subpoena, questions of conflict of interest for Abedin instantly come up. CFF-Haiti-Donations maybe involved in a pay for play on reconstruction contracts.

Timing...Comey may still beat the 25th. Either way Dems, Hillsy supporters, better get ready for a plan B. She is 1 news cycle away, I'm just sayin...I dug and dug, guess what? She is guilty of multiple violations of the law.

The penalties of such violations consider "intent" secondary, unless an indictment for RICO are involved. Abuse of Office, FOIA, Records Act, and Espionage, Yes, by definition, like Lavoy being labeled a terrorist, she may be referred for indictment under the Espionage Act.

50% of the DNC say they will support her even if indicted.
It's taken care of.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
What gives? my thread about the FBI not indicting ticked off a mod I guess. censorship proves desperation.

Can I say Hillary was not indicted without being nuked or not? because she wasn't look it up for yourself. I bet if I say she's going to win again I'll get banned.


stay Thirsty My Friends
>What gives? my thread about
>the FBI not indicting ticked
>off a mod I guess.
> censorship proves desperation.
> Can I say Hillary was
>not indicted without being
>nuked or not? because she
>wasn't look it up for
>yourself. I bet if I
>say she's going to win
>again I'll get banned.

>stay Thirsty My Friends

Yeah, WTH? Tog got into more trouble than Hillary did.
Never saw it. Hmmm must be either Bush's fault or members of the white privileged class.
>>What gives? my thread about
>>the FBI not indicting ticked
>>off a mod I guess.
>> censorship proves desperation.
>> Can I say Hillary was
>>not indicted without being
>>nuked or not? because she
>>wasn't look it up for
>>yourself. I bet if I
>>say she's going to win
>>again I'll get banned.
>>stay Thirsty My Friends
>Yeah, WTH? Tog got into more
>trouble than Hillary did.

Maybe the FBI can hire the mods?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-16 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]I was wrong, still scratching my head in disbelief.

Quote du Jour" "To be clear: this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions, but that's not what we're deciding now."

-James Comey
>AT 07:44?PM (MST)

>I was wrong, still scratching my
>head in disbelief.
>Quote du Jour" "To be
>clear: this is not to
>suggest that in similar circumstances
>a person who engaged in
>this activity would face no
>consequences. To the contrary, those
>individuals are often subject to
>security or administrative sanctions, but
>that's not what we're deciding
>-James Comey

Translation, if this was anybody but hillary we'd hang em!
The FBI director bowed to the political pressure. It was better that he made the announcement of no criminal charges instead of Attorney General Lynch. With him making the decision of no criminal charges, only 55-60% of the voters will believe it is a coverup. If Lynch had made the decision, 70-75% of the voters would have believed it was a coverup after her meeting with Bill Clinton.

I knew there would be no indictment several days ago when Obama announced he was hitting the campaign trail with Hillary and even flying her on Air Force One to her campaign meetings. What a great "F"ing government we have in office. Hard to tell who is the greatest crook and liar between Obama and Hillary.

Comey is a republican. Gowdy is a republican who was sent on a partisan hit job. this reminds me of the little geek kids who know their only chance at winning the game is a disqualification or forfeit.

It's game time the teams are in place you're going to have to play.

If it were anyone but Hillary there never would have been an investigation because nobody would give a FF. that is an absolute fact.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
No, I dunna wanna play! Benghazi should have been a one hit wonder. Hey I'll take a DQ on Hillsy, given the in the game choices are Sociopath #1 or #2.

I would like to see the first woman President, that does not bother me I'd just rather it not be her. Like all Clinton scandals, bury and move on, now to crush Donald Trump.

Bankers, they don't even care it used to be they made an effort to stay cloak and dagger. Now it is as simple as "See, we own you azz, we own it all, the courts, and the government agencies and Hillsy is our girl". It's not the politicians, they are powerless meat puppets and serve as mere illusions of representation.

Just ask Bryan Nishimura...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-16 AT 10:23PM (MST)[p]...if she was japanese there would have been multiple indictments...
Doesn't matter if there is a D or R next to his name.... he is a political appointee of Obama and this was no doubt a political decision. In most of Comey's speech he made the case for an indictment, shredded her argument and then walked it back on the "can't prove intent argument" If as Secretary of State knowing full well and being briefed constantly on the rules and laws of the office in sending and receiving classified information she said fluck this I'm going to do it anyways with my 4 home servers in my basement. Why is that dude? You think that instructing her subordinates to change the classification of her e-mails doesn't constitute intent. The whole thing stinks and the fact that her lying at every step of the process makes dude more comfortable that she become commander in chief not less is completely baffling.
Yeah just a vast right wing conspiracy no doubt. If the glove doesn't fit you must acquit... OJ is innocent right dude?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-16 AT 00:20AM (MST)[p]Wetmule, it does not matter how much of a lying crooked person Hillary is according to the fools who will vote for her anyway. Looks like FW will vote for her since he wants a first time woman as president, then again he might not.
I will vote for Trump in hopes he can make a better President then a liar and crook that the Democrats have offered up after giving us a disaster in the form of Obama who gave us "hope and change" right up the gazoo.

I understand you're butthurt, now you're forced to run on your candidates own merits and not Hillary's past and you're screwed. totally screwed. you should have known this could happen.

Back to the drawing board huh? I can't wait to see what the committee to investigate the committee to investigate the investigations comes up with.

The bookies sure seem worried .


Stay Thirsty My Friends
At this point I will vote for everything but the Presidency. The pressure is off of me, there was only 1 vote that had meaning an that was the primary. Sanders took Idaho, Yay!

Outside of that our state is redder than a stop sign, so if Trump is still around it will go to Trump.

So the right wing media machine guaranteed that if Clinton is not indicted, they would leak. Well? We're waiting lets see the mass defections from senior staffers at the FBI.

Strange...in other countries these types of incidences would result in mass outrage. I would like to think we abstain from such outrage on a mass level because we are more civilized. But the reality is we just don't really care anymore. Democracy is messy business and we have somehow sanitized it to our own detriment.
The problem is that it shows Hillary is a poor judge of what is and it not classified, she has shown to always choose the wrong side of history, she is not a nimble footed politician like WJC and she is almost always wrong.

Whether or not the investigation "brought her down" is going to be irrelevant soon because when she is elected she will be unable to govern given how divisive she is and what a lightning rod she is for things like this.

Having a gut shot president with zero honeymoon period for her term will turn out bad for the country given the head winds we face right now and that will only get worse. The chickens are coming home to roost big time on President Obama's signature achievement and Hillary will be incapable of making a deal to get any of the "fixes" available. Even if the D's win the Senate back they will not have a filibuster proof majority so that is another four years of fiddling while Rome burns.

She is just too flawed of a candidate with too much water under the bridge to be effective.

Then the choice on the other side is Trump, who is proposing increasing the debt by another $10 Trillion. 320,000,000 people in this country and we can only find these two clowns to choose from?

I won't argue that, but at the end of the day these two are what we have. given the choice of status quo with Hillary or the chit storm Trump would bring the choice is pretty obvious.

A recession is only the start of the great things Trump would give us. if I wasn't sure he had no chance of winning I'd be dumping everything I have in the stock market. If Bernie had won I'd have done the same.


Stay Thirsty My Friends

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