How the task force is currently working


Very Active Member
Pretty accurate
If you remember history, the ones within snuck out and killed the others (residents in your picture). Non Resident were the ones that paid a majority to build the city. ???
Hope you did not ruffle any feathers on the king of Wyoming wildlife.
As I've been saying all along, Wyo res better watch their backs! It's obvious that nonres are issued very few high demand, limited tags...especially after landowners take a chunk off the top prior to the public draw. Where else will outfitters/landowners get tags? My guess is from Wyo res quotas?

It would be nice if both Wyo res and nonres that enjoy DIY/OYO hunting could join forces together on this and battle together against additional tags offered to outfitters/landowners. Just a thought?

I've always been a fan of having all tags available in a public draw. Each hunter that draws tags has the choice to hunt with outfitter or DIY/OYO. Keep it simple!

I think Wyo res DIY/OYO hunters are quickly figuring out how much strength the outfitters/landowners have on the TF. Wasn't the task fork originally designed to give Wyo res more opportunity? Yep you got a handful of sheep and moose tags but what about e/d/a that each and every Wyo res hunt on a regular basis?
As I've been saying all along, Wyo res better watch their backs! It's obvious that nonres are issued very few high demand, limited tags...especially after landowners take a chunk off the top prior to the public draw. Where else will outfitters/landowners get tags? My guess is from Wyo res quotas?

It would be nice if both Wyo res and nonres that enjoy DIY/OYO hunting could join forces together on this and battle together against additional tags offered to outfitters/landowners. Just a thought?

I've always been a fan of having all tags available in a public draw. Each hunter that draws tags has the choice to hunt with outfitter or DIY/OYO. Keep it simple!

I think Wyo res DIY/OYO hunters are quickly figuring out how much strength the outfitters/landowners have on the TF. Wasn't the task fork originally designed to give Wyo res more opportunity? Yep you got a handful of sheep and moose tags but what about e/d/a that each and every Wyo res hunt on a regular basis?
You think we're going to lose pronghorn, deer, and elk opportunity for Residents?


Anything the outfitters attempt to take will be from NR's, everyone knows that, including Sy and the rest of the outfitters.
I guess we'll agree to disagree on this. Most of the high demand limited units for nonres hardly issue 1 or 2 tags. Some of the limited elk tags have 0 random tags because landowners already grab them prior to the public draw (124, 111 are examples). I'm not exactly sure where these tags are mysteriously going to come from? Definitely not from nonres because they have nothing to offer! Sy and the rest of the outfitters know this!

There are a number of ideas like transferable tags, outfitter signed contract tags, private land landowner tags, etc brought up by outfitters/landowners. If I was a Wyo res DIY/OYO hunter I would be asking specific questions. There are a lot of tags in jeopardy and nonres definitely have few to 0 to give!

"Transferable" means the landowner is given the tag, which they can then sell to an outfitter or directly to hunters. How about landowner tags which would give large landowners up to three additional (they get 2 now) male landowner tags (bull elk, buck deer) in exchange for public access to deeded property or landlocked public land. How about the idea of outfitter draw tags for tags available to clients that sign outfitter agreements prior to the draw. With all of these scenarios I can guarantee this would mean fewer Wyo res tags available for those units in the public draw. Where else are they going to come from? Nonres certainly don't have few to 0 tags available! Red flags are waving all over the place when these ideas are suggested!

Outfitters/landowners were able to confiscate tags from the public draw in Colorado and you are living in a dream world if you don't think this same thing can happen in Wyo! Take a look at who is on the TF! Wyo res DIY/OYO hunters better start asking questions and be prepared to battle!
I guess we'll agree to disagree on this. Most of the high demand limited units for nonres hardly issue 1 or 2 tags. Some of the limited elk tags have 0 random tags because landowners already grab them prior to the public draw (124, 111 are examples). I'm not exactly sure where these tags are mysteriously going to come from? Definitely not from nonres because they have nothing to offer! Sy and the rest of the outfitters know this!

There are a number of ideas like transferable tags, outfitter signed contract tags, private land landowner tags, etc brought up by outfitters/landowners. If I was a Wyo res DIY/OYO hunter I would be asking specific questions. There are a lot of tags in jeopardy and nonres definitely have few to 0 to give!

"Transferable" means the landowner is given the tag, which they can then sell to an outfitter or directly to hunters. How about landowner tags which would give large landowners up to three additional (they get 2 now) male landowner tags (bull elk, buck deer) in exchange for public access to deeded property or landlocked public land. How about the idea of outfitter draw tags for tags available to clients that sign outfitter agreements prior to the draw. With all of these scenarios I can guarantee this would mean fewer Wyo res tags available for those units in the public draw. Where else are they going to come from? Nonres certainly don't have few to 0 tags available! Red flags are waving all over the place when these ideas are suggested!

Outfitters/landowners were able to confiscate tags from the public draw in Colorado and you are living in a dream world if you don't think this same thing can happen in Wyo! Take a look at who is on the TF! Wyo res DIY/OYO hunters better start asking questions and be prepared to battle!
Blah, Blah, Blah...all of what you're talking about, if it were to happen, is going to come from the NR tags.

No, it would not mean fewer tags for Residents. RESIDENT landowner tags come from the RESIDENT pool...NON RESIDENT landowner tags come from the NONRESIDENT pool.

Anything that would take tags from Residents is a non-starter, and the Task Force, Legislature, etc. know it.

Sorry Sebastian, you're just wrong about this one.

Also, you have burned every bridge with Wyoming Residents so don't expect any help from the very people you turn in for illegal outfitting, complain about non-stop, etc.

Wasting your breath.
I understand completely that landowner tags either come from res or nonres pools separately off the top of the pile of tags prior to the draw. That's how it works now but could easily be changed. The current landowner tag system is a total joke and isn't functioning like it was designed. I bet anything the current landowner system will be changed soon!

The question is...where are all the tags outfitters/landowners are requesting come from? When there are 0 to 2 total nonres tags offered for high demand units this doesn't leave any tags for the programs that outfitters/landowners are teaming up to rob from the public draw! I can pretty much guarantee that's why outfitters have given up chase for 90/10 for e/d/a... Outfitters aren't dumb....they realize they will lose clients with 90/10.

If you cut nonres tags in 1/2 with 90/10 there are only around 0 to 2 tags that are currently offered to nonres with current quotas. 90/10 leaves 0 to 1 total tags available in the public draw......outfitters would starve! Outfitters are pooling up with landowners to figure out other strategies to take tags from Wyo res.....I can guarantee it! Wyo res are where outfitters have potential for robbing a larger chunk and pool of tags.

Think about it Buzz. If you are an outfitter would you figure out strategies to take 1 or 2 tags from the tiny pool of high demand limited nonres tag quotas or from the hundreds of tags currently issued to Wyo res? That's exactly why they gave up the handful of Big 5 tags and aren't interested in 90/10 for d/e/a.

Outfitters/landowners are suger-coating things to make it sound like they are opening up private land to public hunters so they have access to chunks of e/d/a resident tags. If you don't like RFW in Colo you may be faced with something similar in Wyo! There is the chance it could be on an even bigger scale in Wyo.

You are being blind-sided if you don't believe outfitters/landowners are strategizing to rob Wyo res of tags! Colo res didn't believe this could happen and sure enough it did!
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I understand completely that landowner tags either come from res or nonres pools separately off the top of the pile of tags prior to the draw. That's how it works now but could easily be changed. The current landowner tag system is a total joke and isn't functioning like it was designed. I bet anything the current landowner system will be changed soon!

The question is...where are all the tags outfitters/landowners are requesting come from? When there are 0 to 2 total nonres tags offered for high demand units this doesn't leave any tags for the programs that outfitters/landowners are teaming up to rob from the public draw! I can pretty much guarantee that's why outfitters have given up chase for 90/10 for e/d/a... Outfitters aren't dumb....they realize they will lose clients with 90/10.

If you cut nonres tags in 1/2 with 90/10 there are only around 0 to 2 tags that are currently offered to nonres with current quotas. 90/10 leaves 0 to 1 total tags available in the public draw......outfitters would starve! Outfitters are pooling up with landowners to figure out other strategies to take tags from Wyo res.....I can guarantee it! Wyo res are where outfitters have potential for robbing a larger chunk and pool of tags.

Think about it Buzz. If you are an outfitter would you figure out strategies to take 1 or 2 tags from the tiny pool of high demand limited nonres tag quotas or from the hundreds of tags currently issued to Wyo res? That's exactly why they gave up the handful of Big 5 tags and aren't interested in 90/10 for d/e/a.

Outfitters/landowners are suger-coating things to make it sound like they are opening up private land to public hunters so they have access to chunks of e/d/a resident tags. If you don't like RFW in Colo you may be faced with something similar in Wyo! There is the chance it could be on an even bigger scale in Wyo.

You are being blind-sided if you don't believe outfitters/landowners are strategizing to rob Wyo res of tags! Colo res didn't believe this could happen and sure enough it did!
Brace yourself for 40% of the NR quota for DEA going to the outfitter draw. This is the reward you are getting for helping WYOGA defeat 90/10 in the past.
I understand completely that landowner tags either come from res or nonres pools separately off the top of the pile of tags prior to the draw. That's how it works now but could easily be changed. The current landowner tag system is a total joke and isn't functioning like it was designed. I bet anything the current landowner system will be changed soon!

The question is...where are all the tags outfitters/landowners are requesting come from? When there are 0 to 2 total nonres tags offered for high demand units this doesn't leave any tags for the programs that outfitters/landowners are teaming up to rob from the public draw! I can pretty much guarantee that's why outfitters have given up chase for 90/10 for e/d/a... Outfitters aren't dumb....they realize they will lose clients with 90/10.

If you cut nonres tags in 1/2 with 90/10 there are only around 0 to 2 tags that are currently offered to nonres with current quotas. 90/10 leaves 0 to 1 total tags available in the public draw......outfitters would starve! Outfitters are pooling up with landowners to figure out other strategies to take tags from Wyo res.....I can guarantee it! Wyo res are where outfitters have potential for robbing a larger chunk and pool of tags.

Think about it Buzz. If you are an outfitter would you figure out strategies to take 1 or 2 tags from the tiny pool of high demand limited nonres tag quotas or from the hundreds of tags currently issued to Wyo res? That's exactly why they gave up the handful of Big 5 tags and aren't interested in 90/10 for d/e/a.

Outfitters/landowners are suger-coating things to make it sound like they are opening up private land to public hunters so they have access to chunks of e/d/a resident tags. If you don't like RFW in Colo you may be faced with something similar in Wyo! There is the chance it could be on an even bigger scale in Wyo.

You are being blind-sided if you don't believe outfitters/landowners are strategizing to rob Wyo res of tags! Colo res didn't believe this could happen and sure enough it did!
Maybe you should have spent more time worrying about Colorado.

With your track record there I think I'll pass on taking advice from you.
Should be interesting what transpires in the next couple meetings.

Outfitters won't get squat for tags even if they take 40% of the nonres quota or 90/5/5ish. Think about it JM, wouldn't outfitters be a lot better off keeping nonres quotas as they are and have twice the potential nonres tags available for their clients? Many high demand units won't even have outfitter tags available if only 5% of the tags are issued to nonres outfitter clients. Doesn't make sense to me?

My guess is the outfitters/landowners have plans in the works where they will gain more tags from Wyo res who have the largest pool of tags available.

Think about it JM and Buzz. What happens if nonres DIY tags are cut in 1/4 with 90/5/5ish. It will suddenly take 4 times longer to draw tags and many high demand limited units won't even offer nonres outfitter or public tags. Why on earth would outfitters cut their own throats?

I'm certain that the WG&F budget will severely be cut as DIY public tags become impossible to draw and nonres customers that currently purchase pref pts drop out of paying high pref pt fees. New and young hunters won't be recruited each year and continue buying pref pts.
Nice try Sebastian, the sky won't fall and the sun will rise tomorrow.

All the crap you've pulled over the years and now you ask for help?

How about getting rid of point averaging?
Well Not sure if they will get 90/10 on DEA but if they do I’m sure it won’t make a diff from other states!! Sure see lots of guys saying they got unsuccessful draws in Utah Nevada ect ., ?
Every Wyoming resident can hunt elk, deer, and arguably antelope every year. No other state that has a 90/10 quota even remotely offers such access. Not a bad thing, just hard to compare to other 90/10 states.
Every Wyoming resident can hunt elk, deer, and arguably antelope every year. No other state that has a 90/10 quota even remotely offers such access. Not a bad thing, just hard to compare to other 90/10 states.
So if I get you right, because residents have general elk & deer opportunity, they should be ok with giving a higher % of LQ tags to NR than most other states do?
So if I get you right, because residents have general elk & deer opportunity, they should be ok with giving a higher % of LQ tags to NR than most other states do?
Not at all.....I am all for whatever Wyoming chooses to do within their state. Just that WY going to 90/10 is not the same as the other 90/10 states is all.
Not at all.....I am all for whatever Wyoming chooses to do within their state. Just that WY going to 90/10 is not the same as the other 90/10 states is all.
I'm not going to read anything into what you are saying here, but no state is like the other completely.

But, I'm hearing a hint of you got it better so don't be greedy. Just a hint.
Every Wyoming resident can hunt elk, deer, and arguably antelope every year. No other state that has a 90/10 quota even remotely offers such access. Not a bad thing, just hard to compare to other 90/10 states.

So since Wyoming residents can hunt on general tags its hard to compare to other states. What does this have to do with 90/10 in Wyoming.
Just a simple observation men, no more, no less.
Living in Wyoming isn't easy. I much rather live somewhere with good weather and no wind. But then again, I don't want to draw for 10% or 5% (if the outfitters get their way) of the tags if I move away.:ROFLMAO:
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I live just over the Wyo border and the wind…knock on wood hardly blows and our average daily temp is around 30 degrees warmer in the winter. A lot of people have figured that out and it’s getting tougher to deal with the crowds…in town and up in the hills. I grew up in Wyo and grew to hate the wind. On the positive side Wyo res are blessed to hunt gen deer and elk every year with extremely good draw odds with current limited tag quotas. Every place has its advantages and disadvantages.
Well Not sure if they will get 90/10 on DEA but if they do I’m sure it won’t make a diff from other states!! Sure see lots of guys saying they got unsuccessful draws in Utah Nevada ect ., ?
This is just another GREAT reason for other states with LESS opportunity to follow Wyoming's lead and enact restrictions on NR hunters that provide MORE, guaranteed opportunity for the people who actually live in the state. I'm starting to see some momentum picking up in Nevada to head things this way.

A concerned resident voiced his opinion at the quota meeting about a unit where it was proposed to cut resident tags making them equal to the number of NR tags offered, 50/50 split. The board considered his comment and the tags were placed back in the resident pool.

I like hunting in Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and other states but I like hunting in Nevada the best. That's one of the reasons I live here. I'll relentlessly fight for more opportunity in my own state and completely understand and support others that do the same.------SS
This is just another GREAT reason for other states with LESS opportunity to follow Wyoming's lead and enact restrictions on NR hunters that provide MORE, guaranteed opportunity for the people who actually live in the state. I'm starting to see some momentum picking up in Nevada to head things this way.

A concerned resident voiced his opinion at the quota meeting about a unit where it was proposed to cut resident tags making them equal to the number of NR tags offered, 50/50 split. The board considered his comment and the tags were placed back in the resident pool.

I like hunting in Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and other states but I like hunting in Nevada the best. That's one of the reasons I live here. I'll relentlessly fight for more opportunity in my own state and completely understand and support others that do the same.------SS
I think anyone here fighting for more resident opportunity in Wyoming can respect this comment
As I’ve been saying all along, our hunting heritage across the Western US is headed in a horrible place. Opportunity is being lost each year for those that don’t live in a Western State. The saddest part is youth across the east, Midwest, and south won’t have the opportunity to hunt like many of us had growing up and will lose interest in hunting the West!
As I’ve been saying all along, our hunting heritage across the Western US is headed in a horrible place. Opportunity is being lost each year for those that don’t live in a Western State. The saddest part is youth across the east, Midwest, and south won’t have the opportunity to hunt like many of us had growing up and will lose interest in hunting the West!
The problem with the kids in other states is they don't want to hunt. They have no mentor for the most part. 50% of the parents are divorced it seems.
The problem with the kids in other states is they don't want to hunt. They have no mentor for the most part. 50% of the parents are divorced it seems.

Yes no one outside of the West hunts because they are divorced and don't have time to take their kids. Nailed it.
Yep,, and thank god for the dad's who stepped up into today's world. Social media is probably bigger problem.
As I’ve been saying all along, our hunting heritage across the Western US is headed in a horrible place. Opportunity is being lost each year for those that don’t live in a Western State. The saddest part is youth across the east, Midwest, and south won’t have the opportunity to hunt like many of us had growing up and will lose interest in hunting the West!
Oh in the Midwest, south, and east have wayyyy more opportunities than the preceding generation.

This traveling, apply for every western state, NR hunter is a recent trend.

Go look at past draw odds in the west. Talk to people from the Midwest, go look at hunting regulations then and now in those places. One of my best friends is from Wisconsin still lives there. When he started hunting, you had to draw a doe tag. Same place now, he can buy a pocketful of doe tags for next to nothing.

Once again Sebastian, you just don't have a clue...there's a metric chit ton of youth opportunity in the west, east, south, Midwest....wayyyy more than when I started hunting.
As I’ve been saying all along, our hunting heritage across the Western US is headed in a horrible place. Opportunity is being lost each year for those that don’t live in a Western State. The saddest part is youth across the east, Midwest, and south won’t have the opportunity to hunt like many of us had growing up and will lose interest in hunting the West!
I think you got it backward......Just this year, I was thinking about which midwest state I would have to travel to for my son to hunt his first eligible year next year. Through connections at work, I was looking at OTC opportunities in both Nebraska and Texas.

I think that kids from the west might need to travel east to find the massive opportunity that is still there. ---SS
Oh in the Midwest, south, and east have wayyyy more opportunities than the preceding generation.

This traveling, apply for every western state, NR hunter is a recent trend.

Go look at past draw odds in the west. Talk to people from the Midwest, go look at hunting regulations then and now in those places. One of my best friends is from Wisconsin still lives there. When he started hunting, you had to draw a doe tag. Same place now, he can buy a pocketful of doe tags for next to nothing.

Once again Sebastian, you just don't have a clue...there's a metric chit ton of youth opportunity in the west, east, south, Midwest....wayyyy more than when I started hunting.
I have in-laws in Wisconsin. Don’t know if it is still this way or not. But they use to have to kill 5 does before they could get a buck tag. They have a dairy and it might only be in their area.
Yep, hunting opportunity is fine in many eastern, southern, and Midwest states. How about hunting opportunity for nonres diy/oyo hunters on the billions of public land acres throughout the West?

I’ll stick to my guns with what I mentioned that we are losing our hunting heritage in the Western US. There obviously are sheep, moose, mtn goat, mule deer, elk, and pronghorn that are pretty much non-existent in most east, south, and Midwest states. The doors are closing on those species for the younger generation of hunters that don’t live in states where these species exist. It’s sad to see nonres opportunity throughout the West closing it’s doors to public diy/oyo hunters.
Lets fix opportunity for hunters that actually live in the western states before we worry about "the younger generation of hunters that don't live in the states where these species exist."

I have a hard time feeling bad about "opportunity throughout the west closing it's doors" to nonres hunters when I can only hunt my own state every few years and my own son who is growing up here will likely never get to hunt sheep, moose, goats, and all the fancy stuff.

I'm not trying to be harsh or unsympathetic but my opinion stands firm that EXTREME preference should be shown to resident hunters of each state. Too many internet heros and Youtube influencers have everyone thinking that you have to run around hunting 5+ tags per year in multiple states to have opportunity. The resource can't take the pressure. There is not enough to go around and there never will be. Opportunity will always be limited and residents should get the first and the best in my opinion. Learn to appreciate hunting where you live if hunting is not important enough for you to live where you like to hunt. -----SS
How about hunting opportunity for nonres diy/oyo hunters on the billions of public land acres throughout the West?
The two of these things are very different. Public lands are owned and controlled by the citizens of the United States of America. Game animals are owned and controlled by the citizens of the individual states.
Many people confuse this and feel somehow entitled to resources that don't belong to them. -----SS
Lets fix opportunity for hunters that actually live in the western states before we worry about "the younger generation of hunters that don't live in the states where these species exist."

I have a hard time feeling bad about "opportunity throughout the west closing it's doors" to nonres hunters when I can only hunt my own state every few years and my own son who is growing up here will likely never get to hunt sheep, moose, goats, and all the fancy stuff.

I'm not trying to be harsh or unsympathetic but my opinion stands firm that EXTREME preference should be shown to resident hunters of each state. Too many internet heros and Youtube influencers have everyone thinking that you have to run around hunting 5+ tags per year in multiple states to have opportunity. The resource can't take the pressure. There is not enough to go around and there never will be. Opportunity will always be limited and residents should get the first and the best in my opinion. Learn to appreciate hunting where you live if hunting is not important enough for you to live where you like to hunt. -----SS
100%!!! Well said. I wish jims would read your reply but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t read anyone’s response.
Yep, hunting opportunity is fine in many eastern, southern, and Midwest states. How about hunting opportunity for nonres diy/oyo hunters on the billions of public land acres throughout the West?

I’ll stick to my guns with what I mentioned that we are losing our hunting heritage in the Western US. There obviously are sheep, moose, mtn goat, mule deer, elk, and pronghorn that are pretty much non-existent in most east, south, and Midwest states. The doors are closing on those species for the younger generation of hunters that don’t live in states where these species exist. It’s sad to see nonres opportunity throughout the West closing it’s doors to public diy/oyo hunters.

It seems others point share with you. I think if you care about the youth like you claim you do then you should point share with one or two nr youth. I know a young man, youth, from iowa thats dying to hunt Wyoming. Let's set this up for the 2023 season. Put up or shut up.....
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I understand completely what you are saying. I agree that residents of each Western state should have advantages over nonres.

Wyo is a prime example of residents having incredible opportunity with what they currently have. Ask Buzz how many big game tags him and his wife draw each year? God knows you've seen his wave of annual photos. Now that's a heck of a lot of opportunity....and that's not enough?

Wyo offers it's residents: General deer and elk tags that can be hunted each and every year, great draw odds for limited elk, deer, and antelope, and the opportunity to harvest multiple big game animals with doe, cow, and other tags. It just seems a little funky that Wyo res want even more opportunity by slicing nonres tags? There are SO FEW tags issued to nonres that cutting nonres opportunity in 1/2 with 90/10 in reality does almost nothing statistically to improve res draw odds. We've gone around and around in circles on this! There aren't that many high demand tags issued to nonres in the first place and Wyo res aren't going to all of a sudden start drawing more tags with 90/10! Yes, there would be a lucky few res that draw but at the expense of every nonres that has devoted years and $ to the pref pt system! Suddenly nonres chances are cut in 1/2 while only a handful of Wyo res will be impacted. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense! WG&F revenue will also be impacted!

I've shared points with quite a few fathers and sons over the years. We've shared incredible experiences and harvested some dandy bucks! The smiles on their faces at the end of their hunts told the whole story!
I understand completely what you are saying. I agree that residents of each Western state should have advantages over nonres.

Wyo is a prime example of residents having incredible opportunity with what they currently have. Ask Buzz how many big game tags him and his wife draw each year? God knows you've seen his wave of annual photos. Now that's a heck of a lot of opportunity....and that's not enough?

Wyo offers it's residents: General deer and elk tags that can be hunted each and every year, great draw odds for limited elk, deer, and antelope, and the opportunity to harvest multiple big game animals with doe, cow, and other tags. It just seems a little funky that Wyo res want even more opportunity by slicing nonres tags? There are SO FEW tags issued to nonres that cutting nonres opportunity in 1/2 with 90/10 in reality does almost nothing statistically to improve res draw odds. We've gone around and around in circles on this! There aren't that many high demand tags issued to nonres in the first place and Wyo res aren't going to all of a sudden start drawing more tags with 90/10! Yes, there would be a lucky few res that draw but at the expense of every nonres that has devoted years and $ to the pref pt system! Suddenly nonres chances are cut in 1/2 while only a handful of Wyo res will be impacted. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense! WG&F revenue will also be impacted!

I've shared points with quite a few fathers and sons over the years. We've shared incredible experiences and harvested some dandy bucks! The smiles on their faces at the end of their hunts told the whole story!

Well will you share your points?
Jims idea of sharing points is finding someone with enough points to help him draw. In no way does it benefit someone else. This is why he is on here constantly complaining. It's getting difficult for him to find someone foolish enough to go into such an agreement. If it was easy to do he wouldn't even care about any of what is going on with the TF.

Did anyone else notice he mixed it up now and is using the bold function? Those graphs must of been too time consuming. He's giving up folks. Slowly but the wind is almost out of his sails.

Oh no I smell another thread on getting me banned. That didn't go the way you thought it would? None of your posts go the way you think they should Jims. Very few ever agree with you. Do you see the common denominator? It's you Jims. Your opinion is like cheatgrass.

Yeah i said it. Like cheatgrass. You are what you hate. Did I use the bold function right?
@DoubleDropMuley im going to burn my WY deer points next year. Better tell your nephew to get in shape. Backpack region H hunt for 10 days. You should come along, I’ll pack your cane you old man.

I hope the outfitter draw doesn’t happen but so be it if it does. I might have to look into what it takes to be a WY outfitter ?
@DoubleDropMuley im going to burn my WY deer points next year. Better tell your nephew to get in shape. Backpack region H hunt for 10 days. You should come along, I’ll pack your cane you old man.

I hope the outfitter draw doesn’t happen but so be it if it does. I might have to look into what it takes to be a WY outfitter ?
It's pretty easy you have to have enough guide days under your belt, a place to hunt and a good business plan haha
@DoubleDropMuley im going to burn my WY deer points next year. Better tell your nephew to get in shape. Backpack region H hunt for 10 days. You should come along, I’ll pack your cane you old man.

I hope the outfitter draw doesn’t happen but so be it if it does. I might have to look into what it takes to be a WY outfitter ?

Why not be a outstanding non resident and share your points with someone.
Why not "sebastians outdoor fantasies"?
Sometimes the most difficult part of a guided hunt is matching the client with the right guide. There is no doubt this guy is the right guide for our buddy in CO. Let’s welcome Cheatgrass Outfitters first guide, Lenny Pepperbottom:

Looks like I will be rethinking next years elk apps. With max points I am going to stop chasing unit 124 and find a better draw odds hunt.

Might be wise for family and me to burn our antelope points this year also.
@DoubleDropMuley im going to burn my WY deer points next year. Better tell your nephew to get in shape. Backpack region H hunt for 10 days. You should come along, I’ll pack your cane you old man.

I hope the outfitter draw doesn’t happen but so be it if it does. I might have to look into what it takes to be a WY outfitter ?
If your gonna take that old grump on a hunt you might have to get him one of those little motorized carts from Walmart ???
@DoubleDropMuley im going to burn my WY deer points next year. Better tell your nephew to get in shape. Backpack region H hunt for 10 days. You should come along, I’ll pack your cane you old man.

I hope the outfitter draw doesn’t happen but so be it if it does. I might have to look into what it takes to be a WY outfitter ?
@SS! Hell yeah burn those points!! Between the 2 of ya should be able to just pack me to the top and forget the cane!! 10 days hope ya can pack enough Dr Pepper for me?, ya I don’t think anyone wants outfitter draw or more landowner tags !!
If your gonna take that old grump on a hunt you might have to get him one of those little motorized carts from Walmart ???
I hope he ties it down better than a 4 wheeler in back of that dodge. You know what, I’ll handle tying it down...
Are there any talks as to when any of this will take affect? I'm on the fence between WY elk or CO deer next year but which state reduces tags first will obviously dictate. If they both reduce NR tags starting next year then I guess I will still be on the fence.
The task force is cutting deals this morning...and nrs are on the menu.
It sucks, we knew this was the direction the Task Force would take given the make up. Nearly everyone on the task force benefits from screwing over DIY guys, both resident and NR. Please keep us updated and let us know what they move forward with so that we can fight it and let the powers that be our opposition.
As someone that has hunted WY since '91, this disappoints me. The area we hunt has been cutting tags for the past 10 years it seems and it gets tougher and tougher to draw either deer or antelope. We've had to put in for the special draw in order to give ourselves s better chance to hunt in Wyoming. Having NR tags cut will be a hard pill to swallow. I am hoping they don't but understand why those that live in Wyoming would be up to keep more tags for residents than NR's.
I have met some great people in WY and one that has commented on this post even took my son out to help him fill his whitetail doe tag one year. I hope our tags aren't cut immensely.
Care to elaborate at all? I can't find a way to listen in.
Sure, 40% of all NR tags are being proposed to be set aside for outfitter draw.

To get Resident support, they're offering 90-10.

To NR DIY guys that sounds like a pretty good thumping I'd guess.
Man this sucks. Really don't agree with the outfitter handouts. If residents want more tags I can understand that but the outfitter tags is not a good way to go.
We have to find a way to increase herd sizes of the DIY nonresident will be a thing of the past. Really wish I would have gotten into the game a lot sooner. Lots of great hunts I have missed out on.
So what time frame are we looking at. Might have to jump off my plan and just pool my points with my dad and son and hunt the next two years.
I agree. Why in heck won't they even talk about the resident roll over into the NR draw?
Keep quotas the same as is now but do a resident leftover draw before the NR draw.
There is public comment available in person or via Zoom. Ask them.
I agree. Why in heck won't they even talk about the resident roll over into the NR draw?
Keep quotas the same as is now but do a resident leftover draw before the NR draw.
I don’t think G&F wants it because non resident tags bring in lots more cash. Audio wasn’t great but I thought I heard Nesvik saying how it’ll be hard to give residents a head start on the left over tags. Anyone really believe that? If that is the case they need some new folks running the website. Its all about the cash.
Anyone heard from Sebastian?

If he listened to the last two days of the task force, somebody may want to do a wellness check.
I literally just got on here to type that.

I called the psychiatric ward in CO and they said they haven’t seen him in two weeks but they said he’s usually busy this time of year trying to fleece points from people*.

*in all seriousness mental illness is no joke. If you find yourself fixated on what another state does for its tag allocations please seek help immediately. There are resources out there to help you through this.
I literally just got on here to type that.

I called the psychiatric ward in CO and they said they haven’t seen him in two weeks but they said he’s usually busy this time of year trying to fleece points from people*.

*in all seriousness mental illness is no joke. If you find yourself fixated on what another state does for its tag allocations please seek help immediately. There are resources out there to help you through this.

I thought I was bad picking/joking with people, but you guys take it to a whole new level. Remind me to never get on your bad side.
From what I understand, the original focus of the task force was to provide opportunity to Wyo resident hunters? It's pretty clear that the current and overwhelming focus of the task force is outfitter and landowner interests at the expense of public hunters. It certainly is sad to see DIY/OYO public resident and nonresident hunters treated so unjustly.

Cutting nonres tags in 1/2 with 90/10 plus an additional 40% for outfitter contract clients seems a bit extreme? That only leaves close to 1/4 of the current nonres tags available in the nonres public pool. The question that should be asked, "how many nonres that apply for tags each year actually hire outfitters once tags are drawn? Is it 40% of total nonres that apply?

The outfitters idea that 40% of nonres tags should be issued to nonres that sign outfitter contracts is stab in the back to nonres that have devoted years to applying for the high demand limited tag system and supporting the WG&F with high pref pt and license fees.
First off, I'm not a huge fan of this but, as a NR, my opinion doesn't really matter. I totally get the 90/10 allocation but adding 40% to the outfitters for rich guys only is a crappy add-on.

To all those who endlessly rant about the value of NR $$$, the state of Wyoming might be putting your money where your mouth is. 40% of the NR tags might be getting a LOT more valuable to the 'local economy'. ------SS
From what I understand, the original focus of the task force was to provide opportunity to Wyo resident hunters?
Your understanding of the TF is limited at best. Its literally the first paragraph on the home page.

The Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce's charge is to study top-priority wildlife policy issues facing the state related to the allocation of hunting opportunity, sportsperson access and other issues. The topics will be identified by the taskforce members for study over an 18-month period with the goal of presenting conclusions and recommendations to the Wyoming Legislature, Game and Fish Commission and governor to support decision-making on Wyoming’s wildlife resources.
From what I understand, the original focus of the task force was to provide opportunity to Wyo resident hunters? It's pretty clear that the current and overwhelming focus of the task force is outfitter and landowner interests at the expense of public hunters. It certainly is sad to see DIY/OYO public resident and nonresident hunters treated so unjustly.

Cutting nonres tags in 1/2 with 90/10 plus an additional 40% for outfitter contract clients seems a bit extreme? That only leaves close to 1/4 of the current nonres tags available in the nonres public pool. The question that should be asked, "how many nonres that apply for tags each year actually hire outfitters once tags are drawn? Is it 40% of total nonres that apply?

The outfitters idea that 40% of nonres tags should be issued to nonres that sign outfitter contracts is stab in the back to nonres that have devoted years to applying for the high demand limited tag system and supporting the WG&F with high pref pt and license fees.
I didn’t read your reply because likely it’s a cut and paste from one of your other posts but I just wanted to say I’m glad you’re still here. I would of said I’m glad you’re ok but we both know that’s not true ?*

*the added ? was to imply I’m joking but am I really? ?
So is it weird that I have no problem hiring an outfitter, but since WYOGA are pushing for outfitter set aside tags, that I would rather burn my points on a lesser unit, do DIY and be ok with eating tag soup.
I read a summary of the meeting last night, one of the main bullet points was to eliminate crowding from non resident hunters. Another main bullet point was to get rid of the non resident cap on general elk tags and potentially increase it by 1000 tags. Why do I get the feeling someone’s disgruntled ex wife was running that meeting? #youcantwin ???
I read a summary of the meeting last night, one of the main bullet points was to eliminate crowding from non resident hunters. Another main bullet point was to get rid of the non resident cap on general elk tags and potentially increase it by 1000 tags. Why do I get the feeling someone’s disgruntled ex wife was running that meeting? #youcantwin ???
That struck me as crazy... We need to force NR into regional system to eliminate crowding but we also need to eliminate the cap and have a 1000 more + NR general tags?

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