Hunting ISN'T Important


Active Member
My name is Cory Burkett, and I love to hunt.

If you don't have a relationship with Jesus and want to know more about the God that created this World and every animal, fish, and mountain we love call me at 505.304.2363. Hunting is a great gift given by the greatest gift giver ever, but it pales in comparison to knowing who you are and why HE created you.


SS! Your just a swell guy . Poke fun for what? If ya don’t believe then keep scrolling …
I believe!
My name is Cory Burkett, and I love to hunt.

If you don't have a relationship with Jesus and want to know more about the God that created this World and every animal, fish, and mountain we love call me at 505.304.2363. Hunting is a great gift given by the greatest gift giver ever, but it pales in comparison to knowing who you are and why HE created you.


Is that your Farmer’s Only ad? Asking for a friend.
SS! I’ll come clean the plastic eggs up if you’d like. Or help plant your garden, paint your house, or any other chore you want. My one condition: we discuss God throughout the project. I’m up for healthy debate on the issue.

If I can’t make it because of timing, I have friends that will come in my place. Just let me know.

JB, religion and politics are two of the most important topics on earth. They should be central to meaningful conversation, online and in person. If you believe all game animals and land were created by God, like I do, it very much is a hunting topic.
SS! I’ll come clean the plastic eggs up if you’d like. Or help plant your garden, paint your house, or any other chore you want. My one condition: we discuss God throughout the project. I’m up for healthy debate on the issue.

If I can’t make it because of timing, I have friends that will come in my place. Just let me know.

JB, religion and politics are two of the most important topics on earth. They should be central to meaningful conversation, online and in person. If you believe all game animals and land were created by God, like I do, it very much is a hunting topic.
Cory, while I agree everyone is entitled to their own opinion as to how everything came into existence here on the big ball, I don’t think we all have the same view. That is a good thing in my opinion. But just like politics, people will argue to the end of time about which view is correct.
Example, I don’t believe in religion or a higher being, spirit, etc in the least bit. Just like I don’t believe Biden has more than one brain cell. Lots of folks have the exact opposite view on both topics that I do.
I'm not the one telling people what they can and can't do. Just like a Karen...

Stating a fact is just that. Stating a fact.
So when you stated that SS had hatred for Cory’s belief was that a fact, or just you implying what SS did was out of hatred? Aren’t you not supposed to judge?
Remember, you are one of at least 2 members that I can think of on MM that are never wrong, in your own mind of course.
JB, thanks for the respectful response.

I completely agree on your position regarding Biden!!!

I went over 40 years of my life without believing in Jesus. I now have seen irrefutable proof that I would love to share with you. I’d also love to hear why you believe the way you do.

Here is the bottom line from where I stand: if I’m correct about God, it is of the utmost importance for me, you, and everybody alive. If you’re right about God, it causes no harm to me or you. Would you be willing to meet and discuss this some time? We could do it over Beer, BBQ, or burgers.

At the minimum, I bet we could have a great time debating and talking about our shared love of hunting. I live in the east mountains, 20 minutes from abq…
I never said anybody hates anything. Religion is a lot like politics, both will fail you. Hunting site talk only? Meh, maybe , maybe not, but since this thread is up I’ll play …my belief is in God , Jesus Christ and today my celebration is is about a risen God who broke the chain and I believe a dirty rotten sinner like myself will one day be in His kingdom. If you chose not to believe as I do I’m ok with it and would never be little you or make you feel less or worse, we just are different . I can’t stand religion to be honest, man made rules that fail, but a relationship with God , not just in dark sad or rough times , but daily, well that’s what I try and walk out. Mockers can mock , being a Christian was never said to be easy, heck they mocked the son of God . So my skin is thick , but I can’t stand people who never pass up a chance to throw thier dig of non belief to some one who offers . It’s simple to just keep going by yet the non believer always has to make fun as above. I bet if we’d never bring up belief of a higher power/being /God we mostly get along unless your Democrat than that’s a deal breaker . But otherwise …Make your comments at me in fun but the fact is your trying to disprove something your mind tells you just maybe. , their is a God, this Jesus Christ people claim to have a relationship with, that it really could be. One day for sure all of our hearts will stop and then we will all find out , and just what if????No do overs , so for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
JB, thanks for the respectful response.

I completely agree on your position regarding Biden!!!

I went over 40 years of my life without believing in Jesus. I now have seen irrefutable proof that I would love to share with you. I’d also love to hear why you believe the way you do.

Here is the bottom line from where I stand: if I’m correct about God, it is of the utmost importance for me, you, and everybody alive. If you’re right about God, it causes no harm to me or you. Would you be willing to meet and discuss this some time? We could do it over Beer, BBQ, or burgers.

At the minimum, I bet we could have a great time debating and talking about our shared love of hunting. I live in the east mountains, 20 minutes from abq…
Appreciate the response Cory. I am happily atheist. Just to show how tolerant I am, I am married to a Catholic and my son is in Catholic school, which I help out often. Religion is just not for me.
I am born and raised in SE NM, but reside down in Fredericksburg. Hope to meet you out hunting someday and we can talk about anything other than religion.
Good luck in the draw.
Good luck in the draw also. Yep, maybe we will meet in the field one day!!!

As stated by another above, Many Christians dislike religion and I am certainly in that camp.

Again, I can offer irrefutable evidence. Call if you’re ever interested. Until then, I can fully respect your decision.
So when you stated that SS had hatred for Cory’s belief was that a fact, or just you implying what SS did was out of hatred? Aren’t you not supposed to judge?
Remember, you are one of at least 2 members that I can think of on MM that are never wrong, in your own mind of course.

His pattern of behavior shows disdain for someone's belief in God. Anytime anyone posts something related to their belief in God, SS!, like clockwork, has some snarky comment to post up. It bothers him. That's a fact.

Why he hates things related to God, I don't know. Bad experience as a youth, or perhaps got kicked out of a local congregation for something done that wasn't cool. Is it guilt? I don't know.

If you don't agree, that's fine. That's why we have Freedom of Religion enshrined in the Constitution. Note that it isn't Freedom FROM Religion. Religion means to follow the dictates of your conscience, whatever that is.

But when you boast and jeer when others express this belief is, well, hatred.

Show me how I'm wrong...
His pattern of behavior shows disdain for someone's belief in God. Anytime anyone posts something related to their belief in God, SS!, like clockwork, has some snarky comment to post up. It bothers him. That's a fact.

Why he hates things related to God, I don't know. Bad experience as a youth, or perhaps got kicked out of a local congregation for something done that wasn't cool. Is it guilt? I don't know.

If you don't agree, that's fine. That's why we have Freedom of Religion enshrined in the Constitution. Note that it isn't Freedom FROM Religion. Religion means to follow the dictates of your conscience, whatever that is.

But when you boast and jeer when others express this belief is, well, hatred.

Show me how I'm wrong...
If you’re going to make a clickbait thread title expect smart ass comments.

That’s cool he believes in make believe, I wish I could. The thing is there’s no god. And look to farther than here on MM’s for proof. All these god spouting fools posting stupid **** like “shoot all the wolves, bears and coyotes”. So it’s ok to try to exterminate gods creatures? Flipping hypocrites.

If you want to believe in make believe thats fine, but keep it to yourself. You probably believe in unicorns, Easter bunny and the tooth fairly.

Biden believes in god. Enough said. That should tell you all you need to know…
His pattern of behavior shows disdain for someone's belief in God. Anytime anyone posts something related to their belief in God, SS!, like clockwork, has some snarky comment to post up. It bothers him. That's a fact.

Why he hates things related to God, I don't know. Bad experience as a youth, or perhaps got kicked out of a local congregation for something done that wasn't cool. Is it guilt? I don't know.

If you don't agree, that's fine. That's why we have Freedom of Religion enshrined in the Constitution. Note that it isn't Freedom FROM Religion. Religion means to follow the dictates of your conscience, whatever that is.

But when you boast and jeer when others express this belief is, well, hatred.

Show me how I'm wrong...
Religion does not mean to follow the dictates from your conscience.
Screen Shot 2022-04-17 at 6.30.49 PM.png

Again, where have you seen that SS stated he hates anything religious? You are drawing a conclusion based on your feelings, not the facts.
*** LOL. Disregard my last bit of comment. He may in fact hate religion, which is his right. That part is a fact.
Carry on.
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I don’t hate religion. Quite the opposite. I see the money that can be made in it. Churches here do not have to pay property tax. If I could get a couple hundred people in my church and I get 10% of their income and not have to pay property tax? Well Amen brother! And my church will guarantee everyone goes to heaven!
I don’t hate religion. Quite the opposite. I see the money that can be made in it. Churches here do not have to pay property tax. If I could get a couple hundred people in my church and I get 10% of their income and not have to pay property tax? Well Amen brother! And my church will guarantee everyone goes to heaven!
So, you’re saying this should be in the Classifieds?:unsure:
If you’re going to make a clickbait thread title expect smart ass comments.

That’s cool he believes in make believe, I wish I could. The thing is there’s no god. And look to farther than here on MM’s for proof. All these god spouting fools posting stupid **** like “shoot all the wolves, bears and coyotes”. So it’s ok to try to exterminate gods creatures? Flipping hypocrites.

If you want to believe in make believe thats fine, but keep it to yourself. You probably believe in unicorns, Easter bunny and the tooth fairly.

Biden believes in god. Enough said. That should tell you all you need to know…
I completely agree 100%!! It's all a bunch of BS! We are born and immediately start getting lied 2. Easter bunny, Santa, tooth fairy and the list goes on and then we get told one day-Oh, it was just a fun thing and doesn't actually exist. Even the priest in Caddyshack stated -There Is No God!! And if we can't believe him there who can we believe?? Anyways, if GOD has a job then he should be fired for cause! Maybe he can get a PPP loan?!! My church, LDS is the perfect example-all BS and I bought into in my early years hook, line and sinker. As far as OW-He doesn't seem to judge anyone and just plugs on through without making any derogatory comments about anyone's comments and beliefs.
Cory B- You are welcome in our home any time, but if we talk religion and politics we ain't going to agree and I am totally cool with that. I have learned over the years to not judge however, most people have left our home really pissed off and don't sound very religious on their way out. Yes, before you ask-I had a mission call!!
Bluehair-You nailed it on your last comment!!!
Religion does not mean to follow the dictates from your conscience.
View attachment 74288
Again, where have you seen that SS stated he hates anything religious? You are drawing a conclusion based on your feelings, not the facts.
*** LOL. Disregard my last bit of comment. He may in fact hate religion, which is his right. That part is a fact.
Carry on.

Smarter people than anyone on MM would say contrary. Understanding the context of Freedom of Religion as written in 1790 is exercising your freedom of conscience, according to them.

What you believe to be true is what religion is, whether it's belief in God, or not. The disbelief of God is in of itself religion too.

In my experience, it is those who don't believe in God are the ones who always seem to make a big deal about it when someone does. It's never in a way to understand, it's always in a way to try and prove wrong. Why even worry about it?

We can go back and forth all night, but I have better things to do than to argue about why it's absurd to ridicule someone why they believe what they do...
Impossible to be an Atheist (No God) because that cant be proven.
One can be an Agnostic (Does not believe in God).
I wouldnt recommend either. But to each his own.
Pretty good documentary on religion and the various origins and inconsistencies.

Religulous. Worth a watch.
God's inconsistencies or man's?
Since I don’t believe in a god, I would say man’s interpretations of the handed down fictional stories passed from generation to generation.
The timelines of the bible and other religious “handbooks” don’t match up, at all. Neither do most of the interpretations. Sort of like that game some of us had to play in school where all the kids sit in a circle. The teacher whispers something in the ear of the first kid, that kid continues the pattern and by the time it is all the way around, it’s usually nowhere near the teacher’s words.

You might actually enjoy the documentary. It is produced and narrated/features Bill Maher. Usually pretty left leaning, but informative none the less.
By the way Roadrunner, I’m married and straight. Don’t PM me.

Wasn't planning on it.

Since I don’t believe in a god, I would say man’s interpretations of the handed down fictional stories passed from generation to generation.
The timelines of the bible and other religious “handbooks” don’t match up, at all. Neither do most of the interpretations. Sort of like that game some of us had to play in school where all the kids sit in a circle. The teacher whispers something in the ear of the first kid, that kid continues the pattern and by the time it is all the way around, it’s usually nowhere near the teacher’s words.

You might actually enjoy the documentary. It is produced and narrated/features Bill Maher. Usually pretty left leaning, but informative none the less.

Don't blame God for imperfect man getting things wrong. Humans have believed in the "make-believe" and trying to explain the super natural far longer than they haven't. Billions have believed in some form of mono or poly diesim than haven't.

Since "non-believers" are right and everyone else is wrong, civilizations and cultures throughout antiquity are all a hoax and a farce.

The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans. The Celts, the Assyrians, the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans. Scandenavia, all of Asia, major and minor. All of the tribes in North America.

Billions, not tens of thousands...
Wasn't planning on it.

Don't blame God for imperfect man getting things wrong. Humans have believed in the "make-believe" and trying to explain the super natural far longer than they haven't. Billions have believed in some form of mono or poly diesim than haven't.

Since "non-believers" are right and everyone else is wrong, civilizations and cultures throughout antiquity are all a hoax and a farce.

The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans. The Celts, the Assyrians, the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans. Scandenavia, all of Asia, major and minor. All of the tribes in North America.

Billions, not tens of thousands...
You talk about facts earlier, but the facts point to evolution if I am not mistaken, and not to spirits in the sky creating life. I am in Petroleum Engineering and not Theology so please correct me if I am wrong.

There have been people since the beginning of time that needed something to believe in to motivate, encourage, embolden, etc themselves. The fear of death and there being nothing beyond that frightens some folks into believing they go somewhere else if they will be obedient and follow a supposedly 2000 year old book that has more versions than I have time to count. Not all folks need or have use for a belief system in anything other that what they perceive as reality.
You talk about facts earlier, but the facts point to evolution if I am not mistaken, and not to spirits in the sky creating life. I am in Petroleum Engineering and not Theology so please correct me if I am wrong.

There have been people since the beginning of time that needed something to believe in to motivate, encourage, embolden, etc themselves. The fear of death and there being nothing beyond that frightens some folks into believing they go somewhere else if they will be obedient and follow a supposedly 2000 year old book that has more versions than I have time to count. Not all folks need or have use for a belief system in anything other that what they perceive as reality.

Evolution? Our understanding of evolution is based on what we see, not what we have seen. For someone who is an engineer, I would hope that you'd understand that first, something can't evolve into something else that doesn't have the genetic code for it. Darwin was incorrect in his assumptions. Nothing about "evolution" really makes sense. As an engineer, you should know that. But then again, that dufus Bill Nye is a mechanical and he thinks it's true, so...

As an engineer, you should be able to reason and ask why would people conjure up the imaginary life after death if it doesn't really exist? Shouldn't it have been easier to not believe back then just as some don't believe today? In order to believe in the supernatural, someone somewhere experienced something with it.

If we were all once just dumb Australopithecus Africanus 4 million years ago, why the need to make up a "fictitious" life after death belief? Shouldn't we have been content wandering the African Serengeti scratching our heads? The only other culture that rivals prehistory to Africa is the Australian Aborigine. Yes, they do have a belief in the supernatural. Why?

Please explain why it literally took hundreds of millions of years for some things to evolve, yet in just a short 20,000 years we (modern humans) went from hunting cave bears with our bare hands and rocks to walking on the moon and flying 4 times the speed of sound. Please explain how the complexity of critical thinking evolved enough to know how to cultivate plants to form an agricultural revolution. The human brain is way too complex to have originated from a trilobite.

I am interested in hearing you, and anyone else that sympathizes with you, explain away the existence of God other than just stating "he don't exist". Okay, prove it.

You have no idea what ancient culture really understood, and as you say, too many variations over time for one man, or woman, to keep control, enter a monarchy - I will give you that.

And, for the record, that book is way older than 2,000 years. Try closer 6,000 +. The Roman empire was at it's peak 2,000 years ago and the Phoenicians were already sailing to the New World...
Well I feel sorry for some of ya guys on here. There’s just one question you guys can’t answer. Prove that God isn’t real? I bet you can’t!. Happy Easter! He’s has Risen! God bless!
The fact there’s no proof of his existence since the Dawn of time is proof enough. Prove that he is real….
Evolution is missing the “missing link”. Darwin himself knew and said that science would quickly identify MANY missing links or his theory would be proven wrong.

Read “Is Athiesm Dead?” By Eric Metaxas for many examples of how science has shown that life requires intelligent design.

All world views require tremendous faith, with Christianity requiring less than atheism when looked at honestly and reasonably. Here is a simple illustration that shows what I mean:

Imagine walking through the woods in 16a in September (please show me some green, NMGF) and finding a pair of Vortex Razor HDs on the ground. How unreasonable would it be to assume they were created by random processes and chaos? Never in “billions” of years since the world began has a pair ever been made from randomness!! Ever!! Now consider how complex a person is when compared to a pair of binoculars. How absolutely absurd to claim that we were made by random chaos. Belief in that is indeed a fairy tale, but without a happy ending. Reduce that down as far as you can. How much more complex than binoculars is an atom, a molecule, a single cell organism, a protein, and on and on. You would never believe the binoculars were a result of chance mixed with a trillion years. Yet, your faith in atheism allows you to believe that life happened into existence, and not only that but that reproduction happened also (and immediately) or that chaos produced a repeated outcome until “life” took hold. That is strong faith!!!!

God is real, he created you, me, and the elk and deer. An honest look into it will show you. However, many people are set on atheism and would choose it even if they KNEW they were wrong. I did that for 30 years and took great pride in intellectually showing those silly theists how wrong they were. It took another 10 years before I was able to connect Jesus into the story and KNOW the whole truth. In hindsight, my pride and ignorance were the problem, not the data and evidence!! I’m still prideful and ignorant often, but through the grace of God I am heaven bound and on a mission here on earth until then.
Evolution is missing the “missing link”. Darwin himself knew and said that science would quickly identify MANY missing links or his theory would be proven wrong.

Read “Is Athiesm Dead?” By Eric Metaxas for many examples of how science has shown that life requires intelligent design.

All world views require tremendous faith, with Christianity requiring less than atheism when looked at honestly and reasonably. Here is a simple illustration that shows what I mean:

Imagine walking through the woods in 16a in September (please show me some green, NMGF) and finding a pair of Vortex Razor HDs on the ground. How unreasonable would it be to assume they were created by random processes and chaos? Never in “billions” of years since the world began has a pair ever been made from randomness!! Ever!! Now consider how complex a person is when compared to a pair of binoculars. How absolutely absurd to claim that we were made by random chaos. Belief in that is indeed a fairy tale, but without a happy ending. Reduce that down as far as you can. How much more complex than binoculars is an atom, a molecule, a single cell organism, a protein, and on and on. You would never believe the binoculars were a result of chance mixed with a trillion years. Yet, your faith in atheism allows you to believe that life happened into existence, and not only that but that reproduction happened also (and immediately) or that chaos produced a repeated outcome until “life” took hold. That is strong faith!!!!

God is real, he created you, me, and the elk and deer. An honest look into it will show you. However, many people are set on atheism and would choose it even if they KNEW they were wrong. I did that for 30 years and took great pride in intellectually showing those silly theists how wrong they were. It took another 10 years before I was able to connect Jesus into the story and KNOW the whole truth. In hindsight, my pride and ignorance were the problem, not the data and evidence!! I’m still prideful and ignorant often, but through the grace of God I am heaven bound and on a mission here on earth until then.
Ok let’s hear how you found Jesus? Was it jail? Drugs? Daddy issues? Come on let the lord out. Tell us your story!
I hope this Easter spirit lasts longer than just today because some of the most unchristian/unforgiving things I've seen on MM have been directed at their fellow men of a different political persuasion and were posted by some of those espousing their belief in God today.

Today, they're demanding that their views be respected, while yesterday they disrespected those with different views.

I'm not going to get into my own beliefs, but I will say that I respect the rights of everybody to their own conscience; and that refers to agnostics, atheists, Christians, Jews, and Muslims equally.

Some of my favorite people are devout in their beliefs and some of my favorite people are devout in their nonbelief. My very favorite people have put the thought into their beliefs to truly form their own opinion. I respect that.
Evolution? Our understanding of evolution is based on what we see, not what we have seen. For someone who is an engineer, I would hope that you'd understand that first, something can't evolve into something else that doesn't have the genetic code for it. Darwin was incorrect in his assumptions. Nothing about "evolution" really makes sense. As an engineer, you should know that. But then again, that dufus Bill Nye is a mechanical and he thinks it's true, so...

As an engineer, you should be able to reason and ask why would people conjure up the imaginary life after death if it doesn't really exist? Shouldn't it have been easier to not believe back then just as some don't believe today? In order to believe in the supernatural, someone somewhere experienced something with it.

If we were all once just dumb Australopithecus Africanus 4 million years ago, why the need to make up a "fictitious" life after death belief? Shouldn't we have been content wandering the African Serengeti scratching our heads? The only other culture that rivals prehistory to Africa is the Australian Aborigine. Yes, they do have a belief in the supernatural. Why?

Please explain why it literally took hundreds of millions of years for some things to evolve, yet in just a short 20,000 years we (modern humans) went from hunting cave bears with our bare hands and rocks to walking on the moon and flying 4 times the speed of sound. Please explain how the complexity of critical thinking evolved enough to know how to cultivate plants to form an agricultural revolution. The human brain is way too complex to have originated from a trilobite.

I am interested in hearing you, and anyone else that sympathizes with you, explain away the existence of God other than just stating "he don't exist". Okay, prove it.

You have no idea what ancient culture really understood, and as you say, too many variations over time for one man, or woman, to keep control, enter a monarchy - I will give you that.

And, for the record, that book is way older than 2,000 years. Try closer 6,000 +. The Roman empire was at it's peak 2,000 years ago and the Phoenicians were already sailing to the New World...
"Evolution? Our understanding of evolution is based on what we see, not what we have seen. For someone who is an engineer, I would hope that you'd understand that first, something can't evolve into something else that doesn't have the genetic code for it. Darwin was incorrect in his assumptions. Nothing about "evolution" really makes sense. As an engineer, you should know that. But then again, that dufus Bill Nye is a mechanical and he thinks it's true, so..."
Huh? Genetic codes have been mutating and evolving for billions of years. This is just one example.
Again, I drill and frac wells, not study Theology or Biology.

Again, prove that there was/is a god or many gods as religions would like to believe. Your 6000 year old book is still a ways short of what carbon dating has shown us as well as tons of empirical data. Can you prove anything in the Bible is fact? Asking seriously.

You need to believe. I get it and do not judge you for it. I don't need to believe, yet you (and others, not just on MM) think that non-believers are missing something from our lives because we don't believe your book. Prove that your book is real and scientists are wrong.
For the record and before this thread gets locked, I have said nothing about God or religion……until now.

I believe some belief systems ARE superior to others. And of all the religions man (or God) has created, I consider Christianity to be one of the very best.
"Evolution? Our understanding of evolution is based on what we see, not what we have seen. For someone who is an engineer, I would hope that you'd understand that first, something can't evolve into something else that doesn't have the genetic code for it. Darwin was incorrect in his assumptions. Nothing about "evolution" really makes sense. As an engineer, you should know that. But then again, that dufus Bill Nye is a mechanical and he thinks it's true, so..."
Huh? Genetic codes have been mutating and evolving for billions of years. This is just one example.

Again, I drill and frac wells, not study Theology or Biology.

Again, prove that there was/is a god or many gods as religions would like to believe. Your 6000 year old book is still a ways short of what carbon dating has shown us as well as tons of empirical data. Can you prove anything in the Bible is fact? Asking seriously.

You need to believe. I get it and do not judge you for it. I don't need to believe, yet you (and others, not just on MM) think that non-believers are missing something from our lives because we don't believe your book. Prove that your book is real and scientists are wrong.

Yeah, I used to drill and frac wells too. So?...

The difference between science and faith is with science, you need empirical proof or evidence. With faith you don't. Faith is the hope something is real that you can't see, so, it is impossible to prove hope exists, you believe it exists. You hope for good luck and the ability to live a long prosperous life. Prove it.

The approach to disproving God exists is based on science and not faith. The burden of proof is on you, not me.

I have said it's a mental illness to make light of others beliefs much like the tenets of narcissism are. Normally, putting others down to build yourself up is related to poor self esteem. I didn't write the playbook on that one. People who believe that belittle those who don't really aren't much better either.

So, you need proof that events in the bible really happened? The Romans did occupy the Holy Land, the Babylonians really did sack Jerusalem, there really was a king named Darius, a famine really did occur and Egypt faired pretty well. There really is a mountain in Saudi Arabia that is heavily guarded and local nomadic people say it is indeed "Mt. Sanai". Those people have forgotten more about their local history than you could ever learn in a lifetime. I cannot prove a miracle actually happened as I did not witness it, just like evolutionists cannot prove the magic of self-creation in the absence of intelligent design.

I believe what I believe because I can't take credit for everything. I am imperfect and finite as are you. I will die one day as will you. What we do in this world for and to others is the only thing that matters and that is what people remaining will remember.

If their is no God and no life after death, then why does it even matter what someone accomplishes or what they experience since those memories for them no longer exist, they can't take that with them, so why does it even matter? This life making them happy is pointless unless they can take it with them beyond...

That's the whole point to this thread. In the grand scheme of things, hunting really doesn't matter. You are either dead and no longer exist in any shape or form and it doesn't matter what or how you hunted, or, hunting will not get you into Heaven.

Have a great week, work safe in the patch, and good luck on Wednesday ;)
Yeah, I used to drill and frac wells too. So?...

The difference between science and faith is with science, you need empirical proof or evidence. With faith you don't. Faith is the hope something is real that you can't see, so, it is impossible to prove hope exists, you believe it exists. You hope for good luck and the ability to live a long prosperous life. Prove it.

The approach to disproving God exists is based on science and not faith. The burden of proof is on you, not me.

I have said it's a mental illness to make light of others beliefs much like the tenets of narcissism are. Normally, putting others down to build yourself up is related to poor self esteem. I didn't write the playbook on that one. People who believe that belittle those who don't really aren't much better either.

So, you need proof that events in the bible really happened? The Romans did occupy the Holy Land, the Babylonians really did sack Jerusalem, there really was a king named Darius, a famine really did occur and Egypt faired pretty well. There really is a mountain in Saudi Arabia that is heavily guarded and local nomadic people say it is indeed "Mt. Sanai". Those people have forgotten more about their local history than you could ever learn in a lifetime. I cannot prove a miracle actually happened as I did not witness it, just like evolutionists cannot prove the magic of self-creation in the absence of intelligent design.

I believe what I believe because I can't take credit for everything. I am imperfect and finite as are you. I will die one day as will you. What we do in this world for and to others is the only thing that matters and that is what people remaining will remember.

If their is no God and no life after death, then why does it even matter what someone accomplishes or what they experience since those memories for them no longer exist, they can't take that with them, so why does it even matter? This life making them happy is pointless unless they can take it with them beyond...

That's the whole point to this thread. In the grand scheme of things, hunting really doesn't matter. You are either dead and no longer exist in any shape or form and it doesn't matter what or how you hunted, or, hunting will not get you into Heaven.

Have a great week, work safe in the patch, and good luck on Wednesday ;)
We can agree to disagree. You have obviously bought into your beliefs hook, line, and sinker, just as I have chosen to not believe in any of that. One of us is wrong. All I am saying is that there is more proof on the science side. That's where I will place my bet.

Still have a hard time understanding your stance that the burden of proof is on the non-believers. That is like me trying to prove that Noah really loaded a male and female specimen of every living creature on a boat. Prove that one to me.
I tend to believe what I can see, feel, smell, touch, hear, and propriocept (sp).

I also tend to believe there isn’t anything that hasn’t been proven or disproven by human senses and/or science.

Neither are true but………I tend to believe they are.

In laboratories all over the world people discovery new truth and disprove old truth all day, everyday.

A very short time ago, compared to how long humans have been here, they had know idea about bacteria and virus, radio waves, electricity, black holes, molecules, atoms or quarks. Just because we didn’t know about radio waves, because we couldn’t sense them with one of the six…..doesn’t mean they haven’t always been here, doing what they do.

If you can hear music over a radio wave and a sound way, because you’re tuned into the radio wave, and I can’t, while I’m setting right next to you, and our buddy is hearing a different radio wave and a different sound, who’s also in the doesn’t mean I’m right when I say there is no such thing as a radio wave and I say you can’t be hearing anything because I’m not.

Too assume that something doesn’t exist because you can’t prove it, does not “always” mean I’m right.

I’m pretty carefully about what I say it true and what isn’t true anymore. I’m not even completely sure about gravity……

On the other hand I suppose some of us know everything……….
I read this thread hoping to find out the latest on the draw date, how the draw actually works, what the NR quota should be….

BTW. How’s the drought?
we can butcher any and all subjects….. and we do.

homer just ruined my day with his clam picture. lol.

Utah reservoirs were at 61% full, this time last year. They say it was our driest year in the last 1200. This year the reservoirs are at 58% full. How’s that for ruining a day?
We can agree to disagree. You have obviously bought into your beliefs hook, line, and sinker, just as I have chosen to not believe in any of that. One of us is wrong. All I am saying is that there is more proof on the science side. That's where I will place my bet.

Still have a hard time understanding your stance that the burden of proof is on the non-believers. That is like me trying to prove that Noah really loaded a male and female specimen of every living creature on a boat. Prove that one to me.

Science explains the natural world we see, hear, smell, touch, and observe. The only thing science proves is what data shows. Science will show the chemical composition of an apple and its life cycle. Math shows the grouping of objects in a numerical description. One apple plus another apple are two apples, but math or science cannot tell you where that apple originated from and how the elements arranged themselves other than by "magic", the very fairytale a 5 year old believes in.

As far as buying into something hook, line, and sinker, well, seems like you've swallowed that bait pretty deep too. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

You are absolutely right. One of us is wrong. I'd rather err on the side of being where I am, because if you're right, it doesn't matter. At all. One bit. Zero accountability for anything. On the other hand, if you're wrong...:oops:

The reason the burden of proof is on non-believers is because of the use of science that you mention. Proof through science is hard evidence. It's quantifiable. Provide the quantifiable hard evidence that an omnipotent being does not exist, and, that same omnipotent being has to beg your pardon for anything to satisfy your appetites. Good luck with that one.

The Bible on the other hand does through people's accounts. Prove those people in antiquity did not observe what they said they did, it's qualitative. Doesn't mean its false. The only way you can prove that is to do a séance. But then, that means you believe in an after-life of some kind which suggests recognizing the existence of a deity.

As far as Noah loading up a male and female after its kind, well that's easy. Animals exist today after the flood...:ROFLMAO:

And just so you know, everyone is right about everything in their own mind. If you're not careful, you're going to be one of those on MM that always thinks they're right about everything in their own mind. The reasons opinions exist is because someone thinks they're right about something.

Yes, I am bored and so is everyone else. Good entertainment nonetheless...
Science explains the natural world we see, hear, smell, touch, and observe. The only thing science proves is what data shows. Science will show the chemical composition of an apple and its life cycle. Math shows the grouping of objects in a numerical description. One apple plus another apple are two apples, but math or science cannot tell you where that apple originated from and how the elements arranged themselves other than by "magic", the very fairytale a 5 year old believes in.

As far as buying into something hook, line, and sinker, well, seems like you've swallowed that bait pretty deep too. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

You are absolutely right. One of us is wrong. I'd rather err on the side of being where I am, because if you're right, it doesn't matter. At all. One bit. Zero accountability for anything. On the other hand, if you're wrong...:oops:

The reason the burden of proof is on non-believers is because of the use of science that you mention. Proof through science is hard evidence. It's quantifiable. Provide the quantifiable hard evidence that an omnipotent being does not exist, and, that same omnipotent being has to beg your pardon for anything to satisfy your appetites. Good luck with that one.

The Bible on the other hand does through people's accounts. Prove those people in antiquity did not observe what they said they did, it's qualitative. Doesn't mean its false. The only way you can prove that is to do a séance. But then, that means you believe in an after-life of some kind which suggests recognizing the existence of a deity.

As far as Noah loading up a male and female after its kind, well that's easy. Animals exist today after the flood...:ROFLMAO:

And just so you know, everyone is right about everything in their own mind. If you're not careful, you're going to be one of those on MM that always thinks they're right about everything in their own mind. The reasons opinions exist is because someone thinks they're right about something.

Yes, I am bored and so is everyone else. Good entertainment nonetheless...
My head hurts now. lol. I call a ceasefire.
I love how the religious don't believe in carbon dating, dinosaurs, or the age of the earth. Roadrunner you should do more research on where the ark was supposedly located and then try to explain how two of every species ended up on it. Based on actual fossilized evidence that would have been impossible. It's also funny how many Christians despise Halloween because of ghosts and spirits, but yet celebrate Jesus coming back to life and escaping his tomb. I'm also still trying to figure out how you make another human out of a rib, how somebody divides bodies of water, and how someone survives weeks inside of a whale.
I love how the religious don't believe in carbon dating, dinosaurs, or the age of the earth. Roadrunner you should do more research on where the ark was supposedly located and then try to explain how two of every species ended up on it. Based on actual fossilized evidence that would have been impossible. It's also funny how many Christians despise Halloween because of ghosts and spirits, but yet celebrate Jesus coming back to life and escaping his tomb. I'm also still trying to figure out how you make another human out of a rib, how somebody divides bodies of water, and how someone survives weeks inside of a whale.

Since you addressed me directly, I will respond only with take care, and hope you have a good hunting season this year.
I'm not trying to argue with anyone. But, we all need to respect everyone's opinion and not put people down for what they believe in. As for religion, you can laugh all you want, but I know there is a higher power. Does that mean I'm in church every Sunday? No. I believe we shouldn't have to give an organization our money. I believe as long as we help others with our gifts, that is what the original Bible meant. Everyone talks of the evils in the world as proof there is no God. Well, maybe read the Bible and it explains it. We have free will. That can never be taken away from us. If you believe there is undeniable evil, wouldn't there have to be undeniable good?

As far as the original poster, why bash him and jump all over him? He is offering help and to have meaningful discussions with everyone. Talking about something that moves him and makes him want to be a better person. Has not said one mean, disrespectful or hurtful thing. So, why put him down?
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I wasn't bashing just had some questions and observations. Your right some people need help with their life and rely on religion for that. Of course there is good and evil as that is human nature and not necessarily reflective of a God or not. I'm glad you mentioned money because I guarantee there would be a whole lot less churches and religion if money wasn't involved.
I wasn't bashing just had some questions and observations. Your right some people need help with their life and rely on religion for that. Of course there is good and evil as that is human nature and not necessarily reflective of a God or not. I'm glad you mentioned money because I guarantee there would be a whole lot less churches and religion if money wasn't involved.
I believe you’re right…….. would you also agree there would be a whole lot less Doctors, farmers, contractors, sailers, soldiers and tap dancers too?

Asking for a friend…….
Pretty sure soldiers used to volunteer and fight for free? I'm also pretty sure farmers did work for trade and not monetary compensation. Religion has always centered around money or an individuals possessions in some form or another. Tell me do you believe in dinosaurs, carbon dating, or fossilized evidence that contradicts the bible?

Asking for a friend.......
How do you think dinosaurs don't fit into creation?

Science proves the Bible with increasing frequency.
The Bible (old testament- jewish Torah) declared that the world was hung from nothing long before science ever did.
The Bible declares that God has known us since he covered us in the womb. Science only figured that out 25-30 years ago. 40 years and more ago we thought the zygote burrowed into the endometrium(uterine lining). But we learned the Bible was correct. The zygote attaches to the uterine wall and then the lining grows over the top of it like a sheet. the amniotic sac has 2 membranes one fetal, the other this thin layer of endometrium.
I could go on all day, but at some point it is a matter of faith. Even our belief in science is a faith that those doing the research are correct even though disproven numerous times. "Science" used to claim the world was flat the Bible never has!
Pretty sure soldiers used to volunteer and fight for free? I'm also pretty sure farmers did work for trade and not monetary compensation. Religion has always centered around money or an individuals possessions in some form or another. Tell me do you believe in dinosaurs, carbon dating, or fossilized evidence that contradicts the bible?

Asking for a friend.......
How far back do you think carbon dating goes? Do you even know what Carbon dating is - asking for a friend.
The Salt content of our Oceans is constantly increasing indicating that they cannot possibly be over 50,000 years old.
Why were there large disks at the bases of the lunar lander modules legs? Because science assuming the moon was 200 million years old expected lunar dust to be up to 7feet deep based on the known rate of dust formation from meteor impacts. It was actually less than 2 inches. Sedimentation development along the Louisiana peninsula also disproves old earth. But the moon is the most controlled environment so scientists on either side have less wiggle room with "variables" to fudge the numbers.

Not hating, its just the hard science is not the contradiction to the young earth/creation that you assume it is.

God doesn't believe in Aethiests, but he sure does love them!
If it makes you feel better to believe in zombies like Jesus and an April fools prank gone wrong (the bible) have at it. Just don’t spew those lies here on a hunting forum. This is a forum of peace and love. Religion is all about killing your fellow man from the crusades, the world wars and even the Iraqi wars. And to complicate matters you have priests fondling little boys. But it’s like thr religious people say:

God has a plan. Touching little boys is just part of it.
How far back do you think carbon dating goes? Do you even know what Carbon dating is - asking for a friend.
The Salt content of our Oceans is constantly increasing indicating that they cannot possibly be over 50,000 years old.
Why were there large disks at the bases of the lunar lander modules legs? Because science assuming the moon was 200 million years old expected lunar dust to be up to 7feet deep based on the known rate of dust formation from meteor impacts. It was actually less than 2 inches. Sedimentation development along the Louisiana peninsula also disproves old earth. But the moon is the most controlled environment so scientists on either side have less wiggle room with "variables" to fudge the numbers.

Not hating, its just the hard science is not the contradiction to the young earth/creation that you assume it is.

God doesn't believe in Aethiests, but he sure does love them!
Oh boy someone drinks the kool aid
I love how the religious don't believe in carbon dating, dinosaurs, or the age of the earth. Roadrunner you should do more research on where the ark was supposedly located and then try to explain how two of every species ended up on it. Based on actual fossilized evidence that would have been impossible. It's also funny how many Christians despise Halloween because of ghosts and spirits, but yet celebrate Jesus coming back to life and escaping his tomb. I'm also still trying to figure out how you make another human out of a rib, how somebody divides bodies of water, and how someone survives weeks inside of a whale.
It was 3 days in the belly of a whale, but if there is a God why do you believe it would be explained to you or me? How is it impossible for 2 of every type of animal to be on the ark? You should go to the creation museum in Tennessee- full size ark, it will literally show you how its possible. Celebration of evil vs good (halloween vs the delivery form sin) is a problem for you? So killing babies is probably ok, but death for murdering rapists of children is bad? If God can create the universe, He can't divide water? Again its a matter of faith at some point, but the evidence is all over
Oh boy someone drinks the kool aid
That's not even a decent dodge of the question.
You likely know none of this science either. Just faith that when you push the button on your remote its gonna turn on the cable TV. But if you do please pony up
That's not even a decent dodge of the question.
You likely know none of this science either. Just faith that when you push the button on your remote its gonna turn on the cable TV. But if you do please pony up
I’m not here to try to change your mind about Jesus and your beliefs. I would love to believe in god but I stopped believing in imaginary figures around 8 years old. I would love it if it was true that all I gotta do is say some our fathers and some Hail Marys and my sins are forgiven.

Save your anti reality reality and anti science crap for another forum. It’s what Jesus would of wanted
It was 3 days in the belly of a whale, but if there is a God why do you believe it would be explained to you or me? How is it impossible for 2 of every type of animal to be on the ark? You should go to the creation museum in Tennessee- full size ark, it will literally show you how its possible. Celebration of evil vs good (halloween vs the delivery form sin) is a problem for you? So killing babies is probably ok, but death for murdering rapists of children is bad? If God can create the universe, He can't divide water? Again its a matter of faith at some point, but the evidence is all over
The problem with ark is that many of those species didn't live where the ark was constructed so how did they get on there? Yeah neat I have to go to Tennessee to see a recreation. Where is the evidence of the actual ark existing? Don't you think something that large would have left some evidence?
I love how the religious don't believe in carbon dating, dinosaurs, or the age of the earth. Roadrunner you should do more research on where the ark was supposedly located and then try to explain how two of every species ended up on it. Based on actual fossilized evidence that would have been impossible. It's also funny how many Christians despise Halloween because of ghosts and spirits, but yet celebrate Jesus coming back to life and escaping his tomb. I'm also still trying to figure out how you make another human out of a rib, how somebody divides bodies of water, and how someone survives weeks inside of a whale.
Maybe God created carbon dating, dinosaurs and the earth, and humans to say he didn’t. He might have even invented Halloween. Maybe not.
How far back do you think carbon dating goes? Do you even know what Carbon dating is - asking for a friend.
The Salt content of our Oceans is constantly increasing indicating that they cannot possibly be over 50,000 years old.
Why were there large disks at the bases of the lunar lander modules legs? Because science assuming the moon was 200 million years old expected lunar dust to be up to 7feet deep based on the known rate of dust formation from meteor impacts. It was actually less than 2 inches. Sedimentation development along the Louisiana peninsula also disproves old earth. But the moon is the most controlled environment so scientists on either side have less wiggle room with "variables" to fudge the numbers.

Not hating, its just the hard science is not the contradiction to the young earth/creation that you assume it is.

God doesn't believe in Aethiests, but he sure does love them!
So according to you dinosaurs didn't exist?
Pretty sure soldiers used to volunteer and fight for free? I'm also pretty sure farmers did work for trade and not monetary compensation. Religion has always centered around money or an individuals possessions in some form or another. Tell me do you believe in dinosaurs, carbon dating, or fossilized evidence that contradicts the bible?

Asking for a friend.......
Do you work for free?

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