I hate hunting season!


Active Member
It is way too depressing to be done, and unsuccessful I might add, on my one and only hunt this year, and move to a new state where everything is over the counter and everyone and their mom is killing a deer. This sucks!

Sorry for the frustration. What state are you moving to?

look on the bright side. Gun season opens for deer and elk tomorrow and you have over a month to bag one. You are still in there.
Well, it it's any consolation...this is the first time since i was able to hunt at 16 years old (i'm 40 now) that i haven't had a deer tag in Utah. It's opening day and here i sit :-(

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-07 AT 07:07PM (MST)[p]I moved up to Montana a little bit over a month ago so I don't have residency so I can't hunt. But, I guess I can keep myself busy with fishing and shooting my bow until I can make a run at spring bear. And sorry to hear that Slamdunk, sucks doesnt it?
You guys need to invest in some varmint rifles.....you can be out amongst everything and kill all manner of critters, 365 as they say.
I'm all over that deal nickman, i'm going to put a serious dent on the coyote population here really soon...and all winter long. Calling in yipper dogs is pretty exciting!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Haha, It' good to have a goal. Mine is to single handedly remove all of the pike from the Clark Fork. I'm well on my way with one. LOL.
Go shoot some does (over the counter for non-residents too, ya know.) It will make you feel better and helps out the game management for the state. You can also buy an over the counter tag for turkeys on the east side of the state and whack two of them. Not to mention there's more pheasants, huns, and grouse than you can shake a stick at. So stop mitch'n and bone'n and go kill some stuff. You live in paradise, fork over some cash and live the life up here.
Not sure where you live in Montana, but if you venture over to the east side of the state you can pick up at least one mule deer doe tag for the 700 unit. Sometimes two. The hunt should last all of about 5 minutes though. It's almost more like shopping than hunting.
Haha, I live in Missoula. And this hunt that im going to be going on from what I hear is about the same deal. But, if I am successful, it will be my first archery animal. . . well big game animal anyway. And it will be nice just to get out into the woods.
Sorry to hear you are in Weird-ula, but at least you are in Montana and close to some great hunting. You will love it once you get that residency status.
Even with all of the hippies and as weird as they are, I already love it. I live right on the river so I fish almost every day, people are nice, no trafic and hunting pretty close. Only thing that sucks is a lack of muleys in the general area but there are some good units south so I can manage. And we are in bear country, so spring will see me not knowing anything about bears chasing them around with my bow. Oh! and not to mention I live within about 2 miles of a sportsmans warehouse and a bow shop, it awesome!

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