Kali really does suck....


Long Time Member
What next? Ban milk because the nipples being abused ? No wonder why they are moving to Idaho. I cant blame them.

This stupidity will never end until people literally ignore these kinds of laws and the courts that uphold them.

There are laws to protect life, liberty, and property and the rest are idiotic initiatives.

A few more politicians and judges need to be told to go pound sand and any voter that agrees with these things need to be discriminated against in commerce to the most extreme measures...
I’m just gonna start selling high priced bacon made out of lettuce so that I can support those poor mixed up and confused Calitards. I should be a millionaire within a year. Then I’ll purchase a couple pig farms and give back to the suffering meat eaters.
Pork bellies, smoked bacon, ribs. I could think of a few bucks to make. It is time for people to wake up but it isn't going to happen. Too many "Karens" that want to set farm animals free in nature.
I’m just gonna start selling high priced bacon made out of lettuce so that I can support those poor mixed up and confused Calitards. I should be a millionaire within a year. Then I’ll purchase a couple pig farms and give back to the suffering meat eaters.
Salt cured lettuce. ? vegetarian bacon!!!
Pork bellies, smoked bacon, ribs. I could think of a few bucks to make. It is time for people to wake up but it isn't going to happen. Too many "Karens" that want to set farm animals free in nature.

Maybe people in the neighborhood need to have mass bbq cookouts just for the hell of it.
This will effect me quite a bit. My food distribution company sells fresh pork, sausage, bacon and several other pork products. California is making it very hard for those that run businesses to operate.
Maybe it is already started. Bacon just jumped to $ 7/lb where we shop. Some of it is over 8. And Winco has some of the lowest prices.

Some laws make sense, some don't. This is one of them. The good people of Kalifornia need to ignore it and consume pork in all its forms anyway.
The way this world is going…..

Pretty soon meat is gonna be the new “drug” that everyone smuggles into the anti meat states ?

Meat Cartels are already gearing up!
The way this world is going…..

Pretty soon meat is gonna be the new “drug” that everyone smuggles into the anti meat states ?

Meat Cartels are already gearing up!
Well, there is some truth in that. The Chinese are raping the oceans of fish . And the Liberals want to cancel selling many types of meat. So much crap going on. Matt Damon is in trouble for using the f_ _ word. LGBTQ world wants him canceled now.
I don’t see anything wrong with that term…

You can fag away at work, fag away at the gym, fag hard while hunting…..as long as you use the term in the right context, you are covered ?
My wife and I voted during the 2018 election when that bill was passed by a vast majority. We do not recall seeing it on the ballot and I wonder if it was hidden in small print on a bill that would pass muster and be passed by the majority. Democrats in CA. are very good at doing that and promoting the good part and not telling you about the bad part that you may not like.
My wife and I voted during the 2018 election when that bill was passed by a vast majority. We do not recall seeing it on the ballot and I wonder if it was hidden in small print on a bill that would pass muster and be passed by the majority. Democrats in CA. are very good at doing that and promoting the good part and not telling you about the bad part that you may not like.
proposition 12 RELH....it was there for all to read.
great idea........where are you going to buy it in Cali??

Point is Homer, people need to carry on like this stupidity didn't exist, hence the ignoring part.

The biggest problem with being bullied is nobody is willing to bloody their noses...
This politics stuff is so confusing. So the people of CA were supposed to punch the people who voted for this before they voted? Or after?
This politics stuff is so confusing. So the people of CA were supposed to punch the people who voted for this before they voted? Or after?
Yes, I always wonder how so many can vote for things that shouldn't get off the table. I know lots of Libs live there but still ? How does it get THAT bad ? People love bacon, most people love freedoms, is there something in the water causing mass vegan transformation ??
They will lose so much to gun laws they won't have a pot to piss in. Is it the rich who are swaying the votes with a crooked voting system like Dominion?
Just reading so much about Cali its making me lose my hair, lol.
Yes, I always wonder how so many can vote for things that shouldn't get off the table. I know lots of Libs live there but still ? How does it get THAT bad ? People love bacon, most people love freedoms, is there something in the water causing mass vegan transformation ??
They will lose so much to gun laws they won't have a pot to piss in. Is it the rich who are swaying the votes with a crooked voting system like Dominion?
Just reading so much about Cali its making me lose my hair, lol.
Too many people don't vote is the problem and who doesn't want pigs and chickens to be happy?
Yes, I always wonder how so many can vote for things that shouldn't get off the table. I know lots of Libs live there but still ? How does it get THAT bad ? People love bacon, most people love freedoms, is there something in the water causing mass vegan transformation ??
They will lose so much to gun laws they won't have a pot to piss in. Is it the rich who are swaying the votes with a crooked voting system like Dominion?
Just reading so much about Cali its making me lose my hair, lol.

People think food comes from the grocery store. So of course they want free roaming pigs, that doesn't affect the grocery store.
proposition 12 RELH....it was there for all to read.
It may have been there for all to read but why read when the promoters had all the propaganda they needed to pass it through. They were well funded and ready to show the world all the videos of poor conditions and treatment. The real problem is our side is never ready to show what's going on...we don't have lawyers 24/7 working for us, we don't have the funding.
My wife and I voted during the 2018 election when that bill was passed by a vast majority. We do not recall seeing it on the ballot and I wonder if it was hidden in small print on a bill that would pass muster and be passed by the majority. Democrats in CA. are very good at doing that and promoting the good part and not telling you about the bad part that you may not like.
I’m sure it was in some highway repair bill. That’s the kind of crap they pull in NV. They propose a bill with 2 or 3 good points then sneak in something completely unrelated that most would not vote in favor for. Unfortunately most voters that I speak to don’t bother doing their research or try to fully understand what it is they are voting on. My own wife did it. She simply said, “Just mark the way you are going to vote & I will do the same.”
I’m sure it was in some highway repair bill. That’s the kind of crap they pull in NV. They propose a bill with 2 or 3 good points then sneak in something completely unrelated that most would not vote in favor for. Unfortunately most voters that I speak to don’t bother doing their research or try to fully understand what it is they are voting on. My own wife did it. She simply said, “Just mark the way you are going to vote & I will do the same.”
It wasn't hidden in a bill...it wasn't in a bill. It was a direct vote of the people......PROPOSITION 12....

THIS result was never imagined....the people in California just assumed that their wants and desires would immediately be accepted by Iowa hog farmers and the same Iowa hog farmer would quadruple the living area for all his pet pigs........

Proposition 12​


Increasing Requirements for Farm Animal Confinement: Proposition 12 bans the sale of meat derived from animals and their food products that are confined within certain areas. By 2021, the measure would also require that all eggs sold in California be from hens raised according to the United Egg Producers’ 2017 cage free guidelines. California passed a similar measure in 2008, Proposition 2, which banned the sale of certain animal products if the animals were confined in spaces that left them unable to turn around, lie down, stand up and fully extend their limbs. Prop. 12 would take this one step further by laying out specific square footage requirements.
Homer I recall the bill now since you posted a copy of it. We voted no on it. I married the Farmer's daughter and she told me that she cussed when she saw that on the ballot.
Funny part, yesterday she caught a great sale on ribs and brought home five slabs of ribs for the freezer. I guess we better stock up like I did on ammo.
Homer I recall the bill now since you posted a copy of it. We voted no on it. I married the Farmer's daughter and she told me that she cussed when she saw that on the ballot.
Funny part, yesterday she caught a great sale on ribs and brought home five slabs of ribs for the freezer. I guess we better stock up like I did on ammo.

Don't worry, the rest of us will take care of you because we get to tell Kali to pound sand.
Homer I recall the bill now since you posted a copy of it. We voted no on it. I married the Farmer's daughter and she told me that she cussed when she saw that on the ballot.
Funny part, yesterday she caught a great sale on ribs and brought home five slabs of ribs for the freezer. I guess we better stock up like I did on ammo.
I better load up on bacon. It's bacon and tomato sandwich time.
I could slice some tomatoes with that knife you sold me.
You north coast Cali boys don’t have to worry about bacon,
we’ll meet you in Winnemucca, in broad day light, to swap pork for Dungeness crab.

Personally, I’m looking forward to pork prohibition in Cali.
Your on Lumpy the season opens in November and they are at their best then. We get ten each day in Recreational Fishing but Eel and I both have connections for more if you want them.....
But do you have Duroc pigs like above those porkers look like they would make some good Italian Sausage home made..Mmmmmm
You north coast Cali boys don’t have to worry about bacon,
we’ll meet you in Winnemucca, in broad day light, to swap pork for Dungeness crab.

Personally, I’m looking forward to pork prohibition in Cali.
It's good to have friends in freedom loving States.

I was fishing in my kayak on the bay a couple months ago and I saw a commercial boat come in through the entrance with a stack of crab pots. I knew the owner of the boat, (a long time family connection) but hadn't seen him or talked to him in many years. I called him on the radio and he was surprised to hear it was me. He said he pulled all his crab gear and getting ready for bottom fish.

He shut his boat down and told me to come out and get some crab if I wanted it. He loaded up my ice chest with 8 jumbo crabs. Good thing because that's all I caught that day.
Your on Lumpy the season opens in November and they are at their best then. We get ten each day in Recreational Fishing but Eel and I both have connections for more if you want them.....
But do you have Duroc pigs like above those porkers look like they would make some good Italian Sausage home made..Mmmmmm
DH53, we have a deal.

Virtual hand shake!

Get your pork/bacon/sausage order posted so we can get the butchers started and the smokers fired up.

I believe there’s enough Duroc and their closely related cousin’s around here to “meat” your needs.

Circle Four Farms. Milford, Utah 750,000 pounds of bacon per year, besides a half dozen World Champion saddle bronc riders.....

DH53, we have a deal.

Virtual hand shake!

Get your pork/bacon/sausage order posted so we can get the butchers started and the smokers fired up.

I believe there’s enough Duroc and their closely related cousin’s around here to “meat” your needs.

Circle Four Farms. Milford, Utah 750,000 pounds of bacon per year, besides a half dozen World Champion saddle bronc riders.....

We will talk I'll get with Eel I'm sure we can work something out...
There are fish in your kayak, eel?
7 halibut trips this year so far.

Halibut 7
Fisherman 0

I talked to Tim the charter boat captain and he said the bay halibut disappeared. No matter, F&W will keep the season open year around with the limit 3/day as long as they're selling licenses.

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