Kiabab Early


Active Member
Just wanted to write a post about our hunt on the early Kiabab. First of all, I want to say what a pleasure it was to hunt with all the hunters that were there. I am absolutely amazed at the friendliness and courtesy of the Az hunters. We never had one problem with other hunters. It is not like that where I live. I would hunt with AZ hunters any day of the week. Thank you! I also wanted to complement the lack of litter there is. You hardly ever see a pop can on the ground.

As far as the hunt went, we pretty much got our butts kicked. My 3 kids had the tags 16,15 girl, and 10. We set our goal at 3 year old plus bucks. We did not travel down there to just shoot a deer. We hunted for 8 days in all, my oldest boy, who has killed a few decent bucks never did see a buck he wanted to shoot. MY 2 youngest, both first year hunters had chances, but struggled seeing the deer, or getting a shot off with other deer around or trees. My daughter did miss a shot at a decent 4 point Saturday.

Sunday morning, that last day of the hunt, the last hour of our hunt we made one last push, and my youngest was able to connect on a 3 year old buck. Can I just tell you that the look and smile on his face was worth me transferring my tag to him, and every bit worth the money we spent to hunt there. It ended the hunt on a positive note.

I made some mistakes over the week, and learned a lot, but I have the utmost respect for anybody who can get a big buck on that early hunt every year they hunt. We passed on a buck, we probably shouldn't have and passed what seemed like a billion forked horns and smaller 3 points, with a few small 4 points mixed in. We hunted some areas we shouldn't have, and should have spent more time in others. Having 2 first year hunters was probably a mistake, but good family time is never a mistake. My daughter and oldest son killed elk this year already, and they set their goals and would not shoot a smaller buck.

The buck my son killed was probably less than a mile from where my brother and I killed an 8x4 20 years ago this fall.That was cool for me.

The Kiabab is an awesome place, but that early hunt is not an easy hunt for big bucks. The information I got prior to the hunt was all over the place in where to hunt and how to hunt it. It seems like every year must be a little different. I would like to try it again someday, and man I wished I had a late tag! There are a lot of deer in that low country already. I love that low country.
Thank you for being the Dad you are to introduce your kids to hunting. That family time is priceless and will last all of your lifetimes in memories. You said it well when your son got that buck. I know how I felt when my son downed his first big game animal. I could not hold back my emotions.
Thanks for the compliments to AZ hunters. In my 37 years here I have found most of the hunters here are great. I have run into a few exceptions but very few in those years.
Take care and good luck on your future hunts.
Congrats, sounds like a lot of fun. Do you have any pics? Good to hear the deer are moving down. I leave in a couple weeks for the late hunt.
Sounds like a awesome time with family. Thanks for taking the time to do a write up on your experience. As a non resident thinking about using my points there, these kind of first hand accounts play in to my game plan.
Thanks for the neat story!

Not to be negative, but I was also there with a 11-year-old young man who suffers from some debilitating diseases, and we were there on behalf of the AZ Hunt Of A Lifetime organization.

We do free hunts for kids with terminal and/or life threatening diseases or illness.

Well, I had planned on the young man who was on his first ever hunt, to sit in a blind with his father and I near this water.

The water is adjacent to an old road that had been closed by the U.S.F.S.

There was a "ROAD CLOSED" sign on that road.

I put up a sign that I had made up by Staples on the closed road advising fellow hunters that I had a youngster from HOAL on a stand/water close by.



Would you believe that around 07:30 on opening day a truck with three guys drove around the HOAL sign, past the ROAD CLOSED sign and past where we were sitting in a pop up blind?

This old road is a dead end and 20 minutes later, here they come back by. Needless to say we saw no deer that a.m.

Then On Day 2, ANOTHER truck drove around both signs, went in and came back out!

So while yes, most of the folks up there were friendly and decent, there are always a few knuckelheads who lack the decency and respect that most sportsmen have.

Don Martin
Outfitter/Guide Coordinator
AZ Hunt Of A Lifetime
I'm glad you had a great trip, coyoteslayer! Awsome write-up of obviously awesome times!

Kudos to you for focusing on the positive and having a great time with your kids!


I had an equally great time on the Kaibab. I figured here would be an appropriate place to share. Much thanks to Dan "rockymtnhunter" for giving me some insight into the unit before I made it out there for the hunt. Dad and I hunted 8 days and tried to find a big one, but couldn't make it happen so on day 7 he shot his and I got mine on day 8. We did have to drive into town one day and buy a .22 so that I could bring a few Kaibab squirrels home to mount...those things are awesome!


I had wanted to find a big buck, but I couldn't do my defense, I am not a very good deer hunter and this is actually my first muley, so I am happy. I have been coues hunting the last 4 years in my home state of NM (my ol trusty 3rd choice in the drawing).
It is nice to read the stories and see the pics. Thanks to everyone for sharing with those of us who were not drawn this year.

I'll admit I'm a bit surprised by the stories about not seeing many mature bucks. I thought with the drastically reduced tags the last 3 years or so more mature bucks would even be taken on the early hunts.

I was fortunate to draw 3 years ago and I saw the absolute largest nontypical buck of my life. This buck was so wide, heavy and narly that I still can't get over his size. He was truly a magnificant animal. It was only 150 yards or so away but it never stopped and gave me a clear shot. Dewayne Adams had a client on this this buck and he came over and talked to me afterwards because he wanted to know why I didn't shoot.

We saw many 4X4's in the 24 inch range and other than the monster buck I only saw one buck that would go about 28 inches but again, I could not close the deal. Came home empty handed.
Glad to hear about your hunt - congrats to your son! You're right, it's all worth it to see the look on their face - these are the experiences that bind us to our children. I think this year was tough during the early rifle 'cuz of the wet summer - but every year has its own unique qualities - but you got to enjoy the Kaibab which is always worth it. Hope I provided some info that was somewhat useful...

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