Massive Wild horse roundup set to begin.


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Federal contract wranglers plan to round up 4,300 wild horses in southwest Wyoming — permanently removing about 70% of them — starting Thursday in an undertaking that culminates years of conflicts among land and wildlife managers, ranchers and horse advocates.

The roundup across 3.4 million acres of “checkerboard” land ownership could last more than a month, said Brad Purdy, a Bureau of Land Management spokesman. The agency will permanently remove — for adoption, training and domestic use — about 3,500 horses. About 800 would be set free again after treating mares in that group with temporary fertility control.
Temporary fertility control because they need to see if that has any effect first before they can actually make something permanent. Its our world we live in. No one can make a decision and stick to it anymore...that is evident with COVID19. We're a country run by scared puss!es.
If it was up to me, I’d force them to file lawsuits everyday, 24/7-365.

Keep their paid attorneys demanding money as often as possible. Wear out the courts, wear out the non-profits, wear out the volunteers, keep submitting removal plans relentlessly...... use their own tactic on them. As fast as they can raise money to pay their attorney, make them spend it. Cause lawsuit fatigue beyond their fund raising system.
If it was up to me, I’d force them to file lawsuits everyday, 24/7-365.

Keep their paid attorneys demanding money as often as possible. Wear out the courts, wear out the non-profits, wear out the volunteers, keep submitting removal plans relentlessly...... use their own tactic on them. As fast as they can raise money to pay their attorney, make them spend it. Cause lawsuit fatigue beyond their fund raising system.
But....our federal government pays their attorney fees when they lose.....that is the insidious game they play....
The BLM has used the PZP vaccine for a couple of decades, said Jason Lutterman, public affairs specialist with the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program.

He added that there is evidence of PZP being effective in slowing the growth rate but not eliminating population growth altogether, when looking at small herds that have been tracked and recorded in Colorado.

The PZP vaccine, depending on the formulation, is effective for one or two years. Wild horses still often need to be gathered, said Lutterman, for the vaccine to be administered. Those horses are then tracked to identify which ones need boosters.

Other vaccines, such as GonaCon and oocyte growth factor (OGF) with expected longer effectiveness, are either beginning to be used or are in stages of research, he said.

“BLM wants to have a full suite of tools to manage horses, because each herd is different in its size and how animals are distributed and other aspects of the herd that make it more conducive for fertility control,” said Lutterman.
The fact that we waste so much money on these things drives me nuts. If people want to adopt them- great, go catch one. Take all you want. There could be some private services that help with that. The rest? Hunt them. Let people shoot them then spend the next few weeks hunting coyotes off the remains. Such a colossal waste of money.
But....our federal government pays their attorney fees when they lose.....that is the insidious game they play....

The real conservation groups can do the same with law suites yet are poised to even put a half hearted attempt at doing so. The Equal Access to Justice Act works both ways.
But....our federal government pays their attorney fees when they lose.....that is the insidious game they play....


This & the other fact that there are too many liberal judges who side with these groups.

As for birth control, they're going after the wrong sex. Making geldings out of stallions is permanent. Problem with either methods is getting everyone of the ones captured in order to render a 'herd' nonproductive.

This probably doesn't apply to the horses, but it's an interesting read on the Cost of the Endangered Species Act.
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