McCain picks Palin!


Active Member
Well sportsmen, looks like we got our wish

McCain picks Palin according to Fox News

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
I like the pick. You got all those dis-infranchised women voters that wanted Hilary. That is that 30% that is not going to vote for Obama they will be a solid McCain vote now. I think this election is a lock for McCain.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)



Press Release: No. 07-14, May 11, 2007

Contact: Matt Robus, Director, Division of Wildlife Conservation, ADF&G, (907) 465-4191


Governor Palin Introduces Bill to Streamline Predator Management Laws:
HB 256/SB 176 Clarify, Clean UP Statutes, Encourates Abundance-Based Management

(Juneau) - Governor Sarah Palin has introduced a bill in the State House and Senate that will simplify and clarify Alaska?s intensive management law for big game and the state's "same day airborne hunting" law. ?I have said many times that my administration is committed to management of game for abundance, and to a proactive, science-based predator management program where appropriate,? said the Governor. ?The bill I am introducing will give the Board of Game and state wildlife managers the tools they need to actively manage important game herds and help thousands of Alaskan families put food on their tables.?

The bill, House Bill 256 and Senate Bill 176, clarifies and simplifies the language of what is known as the ?intensive management? law (AS 16.05.255 (e-g)), which requires the Alaska Board of Game to adopt regulations to restore populations of moose, caribou and deer in parts of the state where they have been depleted over time. During the last four winters, the state has been conducting predator control programs in some areas to build up moose and caribou herds.

?We have had good success in achieving lower wolf densities in the predator control areas during the first few years of the programs,? said Matt Robus, Director of the Division of Wildlife Conservation in the Department of Fish and Game. ?There are now indications in our longest-established programs that moose populations are responding well to reduced levels of predation, and this will directly affect the harvestable surplus so that people will be able to harvest these animals for subsistence and personal use.?

The Governor?s bill clarifies state law that requires the Board of Game to implement regulations to help manage important game herds for both abundant numbers and abundant opportunities for Alaskans to harvest game. In addition, the bill uses the new term "active management,? which is broader and is used in place of "intensive management." The bill also would eliminate several current requirements that have proven to be problematic for both the Board and the courts, and definitions that vary from existing usage within the wildlife management profession.

HB256/SB176 takes two laws that were written to achieve almost exactly opposite purposes and harmonizes them so that the state's game managers, the courts, and the public will have less trouble understanding how they work together and the legal requirements that apply in each situation. The important principle of limiting use of airborne and same day airborne shooting of large predators is retained, while the process for conducting game management programs critical to meeting the state's constitutional mandates is made simpler, more workable, and more legally defensible.

Governor Palin said she is introducing the bill at this time because she wants to generate discussion on the important issues related to predator reduction as a component of abundance-based management. ?I understand that the legislature doesn't have time to give this bill a committee hearing before the end of this session,? she said. ?I want Alaskans to look at this new language over the summer and fall, debate the issues and urge their legislators to pass the bill into law early next year.?
Sportsmen, 2nd Ammendment supporters and Rednecks everywhere ought to love this pick!

And on a more degenerate note, she is way easy on the eyes!
Great choice! McCain just got my, my wife and kids vote for sure!!!!
Obama and Biden are the 2 most anti 2nd ammendment right people in washington.
>McCain is done. Landslide for

Care to elaborate? Probably not... just a knee jerk reaction to a great pick!
I think it will. I know I was thinking of not even voteing but now that he picked an outdoors women, with a little more experiance in gov. than Obama.... hell yea, I'm fired up about it now and pushin all my friends to vote.
Right now Obama is crapping in his pants and wishing that he had not listen to his wife and picked Hillary. In the next few weeks we should see a surge of women voters flocking towards McCain and his choice of VP.
Boy! the wolf lovers will be running around in circles along with the wacky enviromentals.

I was never really excited about the Mcain ticket, but now I am.
Smart move on Mcains part, and the fact that her husband is a blue collar oil worker make it's all the more sweeter.

The socialists over at are soiling themselves over this pic. Never have I've seen a ramped up generation of posts over a subject in such a short amount of time. Its some of the funnest reading I've read in months!!

DU is working overtime to kick her under the bus. LOL!!
I love the pick, I think he hit a home run with this pick. I was hoping that he'd pick either Condoleeza Rice, Sarah Palin or Kay Baily Hutcheson. I think that Sarah Palin is going to prove to be an excellent and popular choice.

In regard to her lack of experience, I hope the Dems pick on that, since she can point out that she has more executive experience that Obama. Women should love her, since she's a mom of five, conservatives won't find any faults with her.

I loved it a moment ago when Fox showed some photos of her on Fox News and one was of her pulling a gill net with her husband. Sportsmen should have great encouragement with this pick. She's right on energy, predator management, and lots of other issues that matter to most of us.

And like Nick says, she's real easy on the eyes.
What was she doing in Iraq?

I think it's a great pick that I WILL vote for but do they really stand a chance seeing as how hunters, fisherman and outdoors people are the minority? I'm just trying to be realistic here.
I usually just read all these posts and never was keen on either candidates but ill chime in now. I think that this is a very good choice for a few reasons and will help him out. Yes hunters/fisherman are a minority, some of the women vote will go toward McCain now, not the die hard social hillary followers but Palin will connect with alot that may have voted for Obambi. I also believe by picking such a staunt conservative that many who would have wasted a vote or not voted at all will now be excited about things much more, as i am now. I think its gonna get folks to vote and pull less than impressed hard core conservatives that may not have been on McCains side. Now those combined are NOT a minority.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
She was in Iraq for support of the troops or maybe just checking the place out in case her son ever gets deployed to the war zone.
I'd have to call this move genius on McCains part.... It sure quenched the media frenzy over the DNC pop show..... It's going to pull in a lot of swing votes and I'd be willing to bet you see the polls climbing in McCains favor over the next few days unlike the downward trend Obama showed after his VP pick...... Terry
The more I learn about her the more I like her. This was a great pick. Mccain has taken the steam out of the obama campaign one day out of the convention.

The obama campaign and the media doesn't know what to do. They are trying to attack her experience however she has more experience than obama.
This if a frigan brilliant move on his part. Yahoo I am very excited this next 4 years is critical to hunters and gun owners not to mention the economy. There will be maybe 2 or 3 supreme court replacements and if we lose this fall things are going to get very tough with liberal none hunting gun haters in office. I like this choice if McCain steps down in 4 years she will be a great candidate for the next round of Hillary and Obama. This really helps McCain and takes the sails out of Obama's, little bump from yesterday. Yippee, Yahoo.

If there is any proof of a man in a hunt it is not whether he killed a deer or elk but how he hunted it.
any gun owning, hunting, fishing, conservation nut, freedom loving, foreign dependance hating voter out there who was considering or set on writing in or voting for a candidate with no chance just to voice an opionion should really think that one over. this is a great choice and a huge move for real conservative conservationists. It would be idiotic to waste that vote now.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
So how many registered voters are asking what state Alaska is in? I don't have enough confidence in most registered voters. Sad.
Funny thing that Hdude and Piper have not chimed in yet. They're probably busy trying to drum up some dirt on her so they can have something to say. Sorry fellas McCain just got you by the balls and over the next two months he's gonna squeeze real hard. I bet Obama's wife is said "oops" the minute she heard this morning, and Hillary is now going to vote for McCain. I love it!

Piper, how's your period?
"Sorry fellas McCain just got you by the balls and over the next two months he's gonna squeeze real hard. I bet Obama's wife is said "oops" the minute she heard this morning, and Hillary is now going to vote for McCain. I love it!"

What color is the sky in your world? I don't think any dem is scared. Probably relieved more than anything. McCain would have had a fighting chance with Powell but he's done for. Professor Hdude is probably busy LHMFAO and can't get the laughy tears out of his eyes. I think Palin sunk the GOP ship when she said, "I was just your average hockey mom in Alaska". Comments like that are NOT going to get votes for any Presidency EVER.

McCain is over. Sorry. They would have been perfect for the mm crowd but it won't even be close. Too bad we don't count in the real world.
Mccain did not need Palin to seal the deal. Obama was done for when he chose that numbnut Biden instead of the woman with 80 million votes Hillary. Obama is an idiot. He should have chosen Hillary. This is suposed to be a slam dunk year for Dems and they are absolutly blowing it. Obama should be up by 20 and all he can muster is 6 coming off his convention. McCain will win big in November.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Why did she go to Iraq? For one, her son is due to be deployed on 9-11-08.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-08 AT 07:42PM (MST)[p]I've always said that constituent approval is what defines a good representative red or blue. Apparently she has an excellent approval rating and appears rather down to earth.

I think McCain's A-list went Ridge, Petreaus, Romney, and Huckabee. I think Palin was on another list kept by McCain's campaign handlers.

Ridge: Outspoken about a flawed Bush Administion
Petreaus: Not interested
Romney: Said timetables, too tall, too rich, doesn't like him
Huckabee: Likes him, doesn't like rel. right in the GOP.

Why Palin?: Republican, does not have a penis, son soon to deploy, governor of energy state, pro-life, no ties to Bush, no-ties to Washington, kids, easy on the eyes, and no skeletons.
Palin was definitely picked by the McCain team, apparently McCain has only met Palin one time prior to his announcement.

I don't know a lot about Palin, but she appears to have run on a reformist platform. A reform platform directly aimed at the corruption within her own party that has plagued the Alaskan government on both the state and federal level. Them good ol Stevens boyz.

So she is most known as a reformist, campaigning on reforming Republican corruption. During a Republican incumbent administration that also ran on a platform of reform and
reinstilling integrity (Contract for America) back in the Whitehouse.

(R)Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska was a signator on the Contract for America and the Chairman of the Senate Commerce Comittee. Ted was nice enough to set a precedent by not swearing in the CEO's of the country's largest oil companies at the Senate Sub-Comittee hearings. Afterall, we all know oil executives are the salt of the earth, no need for silly things like oaths or possibly perjury charges. Who cares anyways who attended Dyckhead's Energy Task Force meeting, afterall we are just the tax-payers we have no right to know.

Where is Ted today? Well Ted is still serving as a Senator, however, it appears that Ted may have accepted favors from, from, guessed it an Oil Company. So Ted has been a little busy lately with the federal indictments. I wonder if Ted greets the feds like he did the Katrina Victims. "NO, NO, NO, I will not!" I for one will soon miss Ted.

I digress, I think Palin is very healthy step for the Republican Party overall. The party is over-loaded with a bunch self-righteous and shriveled up cronies that personify the glass ceiling she mentioned in her acceptance speech.

Running on reform within one's own party is extremely admirable, although most times unwelcomed. So the big question isn't whether Palin is ready for D.C., but is D.C. ready for Palin?

Veeps are always a gamble, should make for some interesting debates.

If McCain loses I believe Palin will be the future (R)Senator of Alaska.
I'm shocked, actually. I've read a couple articles on her in Alaska Magazine, since she became Governor. She just doesn't seem the DC type.

What if something happenes to McCain (assuming he wins)? President Palin? "Im sorry, I can't go to Iraq right now, the Sockeye run is just starting on the Kenai"

Don't get me wrong, I'm very impressed with her. I guess I'm just shocked.

I bet Hillary is absolutely livid!

Its brilliant. McCain has taken the initiative. The election is McCain's to lose, but if he plays his cards well it is in the bag. The Republicans now get to do their convention and lay out their message and all that hot air of the Democrats is going to wash away. Who would you rather have running the show a Harvard lawyer and his white haired liberal lawyer running mate or a former combat pilot and this woman from Alaska, a hunter, a fisherman, who used to run a family fishing business?

By the way, the Christian zealots will also consolidate behind McCain now, because Palin is staunchly anti-abortion. Thus, you are not just appealing to hunters and fisherman.
"I like the pick. You got all those dis-infranchised women voters that wanted Hilary. That is that 30% that is not going to vote for Obama they will be a solid McCain vote now. I think this election is a lock for McCain".

?Right now Obama is crapping in his pants and wishing that he had not listen to his wife and picked Hillary. In the next few weeks we should see a surge of women voters flocking towards McCain and his choice of VP.
Boy! the wolf lovers will be running around in circles along with the wacky enviromentals?.


What say we re-convene in 67 days and have this discussion?

I can hear John boy now ?.. ?Tell me again why we picked this gal??????

?RNC ?. Cause she's hot dumb-dumb! We ain?t wasting anymore meat on this cluster fxxx?

Guess we'll see boys! I still see it as a desperate move that will get little or no traction.

She get's my vote as the prettiest candidate on either side of the isle by far.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-08 AT 10:12PM (MST)[p]Rus;

As usual you libs leave out the important facts that may bite you in the arse.

Obama promises CHANGE. What does he do, he selects a long standing good old boy in his party that does not reflect his promise of CHANGE.

McCain has a history of bucking his own party line at times. What does he do, he selects a VP that has a proven history of fighting the corruption and "Good old boy" politics that has prevailed in her home state and D.C. Even her own party members. I think the American people will see this as more "CHANGE" then Obama's empty promise on change and sticking with a "good old boy" as his VP.

McCain's VP is in fact a breath of fresh air and down home attibutes that a lot of American women can relate with. Obama instead showed the voting women his disdain for their choice in Hillary and will have a backlash because of it.

McCain's VP choice has a history of improving the economy in her home state and creating more jobs for the people. She has a strong rate of approval in her home state just like Ronald Regan did in CA. as governor before being elected as president. Obama and Biden will be hard pressed to show this and have more of a chance being shown as part of the problem with the present economy since they are members of congress that show a low rating. Did you fail to remember that the majority of Americans are for the oil drilling and lessen our dependency on foreign oil. McCain and Palin are more in tune to this then Obama and his fellow Dems. I do not think the american voter will ignore this as Obama has tried to do, and only came around when faced with what the majority of citizens wanted.

Palin has a history of being very strong mentally when faced with opposition and this will be needed in the next few months. Now if she is a good speaker on top of it, Obama and Biden better hike up their pants legs. They will be standing in knee deep crap and the more they attack Palin, the more votes she will gather from the voting women.
I think the American people are going to like Palin very much for many good reasons and their votes will reflect it in Nov.
Yes, I still think that Obama's wife is regretful that she influenced her husband about snubbing Hillary and is now giving second thoughs about not being the first lady in the white house.

One forum member asked why did Palin go to Araq. She went to visit with her state's national guard members who were serving there in a combat role. Obama only went after he was chastized about never being there and seeing for himself how the war was going. I think this point will be remember by our military and their families back home and a lot of other voters that believe in supporting our troops.

Rus when you said that she gets your vote for being the prettiest member on both sides of aisle, do I take that as you would vote for her in a beauty contest, but you still are going to vote your liberal side for Obama?

LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-08 AT 10:10PM (MST)[p]Chef you almost got me! For a fleeting second I almost felt as pathetic and stupid as RELH. I started reading the threads and thought, wow look at these Hillary supporters go off.

Within seconds something seemed amiss, it looked more like a spoof Republican site. Then I saw it:

HCF is 100% Independent & has NO Affiliation with Hillary Clinton or her Campaign. Donations to meet operational costs accepted HERE)

I find it interesting how the Republicans that run the HillaryClintonForum and those responsible for the Swift Boat ads, believe they are the party of family values. But then again it may not be the Republicans, it could be those pesky American Independents or maybe the Green Party. We all know those parties are pretty scummy.

Must be one of Carl's sites, a new high for a new low.

I wonder how McCain would feel about the HillaryClintonForum after tasting the blood from Carl's knife back in 99. McCain watched as his self-proclaimed buddy and fellow veteran Kerry get Swift-Boated. I know he was very upset which brought about McCain/Feingold. I think I will write to his campaign and find out.

I also agree Palin has that Ashley Banfield look going on with those Emo glasses and all. An former Beauty Queen, 5 kids, Married to a commericial fisherman, likes to hold a gun, you know she puts out!

Hats off to you almost had me!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-08 AT 10:57PM (MST)[p]FTW;

The only one being stupid and pathetic is you and your normal everyday self. You need to go back to that forum and dive into the Hillary Clinton supporter blogs.
Only a outright idiot like you would think that the official democrat Clinton site would allow any blogs that would be detremental to the democrat party's official line.
That site you so easly dismissed is comprised of people that were supporting hillary for election until her defeat and snubbing by Obama. Now they are swinging towards McCain after he chose Palin for his VP. go back and take a second look and compare what members were saying a while back and what those same members are saying today. I just looked for the women members and everyone I saw are calling for women to desert Obama and the DNC and go over to McCain and Palin. Did you read the short bio on Palin. Very very impressive when compared to your dem heros of Obama and Biden. Now I know why Katie Couric seemed not to be condensending towards Palin today in her news broadcast. Maybe the liberal leaning press has found a new wonder person over Obama. maybe katie being a woman, might have been moved by the events in this election and the treatment given women by the DNC.
I doubt you will take a second look and give it the credit it deserves, due to your biased liberal left makeup and the fact your credibility is about that of a snake crawling out of it' hole. Crawl back into the hole and you can come out in Nov. and cast your vote for your socialist hero and splinless leader. You two deserve each other.

I love the idea about her but I'm a little worried if Mcain fell over dead, can Sarah take the heat as Trumann did in WWII.

Are we just voting on popularity now? Just as the libs are voting for Obama on wealth distribution & socialism.

I don't want to vote for Mcain/Palin because now we have a sportsman in the race....I want to vote for them because it's for the better of the country in making the right decisions that Americans have to deal with.

I think it was a decisive move on McCain's part to keep the race closer and a possible victory but then what? DC has a habit of changing people and Palin could very easily fall into the cracks. Just my 2 cents.
Your 2 cents are very valid questions that you need to ask before walking into that polling booth.
I have read her short bio and it does appear that she can take the heat and stand up to it and make the hard decisions that have to be made. In fact I think she has done more as the governor of Alaska in making decisions that improved the economy in that state to where they had a surplus and created more jobs.
She bucked the "good old boys" routine of under the table stuff and beat them at it, even with the pressure they put on her to try to make her go away and shut up. Then she pushed a reform bill though that shows her character of not playing the old Texas two step of politics.
she is for more drilling to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, but pushed a bill that made the oil companies pay more in taxes for the oil they were getting in Alaska. She turned around and distributed that extra tax money to the citizen tax payers in Alaska in the form of a $1,200.00 check.
When it comes to economy, welfare of the citizens, having high morals on fair practices in politics, she has Obama and Biden beaten very well on preformance, not just promises of change.

She is weak on foreign affairs and military logistics, but so is obama. In fact Obama has no more experience in these matters then she does. Based on past actions, I think she would be more supporting of our servicemen & women then Obama could ever be, but I do not think she would rush into a war until other actions were exhausted.

As for being a woman that can be tough in war time or national crisis, just remember Margret Thacher and Goldie Meier were women also and they never were accused of not being tough enough when their countries were at war.

This might help....

Sarah Palin and Joe Biden: Worlds Apart

Friday, August 29, 2008

Even before this week, the difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was clear. For one, McCain joined more than 300 other members of Congress in signing a "friend of the court" brief, in District of Columbia v. Heller, urging the Supreme Court to rule in favor of the Second Amendment and against D.C.'s handgun ban.

Obama refused to sign the Heller brief, and supports reinstituting the Clinton gun and magazine ban. He also supports Ted Kennedy's bill to ban semi-automatic handguns in the guise of "micro-stamping," and supports banning inexpensive handguns as "junk guns."

But now that each candidate has chosen his running mate, the difference is even clearer than before. And when it comes to guns, the two prospective vice-presidents are as far apart as the states from which they hail.

Sen. McCain's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, is a NRA Life Member and hunter who says, "I support our Constitutional right to bear arms and am a proponent of gun safety programs for Alaska's youth," adding "I have always strongly supported the personal use of fish and game by Alaskans. I grew up hunting and fishing in Alaska, and I am proud to raise my children with this same uniquely Alaskan heritage."

NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox says "Governor Palin doesn't just talk about supporting the Second Amendment, it's part of her life, and she did her part to vindicate the Second Amendment for all Americans when Alaska joined 30 other states in signing a legal brief supporting Heller's challenge to the D.C. gun-ban."

As for Joe Biden, from Delaware, the Brady Campaign sums it up in a straightforward enough fashion, saying, "Senator Biden has been a consistent supporter of the Brady Campaign," and "Senator Biden was a key player in the fight for the federal assault weapons ban that passed in 1994. He also worked hard for passage of the Brady Law (sic)."

In fact, Biden introduced an "assault weapons" ban in Congress five years before the Clinton gun and magazine ban was imposed. In 1989, Biden's Senate Bill 1970 proposed to ban the Colt AR-15 and eight similar firearms as "assault weapons," and authorize the Secretary of the Treasury (in reality, BATF) and the Attorney General to recommend to Congress any other firearms, regardless of type, to be banned as "additional assault weapons."

As lead sponsor of the Senate crime bill to which the Feinstein gun ban amendment was attached, Biden was instrumental in the passage of the 1994 Clinton gun and magazine ban. Biden reiterated his support for the ban?and, in fact, took credit for authoring it?in response to a question at the CNN/YouTube debate earlier this year (to view the video, please click here).

Biden voted for the ban on a stand-alone vote in 1993, and voted to extend the ban in 2004 as an amendment to the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act." He also included a renewal of the ban in his crime bill last year, along with gun show restrictions.

Currently, Biden's S. 2237 proposes to renew the Clinton ban on roughly 200 makes and models of semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns on the basis of things like the shape of their grips, and on ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, regardless of the kind of firearm in which they are used.

As if that's not enough, Biden voted against the law that prohibits lawsuits designed to bankrupt law-abiding firearm manufacturers and dealers. He also refused to sign the Congressional brief in Heller, and voted to confirm only one of the five justices who ruled in favor of the Second Amendment in Heller, yet he voted to confirm all four justices who voted against the Second Amendment in that case.

To put it simply, Gov. Sarah Palin would be one of the most pro-gun vice-presidents in American history, and Joe Biden would definitely be the most anti-gun.
You guy's are right. Thanks for the insight. You guys gave me more confidence in McCain/Palin.
I am extremely impressed with what I have heard about Palin. With respect to whether Palin can take the heat, I think you have already been answered by another. I'll add some further information. Governor Huckabee of Arkansas was asked about the experience issue. He pointed out that a Governor, unlike a US Senator, is on the front lines all the time. A state Governor makes more executive decisions in a day than a US senator makes in a 6-year term. A state Governor has to confront an ad hoc situation that arises without notice and make an immediate decision and then be accountable for it. A US Senator does NOTHING alone, but always in committee and always in concert with maybe 100 other senators and only after slow and deliberate consideration. As Governor of Alaska, Palin commands the Alaska national guard. Palin governs a state that is only about 25 miles away from Russia -- a former enemy and seemingly edging towards an enemy again. I understand that yesterday Palin had about a 20 minute phone conversation with Putin -- no longer President but clearly a man with considerable continuing political influence in Russai. I don't suppose that was an accident. Palin has a son currently in the military who is deploying to Iraq, maybe in September. Palin has visited the troops in Iraq. I have no reason to think Obama has any greater insight into military matters than Sarah Palin . . . and definitely not more than the McCain/Palin ticket collectively.

I have read enough information to get the impression that women are very, very happy about the McCain/Palin ticket. I think a lot of women who hitched their hopes to Hillary were pretty miffed at how she was treated by the Obama group. I think a material portion of those women are going to realign to McCain/Palin. What percentage? Probably less than 50% but more than 20%, is my shoot-from-the-hip speculation. If that speculation is correct, that is a huge boost for McCain. How many votes did Hillary garner . . . don't forget Ohio and Florida (and those Hillary voters may be all the more likely to migrate to McCain/Palin, because of what they may deem as shabby treatment by the Democrat party generally), even though those didn't count -- they are still out there.

It is clear to me that this VP selection by McCain has given him the initiative and driven the dynamics in his favor. Can he keep the initiative? Can he exploit this dynamic advantage to make Obama play his game? I think this offers many opportunities to McCain. One element of this is it should cause voters to take another look at McCain. This choice does a lot to define what kind of person McCain is. Not a GW Bush, but a long shot. McCain should use this as a means to deliver his message. Partly this may also be McCain freeing himself of some stultifying, limiting baggage of the Republican party. I say go for it and push it to the max.
Palin-McCain in 2012!
i wish she ran as pres from the start.
she has the things i felt were missing from McCain alone.
outstanding pick john my feet are now firmly in your camp.
she has everything i hoped for in a candidate and more!
while i would have never voted for Obama from the start i wasn't excited about the election before i am now.
Well I have got to say I have been a registered democrat for 20 years and I have never felt so much like switching over to the dark side (ha ha) as I do right now. I absolutely agree with almost everything she stands for (almost). Drilling for oil is the short term answer we need to rid ourselves of gasoline (foreign oil). Alternative fuel is the answer and the future. Other than that I think she should be president not that old gizzer McCain. Being a good solider does make you a good president. But I have to give him credit for selecting her.

The experience does not scare me one bit. She is young ambitious, smart and stands for what most sportsmen and conservatives stand for. The best part is she is from Alaska not Washington. Sarah for president.

OH MY GOD!! I just read the Hillary Clinton website and forum and the old pro-choice lesbians are all going to work for and donating to the McCain/Palin campaign. One of them said Palin was against gay marriage but that they could work on that. These women are seriously PO'd at Obama for picking the old mouth Biden. This is going to be a fun election.
I still get that stirrin feelin about a good lookin woman in her office that just happens to have a grizzly bear rug slung over the couch...


HaHa Ha,
I actually found this one on some Peta members post!
Crying her eyes out about the bear...HaHaHa cry me a river beatch...[/IMG]


I have absolutley no doubt that some treesitting stinking hippie from Berkley will post some youtube BS about her regarding wolf hunting and her bear rug.
Those unshaven stinking pigs just cannot understand why Palin ain't wearing pichouli oil and braiding her armpit hair....... Oh how I hate hippies.[/IMG]
This really can't be happening. She is beautiful, smart, young, aggressive, loves the outdoors, did I say beautiful. I could definitely stare at her for four years. Maybe she will take the stinken hippies from Berzerkley and feed them to the wolves. We couldn't be so lucky.

There has NEVER been anyone this beautiful in the WHITE HOUSE, not even Jackie Kennedy can compare to Sarah. Slick Willy had that fat "gobbler" and his ugly wife.

I was going to vote against the libs anyway, but now I actually I have something to vote for! Palin was my hoped for dark horse--can't believe McCain actually did it.

Your welcome and hope that you didn't get sick after eating all of that Ham Steak with trimmings. LOL

Have a good and safe trip to our "home land" and don't fall down or off the bar stools over there.

That is interesting. I don't happen to be a horn/antler hunter. I hunt for a good hunting experience and to have excellent game meat to eat. When I went pronghorn antelope hunting I had an any sex tag and took a doe. I commonly take does when hunting deer -- I have either sex tags. I take a buck when one presents itself, without particular attention to antler size. But when I do take a buck I keep the antlers and make a mount with them. It isn't perfect -- I don't pay a profesional to do this, I do it myself -- but it is interesting and operates as a reminderof my successful hunt. When my son took a pronghorn buck -- his first big game animal -- we had the head mounted. It looks very cool. Why is that ghastly or gross? Most people who see it -- my son's high school friends -- think it looks cool.

I guess we just aren't sensitive, sophisticated like the better educated and advanced Democrats. I wish I weren't such an ignorant, barbaric, troglodyte.
"Did you read the short bio on Palin. Very very impressive when compared to your dem heros of Obama and Biden."

Did the bio mention Palin's pregnant 17 year old daughter? Just when I thought politics had hope. Palin made a huge mistake accepting McCain's proposal. This is going to get ugly----errr.
I knocked up a 17 year old 40 years ago and don't remember her mom losing her job over it. We got married and stuck together unlike that crapbag John Edwards. I don't respect men who gossip about someone's children. I will assure you that kids will do what they want regardless of the parent's beliefs.
Zigga, I know this won't make much sense to you, but you are an idiot for making stupid comments like that. Oh happy day.
NoBama's mammy & pappi were 18 and unmarried when the Messiah was born, could that be why Barack said today that attacking ones family is off limits? Lucky for Barack that his parents didn't subscribe to his way of thinking when he said "If my daughter makes a mistake, I don't want her to have to pay for it with a kid" Classic double standard you slimy whacked out libs OWN.
"There has NEVER been anyone this beautiful in the WHITE HOUSE, not even Jackie Kennedy can compare to Sarah. Slick Willy had that fat "gobbler" and his ugly wife".

I'm pretty sure Marilyn Monroe grabbed the headboard in the White House once or twice!

Ah! BULLSH!T, What about Elanore Roosvelt?



Who smells like tuna, has crabs bigger than big foot, is infested with fleas and wears red filp flops???



I think there was a pretty hot looking blonde that made it in Playboy that Slick Willie was bangin long before the human humidor errr fat Monica came in the picture (no pun intended). But Sarah would still be in the top 3.

I guess Zigga is trying to tell us that all the women in his family have been saints, or is he living in a glass house and casting stones again.

Zigga, if that is all you can say about a 17 year old girl who made a mistake, you are one sick puppy and a hypocrite. Were you not the one who used this forum to tell us about your girlfriend and some what bragg about what a stud you were and painted her in a not too favorable way?

If she can't run her 17 year old then how is she going to RUN THIS COUNTRY???!! Like it or not, she is going to have distractions. It's called family. I am doubting her ability to lead a few hundred eskimos. Sorry if you can't understand that.
You must not have any daughters or you would not even be stupid enought to say something like that. Somehow I would trust her to run this country long before I would ever trust someone like you or Obama. I hope you can understand that.
Now I guess you expect all of us to accept the fact that NO politician should be allowed to have a FAMILY to prevent any future distractions from running this country to Zigga's approval rating. Boy! you are a little out in left field after all.

She sealed my McCain vote. And yes that gal is easy on the eyes...............

Make a list of republicans that are not fit to run this country. I'm not saying that Palin isn't fit but she lacks a lot of things necessary to run a country successfully. Remember Kerry, a war vet? He wasn't fit to run this country according to you guys. What I am getting at is that if anyone has REP by their name then you think they are qualified to run this country. It's pretty funny listening to some of you. McCain and Palin don't have a chance. Don't get me wrong, I would rather have them in charge than the other 2 idiots but I am thinking realistically here. McCain and Palin have NCIH.
Is Palin ready to run the country? Not in my opinion. Will she be able to learn quickly and prepare herself within a few months? I say yes that is totally believable. After watching Larry King encouraging his panel while the two liberal talkshow hacks eviscerated a 17 year old innocent kid I am going to send in a nice fat contribution to McCain. Liberals have become the party of scandal, attacks and violent demonstrations. Carl Rove is a true gentleman compared to the Soros group. I think this election will be about middle America waking up and putting their foot down hard on the democrats necks.

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