Meat shortage....?


Active Member
Do you think there is really going to be a meat shortage? I kinda do, already see it at Costco today. I think people are going to see a shortage of meat and go crazy again with any/all food.

I am prepared, not worried. Also feel blessed I have a cow elk from late last year. Also two awesome bull elk hunts this year, and a ES youth antelope hunt with my 8yr old son. And a deal where I help a first time hunter on a cow hunt and if successful I get 1/2 the meat.

I am not worried, and blessed with upcoming hunts. I worry about others though.... hope I can spread the meat. What are your thoughts?
I believe it could be a very real possibility. I am like yourself, we are well prepared with the usual chicken, beef & pork. Additionally I still have some deer, antelope & turkey already in the freezer & anticipate at least one or two tags this year. We are still seeing somewhat of a shortage here in the Vegas area. I don’t expect it to get better before it gets worse.
There IS a processed meat shortage, no if ands or butts about it.
If you are talking about locally grown beef, maybe not.

Meat processing plants were hammered with covid 19 outbreaks.
On the cutting floor of a large processing plant, hundreds of people work shoulder to shoulder.
One of them coughs, and a week later 30 people have corona virus, but they come to work anyway, because they need the paycheck.
Ten of them cough and suddenly 250 people are infected.
Plant closes.
This has affected beef, pork and chicken.
Already some areas are seeing prices double, and availability cut in half.
80/20 ground beef was trading in the mid $2 two weeks ago, now it's well over $4 and quickly heading to $5, if you can find it.

I work for a company that sells food to restaurants and commercial kitchens, and processes sub primals into to steaks and ground beef.
We are fielding calls from major national grocery store chains offering to buy every case of meat we have, and pay premium prices, because they can not get it from their regular suppliers.

The situation is expected to last several more weeks.
Ain't No F'N Shortage of Meat!

Processed Meat Yes!

Bend Over & Enjoy Another F'N GOUGIN you're about to Receive!
We have a really stupid supply chain here. Your old local grocery wouldn't have this problem. Only thing they would be out of now is ultra-processed poison that is produced by the big, food plants. :rolleyes:

This supply chain was designed, built, and run by the people huddled in their high-rise apartments. I'm waiting to see just how stupid they really are. "If the government ran the farms, we wouldn't have this problem".:mad:
Commented on this a couple weeks ago. Sold fat cattle at $160/cwt dressed and lost $190 per head. Was happy to get them gone. Those cattle are in the supply cain now as boxed beef at nearly $450/cwt. The packer has over $2000/head to work with. Their costs are up giving bonuses to workers and running slower (spaced out workers), but geesh. That same meat I sold for $1.60/# will cost the consumer $6-8/# or more. Anyone want to come field dress and butcher cattle like elk or deer for 2k/hd?
No worries, we could import meat if needed.
Cajun spiced bottled bat
Pickled Bio hazard hedgehog
noodles with wombat
China guarantees 3 week shipping
Smithfield is Chinese owned. I'm sure they are trying "really hard" to remedy the situation.

I think it's good long term. Lots of folks learning food DOESNT come from the grocery store.

Short term, the run was expected. Buy everyone with a brain. Which ruled out the media and government.

Having said that I have 20000lb of steaks, 20000lb of chicken, 20000lb pork. While you idiots were hording butt wipe, I bought meat.?

I'm selling it to support my next retirement idea.

You clowns will be chasing burger while I'm buying up all the hornet spray. I already planted the murder hornets stories in the media. The panic will start soon, and I might have some spray for sale.

1 step ahead all the time?
Funny to read people whining about meat shortages on a hunting board.

But, then again, this is the political talk is that. When all is said and done in this section, there's a lot more said than regard to hunting and everything else.
Not me, I made jerky the last two days and I'm down to maybe 10 pounds in the freezer! I might have to go coyote hunting if I want meat.
I guess I should've made the wife shoot a cow on the last moment of her Colorado hunt. Dang it! I guess I might have to be a vegetarian once my meat is gone.

According to some on this board, yes you will, with the meat shortage and all...
There is no meat shortage. There never will be a meat shortage. The supply as we know it might be disrupted for a short time, but there will never be a meat shortage.

Compare to what you've seen with the dairy industry...
There is no meat shortage. There never will be a meat shortage. The supply as we know it might be disrupted for a short time, but there will never be a meat shortage.

Compare to what you've seen with the dairy industry...
The shortage is of people cutting it up and getting it to my store shelf.



But Let the Whoreders Drive Prices Sky High on one more item!

Bend Over Some More!
No kidding.....while fat cattle, lambs and pigs get stalled......and sold for dirt....

Nobody is arguing with you

Guess I misinterpreted when Founder proceeded to inform me it was a decrease in available labor and not animal nose count when that was the whole point to the thread.

A distruption in the supply chain addresses the labor thing already...
Just killed two steers today I’ll be ok in a couple weeks. I suggest getting a lamb or a pig beef is so much work. Made it easier with a backhoe and sawsall.
They are Whoreding Hamburger here all on a Rumor!

I Bought a couple of Filet Mignon's yesterday for the same Price Per Pound as Burger!

Guess What I'm Eating?
Local processing plants near here have no open dates until late October now. Had a few dates at two different plants this month and could have sold that meat 10-20x over. Getting calls nearly every day. Talking care of employees and family only. It's selfish I know, but I hope it brings a little appreciation for what my clients and I do to provide for the masses.
Everyone commenting here needs to realize that just because things my be a certain way in your neck of the woods doesn’t mean that it’s not a different experience for those in other parts of the country.
Are people hoarding here in my area? Absolutely!!!
Is that why it’s difficult to find packaged meat?
I’m sure that is a big part of the problem.
The bottom line is that here in Vegas it takes going to multiple stores 3-4-5 times to find what you are looking for or need. We have started shopping as a team. If my sister in law needs something, we grab it. If my brother in law sees something we need, he grabs it. It’s ridiculous.
Those of you can say there isn’t a shortage all you want.... I can see with my own two eyes when you walk up to the meat section & there is nothing but empty shelves. There is an Fing’ shortage. PERIOD!!!
Everyone commenting here needs to realize that just because things my be a certain way in your neck of the woods doesn’t mean that it’s not a different experience for those in other parts of the country.
Are people hoarding here in my area? Absolutely!!!
Is that why it’s difficult to find packaged meat?
I’m sure that is a big part of the problem.
The bottom line is that here in Vegas it takes going to multiple stores 3-4-5 times to find what you are looking for or need. We have started shopping as a team. If my sister in law needs something, we grab it. If my brother in law sees something we need, he grabs it. It’s ridiculous.
Those of you can say there isn’t a shortage all you want.... I can see with my own two eyes when you walk up to the meat section & there is nothing but empty shelves. There is an Fing’ shortage. PERIOD!!!

...and no doubt Lost Wagin's have cleaned out Tonopah and Ely shelves too...
On a hunting-outdoor forum like MM, there is a good chance many of us have elk, deer and fish in the freezer.

The rest of the population is not so lucky.

Probably 85% of the population gets their protein from a grocery shelf, or a restaurant.

The shelves are empty and many of the restaurants are closed.

The shortage might not be a disaster for you, but it is a real problem for much of the population.

The key is to be flexible.

Go to the store for beef stew, and they have none ? Buy some tilapia.

Drive thru doesn’t have your quarter pounder, get a chicken sandwich.
In my town the meat counter is virtually empty. Store manager is a friend, she informed me they ordered 10k# of meat just over 2 wks ago with nothing coming in. Dam glad we are hunters in our house and we raise a hog annually. Would really suck if we didn't choose this lifestyle.
Homer- Why would you think that comment was funny?
Would you not do whatever was necessary to feed your family?
You wouldn’t drive a few hours to get groceries so you could feed your kids, your wife or your mom?
Put yourself in someone else’s shoes other than solely viewing things from your own personal perspective or situation.
Lighten up 3TOE.....I'm not harrassing this point it is funny how stupid this entire thing has been.....fat livestock just waiting to be butchered and grocery store shelves empty......AND layed off packing house employees more happy to stay home and collect unemployment plus $600 a week.....

I will say I'm not sure what the difference is but our grocery store meat cases are full....when they aren't I'll be headed to Vegas to shop
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It is funny how stupid is, it’s ridiculous!!! I’m not a huge conspiracy theory type, but I want to call BS on everything our government both state & fed have pulled with regards to all of this.
Thanks for the reply & the clarity! ??
From what I’m hearing from our local cattlemen is that the packers are making about $1400 a head now versus $200 - $400 in sane times........maybe they’re not real interested in fixing the bottleneck....
From what I’m hearing from our local cattlemen is that the packers are making about $1400 a head now versus $200 - $400 in sane times........maybe they’re not real interested in fixing the bottleneck....
WOW!!! That’s crazy... yeah it doesn’t sound like it.
I guess if it gets bad always got my horses and dog. Any suggestions how to cook that kind of meat
Well you know if things get to bad. Just keeping my options open... kidding aside not much of a meat shortage here.
lewis and Clark said dog was one of their favorite meals out of all the animals they had to eat, plus you could make your wife a vest or hat out of the fur.
Probably about like Amazon Filling Orders!

You Place the Order!

They Take your Money!

A Few Weeks later they Tell you it's Back-Ordered While Collecting Interest on Your Money!

Then F'Off for a couple more Weeks if You want Your Money back!

lol....I wonder if they are able to fill orders???

"A man that ain't never been hungry can't tell nobody what's good to eat," says Rawhide Rawlins. "I eat raw sow bosom and frozen biscuit when it tasted like a Christmas dinner.

"Bill Gurd tells me he's caught one time. He's been ridin' since daybreak and ain't had a bite. It's plumb dark when he hits a breed's camp. This old breed shakes hands and tells Bill he's welcome, so after strippin' his saddle and hobblin' his hoss, he steps into the shack. Being wolf hungry, he notices the old woman's cooking bannocks at the mud fire. Tired and hungry like Bill is, the warmth and the smell of grub makes this cottonwood shack, that ain't much more than a windbreak, look like a palace.

"Tain't long till the old woman hands him a tin plate loaded with stew and bannocks, with hot tea for a chaser. He don't know what kind of meat it is but he's too much of a gentleman to ask. So he don't look a gift hoss in the mouth. After he fills up, while he's smokin', the old man spreads down some blankets and Bill beds down.

"Next mornin' he gets the same for breakfast. Not being so hungry, he's more curious, but don't ask no questions. On the way out to catch his hoss he gets an answer. A little ways from the cabin, he passes a fresh dog hide pegged down on the ground. It's like seeing the hole-card it's no gamble what that stew was made of, but it was good and Bill held it.

"I knowed another fellow one time that was called Dog Eatin' Jack. I never knowed how he got his name that's hung to him, till I camp with him. This old boy is a prospector and goes gopherin' 'round the hills, hopin' he'll find something.

"I'm huntin' hosses one spring and ain't found nothing but tracks. I'm up on the Lodgepole in the foothills; it's sundown and my hoss has went lame. We're limping along slow when I sight a couple of hobbled cayuses in a beaver meadow. One of these hosses is wearing a Diamond G iron, the other's a Quarter-Circle-Block hoss. They're both old cow ponies. I soon locate their owner's camp it's a lean-to in the edge of the timber.

"While I'm lookin' over the layout, here comes the owner. It's the Dog Eater. After we shake hands I unsaddle and stake out my tired hoss. When we're filled up on the best he's got which is beans, bacon, and frying pan bread, which is good filling for hungry men we're sittin' smokin', and it's then I ask him if he ever lived with Injuns.

"You're thinkin',' says he, 'about my name. It does sound like Injun, but they don't hang it on me. It happens about ten winters ago. I'm 'way back in the Diamond range; I've throwed my hosses about ten mile out in the foothills where there's good feed and less snow. I build a lean-to, a good one, and me and my dog settles down. There's some beaver here and I got out a line of traps and figger on winterin' here. Ain't got much grub, but there's lots of game in the hills and my old needle gun will get what the traps won't.

"Snow comes early and lots of it. About three days after the storm I step on a loose boulder and sprain my ankle. This puts me plumb out; I can't more than keep my fire alive. All the time I'm running short of grub. I eat a couple of skinned beaver I'd throwed away one day. My old dog brings in a snowshoe rabbit to camp and maybe you don't think he's welcome. I cut in two with him but manlike, I give him the front end. That's the last we got.

"Old Friendship that's the dog's name goes out every day, but he don't get nothing and I know he ain't cheating he's too holler in the flanks. After about four days of living on thoughts, Friendship starts watchin' like he's afraid. He thinks maybe I'll put him in the pot, but he sizes me up wrong. If I'd do that, I hope I choke to death.

"The sixth day I'm sizin' him up. He's laying near the fire. He's a hound with a long meaty tail. Says I to myself, 'Oxtail soup! What's the matter with dog tail?' He don't use it for nothing but sign talk, but it's like cutting the hands off a dummy. But the eighth day, with hunger and pain in my ankle, I plumb locoed and I can't get that dog's tail out of my mind. So, a little before noon I slip up on him, while he's sleeping, with the ax. In a second it's all over, Friendship goes yelpin' into the woods and I am sobbin' like a kid, with his tail in my hand."
"The water is already boiling in the pot, an' as soon as I singe the hair off it's in the pot. I turned a couple of flour sacks inside out and dropped them in and there's enough flour to thicken the soup. It's about dark. I fill up, and if it weren't for thinkin' it would have been good. I could have eat it all but I held out over half for Friendship, in case he come back.

"It must be midnight when he pushes into the blankets with me. I take him in my arms. He's as cold as a dead snake, and while I'm holdin' him tight I'm crying like a baby. After he warms up a little, I get up and throw some wood on the fire and call Friendship to the pot. He eats every bit of it. He don't seem to recognize it. If he does, being a dog, he forgives.

"We go back to the blankets. It's just breaking day when he slides out, whinin' and sniffin' the air with his ears cocked and his bloody stub wobblin'. I look the way he's pointin', and not twenty-five yards from the lean-to stands a big elk. There's a fine snow fallin'; the wind's right for us. I ain't a second gettin' my old needle gun, but I'm playin' safe I'm coming Injun on him. I use my ram-rod for a rest. When old needle speaks, the bull turns over his neck's broken. 'Tain't long till we both get to that bull and we're both eatin' raw, warm liver. I've seen Injuns do this but I never thought I was that much wolf, but it was sure good that morning.

"He's a big seven-point bull old and pretty tough, but me and Friendship was looking for quantity, not quality, and we got it. That meat lasted till we got out.'

"What became of Friendship?' says I.

"He died two years ago,' says Jack. 'But he died fat."
In Nevada in would have had to eat every dog you came across to 2020 you could stay fat on horse and just pet your dog.....
From what I’m hearing from our local cattlemen is that the packers are making about $1400 a head now versus $200 - $400 in sane times........maybe they’re not real interested in fixing the bottleneck....

The packers have been an issue for a long while, according to my friends.

Don't forget, Smithfield is Chinese owned.
I would think anybody on this site HAVING to buy red meat needs to sharpen there skills. I buy ribeyes and chicken that's it. Freezers full of elk provide all that I need. Once in awhile pork if my stash of texas pigs runs out or I want a specific cut.
The packers have been an issue for a long while, according to my friends.

Don't forget, Smithfield is Chinese owned.

Absolutely! And National and JBS are Brazilian. If you really want to get angry read up on the brothers that own JBS, could right a book about their malarkey and folks wouldn't believe it was real. Why anyone ever thoughts that having four packers control 80% of the market and having three of the four be foreign owned was a good idea is beside me. Where was CFIUS when you actually need them! A few of us pitched in together an bought a kids show steer, going to the local USDA inspected locker today to get packaged.

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