
Long Time Member
Just wondering?

On Average?

On a Percentage Basis?

How much Bigger is the Average MM Score over Official B&C Scoring?

The Reason I Ask is this:

I know a Guy that had His Buck Officially Scored by a B&C Scorer that felt Be-Littled!:D

The Guy tried Prying a few more Inches out of the B&C Scorer but the Scorer wouldn't Budge & is now Pissed Off at the Scorer!

What'Ya Think?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

I think its silly to be mad about what a deer scores, what a scorer says, what an MM member says something scores, etc.

Life is about experiences and not possessions. Go hunt for what you want and don't define your happiness by another mans tape measure or hunting club or rule book.
I Ain't Mad Tri!

The Buck I didn't Get This Year Doesn't Score JACK/SQUAT!:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

If you're not happy with the official score, you can find another official scorer who could be more generous. Some of them are pretty inflexible.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
I love to see the scores people post. Just yesterday a guy on facebook was talking about buying antlers and a mount. It had removable antlers on the mount. Some one posted that if he wanted to be more his own, to go shed hunting and find antlers of his own to put on the mount. He claimed that there are easily 750+, 350+ type bulls, running around just on the wasatch and nebo units and to just go find some. I about choked on my already dry pheasant breasts dinner. So I asked to go shed hunting with this guy. He said they are there, you just need to know where to go. So a few comments later he says he hunted the Nebo unit and saw tons of big bulls and he killed a 385 bull. SO I asked to see a pic of his bull. EITHER the pic was horrible, or he has no idea how to score. I would have been surprised to see that bull go 320. But he was dead set they scored it at 385. I think people scores here range widely. But its still fun to guess.
On average, I would guess most folks inflate their scores in the nieghborhood of 5-10% when posting sucess photos on the internet. Thus, a 160" buck become a 175" buck and a 300" bull becomes a 330" bull. Personally, it doesn't bother me but I take all of those scores with a grain a salt.

>Life is about experiences and not
>possessions. Go hunt for
>what you want and don't
>define your happiness by another
>mans tape measure or hunting
>club or rule book.

Truer words have never been spoken.

I've got a barn wall full of memories, trophies if you will, I couldn't tell you a score on any of them. But I could tell you a story for everyone of them.
Thats why I didn't post the score on my daughters bull. Plus it didn't really matter. She was happy with it and had all ready pulled the trigger. What else can you do.
But we score by the book. I think its good to show your kids the proper why and show where other make mistakes. My son killed a great bull on the youth hunt. Everyone seeing the picture and goes nice 350 bull. Well Its a great 320 bull. It just has the tine length of a 350 bull. My daughters bull this year. Nice 380 bull. Well we score him last night and he is a great under 350 bull. He went a little better then 340.
When hunt season is over and we get bored . We pulled down the mounts and rescore them with the help of the Boone and Crockett score your trophy link on there web site.It's fun and keeps you sharp on your scoring.
But I guess it whatever makes the hunter happy. In the end it's just a number.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-15 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]I think most scores are gross, adding every little point with no deductions. The cheaters are added, not subtracted off the typical scores. I saw a group that hunted Wyoming and said they shot 5 bucks all 183 and up. Those bucks would look small compared to the velvet buck shown below. They did kill some nice bucks, but the B&C system weights symmetry very heavily.


173 Net 208 Gross. Lost 7 inches for cheaters and a good chuck for main beam compared to inside spread.


180 Net. 183 Gross

Personally, I like the Gross score over the net. I think bucks should get points for all their head gear.
I think most people are pretty close with their deer scores, elk on the other hand......I think they are measuring something twice!

Eel that's called score shopping, that why B&C has us send in our score sheets regaurdless of what the owner choses to do. then if they recieve more than once chart B&C will give the trophy the lowest score it recieved as it's official score.

Of the animals I score I'd say 90% are a minimum of 15% over scored by the owners and their buddies. of the animals that get away I'd guess they are ever scored by at least 50% . there are record book animals all over the place but somehow they're never harvested.

I hate it when an excited guy brings me something to score knowing it's going in the all time and at first glance I know it won't gross the minimum. you try to dash their hopes softly without sounding like a kill joy. it's kind of the same thing around here so it's best just to say well done and let it go.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I'm sure that here on MM some guys will add a few inches to the score to make it seem more "worthy" of posting. But MM ain't got nothing on Facebook or MuleyCrazy! I wonder how often MC gets a story with the score and just cringe at the score they are given to put in the mag.

I've never cared about or said a word to anyone about what they say their trophy scores but damn there is a local guy of FB making it tough. He gloats about how awesome he is because his dad got a 406" "giant" on the GS elk hunt. Good grief I would be absolutely blown away if the bull broke 340. It's a pretty bull and I understand being excited and exaggerating a little but to add 65+" tells me one of two things. Either he has absolutely NO clue how to score or he's a blatant liar.
Scoring a buck for the record Books is not rocket science. I have a binder 3/4s full of animals that i scored for guys, unofficially, and after, i'd tell them my opinion if they should get their animal scored once past the drying period, or maybe not.

I was always right up front that i wasn't official but in "most" cases, i could honestly say that my score would be within 2" one way or the other of what a official scorer would come up with. There can be issues when it's tough to tell the points from the extras, i'm still learning after doing this about 40 years now.

Here on MM, we like gross scores, i prefer them too. As said, gross score give a animal credit for all he has. If a guy shoots a big animal, he's liable to be told that it might "Book". His Taxi guy might also say the same. Official measure's though are mainly interested in what a animal Net Scores. So a guy might take a 200+ inch buck but like said before, he might only net score in the 170's. The 230 something Buck killed on Antelope Island this year is a good example, it's net score as a nontypical will not be close to making book.

Personally, i like the scoring threads on MM. Some say that they make for hurt feelings and turn others away. There used to be guys here that would comment negatively on almost any deer posted but i believe for the most part, those guys got shut down or left on their own. Seems lately, the only time a guy will have a issues with negative comments is when he greatly exaggerates and gives a animal that he took, a much higher score than it actually has and as far as i'm concerned, he opened himself up as fair game.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
There are some, in our hunting ranks, who's egos are tied to a tape measure. Those are the poor souls who's instruments or estimations get sloppy, especially when they are in need of a few strokes. MM and other sites like this are built on our curiosity and need to measure our hunting success against the experiences of others. Certainly these sites attract all "types".

But in my mind, the question of "what does he score" ought to be more about respect for an animal, than the one who harvested it. It is a rare moment indeed when an honest tape stretched by the likes of Togwotee meets the magical standard of "the book". Those are moments when our egos ought to step aside and homage is paid to a magnificent animal. One who has lived a long secretive life, dodging the likes of us. There is nothing wrong with feeling a sense of accomplishment when we take a special animal, but ultimately in my mind, our success is measured in the quality of the experience more than the end results.

If stretching a tape makes someone feel fuzzy, then so be it. Hopefully the rest of us just like the adventure and challenge of chasing a dream.
The value is getting a score be it official or not is for comparison. if you don't know what animals in your hand actually scores how do you field judge with any accuracy?

When I draw a tag in an unknown area I ask what the top end is and what I should expect to harvest. the scoring system gives me an exact idea of what I'm looking for and what to expect. much better than " really big " pretty big" or "not that big ." so if I believed the lies I'm shown in some pictures or lied to myself on animals I've harvested I've done myself a disservice. the truth is always best.

On a side note, how many people know why the B&C scoring system was developed? it had nothing to do with bragging rights or egoes. it's actually a very positive story we hunters should be proud we had a very big part of , in the fact it wasn't really ever needed for it's intended purpose.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I Believe it was started by Teddy Roosevelt & a few others?

They thought We might Lose Our Hunting Rights & Wildlife in the Future!

B&C has brought/Helped with numerous Opportunities for Sportsmen!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

As previously stated, many people talk about gross scores, while B+C goes by net or entry scores. As an official measurer, I see people all the time thinking their trophy scores higher than it does. While agreed that scoring isn't rocket science, most people do not get accurate scores just by consulting the web site and reading the directions. There are some fine points to the measuring process that most overlook, and they do add up.

The hardest part of the measuring process is letting people down gently. Lots of really nice bucks don't make the book. That's o.k., but the uninformed easily have their expectations inflated by well meaning friends.

That's the truth.

No Bobcat, they weren't worried we'd lose our hunting rights. they thought what we are hunting would be extinct by now and they wanted to preserve records of the species.

Without the efforts and money from legal hunters and leaders like TR they would have been right.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>That's the truth.
>No Bobcat, they weren't worried we'd
>lose our hunting rights. they
>thought what we are hunting
>would be extinct by now
>and they wanted to preserve
>records of the species.
>Without the efforts and money from
> legal hunters and
>leaders like TR they would
>have been right.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

OK dude!

I knew You'd Argue with me!

And Tell me I was Wrong once again!:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

To answer you directly, Bess......I've officially measured three different bucks showcased on this site over the years. NONE of them measured as high as originally posted. The smallest deficit was just over 6".....the largest deficit was almost 20". To be fair though, two of them were pre-measured by an "experienced unofficial measurer" (whatever that is) who happened to be a guide.

I felt bad for the hunters......two of them wanted to learn the proper technique.....the other was not happy at all.

BOHNTR )))---------->

I Hear You!

Several Years ago a Local Elk Rancher wanted me to become an Official B&C Scorer!

I Thought about it perty Seriously!

Then I got to Thinking!

I don't need to become a B&C Scorer!

I've already got the Knack for Pissing People Off!:D:D:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

How Bout it Tri?

How You Like My Thread now?

I've got People Talkin Highly of You!

You Owe Me!:D:D:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

>There are some, in our hunting
>ranks, who's egos are tied
>to a tape measure.
> Those are the poor
>souls who's instruments or estimations
>get sloppy, especially when they
>are in need of a
>few strokes. MM and
>other sites like this are
>built on our curiosity and
>need to measure our hunting
>success against the experiences of
>others. Certainly these sites
>attract all "types".
>But in my mind, the question
>of "what does he score"
>ought to be more about
>respect for an animal, than
>the one who harvested it.
> It is a rare
>moment indeed when an honest
>tape stretched by the likes
>of Togwotee meets the magical
>standard of "the book".
>Those are moments when our
>egos ought to step aside
>and homage is paid to
>a magnificent animal. One
>who has lived a long
>secretive life, dodging the likes
>of us. There is
>nothing wrong with feeling a
>sense of accomplishment when we
>take a special animal, but
>ultimately in my mind, our
>success is measured in the
>quality of the experience more
>than the end results.
>If stretching a tape makes someone
>feel fuzzy, then so be
>it. Hopefully the rest
>of us just like the
>adventure and challenge of chasing
>a dream.

Very well said!
The few times I have had a animal officially scored it has been a pleasant surprise.

Magazine articles with pics are some of the worse. I do understand the magazines perspective. How can you tell someone submitting a story that the score they are telling you is bogus.
most simply lie about score. Found a bull for a guy in another camp this year, he shot it on Saturday. I scored it for him and it went 317" and change. I told him I am not official so plus or minus a couple inches.
an outfitter came by and asked what score was they told him 317" and he said oh it scores way more than that, and they said "we should just tell everyone 350".
No clue why people do that, the animal scores what it scores. Probably why they all drive monster 4x4 trucks too so they can compensate...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>How Bout it Tri?
>How You Like My Thread now?
>I've got People Talkin Highly of
>You Owe Me!:D:D:D
> Go
>Make Me take it down!


Heck! When I typed that response I was trying to pi55 everyone off. Guess I am losing my touch. :D
My best buddy is an official scorer and whenever possible (almost always) he has the person submitting the rack present when he scores it. He explains the process and talks them through the whole thing. At the end they come to the final score and it is what it is. Some people are disappointed for sure, but very few are upset with my buddy. He wants to score the rack correctly and as high as possible.

If I ever take an animal that makes the book, I'll sure enter it, but I never make killing one a priority. I'm just not that hung up on score.

The coolest thing about getting my name in the all time record book would be so my grandkids could see it after I'm gone. "Grandpa was a great hunter." :)

I got out of the game a few years ago, just got fed up with the salesmanship and b.s that comes with it. Everything revolves around score. I love scoring animals, and score every shed and rack I can. I've had a few officially scored for P/Y but never entered. I like to think I'm close, but an OM can always score a little tighter! Lol. All of the best guides and mule deer scorers I know don't post, don't advertise, and like Jason Carter, are out looking for critters right now. Many of the outfitters and guides I know that advertise on every forum and web service they can will over inflate or down right lie about scores to sell next years hunts. Its ridiculous to see friends of mine with different outfitters add tip to tip and laugh, knowing some southerner won't know the difference. Those type of people always weed themselves out, whether it's on a forum or by winning a Darwin award!
I enjoy the guess the score contests, from a personal level, and don't try to belittle someone who might not know how to score. Every once in a while somebody needs a reality check and I like when one of the OMs post a rebuttal.
Score is a valuable tool to convey size of an animal to someone else, and also as a personal goal to better yearly, It keeps me going.
BTW, I have a 12" Johnson. And yes, Homer scored it!;-)
>I got out of the game
>a few years ago, just
>got fed up with the
>salesmanship and b.s that comes
>with it. Everything revolves
>around score. I love
>scoring animals, and score every
>shed and rack I can.
> I've had a few
>officially scored for P/Y but
>never entered. I like
>to think I'm close, but
>an OM can always score
>a little tighter! Lol.
>All of the best guides
>and mule deer scorers I
>know don't post, don't advertise,
>and like Jason Carter, are
>out looking for critters right
>now. Many of the
>outfitters and guides I know
>that advertise on every forum
>and web service they can
>will over inflate or down
>right lie about scores to
>sell next years hunts.
>Its ridiculous to see friends
>of mine with different outfitters
>add tip to tip and
>laugh, knowing some southerner won't
>know the difference. Those
>type of people always weed
>themselves out, whether it's on
>a forum or by winning
>a Darwin award!
>I enjoy the guess the score
>contests, from a personal level,
>and don't try to belittle
>someone who might not know
>how to score. Every
>once in a while somebody
>needs a reality check and
>I like when one of
>the OMs post a rebuttal.
> Score is a valuable tool
>to convey size of an
>animal to someone else, and
>also as a personal goal
>to better yearly, It keeps
>me going.
>BTW, I have a 12" Johnson.
> And yes, Homer scored

Was you Disappointed after Homer Scored your Johnson?:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

>Only upset that he wanted to rescore it! I thought he was a professional!}>


When getting them Scored Twice do you Multiply by 2?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

>Take your meds Bobcat, you're
>getting too excited about this.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Hey dude!

Not getting Excited at all!

I Posted travishunters Bull/Story/Score with the Info I was Informed with!

Might of been the MM Scoring Method!

But it is a 315" Bull!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

I was a little surprised mass counts for so little. Oh well, I'm still proud of it. Thanks Homie!

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