MM BL 2/1/10 Weigh-In


Active Member
Don't forget about tomorrows weigh-in. All I need is your weight as of 2/01 and everyone can use this post.

If you had a change of heart and want worries just shoot me a pm and I will quietly remove your name from the spread sheet. I realize not everyone logs on daily so lets say I need your weights by the 3rd and then I will post on the 4th. Earlier is better though, so don't procrastinate just because you can.

If anyone did not get me their weight last weigh-in, make sure you get it to me this time. After missing 3 or 4 get 86'd.

My weight loss is not off to a real good start but I am overall happy with how things are going. My diet is (approaching) as close to perfect as I can get and my beer consumption is way way down.

In terms of exercise I decided to shake things up a bit and started doing the "insanity" workouts. Insanity is the sister to P90X (you have probably seen the gay infomercials). I was hesitant to do any workout that required me to jump around in front of my tv like a moron, but after one week I am glad I am doing it. I really needed a change and that work out is unlike anything I have done before and its a total beotch.

So - I hope this friendly competition is helping. Hopefully as we progress we can get more dialogue going in terms of what is working (and not working).

Good luck...
192, but weight has been up and down the past two weeks. Trying to get more cardio in my schedule. Hopefully schedule will ease up and I can get more exercise time in. Have laid off the desserts for the most part. Hope everyone is having some success.

Phantom Hunter
213, no change from last weigh-in. No excuses, just not getting it done yet.
232. down one more pound. Should have been more, but drank way to much soda on my days off.
248, did not work enough on the diet side, but now going to the gym 4-5 days a week. This next 2 weeks will start making significant changes in my diet.
Down two pounds to 267 lbs

I most have realy screwed things up over the weekend I was at 264 Friday morning.

228 .... down 3 more lbs
"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-10 AT 09:02AM (MST)[p]168.00
make that 268.00, havnt been 168 since high school!

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Wieghed in today at 174.6 Down 2.4 lbs. Diet is the key boys, I hate to say it.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
I only lost one this time down to 296 but I guess thats better than gaining 1

Good luck to the rest of you.

Thank you very much for doing this.
I guessed my original weight when I entered, then I weighed myself. On January 4 I was at 192. This morning I was at 185.
Bad news for me. I went to Florida to see my mom. Plus 4 back to 247. The good news is I am back at it starting in the morning.
187 on the nose. I've been working out, but still hitting the juice hard. I refuse to drink light beer.
I lost another 7 pounds, down to 234.
Could have done better but I enjoyed a few good meals. I cant complain though, I lost a total of 23 pounds in the first month. I am however leaving to Vegas on Thursday and I expect to gain a few back...

Good luck everyone!!
Sorry about the delay no access to puter untill today. Lost another lb. down to 234.

Only 1 lb down to 255. We had our Eastern FNAWS Convention this past weekend and diet and exercise went to hell in a hand basket. Unfortunatly the Sheep Show in Reno is this weekend and I am afaid it may be more of the same.
Had a minor setback in Reno with all of the buffets and bars. Only dropped 4 more pounds...246 lbs.
267 However, last 2 mornings hunting barbaries so finally getting some exercise.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
I should have gotten in on this! I plan to start the day after the super bowl.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

288 - gained a couple, but going to get on the stick here in a week or so once I finish a couple of deadlines hanging over my head!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm at 266 and down 6lbs!! I would like to say it's because I have been excersizing hard and eating right but I have been sick with a chest cold for the last week and a half. I have not been doing any exersizing and have not been really hungery so that is the reason for the loss. Not exactly how i would want to looks it but i will take it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-10 AT 11:18AM (MST)[p]Right at 200 lbs....

Down only 4 from last time but diet is doing great and gym is too!

This next weigh in will be the first time below 200 lbs. since 2006!!

I'm betting another 4-6lbs by next weigh in. =)

?-ERock-> ?

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
175.5 only down 1 lb. I have been keeping the total calories down but haven't been working out consistently. Very mad at myself. Lazy sob.

I was hunting and just got back. That is a good excuse to be late. Meant to do it before I left but it didn't get done. I was at 203 on 1/31. After a week of barbary sheep hunting I lost 6 lbs so for everyone out there go climb the rim sheep hunting and you will lost almost a lb a day.

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