Monster from the past


Thought I would share a picture of a buck that was e-mailed to me. All I can tell you is that it was taken in the 60's and has never been scored.
Wow... And ditto to what the thers said. They don't get much better than that. Wonder where it was killed? I think if I ever got one like that it would be time to quit deer and move on to elk or something else because it would be a tall order to best that one.
great pic!!

Can you imagine all the huge bucks that were killed back in the good old days that have been stuffed away in attics or garages or worse thrown out by someones kids or grandchildren who dont hunt what a shame.

I am not positive, but I think that 3 or 4 pictures of this buck were posted on here a few years back. If it is the same buck, it was from Montana. Someone from this website saw it in a friends house and took some pictures. Yes, it was never scored.
I posted this buck a few years ago. My neighbor down the highway killed it in Montana in the seventies. 44 inch out side spread
That boys, is what it is all about!

certainly, there may be others that would score better, but no way than any other deer killed could be really be "better". that deer is awesome.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Here is the pictures that Blueoak just sent to me of that Monster Buck From the Past, congrats to your neighbor Dave.



Can we get a score PLEASE? Somebody needs to put a tape on that thing. Do you live in MT? It looks big enough to be pushing the MT state non-typical record. Very nice buck.
I live Northern Cal. I could ask him. I know it has never been taped. I told him I would love to have it and put a good mount on him.
Do I dare say he could score in the 240's. What an incredible deer!! I think a lot of us would be interested in just exactly
what he tapes at.
My first impulse was "I wonder what he scores", but my second thought was: "what the h### for!"


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I know everything doesn't come down to what a buck scores, because I've seen several deer that look way better than others but don't score as well. But, scoring them is just a way to see how they measure up to others and to see how good your guess-timates are.
Here is a NT taken back in 1973 out west of Big Piney, WY. that was finally panel scored at 259-5/8" for the 2005 Awards.
The hunter is a friend of mine.

Didn't say I wouldn't put a tape on it, and you can be sure if I killed one like it I would post it as a guess the score (although the one who guessed it couldn't have it!!!)

My point was that there is no need to put a tape on that deer to know it is one of the all time great deer.

What I should have said last is that my 3RD thought would have been, ok just for grins, lets put a tape on it.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
That is one stud buck. Love the trash!!!

One of the guys that guides for me had a bucks horns on a plaque that his dad shot in the early 70's out by Toole. At the time his dad's buddies told him it probably wasn't worth mounting so he capped the horns and stuck them on a plaque. I talked him into having Kody Wall mount them up and another friend of mine who is an officail B&C measurer scored them at 231 6/8 Non Typical. I can only imagine what kind of bone is laying around out there that guys felt "it wasn't worth mounting". I will see if I can get a picture and post.

It's always an adventure!!!
I couldn't let this magnificent buck get lost again in the old posts. This buck is too big to never get measured. Blueoak, the MT state record NT is around 265 B&C. This buck HAS to be atleast close to that. Please go bug your neighbor and get it scored.
Are there any scorers in Blueoak's neck of the woods who would be willing to help him out?
Yeah the stuff of dreams.....or could be nightmares if you missed.

Really can't imagine a more awesome buck.....has everything and alot of it. Like most I have seen zillions of deer photos and I can't remember of ever seeing a more awesome deer. it is going on the desktop right now. I would be interesting to know the story.

He gave me the story, but wouldnt feel right about telling it without his permission. I know he told me it was 41"-42" but could be more. He also told me he took it in the sixtys. Real nice guy, but didnt sound like he was interested in scores.
It does have 752 scorable points with 250" of trash and a outside width more than my 9 year old daughter is tall.

Kinda want to know, kinda don't. Mystery lives in legends like these. I've decided on keeping it a secret, just to honor the old fart who didn't care to ever get it scored in the first place.

It officially scored.....WHO FLIPPN CARES!!!!!!


Just a thought. Hate to say it but there are bad dudes everywhere and if this buck becomes too notorius it could be the target of theft. We have all heard the stories of trophy heads stolen. So I might be a little cautious about giving out the exact address.....

Also if the guy ever wanted to have the story written I would do it for free. I have been published alot and do it mostly as a hobby. It is called "ghost wrting" in a case like this. you interview them, write it from the first person like you were there. Of course they have the final approval...anyways just a thought.
A little weak in the main beams. Other than that, nice buck!:)

It's in California now? That explains why Kirt Darner never "found" it I guess.

Not much worry about someone stealing it. It's too wide to fit through the door!

The old boy has not been home a lot, but I will keep trying to get him to score it. I would like to get it remounted for too!

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