Moosie get's WOOD while elk hunting !!!!

Let me clarify what I meant. This "funny" guy needs to take hunter's safety. No pun or innuendo intended in the prior post.
OHHh yah, I actually didn't unload the gun and I had both fingers on the trigger.. I had to cut the sound out of the Clips because guns were a Blazing everywere !!! MAybe I should take hunting more serious..... Climb up in a tree stand and Wait for a deer while peeing in a bottle .

PS, NO sarcasim was intended :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Moosie I need to go hunting with you. Always trying to have fun.

As I watched the video clip the first thing that came to my mind was you are about to get ripped for having a gun in your hand. The ethics thing I guess.......your a funny guy.
KTC, You know me... ALWAYS "Policically Correct" and Giving a chit what internet posters say !!!! <<<<<----HEHE

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Alright you serious Dush~bags... Here's a clean ethical "HARVEST" of an Elk that I got on Video last week....

If you guys got something to say about that one I have one with a Sheep, A midget, and a tub of Crisco that I might post here <<<---- BUuuaahahahah !!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Dude! Great clip man! I love seeing legs stright up in the air ;) You giving the all clear sign was funny as he!!, people here at the office were looking at me funny while I was laughing out loud...

Great videos. My favorite part was after shooting, the first thing you said was "Dude". That was great! good shootin'

Also, Knocking that tree over was pretty funny.
Nothing wrong with knocking over a tree saves gas, no need for a chainsaw but I bet your glad that it actually fell over, but then again woulda been funny as hell seeing you bounce off it
Hehe... I actually hit it with my shoulder and had to give an Extra Umphh... You can't tell from the Vid much but I'm just glad it didn't throw out my shoulder...

Either way, would have been good Video, And that's what its about, a few miles, a few Smiles, and some dead things ;)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Moosie, you are sooooo disrespectful! Killing skinheads! Giving the antis food for their campaign! On the Internet! For all to see! Damn! It was flinching too! You took an unethical shot. Any REAL hunter would have put it down on the spot, without flinching.:( My gawd, how many spotted owls and insects died when you killed that dead tree? You should have said a prayer for that tree.x(

What will one do with you Moosie?:eek:
It was Actually a Spike, but it looks like a Skin head. Change the Res on the Vid clip and you'll be able to see it. Here is the Spike ALIVE, It is the One with the Head next to the tree :


that picture was taken about 3 1/2 hours before he dropped the hammer on it.

It also wasn't me. I got skunked this year. It was a buddy I was filming. I did get to help pack it out though.

Here is the Elk :


Ohhh wait, thats just a winter Kill we found... Here is the Elk :


Here is me hiking out the 11ty Billion miles :


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Sorry about the skinhead comment. I looked and looked prior to saying that but couldn't locate the bone.

Don't sell yorself short Moosie, that elk is definately a 2 point.

Good job.....
That was Great Thanks for the Laugh. Good to see that someone knows how to shoot a gun here instead of just their MOUTH.

Good Hunting
Sorry folks.. POST "18" was deleted by the Higher up's....

Thats OK, I have Playgirl Calling me now wanting to do Some Spread Shots. While the Admins here are out chasing 2 point bucks, there wifes will be looking at me in next months issue ... *ROLL EYES*

Happy Hunting !!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I fell off my chair laughing at this chit! OMG Nice to Know a Hunter with a Sick sense of Humor, It was Like Jackass Hunter Style. LOVED it!!! Show us Some more Moosie :D

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
Another Satisfied coustomer..... And the Fan mail Keeps pouring in *SMILE*

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-03 AT 12:12PM (MST)[p]Moosie just proved a good point, more contreversy, more exposure! hehe, nice videos. enjoyed them.
I unfortunately missed what the contreversy was all about but surely it could not of been as bad as some of the past posts I've read here.

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D

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