Most disgusting water you ever filtered


Very Active Member
Where I'm planning on hunting I know there's water but it is pretty gross. Worried about getting sick even with a filter. Let's hear your stories. Have you filtered some pretty disgusting water. How did it go?
Well I Didn't Filter it!

But I Seen A Clip Where a Gal Washed Her Face Off in a Creek!

About Cured Me Of Drinking water From Anywhere a Human Can Reach!
Gross muck pond near where I 'll be this year. I wrapped hankerchief around intake and filtered it for last few days a couple years ago. Still tasted like mud and algae. I had to drop a lil Emergen-C powder for my drinking water. Did not get sick though. Katadyn hiker pro filter. Now I just hike the 1.5 miles to running creek
Gross muck pond near where I 'll be this year. I wrapped hankerchief around intake and filtered it for last few days a couple years ago. Still tasted like mud and algae. I had to drop a lil Emergen-C powder for my drinking water. Did not get sick though. Katadyn hiker pro filter. Now I just hike the 1.5 miles to running creek
I have the same filter.
A few years back we went in on horses about 10 miles and had to bring filters for water. I can't remember the name but we bought good ones and everyday went down and filled out water bottles for the next day. It tasted Ok but wasn't sweet water for sure.
The water had moss on it but the filter said it would work. We had no choice .......LOL
Completely algae filled dead lake in Alaska. Only could get 8oz of water out of the filter at a time and had to tear it apart and clean it for each 8oz of water because it clogged.
And you never got sick 30hart? I think if you were fine with that I should be fine with my water source. Thanks for the replies everyone
My 1st year/day in the woods setting chokers in the hills out of Potter Valley 100+ degrees I failed to bring enough water. The only water close was in a rusty 55 gallon drum that was water for the Cat, an old cable blade D7. Well I tipped this barrel over far enough to pour some into an empty 5 gallon grease bucket, it was the best drink of water of my life. This was probably 3:00 in the afternoon when I thought was going to die. Needless to say I never ran short on water ever again.
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Back in the boy scout days, I went on 50 miler in West Virginia. Ran out of water so leaders tried pumping from a mosquito /larvae/algae infested stagnant swamp in the middle of the woods. I still had half of a canteen. I took one look at what they were doing and opted to ration my water for myself.

long story short, leaders pumps all clogged, they went to dipping canteens in cesspool and dropping a couple iodine tablets in each canteen.

Needless to say, everyone got sick but me. They were all puking out both ends and deathly ill.

Glad I followed my intuition.
2am when my wife had the twins. The sheets were never the same. Not sure a filter would of helped....but I have pumped water out of a nasty little seep for several years/times. The little wiggly things made me nervous but never had an issue, other than taste. Pack a few packets of mtn ops/drink mix to help with that and you're good to go. I've used a steripen in the past, but like a filtered system much better when the water is cloudy, dirty, or questionable.
When we first began going to Mexico in the early 1970s, my wife almost always got ill from the water while I never had a problem. On a flight home one year, she was so bad that the flight attendant became very concerned & supplied her with a damp towel for head.

After the first two times, her doc gave her a prescription for ampicillin & told her to begin taking one a day about two days before arriving in Mexico. It worked. So henceforth, we stocked up on ampicillin in Mex. where we didn't need a script to buy it. She never got sick again. Several other medications that kill bacteria, such as amoxicilin, will also work.
Growing up I always drank water straight out of the streams I fished and never had a problem, then about 35 years ago I got sick and lost 20 pounds until the knocked the bug out. I only filter water out of running water...never want to get giardia again.
Growing up I always drank water straight out of the streams I fished and never had a problem, then about 35 years ago I got sick and lost 20 pounds until the knocked the bug out. I only filter water out of running water...never want to get giardia again.
A friend of mine from MT came down one year & six of us took the train from Nogales to Mazatlan. He became ill the 2nd day we were there & stayed that way even after he returned home. After he lost a bunch of weight, he finally decided to visit a doctor. His gut was loaded with parasites (giardia), and it took a month of treatment to cure him.

I read somewhere that probiotics use is a good way to prevent giardia,
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It was not good.
Where I'm planning on hunting I know there's water but it is pretty gross. Worried about getting sick even with a filter. Let's hear your stories. Have you filtered some pretty disgusting water. How did it go?
Several years ago, I was hunting in the same area that you are hunting this year. We were filtering water from one of those cow ponds and one of my friends made the comment that he wondered how many cows has done their business in the pond. I told him that I didn't think they would do that, right then we hear plop,plop, splash, splash and about 20' away, a cow is taking a crap right in the pond while standing in about 2' of water. We were pretty grossed out. In addition to filtering the water, we also boiled it for 5 minutes. None of us got sick but the water did look more like iced tea that fresh water. lol
Desert sheep hunting in southern Utah, we were hunting water as much as sheep. I've filtered water out of black slick rock pot holes with dead bugs and scum on the surface. It didn't taste like much, but I didn't get sick or die from thirst either. A good filter is a must in that country. Ours got to filter is a Katadyn.
Many years ago I used to bow hunt near a spring that fed into a narrow 2 foot wide run off. One day I got out of my stand & walked over to the run off & got a few handfuls of water. I dipped my hat & placed it back on my head. I then proceeded to walk upstream & about 50 yards from where I was slurring water, I found a dead, decaying raccoon laying in the water. Needless to say, I pack in water now. Lol
I've been using a Sawyer here in NM. Cow tanks, etc. No issues so far, but sometimes I wish I'd remembered to bring some sort of flavoring.
Used my Katadyn Vario to filter water out a stagnant, piss filled wallow. The water was still cloudy and didn't taste right, but I never got sick. Better than dehydration.
Pumped rain water from a crappy cow print hunting Coues deer. I also used those water purifier pills just to be safe.
Tasted like the pills but got me by safely.

If I ever found one of you Texas waddies who ain’t drank water out of a hoofprint I think I’d shake his hand and give him a Daniel Webster cigar

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