My New Sleeping Bag System


Long Time Member
I'll post a picture of my the sleeping bag and other things to go with it as soon as I get back from my bear hunt. I'll have the supplier get me a photo.

Thanks for all the help folks.

Waiting to find out what sleeping bag you went with is like waiting to find out what tags we drew. :) Good luck on your bear hunt. .
C'mon....the suspense is killing us!

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
I've got give all the credit to my photo crew for getting shots of the good stuff. FishlakeElkHunter captured this moment, with my new bag. It's not the warmest product I looked into but it's dry and dry goes along way when it comes to the comfort factor. Don't have to spend the night in it, thankfully.

Wes, I'm still going to come see your Wiggy bag, I only spent $2.54 for the "dry bag" shown in this photo, so I'm still in the hunt for the "cold weather" product.

The bear hunt was great but we didn't reduce the Alaskan black bear population. Bear's weren't using the beach as hoped. Very little grass in the tidal flats, no kelp, so no feed for the black'es on the beaches. Of course, killing a bear was the goal but being out there, in new country, hunting with family and good friends, in a beautiful place was reward enough, as it is with all hunting adventures.

I'd like to thank Longbow6360, who shared a ton of helpful information about the does and don't up there. Knowing how to prepare to hunt from the ocean in a small skiff, in the wind, rain and fog was very much appreciated. Once again, a great MMer helping another hunter enjoy the amazing diversity of the outdoor way of life.

Personally, I thought the blue vinyl gloves set this off nicely.


No wonder you didn't get a bear. It doesn't look like you ever got out of your sleeping bag.

Did you try the pee bottle thing?


That was the best picture I took the entire trip!

Like DC said..we did not kill any bears, but the trip was a fantastic trip. Now it just gives us an excuse to go again. Of course we can get more pics of DC and his rain gear!
Cool! I use the same system for a football game in a blizzard...
Speaking of large bags, I was in Sportsman's Warehouse last week, they have a 62 X 90+ rated to -0 complete with stuff sack.;
Eel, thanks to your suggestion, I did incorporate the pee bottle deal. Actually, it was a pee "bail bucket" thing. That's another advantage with over sized bags, you can accommodate over sized tools. I had no problem, but the boat operator wasn't all that amused when I handed him the bucket back, go figure.

Your right, getting out of that thing, in a hurry, could have been top quality entertainment but alas, the bears didn't provide the motivation so we'll never know what kind of rodeo we'd have had.

Trix, don't you just admire designers that provide versatility in their products. What kind of engineering genius was it that said, we need this bag to work for road side garbage, football games and bear hunts. That's the kind of talent we need running our fish and game departments. (Somebody is going to say, there all one and the same but we know better!) And thanks for keeping an eye out for sleeping bags. I'm going to try to find one that size in a -20, if I can. I don't trust those manufacture's ratings. Well, maybe their ratings are accurate and my internal thermostat is messed up but regardless, I've got to build in at least a 20 degree buffer this go around.

FLEH, you're a great guy, Scott's fortunate to have friends like you and your Dad. It say's a lot about a person when the train jumps the track and the fun continues. I really hope we can go on another adventure, there's lots of great places and we need to see them all! I think we need to do a tarpon trip next June, you need to put your skills to work on that one. Florida west coast, Boca Grande area might be the place to start looking!!!!! All the best on your new adventure, hope that's all your planning it to be and more.

Blue gloves, a grey coat and an orange bag!!?? What kind of hunting ensemble is that?! Where's your $1500 Sitka or Kuiu snooty-nose outdoor gear? You'd fit right in here in Alaska!

Glad you had a great time and I sure hope you come back for a "revenge" hunt soon.
I consider that an ultimate compliment Longbow.

It's particularly uplifting, especially after my son mentioned something about my lack of dignity. I'm not even sure what that word means but his voice tone did not indicate he was being overly complimentary. Truth is, I'd like some of that snooty-nose stuff but the "big time" garment marketing advisors must not believe it's wise to display their wares on the backs of the 3X boys, so we're left to forage alternative garment solutions. I kind of live by the moto of "find a way". Can you tell? ;-)

Not everyone one in our party was outfitted as well as I was but without FLEH's permission you'll just have to take my word for how un-Alaskan some of us were dressed.

I sure hope we'll get another "go at it" up your way Longbow, sooner than later. So different from our back yard and the difference is what made it so interesting and so worth the trip. Working around those islands, rock piles and tidal beaches, with those constantly changing 17 foot tides was a totally new experience, not to mention the close encounters with large sea mammals of various description.

I only can say I wish I was on that trip. You fellers sound like my kind of buddies!!
And,2 lump- yer problem with bags and midnight trips in the snow and cold to hang out a reluctant wiener is something we all will deal with real soon. It's a bummer when the years add up.
I also appreciate all the good info that has been thrown out on these threads. Helps a guy out a bunch!!
Longbow, there's the evidence. Not everybody in our group knew how to blend in with the guys at the local watering hole. These are family and friends, the "Cabela's Poster Boys" is what i call'em!


They wouldn't give me eye contact, envy's a bitter pill! Some folks are subject to peer pressure, some not so much. ;-)

Someone said, "the clothes make the man", I agree. However, neither set up produced a bear so I can't really say that dressing Alaskan made a significant difference, but having a good time was the prize on this trip. Sometimes you just got to make lemonade!


These sea creatures where major cool. When the wildlife is larger than the aluminum tin foil your riding in, and close enough to make eye contact with, it can create a certain degree of pucker. Pretty darn special, if you've never done it before. This was our first trip to the rodeo.

Those of us that choose to spend our limited time and resources interacting with the outdoor world are so fortunate, may we conserve and grow it forever.

Thank you for sharing the nonsense, I hope your outdoor adventures are just as rewarding for you as ours have been for us.

Sounds like a great trip with a lot of laughs.
Lumpy it's title should be doing Alaska on the cheap. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Gater, one thing about going dyi on the cheap is there is no one to blame when the boat springs a leak. When it's big money, it's no funny, if the bear hunt's a bummy! On the cheap, you do the best you can and ya go with the flow. Standard operating behavior for us country boys.

You could be on to something migolito, I'll have to have you report on how that works...... before I incorporate it into the procedure. Refine that and report back!!!

Too bad you didn't get on any bears 2Lumps. Looks like you were in my neck of the woods/waters - prolly a little south. I take the scenery and wildlife for granted sometimes. Glad you enjoyed that part.
I did enjoy it MuskegMan. Every part of it.

It is easy to over look the special thing that we see everyday. The boats, the ocean, the forest, the understory, the people, the mist, the rain and the fog. I was great.

I've never had a lot of money but what money I've had I've used to see a lot of North America. I've been fortunate to dip my toe in just about every environment on the continent, not very deep, but I've got to see and feel a small part of a lot of different country, in this great place we live.

From the prairie, the deserts, the oceans, the lakes, the muskeg, the granite fields to the lava fields, and the sun flower fields, the bean fields, and alfalfa fields. I love it all. We all live in amazing places, when you put your hands on and in it and if we look for the good in it.

Enjoy where you live, where ever you live. Have a great day Muskeg.


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