Nevada Draw Deadline Coming Up!


Founder Since 1999
Who's expecting to draw a tag this year? Deer? Elk?

I don't think, I'll draw, just not many points.

Brian Latturner
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I am in and hopeful with 15 pts on elk and sheep!

I have drawn Antelope and Deer a couple just points on them this year.

You are getting up there in points for elk and sheep. A few more than me.
An elk or sheep tag would really fill up your Fall nicely! Best of luck.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-16 AT 12:58PM (MST)[p]Might have 30% chance on elk, 50% on deer, 1% on sheep; hope I draw something.
23 points for Cali Bighorn, and I'm not expecting to draw. Maybe my 6 points for deer will help in getting a tag.
Waiting period for elk and antelope
15 sheep points most likely will get me nothing.
5 deer might be enough.
Nevada has been good to me. 2 book goats along with a good buck and bull. Hopeful to draw another
Not much too put in for-
Elk,antelope,and bear =waiting list
Deer 3 points is going to be tough.
Sheep have points in the teens but won't be enough.
Hopefully pops will have a elk tag.
13 non-res Deer points and decided to split them with my dad per advice from fellow MM followers, continued to put in for preference points for elk, sheep, and goats. See how it goes, should draw for 051 as a party and hopefully have some luck.

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