Nevada Sheep Points (RBH)


Active Member
So, Nevada used to have 3 sheep species you could apply for - Nelson, Cali, and Rocky. Back in 2008 was the last year you could apply for Rockies. So my points are flat lined at 2 for RBH. I understand that they figured Nelson's were considered Rocky's so there was no need for both species. I'm chapped that they didn't roll those points into my Nelson total or split 'em between Cali and Nelson. What good is having these RBH points on the book?
True ... doudtfull that Nv. will ever offer N.R. Rocky B..H. hunts as herd is all but gone.Nv.has only couple of Res. tags this year.Hopefully will let those N.R. points rollover into the Cali. Bighorn hunts would be good and fair or buy B.P. back ...YA RIGHT !!! Bruce & SilverGrand
>H. I understand
>that they figured Nelson's were
>considered Rocky's so there was
>no need for both species.

Nelsons are NOT considered Rocky's. That is not why there are no NR Rocky tags. The reason is that the major populations of Rocky's plummeted after a major disease outbreak and subsequent dieoff. There are efforts under way to re establish those populations. Do not assume there will never be HR Rocky hunts in Nevada again. It could happen sooner than you think.
Not being Mr. know-it-all here----

But it is the Cali's that are considered Rocky's not the Nelson/Desert Rams.

Just a heads-up.

+1 NVBighorn.

I hope they do re-establish these populations. The odds are so long I don't figure I'll ever draw a tag but I have seen some great rams in the Rubys in the past. It's just fun to be deer hunting and looking "down" on sheep and goats.
Do you guys still have your points. Mine went to zero. I thought it was because I could not apply anymore since there is no NR tags.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-12 AT 05:06PM (MST)[p]Last time I was logged in and check points, I still had mine.
NOTE: I just went to Hunt Nevada and checked my points and right at the bottom was the NR Rocky point totals...nothing has changed still far from top with only 5 pp's but still have them.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-12 AT 02:40AM (MST)[p]In NV's system... For super high demand stuff like sheep, what is the point of having points period? Everyone gets one more each year anyway... Add everyone's total from one subspecies to another and you are just squaring a bunch more of bigger numbers to make a feel good thing... Really cracks me up when I hear guys saying things like "I should draw an elk tag because I have XX points..." (and never heard anyone say as many as I have)....

I know the points squared deal works out OK for deer where demand is such you can figure on a tag every so often... but really, you would be pulling tags at about the same rate anyway with no point system.....
Stupid post....

The idea of rolling your Rocky points into your desert and California sheep point totals because the hunts have been temporarily suspended for NR is absolute nonsense.

Rockies are a whole different subspecies than Cali and Nelsons. They are however close genetically to California sheep, that's why the state often groups them on the same hunt stats/check-in sheet, but they are different. Same reason every other state that has California and Rockies, like Idaho and Oregon, don't group the two sub-species into the same bonus-point pool.

My advice: Stop your WINING and MOANING and if you can (if the state allows you to do so) keep buying your points if you want a chance at pulling a tag in the future. If not....well that's just they way it goes. Believe me, much of the NDOW staff are as die-hard as you and I are when it comes to hunting, and would like to have more sheep, deer, elk, etc. for all of us to hunt. Unfortunate events like die-offs happen, no matter how hard the agency works to prevent it, and as a result there are fewer tags available to distribute until populations are reestablished or new populations are established.

That's just the way it is....

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